The Dark Arts
Angst Suspense
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 08/12/2004
Updated: 07/12/2006
Words: 21,770
Chapters: 12
Hits: 10,868

Runaway Home


Story Summary:
AU- It's been six years since the Potters were killed, and Sirius Black is finally receiving his trial. When it doesn't go quite as well as he might have hoped, he's forced to run for his life before his sentence can be carried out. He knows of only one place to go, one person who might believe him, but on the way, he gets sidetracked in Surrey....

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Remus is forced to deal with a frightened seven-year-old and his wounded ex-friend (who might or might not be a mass-murderer). Who else would he consult but Dumbledore? And what will Dumbledore do about aforementioned seven-year-old and wounded murderer?

Chapter Six-

Doubt's Shadow

Harry was absolutely burning with questions. Like how had they traveled through a fire, of all things, and where were they, and why did the portraits seem to be whispering to one another, and what were all the little things in the cases around the room, and what kind of bird was that, and why did all these magic men wear dresses?

"Remus, how nice to see you." A smiling old man wearing a light blue dress stood and smiled warmly at Remus. Harry had never seen anyone like this man; his beard hung to his waist, and his eyeglasses were like little half circles. Safety and warmth seemed to radiate from him.

"Albus..." Remus looked lost for words. He gestured to Harry before hurrying on. "Sirius Black showed up at my house about half an hour ago, with Harry, here. He's unconscious and restrained in my house, but... he told Harry a... a story, and if it's true, then he's innocent." The words came out in a rush. Remus had never felt a stronger need for guidance.

The old man looked down at Harry as if just noticing him. He smiled again. "Hello, Harry. Would you like a lemon drop?"

Harry's eyes widened slightly; no one had ever offered him candy before. But Aunt Petunia said he wasn't allowed to have it... He shook his head quickly and moved a little closer to Remus.

The man nodded and gestured to the chairs in front of his desk as he sat back down himself. "Would you mind repeating this story for me, Remus?"

"I haven't actually talked to Black yet, he's been unconscious since he arrived. But from what Harry told me, it wasn't Black who betrayed Lily and James. They switched Secret Keepers, Albus, because Sirius was the obvious choice. They meant him to be the decoy! It was Peter, Peter Pettigrew who did it, and who blew up the street. He framed Sirius." Remus' knuckles were white as he gripped the arms of his chair.

"He said..." Harry's cheeks reddened, as if surprised to hear himself speak. At a nod from Dumbledore, he continued on in a bit stronger voice. "Sirius said that everyone thought it was him who killed all those people, and... and let Volymort know where my mum and dad were. He said that it wasn't him though, that it was his friend, and that his friend made it look like Sirius did it."

"And who else would the Potters choose as their Secret Keeper besides Peter? He was their only other really close friend, and he was the least likely person for the job, no one would have suspected him!" Remus looked as if he was trying to convince himself as much as Dumbledore.

Dumbledore nodded calmly, stroking his beard. "Harry, why did you come to Remus' house with Sirius?"

Harry's cheeks flushed again. "Because Sirius said that we had to go see his friend, and tell him his story. And he said he might be able to help us..."

Dumbledore smiled softly. "Let me rephrase that... How did you meet Sirius?"

With a barely audible sigh, Harry told the old man how Sirius had saved him from Dudley and revealed his true form at the park.

"He's an Animagus?" Dumbledore frowned at Remus, who suddenly became very interested in his shoes.

"Yes... they all were, James, Peter and Sirius. They did it so I wouldn't be alone,-"

Dumbledore held up a hand for silence. "We'll discuss that later," he said softly. "Continue please, Harry."

"And then...Then Uncle Vernon came, and he was mad... he k-kicked Sirius," Harry's voice wavered a little with rage and fear. "And he took me back home. But then the next morning, Sirius was there by the rubbish bins. And Uncle Vernon came out, and Sirius jumped on him. Sirius said he'd be alright though," he added quickly at the dark looks on the two older wizards' faces.

"And after that, he took you to Remus' house?" Dumbledore asked quietly.

Harry nodded.

"When did he attack your uncle, Harry?"

"Yesterday. But he said he was sorry! He said he didn't want to see me hurt!" Harry looked very nervous, yet somehow defensive at the same time.

Dumbledore and Remus exchanged a confused look.

"Harry, what do you mean, he didn't want to see you hurt?" Remus asked slowly.

"U-uncle Vernon was mad, and h-he grabbed my collar and said something about m-my parents..." Harry shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "And that's when Sirius jumped on h-him..."

Dumbledore steepled his hands on the desk. "And in the time you were together, how did Sirius treat you, Harry?"

"Sirius was nice to me! He said he loved me, and he wouldn't let me go back to the Dursleys, and he carried me when I got real tired! And now he's hurt, and you don't believe his story..." Harry felt tears prick his eyes.

"Harry, do calm down. I never said I didn't believe what you told us." Dumbledore smiled gently at Harry. "We simply need to speak with Sirius now. Remus, why don't you go home and wait for him to wake up? I believe you're the best person to question him."

Remus stood and turned back to the fireplace, and Dumbledore turned his attention back to the apprehensive little boy in front of him.

"Come with me, Harry, we'll get you some clean clothes. Have you eaten?"

Author notes: I'm amazed at the reaction I've gotten with this fic so far; I never expected people to like it that much. Thank you all so much for the reviews!

But to those of you asking me to owl you when I update, sorry! I haven't got enough time to run through the list and tell all of you... :( I update fairly quickly though, so you'll see it under the new chapters section. Sorry, guys!