Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Ron Weasley
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Published: 05/18/2003
Updated: 05/27/2003
Words: 4,361
Chapters: 3
Hits: 10,911

The Private Diary of Hermione Granger

A. J. Smith

Story Summary:
This story contains Hermione's secret thoughts and emotions. Read all about her friends, crushes, and embarrassing moments here.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
This story contains Hermione's secret thoughts and emotions. Read all about her friends, crushes and embarrassing moments here.
Author's Note:
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August 6

After the visit to the museum, nothing particularly eventful occurred at the Burrow. Nothing has gone on here at home since then either. I didn't keep in touch with Mum like I promised while I was at the Weasleys. She didn't seem to notice. And I didn't say anything about it, of course. I have mostly just been studying to prepare myself for fifth year since I got back.

I received a letter from Viktor earlier this morning. It's been the first I've heard from him in a while. He doesn't really have a way with words. His sentences are short and abrupt. Not the least bit romantic. And of course, there was more about quidditch. Is that all boys care about? But, Viktor isn't really a boy, is he? He's an adult. He's out of school. So what is he doing with a silly little girl like me?

In this letter he told me he wanted to meet with me in person. My stomach twisted up in a knot as soon as I read it. How could I meet with him? I haven't told my parents anything about Viktor. I don't know what they would do if they found out I was already dating. But I need to speak with him. After all, I may not get the chance after I go to Hogwarts.

At breakfast I decided to ask Mum. Dad had already gone to work and she was downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast. The house was quiet, as it always is. Such a contrast from the Weasleys, almost the exact opposite. Sunlight wafted in from the crystal clear bay window into the dining room, illuminating the pressed tablecloth, which was neatly centered on the table. The beautiful china and polished silver had been perfectly set out. The only sound that could be heard was the ticking of the clock and my mother shuffling around in the kitchen. She walked into the dining room just in time to see me coming in from the hall, still dressed in my pajamas.

"Hermione. Good morning. Would you like some breakfast?"

"Yes, Mum," I said.

She went back into the kitchen, and came out soon after with a tray of food. I decided not to wait any longer. "Mum?"


"What do you think about dating?"

There was a pause. The clock ticked twice. "What made you think of that, Hermione?"

"Well, some girls at school I have been writing to have been talking about dating. I just wondered what you thought about it."

"You are much too young to start dating, Hermione." She sat down and started serving her plate. "Don't let those other girls try to talk you into growing up too fast. You will have plenty of time in your life for boys. Right now the thing you must concentrate on your education. Those boys will come and go, but knowledge is what is most important. That is one thing that no one can ever take away from you. I certainly didn't think of boys when I was your age."

Then how did you have me when you were only sixteen years old? That is what I thought about saying, but I didn't. Does Mum not know that I can do the math?

August 15

I haven't been able to write for a while because we've been on a holiday in Australia. I have had such a wonderful time. We've been touring the country from a muggle standpoint, of course. We spent the first two days in Sydney, where we visited the opera house and some other sites and went to the beach. The third day we took a short trip to visit the Blue Mountains, which were spectacular.

I've been able to spend a lot of time with Mum and Dad. I don't get to very often since they spend a lot of time at work. Everyone is happy. We laughed a lot. I feel so good. It is a feeling hard to describe in words. Maybe it is like when you are very little and you think the world is a perfect place. That is how I feel right now.

Next we plan to visit a rainforest in Cairns, and then travel to the Great Barrier Reef, which should be lovely. I brought my journal along planning to describe the trip in great detail, but we have been so busy I have not been able to. I'll write more when we get back. Mum's calling me right now.

August 22

I'm back. It feels good to be home again, but Australia was so wonderful I would gladly go back in time and do it all over again.

Three letters arrived this morning. One was from Ginny, and I put that one to the side. The second was a package from Viktor. Curious to see what was inside, I opened it right away. There was a letter and a magazine, Quidditch Weekly.

I read the letter first. Viktor told me to turn to page thirty-four of the magazine. There was an extensive article about Viktor and his quidditch career, and then a smaller article about his personal life. This had been circled. I was mentioned. It directly implied things that shouldn't have been implied about my age. I immediately thought of Rita Skeeter after I read it, but she was long gone. This was some other low life reporter scraping around for a story. Viktor says he really needs to meet with me soon. I put the letter away. I would think about it later.

The third letter was from Hogwarts. My heart skipped a beat when I read it. It told me that I had been chosen to be a prefect this year. I went downstairs as quickly as I could to tell my parents. Mum and Dad were both in the living room.

"Mum! Dad! Look. I got a letter from Hogwarts. I've been made a prefect!" I held the letter out for Dad to look at.

"That's just wonderful," he said, without looking up from the Sunday paper.

At least Mum showed the least bit of interest and stopped what she was doing. "Let me see that, honey."

I walked over to her and handed her the letter. She quickly skimmed over it and then handed it back. "You're doing so well in school. I'm so proud of you." She pulled me toward her and kissed me on my forehead. "My little Hermione." She smiled. I could tell it was contrived. She went back to what she was doing. And then I knew the holiday was over. I am now truly back at home.

August 24

I wrote to Viktor saying that I would meet him at Diagon Alley when I went to get my school supplies. I don't know exactly what he wants to talk to me about, but it must be important.

Only six more days till I go back to Hogwarts. I'm very excited. Even though it's been only a few weeks since I saw my friends, I miss them already.

I reread their letters today when I was bored. I save them in a little cedar box in one of my desk drawers. I keep all of my letters there, as well as the ones from Viktor. That is where I also keep this diary. I sat in my room for hours looking over the letters from my friends over the past few years.

I'm sitting here writing in my room right now. I really do love my room. It's somewhere I can go to get away; a place that is all my own. It is a lovely room, like the type you would see in a catalogue for a little girl. It's decorated in white and pink. There is a white lace canopy bed that has an innumerable amount of stuffed animals resting against the headboard, some of which are old and worn from years of use that I have never quite had the heart to get rid of. I love my room. But sometimes I feel as if my room is a cage, a cage decorated in pink and white lace. And I am an animal. An insignificant animal that comes when it is told and obeys its master's commands.

August 26

Mum took me to Diagon Alley today. Viktor and I had arranged to meet at a room in the Leaky Cauldron so we could talk in private. My parents both being muggles, we had to go the long way. I couldn't let Mum know I was meeting Viktor, so after we had walked through the passageway in the courtyard of the Leaky Cauldron, I told Mum we could find supplies faster if we split up: I would find the things on this half of the list and she would find the supplies on the other half. She reluctantly agreed; I could tell she was nervous going out alone in such a strange place with such strange people, but she wasn't about to let me know that, of course.

I found all the things on my half of the list easily, but it would still be a while before Mum came back. After stuffing my purchases into a book bag, I went back to the Leaky Cauldron to meet Viktor.

I found room 37. He wasn't there. I was starting to get nervous that Mum would finish shopping and find out I was missing when he arrived.

"You're late," I said.

"I know. I'm sorry. I got held up."

"Well, what did you want to talk to me about? I don't have all day." I was still annoyed that he had been late after I had written to him specifically telling him he needed to be on time.

He hesitated, trying to find the right words. "It's about the article, Her-mo-ninny." He still hasn't learned how to say my name after all this time.

"What about the article?" I already knew what he was going to say.

"Vell..." Oh, my God, his accent is so thick. "I vus just thinking that ve should call it off for a vile." I still can't get over that accent.

I played dumb and pretended I was surprised. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. "Why?"

"Vell, it's just... Oh, how can I explain this to you? It's your age. You're too young."

"I... I just don't know what to say..."

"It's not you. It's those stupid reporters. They seem to haff a real knack for ruining people's lives. I guess I should haff known. Ve should haff called this off a few months ago. You know, to save you the humiliation."

"No. It's not our fault. I guess we just need to put this behind us."

"Yes. That is the best thing to do. But later on... you know, when we're both older, maybe ve could see each other again?"

"Maybe." I smiled. Just to show there were no hard feelings. He smiled back. He really does like me. And I still kind of like him, you know.

"Vell, I know you haff to get going. Maybe I'll see you again soon."

"Maybe. Bye for now." That wasn't too bad. At least it didn't take very long. Overall, I think it was a smooth first break-up. The strange thing is, I didn't feel bad at all after I left the Leaky Cauldron.