Astronomy Tower
James Potter/Lily Evans Original Female Witch/Sirius Black
James Potter Lily Evans Original Female Witch Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Romance Alternate Universe
1970-1981 (Including Marauders at Hogwarts)
Published: 04/20/2008
Updated: 04/01/2009
Words: 21,011
Chapters: 7
Hits: 634

Abby's Side


Story Summary:
This is the story that precedes Ari's. The two do intertwine, but even if you've been reading "Secrets, Secrets" I suggest you make the jump to this one, at least until I hit my stride and they are in the same timeframe. Abby is taken with Sirius, but she has to try to hide it. Sirius, of course, is the guy all the girls want, but there's only one girl he wants.

Chapter 04 - So This Is How It Feels

Chapter Summary:
Abby just wants to stay away from Pettigrew and stay with Sirius. But will she be able to remain close or will James (or something else?) rip them apart?

Sirius finally fell asleep early in the morning hours, and slept fitfully. He woke with the sun, and though he knew Madam Pomfrey would never forgive him, he slipped away to see Abby. The doors to the hospital wing miraculously opened silently, and Sirius spotted what he thought was an image of utter perfection.

Abby was asleep at the opposite end of the room, her face relaxed and peaceful. The sunlight was illuminating her dark hair and trapping Sirius in its enchantment. Sirius sat down in a chair beside her bed, and soon fell asleep with his head on her blankets. When Abby woke a while later, she had to smile. She was feeling a lot better, and reached out to brush a strand of Sirius' hair off his face.

The touch made Sirius stir, and he gazed at her blearily for a moment before smiling. "Hey," he said hoarsely. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm a lot better, baby, I promise," Abby said, running her fingers through his thick hair again. Sirius closed his eyes, relaxing completely under her gentle ministrations. When she tugged gently, Sirius sat back in his chair and rubbed his eyes. Abby frowned. "How much did you sleep last night?"

"Not much," Sirius replied honestly. "You being so sick worries me."

"I'm not so sick anymore. I'm even kissable!" she protested.

"Oh are you?" Sirius asked provocatively. After a furtive glance around for Madam Pomfrey, he leaned over and kissed her until he felt like he would completely lose control.

Just as Sirius sat back, Madam Pomfrey bustled out of her office. "Already back, Sirius?" she asked as she looked over Abby carefully.

"Seems I can't stay out of here," he said lazily. "But this time it's not me. Promise!"

"Abby, I think you can get out of here today if you promise to let Sirius dote on you. And don't overwork yourself! If you feel bad, don't go to class and make yourself worse. Sirius, don't let her push herself. All right?"

Both nodded, noticing that she hadn't excluded their favorite activity. Sirius waited while Abby changed into her school robes, then followed Sirius happily along a hidden corridor.

He suddenly spun and pinned her against the wall with his body, crashing his lips against hers. "Completely insatiable," Abby breathed; Sirius took a nip at her collarbone in return. "Oh--GODS, Siri--" her moans faded into incomprehensible sounds as Sirius found her most sensitive spots.

Abby leaned on Sirius and gazed at him soppily the entire walk to the Great Hall. When they settled onto the bench, she managed to sit partially in his lap. He bit back a groan as James and Remus walked in. James looked away, and Remus raised his eyebrows. Sirius took a deep breath, let it out, and gently rearranged Abby so she was only leaning on him. He kissed the top of her head and reminded himself that her brother was right in front of them.

They had a free period right after breakfast, and Abby laced her fingers through his as they slowly wound through the school. Sirius stopped and lifted her up onto a windowsill. He just stood there for a minute, his forehead resting on hers and his arms around her. Abby ran her fingers through his hair, closing her eyes as she did so. She thought she knew what he was fighting off, and wanted to help him the best way she knew how.

Nothing could hold back the misery knotted up inside the tall, handsome 16-year-old. A few stray tears escaped his control, and Abby pushed his head back and tilted his chin up. When she kissed one of the tears on his cheek, he screwed up his eyes as more tears escaped him.

Abby's eyes filled with tears, as well. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he collapsed against her again, finally crying the tears he'd been hiding for years. She cast a privacy charm, a repelling charm, and a silencing charm on the area, then just let him cry.

Finally, he pushed away from her and looked up. Those gray eyes looked less haunted, somehow. Abby put her hands on his cheeks, lost in the eyes that had locked onto hers. They kissed softly, the sweetest kiss they'd shared in a while, and broke away quickly.

Abby looked at him, full of a new passion and respect for the boy she'd fallen so hard for. Sirius looked right back, full of the same intense emotions. "Abby," he said very, very quietly, "I love you."

It took all of Abby's control not to run down the corridors yelling in ecstasy. "Good," she murmured, running her fingers through his hair, "because I love you, too."

Sirius gave her another sweet, innocent kiss, then helped her down from the ledge and took her hand. Their relationship had hit a new point, and it suddenly felt almost new. The remaining 30 minutes of their free period was spent in the common room, each making the other's face glow with laughter.

Two of the girls that had been chasing Sirius sat in a corner glaring coldly at the two. Something new was up with them--they seemed even happier, somehow, than they had been before, and James didn't even seem to care. In fact, he actually seemed to be spurring them on. With a huff, the younger of the two girls realized she'd just have to accept that Sirius had Abby--for how long remained to be seen, but it was still for at least a little while yet.

The free period finally came to a halt, and Abby, Sirius, James, and Remus made their way to Transfiguration. Abby and Sirius slid into a seat together behind James and Remus, leaving Pettigrew to sit alone as far from them as was physically possible. Sirius felt Abby relax beside him.

"Thanks," she breathed, smiling up at him.

"You're welcome," he replied, kissing the tip of her nose quickly before McGonagall came striding in. Another day of very difficult work had been laid out for them, and Sirius again struggled with the new spell. Abby's face was flushed, and Sirius suddenly grabbed her left wrist. "Enough," he said in a low growl. "It's hurting you."

Abby wanted to disagree, but even his light grip on her wrist was unbreakable. She nodded and let her wand fall to the desk, laying her head on her arms to watch Sirius. He was chewing on his lip again, and Abby had to bite back a giggle. When the bell finally rang, Abby kissed him quickly, running her tongue along the injured bottom lip.

Sirius smiled at her and took her bag before draping an arm around her shoulder. They were just outside the Great Hall when it happened.

Pettigrew slammed into Abby from behind, knocking her from Sirius' lazy grip. In the sea of students, Sirius couldn't see either, and he began to search frantically for Abby against the flow. He finally found her against the wall.

She was pale, but her cheeks bore the flush of fever. Her weight was against the wall and she was drenched in a cold sweat. Even as Sirius watched, every ounce of will seemed to fade from her.

"ABBY!" Sirius called. James and Remus were right on his heels, but stood back as he reached her and pulled her into his arms. As he sat against the wall rocking and murmuring soft phrases to her, Abby collapsed into desperate sobs. Her tiny body wracked with each breath she took, and it was obvious she was in deep pain. "Abby, we need to-"

"NO!" she cried hoarsely, clinging to him. "Don't leave me! Don't leave me!" Her sobs worsened as she clawed at his back, clearly wanting to make sure he was really there and he was really who he claimed to be. Sirius winced but took her beating, not willing to hurt her to break away.

She finally calmed, but her grip was as strong as ever around Sirius' chest. He looked up at James, who had been threatening any and every person to walk by and give Sirius and/or Abby a dirty look. "Abby, let James hold you a second, I need to get up." When Abby protested, he added gently, "My legs are asleep, I can't very well carry you in a minute if I can't walk, can I?"

"Carry me? Where?" Abby asked uncertainly, not yet letting go.

"To the common room. Is that acceptable?" She nodded and let James drape an arm around her shoulder in a show of brotherly protection. Sirius limped around for a couple of moments, but soon let Abby clamber back into his arms. Abby hid her face in his shoulder, feeling absolutely miserable. When they got into the common room, Sirius stretched out on a couch and Abby cuddled up to him. James and Remus let them be, choosing instead to tackle an essay from Flitwick with their backs to the couple.

Sirius ran his hands through her hair, then along her body; he also gently kissed every inch of exposed skin he could get to without flipping her under him. Her breathing began to even out, and although she was not sleepy, her racing heart calmed with each kiss. Sirius alone knew how to heal her, and it was Sirius alone that could help her.

After a few minutes, Sirius leaned back to look at her. She was still pale and flushed, but at least she wasn't breathing so harshly or so shallowly anymore. "What happened, baby?" he asked softly, wrapping the ends of her hair around his fingers.

Abby hesitated, but decided to tell him. "He--he tried to--he wanted to--"

Sirius' eyes flashed dangerously, but for Abby's sake, he stayed put. He held her close as her body wracked with sobs again, but broke away suddenly. Sirius lifted her chin and brought his lips crashing against hers, leaving her breathless and speechless. "You're my Abby," he growled in her ear. "Mine."

"Mmmm. I think I like that," she replied, suddenly feeling sleepy.

"Go on and sleep, baby, I'll be here," Sirius said quietly. He shifted so that she could get more comfortable, and smiled softly as she drifted off to sleep.

The smile was not lost on James, who jerked his head in the direction of his sister and his best mate. When Remus looked over, Sirius had closed his eyes, as well, and seemed to be falling asleep himself. "I somehow don't think they'll be separable for awhile," Remus said quietly, looking back over his essay.

"I think I agree," James replied, managing to fight back a laugh as he realized Sirius was really asleep. "They're perfect."

Remus looked up at him and frowned, slightly surprised, but shook the feeling off. It was only because of who Sirius is that he got Abby, but somehow Remus couldn't help feeling that James was being lenient even for the situation.