Astronomy Tower
Severus Snape
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/11/2004
Updated: 05/12/2004
Words: 50,086
Chapters: 20
Hits: 10,074

Snape's Heart

Alisha Lovejoy

Story Summary:
Could Snape fall in love? If so, will his past destroy her? Sweet but sad story of love and the consequences.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Holiday Cheer - Dumbledore has an announcement. Julia takes a walk in the snow.
Author's Note:
I would like to thank HarmonicaRanger once again. Beta Queen.

Chapter Five

(Holiday Cheer)

A few nights later, at supper, Professor Dumbledore had some exciting news for the students. Considering the stress of the past few years, he felt that they could all use some fun.

"I would like your attention before we begin to eat all this wonderful food," Dumbledore began, "I have given much thought about the frame of mind that this school is in, and it worries me deeply. I believe that some, if not all of us, could use a little enjoyment. So I would like to propose that we have another Yule Ball, but there is a catch," he said with that trademark twinkle in his eye. "This year, in honor of our American professor, we are going to 'Americanize' the Ball. This year we will have a Sadie Hawkins Yule Ball. And for those of you who do not know what that means, I will allow Professor Lee to explain."

He then took his seat and nodded to Julia, she slowly stood up and explained, "Well back in the 30's there was a Muggle comic strip called Lil' Abner, and there was a character named Sadie Hawkins. Well, Sadie got tired of waiting for the fellows to come a courtin', so she took the initiative and starting asking them out." She paused while the room began to hum, after about a minute she took control again. "Well, some people thought that this was a keen idea, so they started Sadie Hawkins Day to celebrate the aggressive women in this world, the women who like to take the initiative. So, this means that the girls of Hogwarts have to ask the boys, and not the other way around."

At first there was complete silence while Professor Lee's words sunk in, and then slowly the rumbling. Partly mixed with whispers of 'Who are you going to ask?' and 'I hope she asks me!' were the complaints of the male population. Dumbledore smiled mischievously at the mayhem she had just caused. Julia looked over at him smiling and shook her head. Dumbledore returned that smile with a winked and a nodded to Professor Snape. She raised her eyebrows with a mock look of 'Who me? Ask him?' and they both smiled.

Professor McGonagall watched the silent conversation and leaned over to Dumbledore and whispered something in his ear that made him blush. He smiled at her and stood up again, "Attention! Professor McGonagall has made the first step and has asked me to escort her to the Ball and I have agreed. I hope that the young ladies here tonight will be inspired by her courage and do the same."

All the tables applauded and everyone began to eat their dinner. Julia, (who consequently sits between Hagrid and Snape) was talking to Hagrid about the dance.

"I jus' wish Olympe was 'ere. She'd ask me in a 'eart beat," he stated.

"I know, I wish I had been here to meet her, she sounds very nice Hagrid. I am happy that you have someone in your life. Will you be seeing her during Christmas break?" she asked.

"Don' know, I migh' stay 'ere wit 'arry, unless 'e goes to the Burrow," he replied.

"I understand. Well, don't say anything, but I have something for Harry, Hermione, Ron and their assorted friends for Christmas. Something special I picked up in New York a few weeks back when I went to visit my Dad. I got them small silver badges with the letters D. A. on them. I hope they like it," she explained with excitement.

"Sounds nice. Oh, how is yer da?" Hagrid asked with concern.

"Getting better. He has been so lonely since Mom passed last year. I think he just needed some company. I wish he would come here and stay with me but he refuses to leave the last home that he and Mom had together," Julia smiled sadly. "It must be hard to love someone so much and for so long just to lose them. I would hate to feel that empty."

"Don' ya worry love, you got a long life ahead of ya to be worryin' 'bout things like that," he said, trying to cheer her up.

She smiled at him, with a bit more warmth this time. She became very quiet as if lost in thought. She tried to think of something other than her mother and father and the relationship that they had, but it was beginning to depress her because she missed her mother so much. As she was thinking she looked up at the enchanted ceiling, it was snowing. She loved the snow; she loved everything about it. So she decided to take a walk.

Next to her Snape had been quietly listening to her talk to Hagrid. He had not known much of her life, never actually cared before, but was touched by the honesty in which she spoke to everyone, never mincing her words. She told it like it was and Snape respected that.

She stood up and said goodnight to Hagrid and then turned to Snape. "Goodnight, Professor. I have some free time tomorrow if you want to work on potions some more." She then turned and walked away before he could reply, apparently lost in her own thoughts.

Before she left the Great Hall she walked over to Dumbledore to kiss him on the cheek, which was her nightly ritual before retiring.

"Are you well, dear?" he asked, noticing the sadness in her eyes.

"Yes, sir, I'm fine, just thinking of Mom. I think I'm gonna go for a walk before bed, but I promise I won't go far."

He looked at what she was wearing, a brown sweater with a long tan skirt and replied, "Please be careful, Julia. It is cold out there and I would hate for you to get sick, we cannot afford to lose our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher so soon," he joked. "I'll send Fawkes to your chambers and if you do not send him back in a few hours I'll send Hagrid out to look for you."

"Thank you, I'll send him as soon as I walk in the door. Good night Great Grand Uncle, and good night Minerva," she said with a strained smile.

As Julia walked away McGonagall leaned in toward Dumbledore and whispered, "Are you really going to let her go alone Albus?"

"Just watch Minerva," he said, nodding in Snape's direction.

Snape had watched her walk to Dumbledore to say her goodnights and then with his eyes he followed her out of the Great Hall. As the doors shut he stood up straight and nodded his own version goodnight to the Headmaster and then proceeded to leave the Hall.

Turning back to McGonagall and giving her a knowing smile, Dumbledore added, "She won't be alone."

"I hope you know what you are doing, Albus. I know he is lonely and she would be great for him, but I am afraid she might get hurt," she stated. "He has yet to deal with his past and as long as he is playing double agent for us he never will. I don't know if she is prepared or strong enough to deal with that."

Author notes: Next Chapter: Melting Ice

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