The Dark Arts
Severus Snape
Angst Drama
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/20/2003
Updated: 03/09/2004
Words: 87,587
Chapters: 24
Hits: 16,443

Damaged Goods


Story Summary:
Severus Snape finds himself wanting to help a student back from the brink of madness. In doing so he discovers a powerful magic that may destroy him.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Severus and Albus investigates into the matter of the student in question.

Severus sat in Dumbledore's office nursing a brandy, looking at the old wizard, who seemed lost in thought. They had sat there for the last fifteen minutes, both waiting for the other to speak.

"It seems we do have a problem." Dumbledore said, breaking the silence.

Severus just grunted.

"Do you have any clue to who has been afflicting our Miss Granger to these atrocities?'

"Several, of course, I am after all the Slytherin's Head of House," Severus said bitterly.

"Now son, you know I don't hold that against you," Albus said lightly, though his blue eyes did not sparkle.

"Damn it Albus, I have failed all of them," Snape snarled standing and pacing the room. "I cannot stop them from becoming Death Eaters, cannot stop them from ruining their lives."

"It's not your fault Severus," Albus said gently. "May I point out that ten of the last death eaters initiated from the school did not come from Slytherin."

Snape sneered at him. "And that is supposed to make me feel better? That we lost sixteen graduates last summer to Voldemort's army?"

"Back to the matter at hand," Albus sighed, trying to redirect Severus' self-berating. The man always took each student who joined the dark order as a personal insult, that perhaps they were doing it because of him.

"Yes I do have a few suspects. Stevens and Lawrence."

"I see," Albus said, "any others?"

Severus had not wanted to venture guessing out of the seventh year students. He had a hard time seeing the lower grades as anything but children, incapable of such violence, though he knew he was being naive.

"Perhaps someone from her own year?"

"A fifth year Albus? Do you think that possible?" He knew the answer to that though he voiced it anyway.

Albus sighed again though fire flashed in his eyes. "We are sure of two things here Severus. One, Miss Granger has been brutality violated not once but several times and two, that it began during the Christmas break. Other than that we can only assume."

"Any problems at her home?" Severus asked.

"None that I am aware of. She is an only child and from what I gather her home life is peaceful and her parents very doting on her."

Severus resumed his pacing. "Have you talked with her parents?"

"No, but I feel I have little choice in the matter now."

"What are you going to tell them?"

"Nothing. I hope they will be able to tell us something that might enlighten us to Miss Granger's holidays."


"I was planning on you accompanying me this evening Severus. You do have a gift when it comes to extracting information from others," Albus said meanfully

Severus nodded, understanding that he would be using Veritaserum this evening if the need arose.

"Good," Albus said rising from behind his desk. "I will expect you here after dinner."


They arrived on the Granger's doorstep a little after eight that evening. The door opened and an older version of Hermione greeted them. "Well hello, Headmaster," Mrs. Granger said surprised, before her face turned ashen. "Has something happened to Hermione?"

"Oh no dear," Albus said brightly looking around the area, "but there are some matters I feel we, Professor Snape," he motioned to the man standing beside him, "and I need to discuss with you and your husband if we may."

Relief was clear on her face as she ushered them inside.

"John, Hermione's professors are here," she called from the sitting room where they now were.

A tall middle-aged man came into the room wearing the same alarmed face his wife previously had. "Has something happened to Hermione...?"

"No luv, she is all right," Mrs. Granger said, putting a gentle hand on her husband.

They all sat down while the Grangers looked apprehensively at the wizards. "Lovely home," Albus said, "you have painted since the last time I was here."

"Let's dismiss the small talk," Mr. Granger said gravely. "I know you did not come all this way to discuss the décor. Are you sure Hermione is all right?"

"Mr. Granger, I would like to introduce you to Professor Snape, Potions Master."

Mr. Granger glared at the man. Evidently his reputation had preceded him.

"Sir," he nodded curtly. Then he looked at thePotions Master wide eyed. "There hasn't been an accident with a potion or something? Hermione hasn't changed into a cat again?"

Severus blinked. A cat?

Albus chuckled remembering the incident in Hermione's second year. He had forgotten to tell Severus about the Polyjuice fiasco. "Nothing like that I assure you. We will get down to business. We need to ask you a few questions about Hermione and we hope you will trust us enough to answer honestly."

The two looked at each other nervously. "Of course we will, if you will tell us what is going on."

"Certainly," Albus said gently, "but only after you answer us. Alright?"

"Yes," said Mrs. Granger

"Very well then, Severus," Albus directed their attention toward him. Snape pulled out a parchment and pretended to read questions from the blank page.

"How long have you been married?"

"Twenty years."

"Do you think you have a solid relationship?"

"Why yes, what has this got to do with Hermione?"

Ignoring their question he continued, "Does Miss Granger have a boyfriend?"

Puzzled now, Mrs. Granger answered," I don't think so. We took her to Bulgaria this summer to see a young man, but she told me that it just didn't work out. Something about prejudice or something."

"Is she seeing anyone new?"

"No, unless she is seeing one of the boys at Hogwarts. Maybe Ron Weasley? "

"I see," said Albus

"How did Hermione act when she was at home for the Christmas break? Was she happy, sad or anything seem out of the ordinary?"

The Grangers looked at each other. "What the hell are you talking about?" Mr. Granger yelled getting to his feet. "Hermione spent the holidays at that bloody school."

Severus and Albus exchanged dark looks.

"I demand to know what this is about!" yelled Mr. Granger. "I know you are high and mighty wizards, but that doesn't give you a right to keep something from me about my own daughter. She stayed at school with her friends during the holidays." He grew quiet, his face a mixture of confusion and anger. "Didn't she?"

"I think we have our answer," Albus said quietly. "Mr. and Mrs. Granger, thank you so much for answering our questions and your time. And now as I promised, I will explain to you why we are here." He looked at Severus who nodded and pulled his wand out of his sleeve.



Arriving back at Hogwarts they did not speak until they had settled in Dumbledore's office once more.

"Well, that does explain why everything seems to have happened over the break," Albus said solemnly. " Do you think she was captured by the Death Eaters and,,,,,"

"No," Severus spoke sharply.

"Perhaps they didn't let you know," Albus said gently.

"I was there remember," Severus said bitterly thinking Lucius Malfoy's latest dark revel on Christmas Eve. "If he had gotten a hold of another student, I have no doubt I would have been informed."

He still had nightmares about the one at Halloween........

It had been a delight to Lucius Malfoy that he had captured a Hogwarts student for his Halloween party. To snatch the silly little girl right from under Dumbledore's long nose. He knew the Dark Lord would be overjoyed at his success. The guests had started to arrive but his eyes were looking for one special guest.

"Ah Severus," he crooned as Snape entered into the noisy dining room. " So glad you could make it old man."

"You know I would never miss one of your gatherings, Lucius", Severus said coolly, keeping the disgust barely from his voice.

"That's the spirit," he said slapping Snape on the shoulder, "we have a very special surprise in entertainment for after dinner."

"I will wait with bated breath," Severus muttered as he moved to sit down at the long table. He knew all too well the entertainment Lucius Malfoy delighted in. Snape barely touched his food as those around him ate and chatted. He didn't want to risk throwing up in front of his host.

When the dinner was over the guests moved into a large hall, one that rivaled the Great Hall at Hogwarts in size. Severus moved into a corner, hoping to avoid detection. He knew it was in vain as Lucius approached him smiling.

"What is this Severus? Not trying to hide are we?" Lucius said his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I told you that this evening would be most enjoyable. Yes very enjoyable. I wouldn't want you missing anything, old friend."

"Of course," Severus said resignedly, following Lucius to the center of the room.

Lucius spread his hands and the room quieted, as every eye was on him, eager for the night's event to begin. "Welcome my family," he drawled. "A most happy Hallowed Eve to each of you." People returned the salutation. "I know you are anxious for tonight's entertainment, so let the games begin," he finished clapping his hands.

Doors opened around the great hall and Death Eaters entered, dragging hooded people into the room. "First we have here" he motioned and the hood was stripped away from a scared looking young man. "One young Emerson, who foolishly decided not to accept our Master's invitation of joining our ranks." Hisses erupted around the room. "So who among you would like the pleasure of showing him the errors of his ways?" Several people stepped forward. "Hmm, I think you," he said motioning a woman forward. "Now don't glare at me so Avery," he chuckled. "The night is young and we don't want him dead before it has begun."

This continued as other victims were brought forward. Severus was glad he had not eaten much as a family of Muggles was 'auctioned' off. His throat filled with bile at the sight of the two small children, the youngest couldn't have been over six years old. Thankful that Lucius seemed to have forgotten him, he breathed easier as the last victim was brought forward.

"And here we have the highlight of the night," he drawled, his eyes seeking out Snape's. Damn. "A special gift for our dear Severus Snape." The hood was taken off and Severus' heart plummeted. Before him stood a trembling Angela Byron, a sixth year Hufflepuff. The girl's bright hazel eyes widened as she looked at him, before a spark of hope lit them.

He kept his face impassive as he stared at her. How had Lucius gotten his hands on a Hogwarts student? "I told you we had a special treat for entertainment tonight," he heard Lucius purr in his ear, "and you dear Severus will have the opportunity to 'play' with her first, to do whatever your heart desires."

"That would be a foolish thing, don't you think," Severus said, his voice cold, "when she returns to school I don't...."

"When she returns to school?" Lucius laughed. "You are going daft man. This girl will not return anywhere, ever." He lowered his voice and whispered dangerously into Snape's ear, "And unless you want the same fate, you will act grateful for your gift."

Severus had a brief thought of pulling out his wand and killing Lucius, to die fighting. But he knew he wouldn't, knew that Malfoy had him right were he wanted him. He had to play along.

"Thank you, Lucius," Severus purred, looking up and down at the girl, whose face paled hearing Snape's words. "I think I will enjoy my gift very much."

Lucius slapped him on the back laughing. "I know you are a private man, Severus, but alas the doors to this hall are sealed for tonight." He no longer hid the sadistic glee in his voice, "put I am sure you can find a corner for you and your student."

Grabbing the girl roughly, he led her to a corner shadowed by the long pillars. "Professor Snape," Angela began. "Hush girl," he said harshly, pulling her to him and kissing her hard. He knew Lucius' eyes were still upon them.

Looking into her hurt eyes, he tried to tell her he was so sorry with his. Tears were running down her cheeks and she trembled in his arms. Forgive me child, he thought wishing he had the strength to just lay down with the girl and die. But he vowed never to take his life, had promised the only man who had ever shown confidence in him, the only person who was worth living for.


He had not wanted to rape the child, instead he commanded her to pleasure him with her mouth. The lesser of two evils, he thought bitterly, knowing that eyes were watching, always watching, waiting for traitor Snape to make a wrong move, to show compassion, to be less than a Death Eater.

After she had finished, he saw Avery talking to Lucius across the hall, pointing in their direction. Lucius nodded and Avery started towards them. Severus prayed to whatever god that was listening that the great hall would collapse, killing everyone within it. But he knew that would not happen. "Come here," he told the girl. Looking into that sweet face he trembled slightly. If there was a hell he would split it wide open when he died, he thought as he grasped the girls face in both hands and bent to kiss her roughly before snapping her neck. It was a better fate than what she would face in Avery's hands.


Albus looked at Severus, his eyes growing bright. He knew how much this pained the younger man. His role as a double agent, subjecting himself to doing those vile things. It was a wonder the brooding Potions Master still was in his right mind.

Sitting there lost in his thoughts he didn't notice the large tawny owl that had swooped through the room. Nipping at his hand, Albus looked at it. "Oh dear," he said smiling, "it seems we have a Ministry notice."

Severus snorted. "Ministry nosiness you mean," he said reading the note over Dumbledore's shoulder.

This office would like to remind you that the use of magic in the presence of Muggles is strictly forbidden except under extreme circumstances. Please explain why an Obliviate Charm was used at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Granger, parents to one Hermione Granger of Hogwarts.

His eyes widened as he saw the small postscript at the bottom of the notice.

This is the second notice sent pertaining to misuse of the Obliviate Charm in this resident in the last two months.

"Severus, I do believe we have a clue."