The Dark Arts
Severus Snape
Angst Drama
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/20/2003
Updated: 03/09/2004
Words: 87,587
Chapters: 24
Hits: 16,443

Damaged Goods


Story Summary:
Severus Snape finds himself wanting to help a student back from the brink of madness. In doing so he discovers a powerful magic that may destroy him.

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
With a little help of a potion and a house elf, Severus deals Draco a low blow.

I wasn't suppose to tell. I knew if I did that something terrible would happen. My parents would die; Professor Snape would take me to Voldemort. I wasn't suppose to tell.

How I had wanted to run to the Headmaster the moment I was released, but he knew that I wouldn't. Lucius made it clear to me that he would know. I understand now. Professor Snape and Dumbledore are very close.

But I thought Dumbledore could fix it; even if I wasn't suppose to tell. He is a powerful wizard, the only one Voldemort fears. Then I remembered last term, when he had told Harry and me that he couldn't stop what was going to happen to Sirius, couldn't do anything at all. Just as he couldn't stop the Ministry from executing Buckbeak. And that stopped me. Dumbledore couldn't help me. Like before, I was going to have to help myself.

That frightened me. I didn't see a way I could help myself. I was so alone. I couldn't tell Harry and Ron. They would hate me; though they would pretend it wasn't my fault they would realize the truth about me. That I am a slut, a disgusting piece of filth that had pleasured the Malfoys with my body. And Merlin help me, I had started to enjoy it.

And then they had made me tell. The bloody bastards all of them. Why didn't they mind their own business? I was getting along all right. True my schoolwork is suffering. I can't help it, my head hurts all the time, and bright white lights seem constantly lurking behind my eyes.

They made me tell, then stood there telling each other that I had to continue going to Draco. What had been the point then? To satisfy their morbid curiosity? I hope they got their knickers in a wad when they heard. Maybe it even aroused them. It was, after all, arousing, in a sick sort of way. Maybe they thought how nice it would to be to have a slave to satisfy your every sexual desire.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I feel I am not being fair to think this, but I brushed it away. Life isn't fair, I should know that.

Yet when Professor Snape held me in his arms, when I had foolishly broke down and sobbed on him like a weak child, I heard him. He told the others that I would not be going to Draco again. That frightened me terribly; I had no choice but to go. But for one brief moment, I had thought someone actually cared about me. What a fool I was. He told me, like the others, that I must continue meeting with Draco for now. He had given in, like the others. I hated him more than I ever had at that moment.


Severus had told Poppy not to release Miss Granger from the hospital wing until she had heard from him. She had glared at him, wanting to know why, until Dumbledore had a quiet word with her. Albus had also insisted that Miss Granger have no visitors except for the staff.

That had been three days ago.

Standing in the castle's kitchens in the late evening, Severus looked over the numerous house elves, who had met him immediately as he stepped through the portrait, all awaiting instruction from him. He noted the one dressed in clothes, Dobby, he thought, remembering Dumbledore telling him about the elf's liberation. Dobby who use to work for Malfoy. It was perfect. He motioned for the elf to come to him. "Privacy," he said as he glared at the others, who immediately slipped away.

"Dobby is it?" he asked the elf.

" Yes sir, Professor Snape."

"Good, you know who I am."

"Yes, Dobby knows of Professor Snape, he is head of Slytherin." He noted the elf's slight tone of disgust. Gods, did even the servants hate his house?

"Very good Dobby, I understand you use to work for Lucius Malfoy."

"Yes sir, until Harry Potter freed Dobby, a great wizard Harry Potter is sir."

"Yes I see," Severus said grimly. "I don't suppose Dobby would like to do me a favor?"

Dobby eyed Snape with suspicion. "Dobby is a free house elf sir, he works for Professor Dumbledore."

"As I do," Severus said, a little exasperated.

"Dobby knows of Professor Snape. He knows that Professor Snape is not nice to Harry Potter." Severus was starting to get a headache but Dobby continued. "But Dobby also knows that Professor Snape works for Dumbledore. Dumbledore thinks highly of Professor Snape so Dobby will do as Professor Snape wants."

"Good," Severus said evenly. "Dobby knows of Draco Malfoy?"

"Yes sir, Dobby remembers former master's son."

"It seems that Draco has been following in his father's footsteps and has, how shall I say, became involved with a less than savory woman." Dobby nodded understanding how Malfoy's son could do this. "Because of this relationship, Draco is in need of medicine to help with his, ah, private areas, do you understand Dobby?"

"Dobby is wise in that way sir."

"As Draco seems quite unwillingly to remember to take this," he held up a small blue vial of liquid, "his condition will never clear up." Dobby nodded his head. "I do not have time to stand over him like a nursemaid and demand he take his medicine. I was hoping that Dobby would be kind enough to put it into young Draco's drink each morning."

"Dobby will do that sir, yes indeed you can count on Dobby."

"Excellent," Severus said smoothly, "and Dobby, you understand this must be kept quiet. It would be embarrassing if it got out." Dobby nodded wisely.

Severus left the kitchens with a rare smile on his face, as he left for the hospital wing to tell Poppy to allow Miss Granger to return to her dorm.


Taking up his nightly perch, Severus sighed. He was thankful there had been no calling from Voldemort in the last few days, for he doubted that he would have returned once he laid eyes on Lucius Malfoy. He sat there waiting as he had the last two nights, hidden behind a concealment charm.

Success, he thought as he saw Draco enter the secret passage. Snape's eyes narrowed as he looked at the smug little bastard. It wasn't long before he heard someone else coming and saw Hermione emerge from under Harry's invisibly cloak. His heart beat a little faster as he saw the look of despair on her face. Patience little one, he thought, knowing that tonight would hopefully be better for her.

"You are late mudblood," Draco taunted her.

"Sorry master," she mumbled.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"I am sorry Master," she said and Snape was glad that he heard a small bit of defiance behind those words.

"Show me how sorry you are Granger," he smiled evilly. Hermione knelt down and kissed his shoes. Severus' heart went out to her, seeing her grovel before that damn spawn of Lucius. "While you are down there mudblood, don't you think you could find some other way to tell me you are sorry?"

"Yes master," she said dully, and reached up to unbutton his trousers. Severus wanted to turn away, the sight of Hermione taking out Draco's member turned his stomach, but he watched and waited. As she touched and stroked him, Draco's face turned sour then a little afraid.

"Take it in your mouth mudblood," he instructed frowning, as he had realized he had not become aroused. Hermione obeyed, taking the limp member in her mouth and sucking on it. Severus smiled, though the sight was forcing his dinner to come up to the back of his mouth.

"Damn it!" Draco roared. "You are not doing it right!" He reached down and stroked his unresponsive member, looking a little afraid. Hermione still knelt before him, not looking at him. Draco removed his hand and looked at her. Suddenly he backhanded her, sending her sprawling backward. Severs barely stopped himself from leaping out of his concealment and grabbing Draco around the neck.

"You filthy little mudblood what have you done?" Hermione looked at him puzzled, wiping the blood from her mouth with her hand. "You are so disgusting!" he said looking down at her. "How am I supposed to be aroused over an ugly, bag of bones, filled with mud?" She flinched but didn't say anything. "You disgust me!" he yelled at her, kicking her in her ribs, as she cried out. Damn, Severus thought, I will not stand for much more of this. Hermione started sobbing, and Draco looked at her, as if he had stepped in dung.

"Gods you are not worth it," he said adjusting his pants, and striding up the passage.

Severus sighed. The potion had worked. He so wanted to reveal himself and comfort Hermione as she lay there sobbing, but stayed still watching her. She sat up and wiped her eyes. Then he heard music to his ears; she giggled. Soon the giggling turned into heartfelt laughter. It was not hysterical but healthy laughter. Good girl, Severus thought, as she wrapped herself in the invisibility cloak and left.

. ****

Harry lay awake staring into the darkness. He couldn't sleep; he was too worried about Hermione.



"Are you asleep?"

"Yes, can't you hear me snoring?"

"Wake up then and come over here." Harry said dryly, with a small smile on his lips.

He heard Ron get up and he came over to sit on Harry's bed.

"Did you believe that rot they told us, about Hermione having a rare type of virus?"

"Not really, though I wanted to."

"Something is so wrong with her. "

"I know, but she wont talk to us, and McGonagall told us not to press."

"I know, I just wish..."

"I understand mate, but what can we do?"

"We could start being better friends and follow her when she goes out."

"Or better yet, you could stop loaning her your cloak," Ron said angrily.

"You know I wanted to, but McGonagall told me I must. Damn, she could have least told us why."

"Where do you think she's going?"

Harry didn't answer. He felt sick about his thoughts.

"She is seeing someone isn't she?" Ron said quietly.

"That is my guess."

"Who do you think?"

"I have no idea," Harry said, though his thoughts were dark.

They sat there in silence for a moment.

"We are going to have to do something you know," Ron finally said.

Harry nodded.

"She almost died and we didn't do anything."

"Tell me about it," Harry said sighing. "Ron, have you ever thought about asking her out?'

Ron punched Harry in the arm. "What a thing to ask now."

"No seriously, it might help, if she had, well you know, a boyfriend to confide in."

"So why don't you?"

"I thought you were the one who made an ass of himself over her relationship with Krum last term."

"You don't think this has something to do with him, do you?" Ron asked.

"Don't know. I liked Krum but he was from Durmstrang and she did go see him over the summer."

"But she was okay until the Christmas break."

"Yea, I wished she had stayed here with us."

"Me too."

Silence again filled the room. They heard a girl giggle.

"You think one of the guys has a girl up here?" Ron asked glancing around in the dark.

The giggle was louder now, right beside them.

"Hermione!" Harry said as she pulled off the cloak, sitting on the bed between the two boys.

"You can't be here in the boys' dorm," Ron said though he smiled broadly.

"Just returning your cloak Harry," she said smiling. Harry smiled at her; usually she didn't return his cloak until the next day. Lavender had told him it was usually dawn before she returned to her room. "Thanks Harry," she said the smile on her face genuine.

"You okay?" Ron asked, "feeling better?"

"Yes, yes I am," she said as she put an arm around each of her best friends.


The next morning at breakfast, Severus covertly stole glances at Hermione and Draco. He was very pleased to see that Hermione sat a little straighter today and actually seemed to be having a conversation with Harry and Ron. And the look on Draco's face. He looked like he hadn't slept, and his brow was furrowed as his expression ranged between anger and worry. Severus wondered how long he would stew about his lack to have an erection before going to see Poppy. He had already rehearsed with her what she would say to him. And if he came to him. Well, that would be so delicious, Severus thought smugly.