The Dark Arts
Severus Snape
Angst Drama
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/20/2003
Updated: 03/09/2004
Words: 87,587
Chapters: 24
Hits: 16,443

Damaged Goods


Story Summary:
Severus Snape finds himself wanting to help a student back from the brink of madness. In doing so he discovers a powerful magic that may destroy him.

Chapter 23

Chapter Summary:
Severus Snape sets out to help a student from the brink of madness only to discover a power that may destroy him. This chapter-into the snake's den. Severus attempts to rescue Hermione from Lucius.

Damaged Goods

Part 23

Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action. --Orison Swett Marden


"Swish, flick, lightly nick. Warm, red, then you're dead." The singsong voice filled the bedroom as the man brought the knife down, cutting the skin of the unconscious teenager beneath him.


Lucius turned his head quickly to look at the angry face of Marius Malfoy, his father. A twisted smile crossed the young man's face as he pushed back a lock of pale blonde hair, knowing he stained his cheek with the blood on his hands.

"Get off him!" Marius demanded. Obeying, Lucius rolled over to the far side of the massive four- poster bed.

"You could have killed him," Marius turned his strange amber eyes on his only son. "Was that what you wanted?"

"Of course not father," Lucius drawled in an unconcerned air. "Just having a spot of fun with old Sev."

Marius' eyes flashed fire. "You should be more careful with Adrian." Marius emphasized Severus' middle name with challenge. "To think that you almost killed your own brother..."

"He is not my brother!" Lucius spat.

"He is my godson and that should be enough for you to treat him as a brother."

"He is just a Snape," Lucius said with disdain, a sneer on his handsome face. "How many times have you raged against that name father?"

"Do not confuse the son with the father," Marius said softly, stroking Severus' sweaty black hair as Severus began to regain consciousness. "After this weekend he will be your brother in the regime."

Lucius frowned, his nostrils flaring. "Surely our Master has not decided on this worthless..."

"Lucius, I will not have you speak that way about Adrian. For shame, here lies a young man that can be your greatest ally, confidant. Someone who could watch your back, 'serve you', and you treat him as a threat. Come, come, surely you know who is the prince of the manor."

"Sometimes I wonder," Lucius muttered.

"Really Lucius," Marius said scornfully, "you act more like a child than a grown, married man."

Lucius smiled coldly. "And what will it be like 'father', when your married son produces an heir?"

Marius' eyes narrowed as he watched his son. He saw the jealousy on his face and watched as the knife in Lucius' hand swished back and forth.

Swift as a striking snake, Marius grabbed Lucius' hand, wrenching the knife away. Still holding his son's hand he drew the blade across his palm. Lucius swore and jerked his hand away and watched as Marius picked up Severus' hand, slicing his palm also.

"Give me you hand Lucius," Marius commanded quietly. Lucius only glared at him. "Now!" Slowly he offered his hand to his father. Marius jerked him closer, then clasped Severus' and Lucius' hands together, blood dripping onto the silk sheets. Marius took out his wand and murmured a spell. A silver ribbon of light appeared and intertwined their locked hands.

"By the blood and the fates, swear now on your own life, that neither shall die by the other's own hand. Swear! Or by Merlin I will kill you here and now!" Marius eyes locked with the pale gray blue eyes of his only child.

"I swear," Lucius said through gritted teeth, hatred pounding in his veins as he looked at the pale thin teenager.

"I will expect no less from you Adrian," Marius said coldly. "Swear that Lucius shall never fear death from your hand."

"I swear," came the weak reply...


Lucius stood in the corner of the small cell watching the girl who lay on the cot, her knees drawn up to her chest, her back to him. She appeared to be asleep, but surely she was not. How could she sleep knowing what he would soon do to her? He wore his Death Eater robes, which were stained with her parents' blood and smelled of smoke. He wanted to take her while still wearing those robes, to smear her soft body with their blood while telling her how he had killed them, and how her mother had pleaded not for herself but for her daughter.

"Come here my little Mudblood," he demanded softly.

She turned over and slowly rose from the cot. Lucius eyed her thoughtfully. She stood with her chin up, her gaze steady as he surveyed her. He noted the redness in her eyes and the wet moisture threatening to spill. Lucius smiled inwardly knowing she expected him to rape her, to take her brutally as he often had when she had been his captive before. That had been his original plan and he had looked forward to it especially after his little conversation with Severus. Yet seeing her determined look Lucius decided that he needed to play with her instead.

Always keep them off kilter, whatever they expect do the opposite.

Staring at her, his gaze traveled down to her mouth. He had never kissed a Mudblood, not even the little one before him when he last had her. It was all right to fuck a Mudblood, but to kiss one was far too personal. Any Slytherin that would stoop so low would find themselves receiving a cold shoulder from their brethren, being virtually outcast. It was portrayed as the ultimate act of disgust in Slytherin. Still, Severus seemed to have a fondness for kissing them and that intrigued Lucius.

The tear that had been hanging on her lashes had finally slipped down her cheek and she lifted a hand to brush it away. Catching it deftly, Lucius brought her hand to his mouth where he kissed her palm. Pulling her to him with a swift tug, he brushed the tear away with his gloved hand. A smirk played on his lips before he bent his head to capture her mouth. He kissed her roughly at first as she strained to free herself from hrip. As her struggles ceased he began kissing her slowly, teasingly, parting her mouth and delving inside. His tongue stroked hers until she started to respond and he kept kissing her until she whimpered against his mouth and he felt her sag into him.

"Good girl," he murmured as he pushed her away.

His eyes locked with hers and he saw no fear. "Good girl," he purred again, bringing his mouth down to hers once more. Tender, gentle kisses brought a response from her as she opened her mouth to allow him entry. Only when he had stroked her mouth with his tongue for a few moments did his tactics change once more, bruising and biting, drawing blood, as his hands grasped her buttocks, pulling her tight against him.

"No," he heard her say. She did not say it in denial or in lust but it sounded more like a quiet command. Icy fingers seemed to flow through his blood and he shivered. His desire deflated quickly and he pulled back, frowning.

Hermione lifted her hand and wiped her mouth. She was trembling slightly, but she held his gaze, defiant and unafraid.


Severus moved about his chambers in a calm, methodical manner. Surveying the objects he had arranged on his desk, he was satisfied. His Death Eater robes swished softly as he walked over to the fireplace and summoned the Elemental serpent. Severus hesitated for a moment, weighing the words in his mind before giving the serpent his message for Albus. He only hoped that whatever was to happen tonight would be over with before Dumbledore had time to react. Going back to the table, Severus picked up the small vials and slipped them into his inner pockets. He did not know in what state he would find Hermione and wanted to be prepared with antidotes and healing balms if she was badly injured. It would be hard enough trying to get her out of the Malfoy Manor without having to carry her.

Severus picked up the last item on the desk. The light from the fire glinted off the long blade of the knife. He had not bothered to clean it since Percy had used it on his sister, and flecks of dried blood clung to it in places. His fingers traced the silver hilt, the intricate designs faded after years but he could still find the engraved initials, MM.

His eyes flickered to the fire once more and he had a brief thought of calling the serpent back, to retract his message, to say more, to say goodbye. With a swift movement he pushed the knife into the hidden sheath inside his high leather boot, and with a swirl of blackness, he left.


He Apparated in a stand of trees several hundred yards from the imposing manor. The sun had begun its lazy descent, and the sky was vibrant in hues of dark pink and violet as Severus surveyed the area. The grounds and the manor were warded to alert the master of the house to anyone entering, however Severus knew that this spot was far enough away as it was near a Muggle road. Placing his hand on an ancient oak he turned south and walked towards the third tree. If it was still there he knew of a way into the manor that Lucius had never discovered.

Placing his hands on the mossy trunk, Severus felt the bark. His fingers soon found the small niche though it was covered in moss. He worked his fingers within it and pulled. The tree groaned and as Severus tugged, the moss tore loose as a thin panel swung open. Glancing around, Severus lowered his body inside the hidden passage.


Lucius sat behind a large ebony desk with his feet propped up, a large glass of cognac in his hand. A house elf opened the door to the ornate library and bowed low as two men entered.

"Welcome gentlemen. Sit, sit," Lucius said, smiling. "May I offer you something to drink?"

"Anything will do Lucius," said a tall thin man with long dark brown hair.

"Firewhiskey then. And for you Percy?" Percy shook his head. "Come now, something to drink. Perhaps a Butter Beer?" Lucius said snidely.

"Firewhiskey will be fine, thank you," Percy said indignantly.

After they received their drinks, Lucius raised his glass. "A toast; To a most successful destruction of the Mudbloods and their parents, and to bringing a lost sheep back to the fold."

"Don't know what you are talking about," muttered Rabastan Lestrange, "but I will drink to anything right now." He drained his glass and walked over to the liquor cabinet to refill his glass.

Lucius rose to stand in front of the desk. "I do believe tonight will be a night of revelation. Our young friend here has some clue. You see, he brought me a gift yesterday afternoon, one that I plan to use to test the loyalty of one of our brethren.

Rabastan's eyes narrowed. "You better not be speaking of me, Malfoy. The Master will have your head..."

"Nonsense, Rabastan," Lucius said calmly. "You and your brother are favored of the Dark Lord. No, I am speaking of the Potions master of Hogwarts."

"Snape? I thought he had been forgiven for turning traitor last time?"

"Yes, of course. However there are things about dear Severus that need to be sorted out, like his bad habit of caring for a certain Mudblood." Lucius leaned against the desk and told him about Hermione.

Rabastan laughed. "Sounds like a personal matter between you and Snape. No, matter. I am here to enjoy your party Lucius. Will Narcissa be joining us tonight?"

"No. She and Draco are on holiday on the Riviera. Last fling for the boy before term starts. Actually, I called you here to help me with the matter of early arrivals. If I am not mistaken, Severus will be arriving any minute to rescue his little Mudblood."


Bending low as he hurried through the underground passage, Severus held his wand before him to light his way. The tunnel was heavy with dust and cobwebs, looking as though it had not been disturbed in years. Marius had showed him the tunnel after Lucius and Narcissa had moved into the manor when they had returned from their honeymoon. "Just in case you need to leave in hurry," Marius had told him, knowing that Lucius' jealousy of Severus may lead to a need of Severus escaping unnoticed. Severus only hoped that Lucius had never learned of the secret passage that led into the lower depths of the Malfoy manor.

His back was protesting by the time he reached the end of the passageway. A rickety wooden ladder led up into the darkness. Grasping it firmly, Severus shook it. It shuddered and cracked but seemed to be solid. Swiftly he climbed to the top, distinguishing the light of his wand as he stood before a door. Standing on the next to the top rung, Severus placed his fingertips against the secret door that would lead him into a corridor and pressed slowly.

The door opened quietly into a dimly lit hallway. Severus looked each way down the corridor and silently stepped out. He turned left, knowing that Hermione would probably be in one of the cells that Lucius used for his 'entertainment'.

"Petrificus Totalus."

Severus went rigid as his limbs froze and he toppled backward onto the stone floor, cursing inwardly as he saw Lestrange appear from underneath an Invisibility Cloak.

"Hello Snape," Rabastan said with a grin as he leaned over and removed Severus' wand from his hand. "I have him Weasley," he called down the hallway. Severus saw Percy emerge from behind a large tapestry as Rabastan frisked him removing the vials from his pockets and the knife from his boot. Rabastan released him from the spell and Severus was herded down the hall.

Percy shoved Severus into a small cell where Lucius sat on a cot, Hermione on his lap. Severus glanced quickly at Hermione, relieved to see that she looked physically unscathed, before his gaze locked with Lucius'.

"Ah, welcome Severus. Glad you could make it tonight," Lucius chuckled.

"Found him right where you said he would be," said Rabastan.

Lucius shook his head in mock dismay. "Did you honestly believe I had never found that tunnel?" Lucius asked, amused. "You are slipping Severus."

Severus shrugged nonchalantly.

"Now why would you try to sneak into the manor? You know you are always welcomed."

"Of course," Severus said sarcastically. "I could tell that by my warm warm reception."

Lucius' grin widened and he looked at Rabastan, who tossed Severus' wand to him. "He also had a few potions and this," he said, handing Lucius the knife. He raised an eyebrow at Severus looking at the blade.

"Still carrying this old thing? One would think it was your security blanket."

"Let's just say there are some things I do not forget," Severus said smoothly.

"Nor do I," Lucius said softly, running his hand almost lovingly over it. He put the blade against Hermione's cheek and ran it lightly across, not breaking the skin.

"I thought perhaps we could have our entertainment a bit early tonight Severus," Lucius said coyly. "It has been awhile since we took our pleasure together." He slid his hand over Hermione.

Severus dark eyes glittered as he stared into Hermione's. "You are the host Lucius. If that is what you wish, I will delight in joining you with the Mudblood."

Hermione flinched at the callousness she heard in Snape's voice. It did not go unnoticed as Lucius laughed.

"Ah, poor little Mudblood. Did you think Severus would be able to save you? As misguided as he is at times," he smiled slyly at Severus, "deep down he is a Slytherin and Slytherins will save their own neck first," Lucius purred in her ear. He placed the knife between Hermione's breasts and sliced the fabric of her dress . Another flick and he had sliced her white bra. Pushing the fabric away, he exposed her small breast, the point of the knife outlining her nipple. Hermione's gaze never broke from Severus'. Severus was thankful not to see desire in her eyes and was surprised that there was no sign of fear either.

"Strange thing about Mudbloods," Lucius chuckled, lowering his mouth to her breast while pressing the knifepoint against her neck, "their skin tastes remarkably sweet." Closing his lips around her nipple, he sucked and nipped causing Hermione to blush, ashamed that Percy and Lestrange were watching and especially because he was.

"Do you want her old man?" Lucius asked, his face still near her breast as he grinned up at Snape. Hermione shivered. She had heard Malfoy say that very thing before... With fear in her eyes she watched as Professor Snape nodded. Lucius pushed her out of his lap and stood as Severus approached them.

Hermione saw Severus' hands clench slightly as he neared Lucius. Quickly she reached out and grabbed his hands, tugging him towards her. She saw the confusion in his eyes quickly replaced with anger. Lucius and the others laughed.

"It would seem she is quite eager Severus," Rabastan chuckled.

"Indeed," Severus said coolly, looking questioningly at Hermione, irritated that his chance to attack Lucius had passed. Lucius told Percy and Rabastan that they were leaving.

"Though I would enjoy a threesome, I am still a proper host Severus," Lucius grinned. "You will have around two hours before the party begins. I told you I would bring the mudblood for you and I will refrain from watching. If I were you I would enjoy her, for it will be the last time you will have the opportunity to do so."

Once the door had clicked shut, Severus turned angrily to glower at Hermione. "Foolish girl. Why did you stop me? I might have been able to get us out of here if I could have only gotten my hands on Malfoy," he hissed at her, taking the anger and frustration out on her.

"Because he would have killed you," she said calmly. Tugging on the top of her dress, she tried to cover herself. "I saw it." Severus glared at her, wondering what she was talking about.

"We are going to die anyway and I would have rather went out fighting then led like lambs to the slaughter," he growled pacing the cell.

"I couldn't have...I didn't..." Hermione finally broke down, putting her face in her hands and she slumped against the wall. "I couldn't bear to watch you die again!" she wailed.

Severus arms were around her and pulling her down to the small cot. He pulled her face up. "Do not carry on so," he said harshly, though his face had softened. "We need to put our minds together and see if there is a way out of this."

She wiped her eyes and nodded. Staring at him a moment Hermione suddenly reached up and pulled his face down to hers, her lips sliding across his mouth as her hands tangled in his hair. Severus gripped her shoulders to push her away but found himself pulling her closer, melting into her as his hands moved down to her waist, his mouth opening in response to hers.

Their mouths danced in a furious rhythm, tasting, bruising, tongues tangling as noses bumped. The frantic searching soon reflected in their hands as Hermione's small ones tugged on his robes, finding the fastenings that held them together as he pushed the top of her torn dress aside, his hand caressing her bare skin until he pressed his palm against her breast.

A low moan escaped his lips as he felt her inquisitive hands brush against his erection, the fingers tracing the bulge in his trousers. "Hermione," he murmured, kissing her neck then trailing down her collarbone until his lips enclosed around her nipple. Pressing her down on the cot, he kissed her mouth once more as his knee parted her legs, settling his body between them.

His hips moved against hers, grinding into the nexus between her thighs, his large hand on one breast, his fingers caressing the soft flesh as he claimed her mouth, branding it with his searing kisses. Fire shot through him as she whimpered, pressing up against him, and he felt all control flee, unbidden images flashing through his mind. His hands trailed down to her hips, sliding up under her skirt, pushing it up.

"I...love you, Professor," she whispered timidly, when he finally broke the kiss. Her words had the effect of a cold bucket of water being thrown over him. His face was a contortion of pain and sadness as he gazed into her earnest face, the dark brown eyes full of lust and emotion.

Rolling off her, he looked away. "Please pull yourself together Miss Granger," he said coldly, his hands clenching into tight fists to still the raging sensations in his body. "And do try to make yourself look more respectable."

Severus did not need to see her face to know that she was probably on the verge of tears. Damn her, damn her, damn her, he chanted inwardly. She is a child, he thought desperately, trying to still the lust and rage coursing through him.

'But she wants you. Take her, you are both going to die, just take her and make her yours before she is passed among the revelers'. Teach her what its like to be possessed, show her things that only you can.'

He growled as he clenched his fists tighter. Hermione is a child under my protection, she is just a child you fool.

"Forgive me, Miss Granger, though it was you who started this," he said at last, as he calmed the conflicting messages racing around his mind. "You did not need another man taking advantage of you."

"Lucius has not touched me, at least not all the way," she said almost defiantly.

Severus raised an eyebrow.

"Pay up Weasley," said a deep voice outside the door. "Told you Snape didn't have it in him."

"Pity for him," Percy said as he opened the door.

"So much for privacy," Severus said sarcastically as he warily eyed the two men who had entered the cell.

"Malfoy kept his word, Snape," Rabastan grinned, pointing his wand at Severus. "I don't remember promising the same. Told Weasley you never had much use for females."

"Perhaps the females don't have much use for him," Percy said mockingly, "b,ut I do. Snape," Percy motioned with his wand, "You are going to stand over there in front of Rabastan and watch as I show you what to do with Granger."

"Be careful boy," Severus said softly, his eyes narrowing. "I don't think you are playing by Lucius' rules. The girl is for the party tonight."

"Drop the act Snape," Percy snapped. "I know you are only concerned about her welfare. Don't worry she will still be able to attend. I won't harm her, very much that is."

"You don't want to do this, Percy," Hermione pleaded.

"Oh yes I do," he said sarcastically. "Not that I find you the least bit attractive, Granger, but he does." He nodded towards Severus. "And for some strange reason he cares for you. Can you imagine? The greasy haired git caring for a Mudblood. If he lives after tonight his life won't be worth a knut once the Dark Lord learns of this." Percy grinned at her. "I owe him Granger. He took what was mine and I want him to watch as I take something of his. Pity you have already been so used. A regular slut aren't you? No wonder Potter and Ron were always sniffing around you. Trust me, it wasn't your looks."

Grabbing her, he pushed her against the wall, shoving her skirt up as he tore her knickers from her. Hermione kicked and twisted, clawing at his face and arms. Percy grunted and slammed her hard against the wall, knocking the breath out of her. Hermione's head struck hard against the stone, and she slid down the wall, dazed. Percy grabbed her legs pushing them apart as he knelt down, positioning himself above her. He turned to look at Severus as he opened his robes. "This is how you do it Snape, in case you have forgotten," he said smugly.

"Get off!" Hermione screamed. A blinding flash of light filled the small cell and Percy was thrown backwards.

Severus turned and raised his hands. A cry of pain erupted from Rabastan as a small ball of fire hit him the chest, slamming him into the wall, stunning him. "Get Weasley's wand!" Severus instructed Hermione as he wrested Rabastan's wand from him.

Hermione crawled over and grasped Percy's wand, which had landed under the cot. She felt a hand on her ankle and kicked back hard, satisfied as she heard Percy's cry of pain.


Sitting up, Hermione saw Lestrange on the floor in the corner of the cell, bound and gagged. Percy lay stunned just behind her. Severus then cast the spell to bind him as he held out his hand to help Hermione to her feet.

"Well done Miss Granger," he said, his lips twitching. "Ten points to Gryffindor."

Hermione giggled nervously, shaking her head in disbelief. . "Please extend our apologies to Lucius," Severus said, "but we have a pressing engagement and will not be able to attend the festivities tonight."

Severus held Percy's gaze a moment. His fingers gripped the wand tightly. It would be so easy to get rid of the annoying git but his eyes flickered on Hermione. "Come," he said quietly, opening the door.

"Can't you Apparate us out?" she panted as they raced down the hall.

"No. Lucius has wards on the house to prevent anyone from Apparating or Disapparating inside the manor."

They reached the secret door that led to the passage. Severus grasped the handle and jerked. Nothing happened. He tried several unlocking charms. "Damn it!" he spat. "Stand back." A stream of fire struck the handle, heat filling the corridor as the metal latch melted. With a swift kick Severus had the door open. "Down," he commanded to Hermione as he looked up and down the hall. Hermione ducked into the passage and began climbing down the shaky ladder. Severus followed and as soon as his hand touch the rotting wood he felt a tug behind his navel.

He had barely appeared as the spell released him, when Severus heard someone say lazily, "Expelliarmus." Laughter erupted from around the hall and Severus saw that the party had already begun, contrary to what Lucius told him. A large mirror had been rolled into the room and Severus' saw the cell where Avery was releasing Weasley and Lestrange from their bonds.

"Impressive bit of wandless magic," Lucius said, clapping as he approached Severus. "I always knew the spell I cast so many years ago on that ladder would come in useful. Of course you were the only one who could have triggered it. A bit of a bonus that it brought the Mudblood also." he nodded to the right. Severus saw Hermione being held by Dolohov.

"Welcome, my family," Lucius said loudly, raising his hands. "We will start the evening with entertainment since it has been so conveniently brought to the hall. Now I realize that many of you do not know our little guest, so let me introduce you," he gestured and Dolohov shoved Hermione forward. "Miss Hermione Granger of Hogwarts, deemed as the brightest student of that school, close friend to one Mr. Harry Potter, and a Mudblood."

There was a chorus of boos and hisses, mingled with a few sniggers. "I remember the little girl," said Bellatrix LeStrange in her high-pitched voice. "I thought you finished her off Antonin?" she asked the man who had been holding Hermione.

"Pity I couldn't have spoken more clearly a few months ago," Dolohov said slyly.

"At least she was clever enough to get away from my worthless brother," Rodolphus said snidely. Rabastan, who had just entered the hall with Weasley and Avery, gave him a withering glare.

"True," Lucius said with a chuckle. "Now the question is should we have a bit of fun with her or give her a swift death? The little girl has been most valiant in her efforts to thwart us."

Severus remained silent as he stood beside Lucius, knowing his words would have little effect. He did not yet dare to look at Hermione, as he listened to the debate around him. It was no surprise that Avery, Bellatrix and a few others wanted to torture her, yet just as many wanted a swift death, those that still believed in honoring the gallantry of their enemies. After a vote, it was determined that Hermione would die swiftly by the Avada Kedavra.

"I would be honored if you would allow me," Percy told Lucius, moving to stand beside Severus.

Lucius looked at Severus and smiled. "This honor will go to Severus as he is fond of the girl." There was murmured agreement. "I will give you your wand back," Lucius patted his side where Severus' and Hermione's wands held in his belt, "if you promise to be good. What do you say? Will you cast the Killing Curse on your little Mudblood?"

Severus finally looked at Hermione, their eyes locking.

Let her die. What is one more death? Kill her, return to Hogwarts with her body and continue on as before. She would probably die sooner or later anyway in this bloody war, considering how often she involved herself with Potter's little heroics.

Severus' lip curled. But how do I pretend she never mattered?

As if she were reading his thoughts, she gave him a small smile and the slightest of nods. It's okay, I understand, her eyes seemed to be telling him.

"I will not."

Lucius turned to look at Severus, his face incredulous. "Am I hearing correctly, brother?" his voice dripped with sarcasm. "Are you telling me, your family," he emphasized those standing in the hall with a sweep of his arm, "that you will choose to the same fate as this worthless mudblood over us? Trust me she is not that good of shag. You could do better with a wet rag and your imagination." Laughter rang in the hall as those gathered made lewd remarks at this.

Severus did not speak as his face became an expressionless mask though his dark eyes glittered with hatred.

"Always the traitor," Bellatrix hissed as she aimed her wand at Severus, casting a spell.

The spell caused slashes to appear across Severus' cheeks and blood flowed freely from the deep cuts. "Beg for forgiveness," Lucius voice was full of venom as he too raised his wand. "On your knees and plead for your pathetic life."

Severus made no reply, but turned to meet Lucuis' eyes with his usual arrogant sneer.

"Crucio," Lucius said softly, a satisfied smile on his face.

Severus felt the familiar pain spread through his body. Sweat streamed down his face as he fought to keep from falling to the floor his eyes fixed on Lucius though he could barely see through the pain. Another voice echoed Lucius' as Percy cast the Cruciatus on him. He collapsed under the pain from the strength of the spell being cast simultaneously by both wizards and a scream erupted from his throat. Vomit threatened to choke him as he retched, while his body twisted and jerked.

"Enough," Lucius barked. He and Percy released the spell.

Lucius squatted down, his pale eyes searching Severus' ashen face. "Now you will beg to rejoin us," Lucius said smugly, a twisted smile on his face. "And perhaps we will forgive your little indiscretion."

"Go to hell brother," Severus spat, before he began coughing and spitting blood. Lucius face grew dark once more.

"So be it," he snapped, rising. He grasped Severus under the arms and dragged him the few feet to where Hermione stood. Dropping Severus at her feet, Lucius grinned at her. "There you go Mudblood. Your knight in not-so-shining armor."

Hermione helped Severus to his feet. He swayed as he straightened, his eyes looking deep into hers. "I am so sorry, little one," Severus whispered, brushing a lock of hair out of her face, ignoring the jeering comments surrounding them. She looked at him, her face serene a peaceful smile on her face. He was glad for that, that she could face death unafraid. She grasped his hands with hers and stared deep into his eyes. He could feel himself falling into their dark depths as the sounds of the room faded...

The world shifted and Severus felt himself floating, flying desperately fast through the air into the dark starry night, far above the earth until he saw only the vast universe spread out before him. Movement slowed until he finally stilled in the icy cold depths of the black night. Mesmerized at the experience, he wondered if he had died; if this was the afterlife, though he had never truly believed in such a thing. At best, death was the end; the end of thinking, of feeling... it was nothingness. Or at worst it would be hell, the torment of reliving every evil thing he had ever done or witnessed, for all eternity.

Fascinated, he saw a bright fiery light moving towards him. As it drew near and came clearly into his vision, Severus shivered with fear. It was a gigantic creature, a dragon of sorts but like none he had ever seen. A beast of mythical proportions gliding effortlessly through the night air, driven by great leathery black wings. The creature's long, scaly body glimmered in the light of the stars, with an equally long tail sporting razor-sharp barbs. Three serpentine heads writhed and twisted as it flew, their long pointed snouts breathing puffs of green, red and blue smoke. As it labored toward him he could see that each head had eyes like golden orbs, with slit irises the color of blood.

The creature was almost upon him. Severus trembled, waiting to be consumed by the beast, and watched in awe as it passed him by. One of the heads turned to look at him as it passed, opened its fanged jaws, and emitted an eerie, piercing shriek.

Severus turned, continuing to gaze at the mysterious creature, when he saw another light fast approaching. As the light grew closer, he squinted against the brightness of this new entity. A warrior sat upon a large, winged lion, illuminating the darkness of the space around them. The dragon screamed angrily as it spotted its foe, with the winged lion roaring in answer. The warrior raised a large spear and threw it at the dragon but the weapon fell short. Severus held his breath as the warrior now drew out a shining sword, icy fire danced upon the edges of the blade.

The dragon shrieked again as each head spat forth their colored flames, fully catching the warrior and its mount. They writhed in pain but still fought, meeting flames once more. The winged lion then wailed in agony, struggled and died. Rolling off the burning mount, the warrior raised its sword and ran toward the enemy.

They met with the resounding clash of metal against scale, and locked in combat. The sword flashed as it struck the dragon's shining hide, while the warrior was once again subjected to the flames. Severus recognized the acrid odor of burning flesh, yet even through the fire he saw the warrior's sword strike once more and find its mark.

A cry of pain filled the air as the dragon writhed in agony. Blood flowed from the wound with each heartbeat, and Severus felt a sharp pain in his chest as his breath caught. He watched in astonishment as the warrior gently reached out to the dying dragon. White light flowed from the warrior's hand as the wound slowly closed and healed. The dragon looked to the warrior with hatred at first, then contemplation, and finally submission as its three heads bowed. The warrior grasped the dragon around the lower neck and swung a leg over its back, settling in front of the large wings. Raising the sword in victory, the dragon and warrior flew into the stars.

Severus felt the pain in his chest easing, and then he was falling, falling fast...

Severus staggered and fell as Hermione collapsed. His vision was blurry and he realized the hall was filled with smoke. Checking on Hermione, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw she was still alive.

Squinting around the smoky hall, Severus was stunned by what he saw. The room lay in shambles. Glistening from the floor, the shards of the great mirror barely reflected the destruction through the dust still lingering in the air. A large gaping hole dominated the center of the room. The heavy marble tiles had been broken and pushed aside, revealing what little remained of the dungeon, and bare earth below that. Several pillars that held the high ceiling now lay crumbled around the room. Without the support, the ceiling had collapsed in places and he saw the bodies of several Death Eaters beneath the debris. His eyes then fell on Malfoy.

Lucius lay motionless face down on the floor, his legs pinned to the floor by a broken pillar. His long blonde hair was singed and blackened and smoke rolled from his robes. The smell of burnt flesh flooded Severus' nostrils and he gagged slightly as he reached down to retrieve his and Hermione's wands from Lucius' belt.

He could not help the feeling of satisfaction when he heard Lucius' ragged breathing. "Not by my hands, brother," he said softly. He stumbled back to Hermione, gathered her in his arms and sensing the wards were down he Apparated.

Severus fell to his knees as they appeared outside of the Hogwarts gates. Hermione was not breathing and fear flooded over him in icy waves. Hold on, child. Please hold on. Severus pushed opened the gates, dragging himself and Hermione through, then cast a spell that sent an icy blue arrow flying in the direction of the castle before he succumbed to the darkness that was flooding his mind.

AN/ Tremendous thanks to my betas. This was a difficult chapter and I send huge amounts of chocolate frogs for their hard work.