The Dark Arts
Severus Snape
Angst Drama
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/20/2003
Updated: 03/09/2004
Words: 87,587
Chapters: 24
Hits: 16,443

Damaged Goods


Story Summary:
Severus Snape finds himself wanting to help a student back from the brink of madness. In doing so he discovers a powerful magic that may destroy him.

Chapter 22

Chapter Summary:
Severus Snape sets out to help a student back from the brink of madness only to discover a power that may destroy him. In this chapter Hermione reflects on the men in her life and becomes an unwilling guest in the Malfoy manor.
Author's Note:
Thanks to Ozratbag2 and LorenaSnape for excellent beta services rendered. Thank you the reader for the wonderful reviews and encouragement.

Damaged Goods

Part 22

Usually a person has more faith in their fear than faith in their future.

--Doug Firebaugh

Curled in a chair in a far corner of the library, Hermione stared absentmindedly out the window, the book in her lap forgotten. The warm sun caressed her skin, relaxing and lulling as her mind drifted back to the last several days. Her lips curved in a gentle smile at the irony of life. Two of the most important people in her life had kissed her. The two persons who despised each other with a consuming hatred had both kissed her. 'Not a bad week for a bushy haired know- it- all' she thought, her smile widening.

Harry's kiss had been unexpected but sweet. It reminded her that had she not been taken by Lucius, it would have been her first kiss. Even her encounters with Professor Snape would never have happened had it not been for her abduction. Her kiss with Harry had been awkward and brief and had left them both blushing yet smiling shyly at each other. Hermione had been amazed that she found she could still blush.

They hadn't spoken of it as Harry had taken her hand for the rest of their walk. She knew he was unsure of how to approach her and she was cautious. The last thing she wanted was to throw herself wantonly at her best friend. Yet she had done so with Professor Snape.

She was thankful Professor Snape had not taken her up on her request although she knew deep down he would not. It was not that he thought her undesirable, he had proven otherwise, but because he was honorable in his own way. A faint blush crossed her face as she imagined what it would have been like had he taken her to his rooms.

A warm feeling flowed through her as she thought of the Potions Master. None of her friends would ever believe her, even if she could find the words to tell them, how complex he was. Though it was odd, she knew that she could call Professor Snape her friend, her confidant. It was a strange revelation.

Shivering, she tried to force the erotic sensation from her body that had suddenly sprung up. She was beginning to understand these feelings that she seemed to have no control over and once she could master that, the control would come. Lucius had awakened her sexuality, had led her into the world of sensual desires, but in doing so had corrupted the way her body and even her thoughts reacted. Had he just been brutal and continued to rape her she might have been spared. However there had been times he had been gentle, bringing her body to heights of passion only to strip that away by once again being brutal and punishing her.

Her eyes flickered on the book. Again the enigma that was Severus Snape had surprised her. He had given the book to her the day after she approached him in the classroom. That was the night he kissed her. It had been wrong, at least that's what she'd told herself. He was her Professor and she had practically begged him to do so.

He had refused her, telling her he did not want to be a substitute for Lucius and allowed her to weep bitterly in his arms, understanding that she needed to come to terms with her desires. Afterwards he had given her a handkerchief and walked her back to Gryffindor Tower.. Then, as the new day's sun began to chase the shadows from the halls, he bent his head and brushed his lips against hers, so gently and quickly it had felt like a whisper of sensation and a whisper of promise. Not a lover's kiss, yet she felt the mutual submission of understanding in that kiss and it made her heart flutter at the thought.

He had ventured into the Muggle world, where she did not know, to buy her the book 'Human Sexuality, A Look Into The Darker Side Of Nature'. Within its pages were explanations for a wide variety of sexual dysfunctions, deviant behaviors and abuse. The book also outlined ways to deal with these situations, how to overcome them, and explained the healing process. How well he knew her, that she could find solace in books and answers.


"If you vould please have a seat, I vill inform the Minister you are here," said a tall dark -skinned woman.

Albus Dumbledore and his companion, a man with dark skin and black hair, sat on a small settee. The room was cold and dark, the only light coming from the fireplace and a small stump of a candle on the secretary's desk.

"Again. I must extend my gratitude to you Laslos, for arranging this meeting," Albus said to the man.

"It is of the utmost pleasure that I have done this for you Dumbledore," Laslos replied. "It is imperative that ve vork together against our dark enemy. The Minister is a good man. He vill agree to an alliance between our countries for this cause, I am sure."

Albus and the man chatted a few more minutes when the woman opened the door. "The Minister vill see you now."

The two men entered a small room. An elaborate desk stood in the center, a few small bookcases sat behind the desk. A tall, older man with dark skin and dressed in forest green robes stood and walked over to them. "Velcome, velcome Albus Dumbledore. It has been too long since you have been to our country." The man's face broke into a grin as they clasped hands.

"Sit, sit," the Minister said, waving his hand at two comfortable looking low chairs. The woman appeared with a tray bearing three goblets, which she offered to the two guests first. After she had left, the Minister raised his goblet. "To old friends and new alliances," he said brightly.

"Here, here," Albus said. They both drank deeply from their cups.

The minister returned to his chair behind his desk, his dark eyes glittering as he eyed Albus intently. "So my old friend, I understand you vish to speak to me about a vizard that is giving your country a bit of trouble."

"Yes," Albus said, setting the cup down on the edge of the desk. "Laslos has informed you of the circumstances?"

"Yes. He vas most thorough in his tale," the Minister said, a hint of humor in his voice as his eyes flickered to the younger man sitting beside Albus. Albus turned his head to look at Laslos. The man seemed to have fallen asleep, his head lolling back against the chair back. Albus' eyes narrowed as he turned back to look at the Minister, his wand now in his hand.

"Put that avay you old fool," the Minister said, with a predatory smile. Albus was on his feet and he staggered. "You see, my dear friend, I do know all about your 'troubles'. In fact I have known about them for longer than you. I am part of the new order you vish to destroy."

"Pity," Albus said, his voice slurred. "You have chosen unwisely."

"Do you think? It vould seem you are the one that has chosen unvisely." The Minister's smile widened. "Go ahead old man. Try to hex me. You vill find it is of no use. A most inventive drink, my master has developed. It blocks the magical ability of a vizard. Imagine the power of such a thing."

Albus staggered again and fell to one knee as the door opened. Two men covered completely in black robes with stark white masks on their faces approached. The Minister's face contorted in sinister glee. "Ah, your escort has arrived Dumbledore..."

"Miss Granger, would you please go to your own rooms to sleep?" Madame Pince's sharp voice broke through her dream. Hermione jerked upright, looked at the woman with wide eyes, then grabbed her book bag and ran from the library.

Noting the time by one of the large grandfather clocks in the hall, Hermione saw that it was almost dinnertime. Pushing herself, she ran full force into the Great Hall almost colliding with several students. Lupin had seen her sprint towards the Hall and approached her quickly. "Hermione, what's wrong?" he asked with concern as she bent trying to catch her breath. Students were looking at them and Lupin grabbed her arm and led her out of the Hall.

"Dumbledore," she gasped.

"He isn't here Hermione. Has something happened?"

"A trap...Dumbledore...he is walking into a trap," she tried.

Remus looked at her curiously. "Hermione, what makes you think this?"

"I know it sounds odd Remus, but I had a dream."

Relaxing visibly, Remus smiled. "No, you must believe me..." Hermione began, then saw Professor Snape approaching them. She broke away from Remus and ran to him.

"Professor, you must believe me," Hermione gasped. His eyes flickered from her to Lupin, who shook his head.

"Hermione has had a bad dream about the Headmaster. She is a bit distraught..."

"No! It wasn't just a dream!" She grasped Snape's arm. "Please, you must hear me out."

Severus studied her for a moment and then nodded, leading her into the closest classroom.

"Tell me," his voice was calm but with a note of sincerity. Hermione explained about her dream.

"I know it seems like it was just a nightmare, but Professor you must believe me. If I am wrong then I will apologize."

Severus studied the earnest face weighing his decision. Nothing about the girl surprised him anymore. "I believe you Hermione," he said quietly. "And I will contact Dumbledore immediately." Hermione's face lit up, a smile on her lips.

"Thank you Professor."

"Go to dinner Miss Granger," he said, opening the door for her. "I will inform you later if I am successful."

Walking quickly towards the dungeons, Severus thought about going to Albus' office to send a message by Fawkes but he couldn't take the chance that the Phoenix was near his next burning. Something about Hermione's dream disturbed him. He did not know where Albus was and he did not want to mention this to Minerva yet. If Hermione's dream was just that, then he didn't see any reason to alarm the older woman..

Entering his chambers, Severus strode over to the fireplace. Within seconds a fiery serpent appeared waiting for instructions. After giving the serpent the message, Severus could do nothing but wait. He knew the elemental messenger was the fastest way to contact Albus if there was any source of flame near the Headmaster. Sitting down behind his desk Severus intertwined his fingers, his thoughts on one little Gryffindor and the powers that seemed to be emerging from her.



Severus heard his name hissed from a classroom as he made his nightly rounds. It was just a little past 9 pm and he had been walking the halls for the last hour, concerned that he had heard nothing from Dumbledore. Walking over to the door, that was slightly ajar, he was grabbed by the arm and yanked into the dark room. A familiar old face smiled at him before he was enveloped in a hug. Shrugging the old man off, Severus tried to hide the slight smile as relief flooded over him.

"Brilliant, absolutely brilliant Severus. You do realize you saved my life? How did you know, my boy?"

Severus eyed Albus intently as he spoke. "Hermione Granger."

"Really? How interesting." Severus noted how Albus looked away but not before the look of realization crossed his face.

"Out with it old man. You are keeping something from me. I have witnessed the girl use wandless magic twice now and I suspect the incident with Draco last term was another. And now it appears she has become a seer. I thought Trelawney threw her out of class because she had no ability in that area."

"Most curious," Albus said, stroking his beard. "No, Miss Granger left Divination on her own and she was right to do so. Doesn't have the gift you see."

Severus frowned. "Then how did she know you were in danger?"

"Premonition. Much different from having an inner eye. Very fascinating indeed."

"Albus, there is something you are not telling me about Miss Granger and I think it is something I should know."

"Yes, yes, you should," Albus said distractedly. "Meet me in my office in ten minutes," he grinned conspiratorially. "I don't want anyone to know I am here so try and be discreet." Walking over to the window he winked at Severus before climbing out of it.

Severus rolled his eyes and headed out the door. "Bloody discreet indeed," he mumbled to himself.


"Where were you?" Severus asked, once they had settled in Albus' office. Dumbledore was stroking Fawkes, clucking softly to the phoenix.

"Bulgaria. Sad really. I knew that the old Minister of Magic died unexpectedly last year, but now I realize that it was not so unexpected. And of course with Karkaroff's death, the school there is now producing even more supporters for Voldemort."

"This fellow you were with, did he survive?"

"Yes, we both Apparated. He did not question my decision. I have sent word to headquarters that he and his family will need sanctuary. His life is forfeit in Bulgaria."

Severus sat back and eyed Albus intently. "Now that the basic information is out of the way, explain to me what is going on with Miss Granger."

"Very well Severus, though I think you will not like the answer," Albus said calmly, feeding Fawkes some bacon rinds now. "Miss Granger is using Elemental power, though she does not realize it."

Shaking his head, Severus sighed and slumped back against the chair. "What is this Albus? First you inform me that Elemental mages are rare, that identifying them is next to impossible, then you discover that I am one and now you are telling me Miss Granger may be one?"

"Not 'may be one'. She is one," Albus said, explaining about the protective circle Hermione had summoned on the night he found her on the Astronomy Tower. "She is an Aetherius Magus, and a very powerful one apparently. Not all have the gift of premonition."

"Then why haven't you told her? I am sure it would give her great pleasure to tackle a new subject."

"Exactly. She would tackle it with enthusiasm and unless someone was able to guide her, it could prove to be disastrous to her. Unlike our powers, the ethereal mage has certain abilities that could prove very detrimental to Miss Granger until she is able to control the power."

"And it is more prudent not to tell her, and hope that she doesn't accidentally do something to herself," Severus accused angrily. "And just what detrimental things can an Ethereal mage do?"

Albus smiled, delighted that Severus was becoming very protective of the young Gryffindor. "A powerful Aetherius magus has the ability to to travel outside their body on an astral level, or plane, however if he or she does it unintentionally they may not be able to return to their body. Hermione will have to chose a Guardian before she attempts to do this."

"A Guardian?"

"Someone who will hold her to this plane. A Custodis, a Watcher, a person that gives the Aetherius magus a reason to return to this plane. It is a bit complicated and I am not quite sure of how it all works. I unfortunately never had the opportunity to work with an Ethereal mage and Nicholas only had second hand knowledge. Of all the elemental mages, they are the most rare. I suspected this of her but I had no time this summer to start instruction. Once school is back in session, we will train her together." Albus grinned at Severus' skeptical look.

Severus put two fingers on his forehead and rubbed small circles on his skin. "Albus, why is this happening now? And if you tell me it was in the stars or some other rubbish..."

Sitting down beside Severus, Albus patted the younger man's knee. "No, not in the stars, but it is fate that has brought us together. When young Miss Granger was so brutally attacked, her Geistwächter came to her. She unknowingly summoned it to help her in her deepest anguish, and her powers slowly began to surface. In turn when you reached out to her, when she was hurting that day you put er under the Veritaserum, she brought your powers to the surface, though they were carefully hidden. Fate? Perhaps, but I say it was the power of love."

The scowl Severus gave Albus made the old man wince. No wonder the students dreaded Severus' classes. Putting his head in his hands, Severus muttered so low he thought Albus wouldn't be able to hear. "I cannot love a Mudblood. It just cannot happen."

Albus smiled. Old habits die hard my boy.


The last days of summer went by uneventfully for those at Hogwarts. Hermione had been told by Professor Snape that her dream about Dumbledore proved to be informative, and if she had any more dreams of that nature to not hesitate to let him know. Though she was curious about what had actually happened, she knew he would not tell her. Dumbledore's activities were secretive when it came to Order business and she accepted that.

Hermione and Harry had cautiously explored the new direction their friendship seemed be heading. As they were rarely alone, they kept their distance except for an occasional hand holding on the way to class or a stolen kiss before bedtime. Tamara was the only one of Hermione's friends who knew about Harry, as she had caught them holding hands outside of Great Hall one morning.

Hermione was unsure if she really wanted Harry as a suitor. He was her friend first and foremost, and she worried daily that she might react inappropriately and ruin that friendship. Finally one evening in the Common Room, after the others had retired, she had opened up to him and explained her fears. Harry had blushed furiously as he assured her he would never take advantage of her, even if she threw herself at him. He stumbled over his words as he tried to explain to her that he would definitely be tempted, but that he would respect her. Eventually, he finally found himself tongue-tied and could think of nothing more to say. Hermione smiled and kissed him softly telling him she understood. Her heart was full as she leaned against him, his arms around her.

'And how can I tell you though I want to be with you, I long for another, someone I cannot and should not want?' she thought, blinking her eyes fast as she snuggled closer to Harry. They fell asleep together that night, the warmth of their friendship healing both of them.


"In seven days the students will return to school and rejoin those who remained for the summer," McGonagall was saying to the short, sweaty man walking beside her as they approached the entryway. The air was heavy, the approaching storm causing the humidity to hang like a blanket over the ground. "It has been an interesting experiment, the summer school, and we feel that those who participated have benefited from it."

"Yes, well, the Board will be given this report you have prepared." Fudge wiped the sweat from his brow. Thunder rumbled as rain began to fall outside. "Minerva, good to see you as always, but I really need to be going. Wonder where Weasley got to?"

Minerva paled. "Who?"

"Percy Weasley. He accompanied me today, wanted to see his brother about something."

The door swung open and Remus Lupin entered the foyer, shaking the rain from his shoulder length hair. He stopped as he saw Fudge and Minerva standing there. "Pardon me," he said slowly, senses on edge as he saw the shocked look on Minerva's face.

"Ah yes, Lupin is it?" Fudge said disdainfully. "I thought you had left several years ago?"

Remus stiffened and started to speak when Minerva broke in. "Cornelius has been here to check on the progress of the summer school. He was about to leave but his companion is not here. I believe he is probably in Gryffindor Tower. If you would be so kind Remus to go tell Percy Weasley that the Minster is ready to leave."

At the mention of Percy's name, Remus felt his heart skip a beat and plowed past Fudge knocking him to the floor as he ran up the stairs.

"What ever is the matter with him?" Fudge grumbled as Minerva helped him to his feet.


Ginny and Ron shifted uncomfortably as Percy had spoke earnestly with them, telling them he and Penny had been married last weekend in a quiet ceremony at the Ministry. Percy explained that he and Penny had wanted to keep everything quiet until things settled down with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and that Percy hoped that they would keep in touch even though he still did not agree with Arthur and Molly.

"I thought Penny wanted a big wedding," Ginny said, disappointment in her voice. "I was supposed to be in the bridal party."

"Yeah," Ron agreed. "What happen Perc? She get a bun in the oven?" he teased. Percy's face flushed and Ginny and Ron exchanged knowing looks.

"Right. I need to be going." Percy said, rising quickly. "I am sure the Minister has finished with his business by now. Oh by the way, Mum sent some tins of sweets." Ron looked at him skeptically. "Dad knew I was coming today and mum sent them by him," Percy explained. "I still love them Gin, Ron. Just because we don't see eye to eye doesn't mean we aren't family."

Ginny smiled and gave Percy a hug. "That's true." She dropped her voice to a whisper. "Tell Penny I will love to baby-sit."

Percy shrugged out of Ginny's embrace and turned to look at Harry. "Mum sent a tin for everyone, Harry and Hermione too." He said, opening his shoulder bag.

"How nice," Hermione said. "I do love Mrs. Weasley's fudge."

Percy handed the first tins to Ron and Ginny and carefully gave one to Hermione and Harry. "I believe she put something different in each so you can share." Percy watched Harry intently as he started to open his.

Hermione was rocked with an intense sense of dread as Harry started to lift the lid. "No Harry!" she screamed knocking the tin from his hand

"Hermione! What's that all about..." He stopped as he watched the box fall to the floor, the lid flying off and the tin disappearing with a pop.

"What is going on?" Ron asked as he heard the Fat Lady screeching at someone to not pull her apart.

The portrait door swung open to reveal an angry Lupin entering with his wand drawn. He was yelling at Harry to get away from Percy. Percy seized Hermione around the waist then tried to grasp Harry's shirt. Ron grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him away from Percy. Percy cursed as Remus started to cast a spell and with one hand holding Hermione tightly he opened her tin. The four Gryffindors looked on in horror as Percy and Hermione disappeared with a pop.


Hermione felt the tug at her stomach cease and she fell forward on her knees as the Portkey deposited her in a cool, dark hallway. She scrambled to her feet as she drew her wand. Something struck her hard across the face and her wand went flying as another blow crushed her wrist against a stone wall.

Looking up into the red face of Percy Weasley, she cringed as he yelled at her. "You meddlesome bitch! I am going to kill you!" Percy raised his wand.

"Expelliarmus!" Percy's wand flew out of his hand. "I think not, Weasley," said a bemused voice. Hermione bit her lip to stop the cry trying to wrench its way from her throat as she looked into the grinning face of Lucius Malfoy.


Severus stood in his spot in the circle of Death Eaters, the cold mask in place. He had spent the majority of the day at Voldemort's keep, replenishing the stores of potions. Now he waited with the others for the evening agenda to be announced. The sea breeze whipped his cloak, sending a shiver down his spine as Voldemort paced within the gathered circle. Thunder rumbled overhead and lightening danced across the darkening sky. A large fire roared in the center of the circle, illuminating each face and giving an eerie red glow to the stark masks. Beside the large blazing fire two bodies lay in a crucified position. 'They must have been the two that failed in Albus' capture,' Severus thought dully, recognizing the Stevens boy who had been his student just a few short weeks ago.

"As you know that foolish Muggle-lover at Hogwarts has taken every bloody Mudblood into his protective care," Voldemort spat, his eyes glowing like red embers. "I had thought at first that this might be the time to attack the castle, to rid our world once and for all of the plague that infiltrates our world, however the grounds are more secure than ever and a frontal attack would be futile.

"However," he allowed the word to hang in the air before he continued. "It has been brought to my attention," his eyes flickered over Severus a moment, "that young Mr. Potter has now joined the ranks of those staying at the school. This changes everything, do you not agree?"

There were murmurs of agreement around the circle. Severus felt his muscles tighten, wary of the next words Voldemort would speak. Surely he wouldn't order them to attack Hogwarts tonight. The adrenaline flowed through him as he formed a plan in his mind of what he would do if that were the case.

"Makes the risk almost worth it," Voldemort said, his eyes staring once more at Severus. "Still, we dare not risk such exposure unless assured of complete success, as we were at Azkaban. Instead, I challenge each and everyone of you to use every opportunity to bring misery and despair to those that Dumbledore tries to protect."

Severus relaxed a bit. He knew now that the plan for the evening was more attacks on the Muggles. It was a better option than having to face an assault on Hogwarts.

"Wormtail, read the next twelve names off the list."

Listening carefully, Severus pictured each student's family as the name was read. He steeled his emotions as he set his mind to the task at hand. His eyes searched the gathered Death Eaters for Weasley. Malfoy must have asked for Percy to be removed from Severus' entourage. Nott still stood beside Severus but now instead of Weasley he was teamed with Rodolphus Lestrange.

"You have the targets for tonight my Death Eaters. Do try to leave an impressive message behind."

"Milord, may I have a moment?"

Severus' eyes narrowed behind the mask, as Lucius approached Voldemort, and he wondered what the snake was up to.


Five hours later Severus entered his chambers wearily. His heart had not felt this heavy since the night he had returned to Hogwarts to ask Dumbledore's forgiveness before turning himself into the Ministry. He leaned against the wall with his face in his hands. He had failed her. Somehow he thought that he could have prevented this. He turned and slammed his fist into the stone wall. Malfoy, damn him to hell. He had requested for her parents to be included on the list tonight. That son of a bitch. Severus growled, slamming his fist into the wall once more. How was he going to tell her? She had been through so much already.

Severus brushed angrily at his cheek, noting the wetness he felt there. He laughed, the sound eerie and hollow echoing around the still room. Gods, he must be on the brink of exhaustion. It had been seventy-two hours since he had slept properly. His chest heaved as his breath caught and he felt the tears coursing down his face. Shaking his head ruefully, he couldn't help but note the irony. What has it been, sixteen, seventeen years since you broke down and cried? What the bloody hell are you crying for now? He berated himself as he felt the emptiness in the pit of his stomach, the longing ache he attributed to his stomach maladies caused from being subjected to the Cruciatus so often. The rawness of the emotions he couldn't identify emanated from his gut, and he found himself sobbing like a child.


It was a little past dawn when Severus entered the Headmaster's office. "Albus?" he heard Minerva ask. "Oh Severus!" she said coming to him. Throwing her arms around his neck, he felt her shoulders shaking.

Patting her on the back, he stared at Lupin. "What has happened?" Remus quietly told him about Percy and Hermione.

"Where do you think Percy took her?" Remus asked, his eyes blazing.

Not answering him, Severus kissed Minerva on the cheek. "Don't worry about your little Gryffindor. I will bring her back to you." With a glance at Lupin, Severus turned and swept out of the office.

Remus patted Minerva's shoulder and followed Severus. He caught up with Snape several yards from the stone gargoyle and fell into step beside him. Severus ignored Lupin, his mind on the conversation he had had with Lucius hours earlier.

The circle had once more been whole as the returning parties of Death Eaters filled the spaces. Voldemort had been pleased with the success of the night, for none of the raids had been thwarted by Aurors of members of the Order.

Severus had been ready to Apparate back to Hogwarts when Lucius grabbed his arm and forced him to walk with him towards the sandy shore.

"Doesn't it make your skin crawl Severus, to have to be around those filthy Mudbloods day in and day out? How do you stand it knowing you cannot harm the little dears? Oh that's right, you have lost your vision and think you care for one of them."

Lucius' eyes were bright with a slight glaze. Severus knew he was high on the bloodlust. He had seen it before, torturing others was like an aphrodisiac to the man. "Lucius, Lucius, how many times must I tell you to take your time when trying to speak. It would help you from sounding like a blubbering idiot."

Lucius' laughter rang out. "Ah, dear brother, you know I love you, don't you? If it hadn't been for father's nasty habit of preferring you over his own flesh and blood, just think how much closer we could have been."

"You speak rubbish, brother," Severus said, keeping his voice steady. "Marius loved only you and he used me. Go home Lucius and sleep it off."

"I have something for your pet, Severus." Lucius purred, fumbling with his robes. He pulled from his robes a set of wedding bands, blood dripping from the larger. "I told them everything I had done to their precious daughter before I killed them, slowly and painfully. I told them how I fucked her and used her. and the things I have planned for her still. It was intoxicating to see the terror in their eyes. You should have been there to share it with me, brother." He let the last word hang in the air, challenging yet caressing Severus. Had it only been a few years ago that he reveled in accompanying Lucius in his games of torturing Muggles? The taste was like that of a bad habit that lured and beckoned, and never fully let go of the hold it had on the user.

"Your darling ran out of time, Severus," Lucius whispered in his ear, his tongue tracing around the lobe before biting hard. "Why do you do this to yourself? First that red-headed Mudblood bitch and now this one? Honestly, I am beginning to think you are attracted to Mudbloods. Like wallowing in the gutter do you?"

"You know I despise Mudbloods as much as anyone Lucius," Severus said quietly, though a nerve ticked in the side of his face. "There are only two things Mudbloods are good for; carrion and copulation."

"Say it like you mean it my friend," Lucius laughed, throwing his arm around Severus' shoulder. "Come home with me. I think I can scrounge up a couple of Mudbloods to do just that with."

"Tempting as your offer is Lucius, you know I am expected."

"Ah yes. The obedient little double agent. Go, don't keep the lot of Dumbledore's ducks waiting, but do plan on coming tonight. I have planned a party and you are the guest of honor."

Severus started to speak, to decline the offer, having no interest in another of Lucius' 'parties', but was stopped as Lucius put a finger on Severus' mouth. "You will mourn the rest of your pathetic life, old man, if you decide to ignore my invitation," he said seductively, kissing Severus on the corner of the mouth. Lucius' laughter filled the night air as he Disapparated.

"Lucius has her." Remus stated. He knew that Percy had been working for Malfoy but had not wanted to tell Minerva, though he suspected she already knew.

Severus did not answer but continued his steady pace.

"I am coming with you."

"No!" The taller man snarled, grabbing Remus by the neck of his robes and flinging him against the wall. "This is between me and Malfoy!" he spat, saliva spraying the werewolf's face. "And one way or another, it will end tonight." Severus released Lupin, breathing a deep sigh. "Minerva will need you to comfort her Remus, if things do not go well."

Gray eyes met black ones as the two men stared at each other.

"You love her."


Remus' nostrils flared slightly, his eyes searching the Potions Master's face. He had not expected such a swift honest answer, knowing Severus' history of prejudice against Muggleborns and his condemnation over caring for one. Studying the tired, angry man in front of him, Remus knew he had to let him fight this battle alone. "You will bring her back or die trying." The truth of Remus' statement flowed over Severus with a calmness he had not expected.

Severus turned to leave. "Severus."

He looked back at Lupin, who spoke softly. "Vous serez vengés. "

Noting the fire in Remus' gray eyes, Severus smiled resignedly.


Geistwächter -spirit guardian

Vous serez vengés - You will be avenged

Author notes: This is a sample of what Hermione may have found in the book Severus brought her. Child abuse is not to be taken lightly or glorified. It was merely a vehicle to write this story. If a child has been abused, a trained physician and/or psychotherapist is the best way to go for helping said child.

Goals of Abuse-Specific Treatment for Sexually Abused Children:

1. Encourage expression of abuse-related feelings such as anger, guilt, loss, ambivalence, and fear.

2. Clarify the erroneous beliefs that could lead to negative attributions to self or others:

· Self - blame: for not telling sooner, for not “stopping” the abuse, for taking gifts/bribes
· I’m a bad person: “I must be bad or Daddy wouldn’t have done something bad to me.”
· Learned helplessness: 2 common responses: passivity (even in the face of danger), and become abusers themselves as get older.
· Damaged goods syndrome: “I am different, weird, filthy, no longer a virgin.”
· Relationship/trust issues: “Men want sex only; people who love me hurt me.”
· Distorted sexuality: “Only way to get attention is through sexual behavior; since the way I was touched felt good, I must have asked for the abuse.”

3. Teaching abuse-prevention skills by increasing assertiveness, learning offender tricks, etc.

4. Diminish the sense of stigma and isolation by reassurance and group therapy with other victims.

5. Teach coping skills for symptoms of depression and post-traumatic stress: e.g. nightmares, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, avoidance, withdrawal, etc.

The above information was obtained at