The Dark Arts
Severus Snape
Angst Drama
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/20/2003
Updated: 03/09/2004
Words: 87,587
Chapters: 24
Hits: 16,443

Damaged Goods


Story Summary:
Severus Snape finds himself wanting to help a student back from the brink of madness. In doing so he discovers a powerful magic that may destroy him.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
Severus begins to believe in legends.

Damaged Good

Part 7

They think that I am okay. That I am the old Hermione, bossy little know-it-all. If they only knew. They live in a fantasy that this school is a haven, secure from the terrors that rage outside, except maybe Harry, who witnessed the horror of Cedric's death last term. If they only knew the vile thoughts that run through my mind until I am almost mad with the desire to tear and rip and claw the skin off this filthy tainted frame. If they only knew that although Draco hasn't sent for me in more than a week, I long for him to call. If they only knew.


"Harry," Hermione stopped him as he was heading towards the dining hall for lunch. "If I am late for Potions, please tell Professor Snape I went to see Madam Pomfrey."

"You okay?" Harry asked concerned, "you want me to come with you?"

"No, I just have an awful bloody headache. Tell Snape will you, don't want him taking off any house points."

"Sure Hermione, feel better alright."

She had barely made it through Arithmacy that morning, her head hurt so badly, and when she had lost her sight she had panicked. A brilliant bright light had surrounded her and she couldn't see anything. But just as quickly as it started it had disappeared, leaving her head pounding, making her nauseated.

Finally she was sitting in the hospital wing, her second home, she thought sarcastically. She had been under Madam Pomfrey's care since Dumbledore had found out her secret. Every Friday evening she reported here for her weekly physical of weighing, stomach medicine and to be sure she was in her right mind, Hermione thought dryly. At least she had not been throwing up after every meal, which was something.

Madam Pomfrey had given her a thorough examination again, checking for any abnormalities that could be causing the headaches. Her conclusion was that it was simply stress and had gone to get her a headache potion.

The door opened and Professor Snape came hurriedly into the room shouting. "Damn it Poppy! I have ran out of that bloody headache potion," he said holding his head, his eyes shut.

"You don't have to shout the school down, really Severus," Madam Pomfrey scolded as she came out of the supply room. " I am sure you aren't helping Miss Granger's headache, or yours for that matter."

Severus opened his eyes and saw Hermione sitting on a stool. "Forgive me Miss Granger, I didn't realize you were here," he said through clenched teeth as his head pounded unmercifully.

"You two are a case," Madam Pomfrey said gruffly, handing them both a small vial with red liquid in it. "Really Severus, you are the Potions master, cant you keep yourself a supply of the potion?"

"Don't give me any sass Poppy. You know I gave you the entire supply for use."

"And between the two of you it has almost been depleted," she said, looking meanfully at Severus.

Severus however was looking at Hermione. "How long have you been having headaches?" he asked gently.

She gave him a wry smile. "Since Christmas." He nodded.

"She is the same as you Severus, too much tension. Really I think I should insist that both of you learn how to relax." She received glares from them both. Sighing, she threw up her hands. "Anyway Severus, you must resupply me with the potion and I would suggest you double the batch."

"I thought you told me to relax," he said sarcastically. Hermione looked at him in surprise. Had he just made a joke? Must be my head she thought. Poppy just smiled at him and went back to her office.

"It would seem, Miss Granger, we are both late for class. If we shall," he said opening the door for her. They walked to the potions classroom in silence. "I should take points off for your tardiness Miss Granger," he said mockingly as they stopped before the classroom door.

"Be sure to take them from yourself while you're at it," she replied with the same mocking voice he had used. Hermione thought she saw his mouth twitch as he opened the door for her.


Severus sighed deeply, stretching his long legs out before him. It was finally the weekend and for once he was off duty. No roaming the halls, no students to worry about. Dumbledore had told him he didn't want to see him at all. Sipping his brandy he felt more relaxed than he had in weeks. He knew that Draco was unable to sexually assault Miss Granger anymore, though he still was concerned about his ability to physically abuse her. Pushing the thoughts away, he closed his eyes, just enjoying the peaceful quiet of his chambers.

Finally he opened his eyes, and his gaze fell on the metal box Dumbledore had given him the day he had put Hermione under the Veritaserum. He had not had time to wonder about the contents and had forgotten all about it.

Severus got up retrieving the key to the box from his desk drawer. Picking up the box, he carried it over to the sofa and opened it. Two large tomes rested within, as did several rolls of parchment. Picking up one of the books, he read the title Sighing, he opened the book to see that it was written in German, a language he was not familiar with. Not in the mood to retrieve his wand, to cast the necessary translation spell, he picked up the other volume. It was written in Latin, a langue he knew but often found troublesome.

He opened the book to a section that was book marked, shaking his head at Albus and his fascination with this obscure legend, but he began to read, sipping his brandy.

As old as magic itself, one of the most fundamental abilities of a magician has been to attempt to control the four raw powers of the elemental system. The four refer to Fire, Air, Earth, and Water. The ability to feel these energies, understand them, and to move them is the study of the Elemental Mage. Throughout their practice different casters will experience different degrees of success no matter which art is practiced, but Elemental magic is often considered one of the most difficult arts to progress in and thus there are few practitioners. It is also difficult because of the nature of the magic itself: it deals purely with the real and tangible facets of the four elemental powers, not with the ethereal correspondences of the elements as an Enchanter would. As such, it tends to be seen as an "all or nothing" art where the mage clearly succeeds or fails every time. Also, as a matter of practicality, few have a calling for this kind of power anymore and thus the caste tends to be a thing of secrecy.

Elemental magics seem to be most useful when used in combination, and therefore, four mages who each practice different types of elemental magic will group together. A powerful group of this nature can be incredibly dangerous in what they can accomplish. Also, when used correctly, Elemental Magic can be used in the guise of incredibly powerful binding spells which keep the target from working any type of magic by "stopping up" the energy flow. These binds can only be removed with much difficulty, and the gate and type of spell which is used must be identified beforehand.

Elemental Magic is a learned magic, and therefore most practitioners must undergo tutelage. There are, however, hereditary Elementals who subconsciously open Gates and exchange power without even realizing what they are doing. These people naturally have affinity toward Elemental Magic, and they may go under tutelage for another area which they were not born to and learn twice as fast as anyone else might.

Scanning down his eyes stopped on a sub heading; The Legend of the Five.

This leads to the discussion of the legendary five Custosratis Elementums which also must include the allusive Etheral Mage. To be a Custosratis Elementum the Elemental Mage must be one of hereditary rather than tutelage. There can be only one of each Custosratis Elementum in the world during a generation. When the Custosratis Elementum dies another is born to replace it. This is only speculation as the true Custosratis Elementum is often not identified and when correctly identified guards their secret.

The five Custosratis Elementums have the ability to imbue their powers into an object or a subject if all are in agreement. Stipulation of a time frame and limitations of the powers transferred must be agreed upon before the ritual takes place.

There is a dark magic that will allow a witch, wizard or druid to drain the powers of the five. The magic had thought to have been lost after the fall of Babylon however it was rumored that the mage Descentras of Egypt tried to enact the lost magic in the late 1700's and was almost successful. He was only stopped by the Aetherius Custosratis Elementum, when she took her own life to protect the powers from being captured. Descentras was destroyed by the remaining four.

Interesting he thought, beginning to see why Albus believed in the lore. He continued reading.

If successful the dark magic will drain the five powers from the Custosratis Elementum into the recipient host, killing the Custosratis Elementums. This in essence will give the host the greatest ability to draw upon all elements known in the natural and supernatural world. The host will be invincible, immortal and unstoppable.

"Bloody hell," Severus swore.

It is for this reason that the identities of the Custosratis Elementum must be kept secret at all times, and is advisable that should the identities become known that one of five must ensure that at least one of the Custosratis Elementum is destroyed. This is usually resolved by the Aetherius Custosratis Elementum who willing gives his or her life freely.

He flipped through the next pages, scanning the information. It explained in details the powers of each Elemental Mage and how they could utilize their abilities to the maximum effect. Stopping on a page he saw the description of how one could recognize a Custosratis Elementum, the tests that could be used to conclude the presumptions.

Laying aside the book, he picked up one of the rolled up parchments. He noticed that it was written in Albus' long script. The first several pages were summaries of the book he had just glanced through. Finally a page caught his eye. It was a list of names. Severus was alert now as he sat up holding the parchment close to be sure he was seeing it clearly. That date showed that it written sixteen years ago.

After much research Nicolas Flamel and myself, Albus Dumbledore, have concluded that we may have found the five.

Aer Custosratis Elementum Albus Dumbledore, Scotland

Terrenus Custosratis Elementum -Lily Evans Potter, England (testing not complete)

Fous Custosratis Elementum-Nicolas Flamel, UK

Aestus Custosratis Elementum - Rosa Descrespo, Brazil (unsure at this time as tests have not been conclusive)

Aetherius Custosratis Elementum-Greta Lute, Germany

Once the tests have been conclusive on Lily Potter and Rosa Descrespo, it must be determined if we can allow the five to exist at this time, especially with the threat of Voldemort. It may be necessary to eliminate one of them to keep the power from falling into his hands.

Severus sat there stunned. Albus and Flamel were part of the Five? No wonder Albus had been so insistent that this was more than a legend. A note was added at the end of the parchment dated a year later.

It appears that Rosa Descrespo turned out to be a mislead. Lily Potter has fallen at the hands of Voldemort before further tests were done. It appears we do not have to be concerned over the circle of Five being complete now.

Severus head reeled, the familiar pain forming behind his eyes, the red pinpoints of light dancing on the corners of his eyes.

He laid the parchment down and picked up the other scroll. It looked very ancient, crumbling around the edges. Gingerly he unrolled it. Scanning it he felt the blood drain from his face and was forced to put his head down.


"Bloody hell Albus!" Severus yelled storming into Dumbledore's office the next morning.

"A good morning to you too Severus," Albus said calmly feeding Fawkes some slices of mango.

"What is the meaning of this?" he snarled throwing the parchment on Dumbledore's desk.

"I think it is rather self-explanatory," Dumbledore said, continuing to feed the phoenix.

"You, you kept this?" he accused, pointing at the parchment. "Knowing how dangerous it is, if it ever fell into the wrong hands?"

"You have been reading, Severus," Albus said his eyes twinkling at the irate man. "Beginning to believe in legends?"

"You really are senile old man," Severus growled, snatching up the parchment and moving to throw it in the fire.

"I wouldn't do that Severus," Albus said lightly.

Severus ignored him tossing the parchment in the fire. An explosion rocked Dumbledore's office, sending Snape flying through the air, landing on his rear fifty feet away. Fawkes squawked angrily, taking flight through an open window. Albus put the fire out in his beard as he walked over to help Severus to his feet.

The parchment lay before the fire unscathed.

"Damn," Severus said rubbing his aching buttocks. "What is this all about Albus?"

Dumbledore chuckled. "I had to learned the hard way myself boy, about sixty years ago."

Severus sat down glaring as Albus picked up the parchment and went to sit behind his desk.

"Yes, indeed, I had the same reaction as you Severus, when Nicolas gave me this."

"If that," Severus said, indicating the parchment, "really can be done..."

"And it can."

"Then having it around could mean disaster if it ever fell into the wrong hands."

"Exactly," Albus sighed, "however it would seem that although it would seem prudent to destroy this, the circle of Five had at one time thought it best to preserve it. The magic placed upon the scroll is unbreakable. The parchment cannot be destroyed outside of another ritual of the Five."

"Merlin's Beard!"

Last night when Severus had unrolled the parchment and realized what he was looking out, he had felt faint. In his hands he held the means to trap the five Custosratis Elementums' essences. The dark spells used, the directions for the symbols that would be utilized, everything needed to create the dark magic that would in essence make the recipient god-like.


Albus and Severus spent the day in deep discussion. Severus wanted to know everything, his face alert, his eyes flashing, as Albus recounted his journey, how he found out that he was an Aer Custosratis Elementum. Nicolas Flamel had been pivotal in this, the training Albus had undergone in his elemental field, the powers he had witnessed as Flamel, who had known about his powers for over 200 years, revealed what he and Albus could do together, combining the magic.

Pausing their discussion to eat a late lunch, Albus took in Severus' appearance. He knew the students and even the staff, often referred to the young man as an "evil-greasy haired-git." Pity they couldn't see him the way Albus did.

Severus Snape was a guarded man, even before he had turned double agent, he allowed no one to become close. Easy to snarl, to wound with his swift, cold barbs, not many people had tried to see who Severus really was.

Severus was the epitome of order and control. It was conveyed in his dress, the black, severe teachers attire he was rarely seen without, the impassiveness of his voice and facial expressions, his orderly rooms. That was one of the reasons he had chosen potions as his mastery. It was a very controlled magic in the hands of skill.

Yet he sat across from Albus ruffled and animate, a flush light upon his cheeks. Apparently Severus had been up all night before he had burst into Albus' office. Smiling secretively, Albus knew Severus would have never allowed himself to be seen in his attire if he hadn't been so intent on confronting him this morning.

He was dressed in black trousers, not the normal ones of his teacher's habit, but loose, comfortable ones he wore in his private chambers, and a white linen shirt, unbuttoned halfway down, cuffs rolled up to his elbows. His hair was mussed and the shadows of a beard emphasized the sharp angular features of his face.

Romany ancestry was heavily etched on Severus' features. The hawk like features, the long, crooked nose, the high cheekbones, the black eyes, heavy eyebrows that arched in such a way that it gave him a scowling look, and the blue black hair that was baby fine, silky that clung to his head from the weight of it, that was in reality, as soft as a newborn babe's, Albus mused as he had often stroked that hair when Severus had been in the infirmary. Yes, he thought, he wished others took time to really look, to try to see beyond Severus' stern outer appearance and see the intelligent, highly passionate, lonely man beyond the façade.

Severus was eager to resume their discussion as the lunch plates disappeared but Albus held up his hand.

"Enough for today, son," he said, his eyes sparkling. "We will continue this discussion at a later time, and while you are suppose to be relaxing," he grinned, "I alas do have duties to attend to."

Nodding in agreement as he felt the tug of sleep pull at him, Severus stretched as he got up and headed for the door.

"Enjoy the rest of the weekend Sev..."Albus' words faded as he saw the man stop suddenly and grasp his left arm hard, his shoulders drooping. He looked sorrowfully at Severus who still had his back to him. "Come back to me safely son, he said quietly. Severus nodded and left.


Aer Custosratis Elementum - guardian vessel of the element of Air

Terrenus Custosratis Elementum - guardian vessel of the element of Earth

Fous Custosratis Elementum- guardian vessel of the element of Water

Aestus Custosratis Elementum - guardian vessel of the element of Fire

Aetherius Custosratis Elementum- guardian vessel of the element of the Ethereal

AN, the information about elemental magic was drawn from sites on the World Wide Web, mostly the Book of Knowledge. The legend of the Five is mine.