The Dark Arts
Angst Suspense
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 08/12/2004
Updated: 07/12/2006
Words: 21,770
Chapters: 12
Hits: 10,868

Runaway Home


Story Summary:
AU- It's been six years since the Potters were killed, and Sirius Black is finally receiving his trial. When it doesn't go quite as well as he might have hoped, he's forced to run for his life before his sentence can be carried out. He knows of only one place to go, one person who might believe him, but on the way, he gets sidetracked in Surrey....

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
After a narrow escape, a trek through the woods, and an angry farmer with a shotgun, Harry and Sirius have made it. But how will Remus respond to his unexpected visitors...?

Chapter Four-

Unannounced Arrival


Sirius blinked groggily. He didn't remember falling asleep.

"Sirius, it's getting dark..." Harry's voice was slightly panicked.

"It's ok, Harry. I know these woods best by dark, and there's nothing scary here." Except maybe a werewolf. But Sirius had been watching the moon, and it wasn't even a quarter full yet.

"Oh... alright." Harry stood and looked around, still seeming a bit frightened by the darkening woods.

"We'll be fine, don't worry." Sirius stood, grateful for the dark that hid his wince of pain. He took his godson by the shoulder and led him deeper into the woods. There would be no other humans around until they reached the next farm, so he was safe to stay human. "We'll be through this forest in just a little bit, then we'll take another rest 'til morning. Then it's only a short walk to my friend's house."

Sirius continued to talk cheerfully as they walked, never taking his hand from Harry's shoulder. That hand was all that kept the boy from falling a time or two. Eventually Harry had to give in to exhaustion and malnourishment, and Sirius picked him up and carried him.

The forest was larger than he remembered; by the time he made it to the sight of the last farm before Remus' house, dawn was creeping over the horizon. He laid his sleeping godson gently down, then transformed and positioned himself so that his neck was a pillow for Harry before falling asleep himself.

~three hours later~

The bleating of sheep woke Sirius this time. He felt Harry yawn into his fur, then sit up. "G'morning," he said sleepily.

Sirius rolled onto his belly (with only a little difficulty) and stood. He yawned and wagged his tail brightly at Harry.

Harry patted him on the head absently and peered through the trees at the farm. "Are we gonna cross through that field?"

All that lay between them and the forest that surrounded Remus Lupin's house was a large pasture full of sheep.

Sirius nodded and yawned again, suppressing a little spasm at the pain from his ribs at such a deep breath. He shook his head to clear it before starting towards the field.

Harry followed obediently, and they both climbed under the shabby barbwire fence. It was early, but not too early for a shepherd to be out tending his sheep, so Sirius was wary as they weaved their way through the bleating creatures.

"Oi! You there! Get outta my pasture!"

Both dog and boy turned to see an angry looking farmer coming towards them from their right. He was carrying what Sirius knew to be a gun. Nasty things, they were... he'd learned about them from his Uncle Alphard.

He butted Harry's legs, and they both broke into a run.

"After 'em, Tess!"

It didn't take much for Sirius to figure out who Tess was. An enraged border collie jumped on him from behind, knocking him down. But the collie wasn't even half his size, and wasn't much of a challenge.

Sirius snarled and rolled over so he had the collie pinned. She struggled and bit at him, sending him a clear message- "This flock is mine! Get away!"

But Sirius didn't have a chance to tell her that he and the boy had no intention of harming her flock, because he'd only just pinned her down when they both heard a small explosion.

Pain erupted in Sirius' shoulder. Bitter, sharp, burning pain. He was knocked over by it, and to shocked to move for a moment. But he snapped out of his stupor at another shrill bark from the collie, and once again butted Harry into a run. Not a run this time; a sprint.

Fire ran through his side with every stride, and he couldn't even use his right foreleg to run. Had his injuries been on opposite sides, at least the pain might have been balanced, but as it was he ran in a painfully awkward lurch.

They made it under the barbwire fence on the far side of the field and kept running until they were well into the forest.

Sirius hung his head, not daring to lie down lest he not be able to get back up. Silver and black flecks pierced his vision, and he could feel warm blood running down his leg.

"Sirius? Sirius!" Harry knelt down in front of his godfather, his eyes the size of saucers. "He shot you!" he whispered in a sort of awed hatred.

Sirius lifted his head to lick the boy's face and gave his tail a feeble wag. He took a step forward, limping so hard he was in danger of falling. His leg simply wouldn't bear his weight. But they weren't far, now. Remus lived only a little ways through these trees.

"You should lie down," Harry said worriedly. "Or... maybe I can go get your friend for help..."

Sirius growled softly, but there was no threat in it. He took Harry's hand in his mouth and led him, step by agonizing step, through the forest.

It took nearly two hours, and Sirius had to stop to rest eight times. Black clouded the edges of his vision, and Harry's worried voice sounded fuzzy through the sort of stupor he was in.

But there it was. Remus Lupin's cabin.

It hadn't changed in the six years since Sirius had been there. Bright and cheery, with smoke rising merrily from the chimney, it looked like something from a fairy tale. Sirius could even smell Remus' familiar scent all around the place, confirming his suspicions that his friend hadn't moved.

His tail wagged, stronger this time, and Sirius limped slowly towards the cottage. Remus would be at his afternoon tea, no doubt, and annoyed at the disturbance. But Sirius felt too giddy to care; he had no idea what he'd say or do, but he was giddy.

Harry looked relieved as the house came into view. Sirius needed help now, and maybe this friend could help. He walked slowly next to the enormous dog, talking encouragingly and never hurrying his pace.

They were at the door, now. Still in his cheerful state of complete and utter shock, Sirius barked loudly. Who needed a knocker when you could announce your presence like that? He barked again just to hear himself do it, wagging his tail like a puppy.


Remus Lupin had just sat down to his afternoon tea, after angrily burning yet another Daily Prophet with Black on the front page. His hand shook with rage at the idea of the murderous traitor on the loose.

He had only just put the teacup to his lips when he heard it.

A bark.

But no ordinary bark; a very, very, familiar bark.

And then another.

The teacup crashed to the ground as Remus drew his wand and moved to the window.

"Oh fuck."