The Dark Arts
Horror Romance
Multiple Eras
Published: 06/06/2003
Updated: 07/26/2003
Words: 4,075
Chapters: 4
Hits: 1,572

I'll Wait For You Forever...


Story Summary:
The Final Battle with Voldemort is over. Harry has disappeared, the Weasleys are dead, and Hermione has withdrawn from all things magic. And now she is having recurring nightmares of a man who frightens and entrances her at the same time... who is he and why does he keep getting more and more vivid with each passing night...

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Another dream...more real than any other...
Author's Note:
Chapter 2...yep....tell me whatcha think kiddies!!!! =)

"Evening gentlemen. What can I get for ya tonight?" Hermione asked pleasantly as she approached the table.

"Hullo 'Mione. We'll take the usual," a plump, jovial man who Hermione knew as one of the roadhouse regulars, replied with a smile.

"Three beers then...coming right up." She jotted the order down on her tablet of paper then walked over to the bar.

"You alright, Hermione...you look a wreck," the bartender asked as he filled out her order.

"Ya, I'm alright, Will...just a bit exhausted is all." She waved it off.

"That's good...listen, if um, if you're not doing anything after work tonight, I was wondering if..."

"Thanks, but no thanks, Will." She blushed as she took the beers from the counter and turned away.

"Did Will just ask you out on a date?" Ginny came over as Hermione wiped down a table.

"He did in fact...or he tried to anyway," Hermione sighed.

"Why didn't you say yes? He's only asked about a thousand and seven times," Ginny replied impatiently.

"Gin, you know perfectly well..."

"No, I don't. Hermione, I know you miss Harry...I know you'll never get over him, but, for the love of God, don't stop living. Harry, and Dumbledore, and my family died so that we could all keep on living..." Ginny explained quietly and quickly.

"Harry isn't dead." Hermione's eyes flashed dangerously at her friend.

"Alright...maybe he isn't...but he's not here with you...and Will is interested. He's handsome and sweet...and you're being a damn fool."

"If Will is so wonderful, why don't you date him?"

"Because he wants you..." Ginny shook her head and walked away from her friend.

Hermione let her eyes travel briefly back to the bar where William was casually flirting with a girl who had just come in. Ginny was right. He was wickedly handsome. He was tall, probably around six foot or so, and lean but with finely sculpted muscles. He was built a lot like Harry... His hair was a light blond and in a shaggy mess around his tanned face. His brown eyes were always full of a mischievous glint, as if he knew something he shouldn't and was dying to tell someone. And he was remarkably sweet--he had given both girls a job and a place to stay without question. But he wasn't Harry...and all Hermione wanted was Harry.


"Tell me you love me," he whispered.

"How can I tell you I love you, when I don't even know you," Hermione replied, her heart pounding so fast she thought it would pop right out of her chest.

And he laughed, then reached for her, and for the first time, he touched her. He allowed his fingers to tangle in her soft honey brown curls. "You do know me, Hermione...don't you recognize me?"

She went to lift the hood of his robes from his face, but he pulled away. "Let me see you...let me know who you are," she asked softly, her voice trembling.

"Take this...wear it always...to protect you." He slipped something around her neck.

"Protect me? From what?" She looked down at her gift. A small vial filled with what seemed like blood on a pure silver chain. "What does this mean?"

"Don't worry, my love...you'll soon find out..."


The man faded as Hermione heard the shriek of her roommate. "Wha...what's wrong?"

"You were shaking and crying...were you dreaming again?" Ginny asked breathlessly, kneeling beside her friend.

"Yes...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to wake you...what time is it?"

"Almost dawn...come on...let's go get some breakfast."

"I'll be right out..."

"You sure you're okay?" Ginny asked warily.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Hermione smiled. "Just let me take a quick shower and get dressed...I'll take you out to breakfast since I woke you up."

Ginny nodded then left the room.

Hermione waited until the door was shut to let her smile fade. This one had been the most real...he'd touched her...given her something. Hermione quickly put her hands to her neck.

She rested her fingers on a silver chain, and dangling between her breasts, was the vial. Filled with blood.