Astronomy Tower
James Potter Lily Evans Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Published: 10/23/2002
Updated: 10/23/2002
Words: 749
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,281

Way Down In...

Artemis Sprite

Story Summary:
Lily needs a vacation but how to convince her...the true marauders will find a way...break out the suntan lotion!

Author's Note:
this one hit me out of the blue. i had to write it because the mental imagery needed to be shared. :)

Lily Evans cursed as she fumbled with the broken lock on the door to her flat. She sighed heavily and pushed a piece of her red hair off of her face. Finally she managed to unstick the lock and push the door open. Dropping her bag next to the door she headed to the kitchen to get herself some tea. She had had a rough day and wanted only to relax. Upon entering the living room she stopped and gaped. Someone had "redecorated" her flat. All of the furniture had been removed in favor of a single lounge chair and a small glass table. The carpet had been replaced by a blanket of sand, palm trees grew in the corners of the room, and Lily distinctly heard the sounds of the ocean coming from somewhere in the flat.

After recovering from the shock she noticed a piece of parchment on the table. She walked over, picked it up, and read it.

Sit down. Was all it said.

Reluctantly she sat on the edge of the lounge chair. As soon as she touched the chair a light blue bikini with bright purple flowers replaced her formal ministry robes. Her hair had gone from a frazzled ponytail to brushed out and curled with a wreath of flowers upon her head. Her black high heeled boots had been replaced by blue flip flops and a large glass with a fruity looking cocktail and a little umbrella in it appeared in her hand. Before she had time to wonder what the hell was going on music drifted into the room from the kitchen. She turned her head to see Remus, James, and Sirius stroll into the living room. Sirius and Remus were barefoot and wearing identical grass skirts with yellow, red, and orange leis around their necks. Their long hair was pulled into loose ponytails and they both had crowns of flowers that matched Lily's. James had a Hawaiian shirt on that he had neglected to button and khaki shorts. His black-rimmed glasses had been replaced with sunglasses. In his hand he carried another lei, which he placed around Lily's neck. Lily continued to gape. Before she had time to recover they began to dance around and Remus and Sirius began to sing.

"Aruba, Jamaica, ohh I wanna take ya,

To Bermuda, Bahamas, come on pretty mama.

Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't go,


Remus and Sirius were swaying their hips to the beat of the music and Lily began to laugh just as James began singing, "off the Florida keys. There's a place called Kokomo. That's where you wanna go to get away from it all. Bodies in the sand," James kicked the sand lightly toward Lily and she turned her head to avoid being hit with it, "tropical drink melting in your hand," at this line a drink similar to Lily's appeared in his hand and he toasted her with it. "We'll be falling in love, to the rhythm of a steel drum band, down in Kokomo."

Lily could hardly contain herself. All three of the boys were swaying now, James making silly faces at Lily from time to time. This continued for a few minutes until Sirius looked at her, winked and said, "to Martinique that Monserrat mystique." By now she was laughing so hard she was crying. She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked up in time to see Remus mimic Sirius' wink and say, "Port Au Prince, I wanna catch a glimpse."

At this point there was an instrumental break and James grabbed Lily's hand, pulled her to her feet, and they began to dance. Remus and Sirius followed suit and for a few minutes the two couples danced enthusiastically. As they danced James looked Lily in the eye and continued to sing.

"Everybody knows a little place like Kokomo,

Now if you wanna go, and get away from it all,

Go down to Kokomo."

Somewhere in the background she heard Remus and Sirius chiming in with the chorus again. Lily smiled happily at her boyfriend and as the song came to a close James pulled Lily down onto the lounge chair and hugged her close. By this point Remus and Sirius had conspicuously disappeared.

"Is that a subtle way of telling me I need to go on holiday?" she asked.

James said nothing. He just picked up Lily's empty cocktail glass and the two of them were swept off to their own private Kokomo.