Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Angst Romance
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/20/2003
Updated: 12/19/2003
Words: 51,197
Chapters: 5
Hits: 14,608

The Bat-Bogeys Cometh


Story Summary:
In his fifth year, Draco was moving towards a dark destiny... and slowly, inexorably, he began to pull Ginny in. Find out what *really* happened between those two during the events of Order of the Phoenix. Harry didn't know the half of it...

Chapter 01

In his fifth year, Draco was moving towards a dark destiny... and slowly, inexorably, he began to pull Ginny in. Find out what *really* happened between those two during the events of Order of the Phoenix. Harry didn't know the half of it...

Words: 5,051
Hits: 6,678
Chapter 02

In his fifth year, Draco Malfoy was falling into darkness... and slowly, inexorably, he began to pull Ginny Weasley in with him. You say you don't remember any of that from OotP? Well, Harry didn't know the half of it, but here's where *you* can find out...

Words: 7,704
Hits: 1,760
Chapter 03

In fifth year, Draco Malfoy was headed towards a dark destiny... and slowly, inexorably, he began to pull Ginny Weasley in with him. You say you don't remember reading this in OotP? Harry didn't know the half of it, but here's where you can find out...

Words: 9,818
Hits: 1,718
Chapter 04

In his fifth year, Draco was moving towards a dark destiny... and slowly, inexorably, he began to pull Ginny in. Find out what *really* happened between those two during the events of Order of the Phoenix. Harry didn't know the half of it... In this chapter, the Hogwarts train carries Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny back to their homes at the end of term, all of them changed forever by their terrible experience in the Department of Mysteries. Ginny needs answers about what really happened that day and why, and only Draco Malfoy can provide them. So she seeks him out during that long train ride…and this time, there’s no Pansy Parkinson to interrupt them…

Words: 11,045
Hits: 1,795
Chapter 05

In his fifth year, Draco was moving towards a dark destiny... and slowly, inexorably, he began to pull Ginny in. Find out what *really* happened between those two during the events of Order of the Phoenix. Harry didn't know the half of it... In this last chapter, Ginny is on the Hogwarts train, heading towards the Burrow for the Christmas hols during her fifth year. Against judgment and against reason, she finds that she must seek out Draco Malfoy just one more time. But she doesn't know what sinister forces have been set in motion. The final choice between darkness and light is his...

Words: 17,579
Hits: 2,657