Astronomy Tower
Other Canon Witch/Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Romance Alternate Universe
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 03/25/2009
Updated: 05/07/2009
Words: 23,708
Chapters: 10
Hits: 1,650

Surviving Love


Story Summary:
Harry Potter has defeated the Dark Lord and is ready for his final year at Hogwarts. He soon finds love and laughter in the eyes of a beautiful girl. But can happiness last forever or is there something sinister in the air?

Chapter 08 - Letters To Pass The Time

Author's Note:
Well here we are. Chapter Eight and probably Nine are going to be a series of letters between Violet and the gang. We’re going to be going through the rest of the school year up until graduation and then the letters will stop. They start in November and end in June when graduation happens. There will be some scenes in it where Violet will be visiting but other than that it’s mostly letters! And the letters to Violet from Grace, Marie, and Lisa were written by the people these characters were based off of. So here we go! Hope you enjoy!

Chapter Eight

Letters to Pass The Time

November 3

Dear Violet,

Hello Love, how are things going for you? Everything here is going pretty well. Classes are getting boring because we're all ready for Christmas. I'll be at the Burrow again this year. Maybe you can visit. Let's see if there's any castle gossip you need to know. Well, Draco finally asked 'Mione out, and Neville actually kissed Luna! In the middle of the Great Hall! It was rather amusing actually. We celebrated later (aka we told him he was a man and left it at that). Um, well, I think that's it. Write back soon, angel.



P.S. Wow...and just wow. That was way more than I ever needed to see. So I was on my way to the Owlery to send this to you, when I passed by a broom closet. Normally, I would have kept going but I heard some strange sounds, a gasp and then a breathy moan. I should have known better but I thought someone might be in trouble. The hero in me you know. I walked over and opened the door. I heard a shriek as two scantily clad bodies tumbled out. I froze at the tableau before me and I'm sure I was blushing as I realized exactly what the couple had been doing or in the process of doing. I looked down and started when I recognized a face. It was...you'll never guess...Grace. I stared at her wide-eyed. She blushed a deep red and stammered, "H-hi H-harry. I was just...um...well..." At that point I saw the man. It was a professor and before you ask no it wasn't Snape (give the girl some credit) but Oliver Wood. You know the new flying instructor. Yeah well he and Grace were together, alone, semi-naked, in a broom closet. Wow. She's having an affair with a teacher! I mean sure he's only four years older than her and she's of age but still! Anyway, I just cleared my throat, said have a nice night, and walked away. I went to the dorms and wrote this to you. I'm sending it in the morning because I really need sleep with hopes that I'll dream of you instead of Grace and Oliver. Remind me to never open a door if I'm not sure what's behind it again. Geez. Anyway, good night and sweet dreams.



November 5

Dear Harry,

Poor baby! I'm sure seeing Grace like that was very embarrassing. I think you handled it very well. Next time you hear moaning coming out of a room, stay away! I could have told you that opening the door was a bad idea. And don't blame your heroic needs for your curiosity. I know you. What if it had been someone you didn't want to see? Like Snape and...well anyone. Just think Harry...Snape in the midst of ecstasy. I'm horrified just thinking it. What if you had seen it? Try to remember that the next time you go by a door. Life so far has been interesting. I have to go out and work on repairing buildings and such that were destroyed in the war. It feels good helping people rebuild their lives. I miss you too and can't wait for the holidays. Hopefully I'll get some time off and can come see you! Be strong, don't open doors if you don't know what's behind it, and work hard.



November 7

Dear Violet,

Good Lord, Woman! Are you trying to mentally scar me for life?! Snape in the midst of ecstasy?! I never ever needed to think about that. I am now terrified of every door I walk past because I think of Snape tumbling out. How cruel are you to put that image in my head?! I can hardly look at him in class now. Geez. Glad things are going well for you at least. So you're rebuilding...that's good. A lot of things were destroyed last summer when Voldemort and I fought. I wish I was helping you but I have to get an education. Lame I know. Hope to hear from you soon.



November 9

Dear Violet,

You've only just left and already I miss you wildly. Let me tell you, Harry looks more like a ghost than Nearly Headless Nick these days. No worries, he isn't sick or anything, just incomplete without you I'm sure. Although I'm sure Harry tries to update you, let me give you the real gossip. Draco and Hermione got into this pointless argument the other day after the Quidditch match, and then I caught them making out right after! Talk about sexual tension. Blaise and Ron have been doing some serious male bonding lately, since your dear sweetheart is a little out of it. Oh and uh... but I'm not sure if Harry told you already...but he kind of walked in on me and a man getting a little, well, "into" it.

For the past few weeks I've been spending some extra time around the Quidditch field, getting to know the flying professor, Oliver Wood. Before you scoff, he is only four years older than me, okay. I just can't help myself; you know that my soul can only be matched to a more mature man. So, anyways, I'll give the details to you. It has been difficult to see each other in private, so one night after dinner, there was a big Charms exam the next day that everyone needed to cram for, but obviously I wasn't worried about it. So I just sort of slipped away unnoticed and wandered about the school in search of Oliver. I ran into him fairly quickly in a more deserted part of the school. We walked and talked, holding hands, for some time. Just as he took me into his arms, we heard the unmistakable angry footsteps of Snape, so Oliver quickly pulled me into the nearest broom closet. We waited a moment, barely breathing, as Snape muttered something about "bloody woman...why bother..." (What is that about?), and moved on. After the peril was gone, it became highly apparent that Oliver and I were alone, in the dark, and very close to one another. He reached one strong arm around my waist and the other hand stroked my cheek. He grinned widely and led my face towards his with gentle fingertips. Violet, I was lost...I have never felt this way before. I hope I don't sound silly, but this really feels like the real thing this time! Ah, I could talk about this man all day. I wish you were here! I've been going crazy. I can barely speak a word of the whole thing. The only person I can talk to about it (though I'm sure I will spill it to someone else eventually) is, ironically, Harry. Oh, right, I haven't gotten to that part of the story yet. So, after Oliver and I kissed for a while and simply enjoyed each others connected and intertwined physical company, we had become oblivious to everything else. All of a sudden the door rips open with a sharp gasp from our intruder. It was Harry. His eyes widened and his jaw fell open as he appraised the situation. Slightly mortified, but thankful that it was only Harry, I pulled my clothes back in order. I smiled and gave Harry an awkward hello. He just looked at us in shock then shook his head, wished us good night and walked away. I picked myself up off the floor, grabbed Oliver's hand and ran down the hallway.

Then, oh my goodness, it gets better! We stopped, looked at each other, and chuckled playfully at the ridiculous situation. Once again, in our joy, we did not hear the swift footsteps of the headmaster himself. Imagine me and a professor flirting in the corridors very late at night with Dumbledore there to witness it! I was past fear at this point, it was all so hilarious. But that only lasted a moment; the fear swam back with my senses. We stood in nervous silence for a minute, and then Dumbledore took a long look into our eyes, as if he could see straight to our deepest feelings. Then he said, "Well then," in a firm tone, and winked at Oliver with the hint of a smile turning up at the corners of his eyes. I was in absolute awe of the headmaster's wisdom and tolerance at that moment. He really does put a priority on love. Neither Dumbledore nor Harry have said a word as of yet. Well, I'm sorry this letter has been so long, but there was much to tell. Hope all is well in the Ministry. We all miss you dearly, especially me! Well, and Harry, of course. Come visit soon! I'm also sending along a beautiful violet flower I found by the Forest. It reminds me of you. Keep it safe to warm your heart, and to remind you of me as well.



November 11

Dear Grace,

That has got to be the longest letter I have ever received but the love was appreciated. The flower was beautiful and I pressed it so it will last longer. Everything is going well for me. Just cleaning up all the destruction Harry caused. It's cute that he's merely a ghost because to tell you the truth I'm not much better. I really miss him Grace. He brings me warmth and happiness that I haven't experienced in my years as an Auror. Take good care of him for me, Grace dear. Now about you and Oliver. Well, well, well. I never expected Grace to be the one getting busy with the professor in the broom closet. Way to go. Take what you want that's what I say. Harry was rather traumatized by the whole encounter but I've talked to him and he's willing to accept. Just don't get in over your head. So you're Dumbledore approved huh? That's something I didn't see coming. It must have been pretty awkward but I can see the hilarity in the situation. I hope everything works out for you dear and let me know how everything progresses. I have met Oliver before and he seems rather nice and he is quite handsome (do not tell Harry I said that). I can see his appeal. Good taste, Grace. I wish you the best of luck in love. And try to stay out of broom closets and if you do LOCK THE DOOR!



November 15

Dear Violet,

Things here are going well. Christmas is coming soon and everyone is slacking off no matter how hard I try to make them study. Ron, in particular, is being extremely difficult. Harry studies but every now and then I catch him staring off into space. I think it's because he's missing you. I hope we get to see you at Christmas time. I hope you like your present. Now that that's out of the way...You'll never guess what happened! Draco asked me out! It was a wonderful date and very romantic. But...I'm not sure. I think I may be falling for him but I don't want to get in too deep. I mean we did hate each other for six years. What if this is just his way of getting some final revenge? Any advice would be welcome. How are things going for you? I bet you miss Harry as well. Do you think you'll make it for Christmas? Hope to hear from you soon!



November 17

Dear Hermione,

Things are going well for me as well. Work is difficult sometimes. Cleaning up after a war always is. Yes I miss Harry, but I miss you all as well. I don't know about Christmas but I'll be sure to get your present to you. Now about Draco. Six years of hate is a very hard beginning but I do think he's trying. War changes people in ways that everyday occurrences don't. Draco's family was very much affected at the end of the war. Maybe his priorities were rearranged. I understand your caution and I think it wise. My only advice would be to trust your instincts and your heart. I believe in his sincerity but only you can make the final choice. Remember though if it is revenge he's after and he hurts you, you have many friends who will cause him great pain. I know a wonderful curse that will not only cause him pain but will end any hope he has for an heir. Think on that. Anyway, I'm sure I'll love whatever you get and I hope you like yours as well.



November 22

Dear Violet,

I miss you so much!! Things just aren't the same without you here. How are things at the ministry? I can't really imagine it being more fun than Hogwarts. Harry's constantly moping because you're not here. You need to get that boy a longer leash. Actually, I don't think it would make a difference; he'd probably stay just as close anyway. Sometimes I wish Blaise were more like that. I know you're probably thinking I'm insane right now because Blaise was always so perfect and attentive. But recently, it's been different. He's been acting so weird, Vi. He's always off doing something and he'll never tell me what. The other day, he even lied to me! He disappeared for nearly two hours and he showed up half an hour late when he was supposed to meet me in the library. When I asked where he'd been, he said that he and Draco had been out flying on the Quidditch pitch but I know for a fact that Draco was studying with Hermione for most of the day. I don't know what he could have been doing that he would lie to me about. I never thought he would be the type to cheat. . . . He was always so incredibly sweet. But I can't come up with any other reason that he would act like this. What should I do, Violet? I haven't told Lisa or Grace because I feel like they would either tell me I'm being paranoid or freak out and start yelling at him. I just can't make myself believe that he would actually do something like that, but if you'd asked me a few weeks ago, I would have said that I couldn't imagine him ever lying to me, and obviously he has no problem doing that.

I don't know, maybe I am just being paranoid. But he's never acted like this before, and it's become obvious that he's keeping something from me. The other day, he was sitting at the Slytherin table for breakfast and I went over to say good morning like always and he was reading a letter when I got there and he completely freaked when he saw me and made a complete fool of himself trying to hide the letter. If I weren't so worried about this, then it probably would've been amusing to see him lose his Slytherin cool like that. But seriously, what is that about?? And then of course, all the random disappearing when he won't tell me where he's gone. I just don't know what to think. Do you think he's met someone else? Maybe he's just waiting for a good time to break up with me. . . . Maybe the pureblood thing does matter to him? It never used to bother him before that I'm a half-blood. . . . At least, I don't think it did. Maybe it has all along and he just. . . I don't know. Maybe. . . maybe it'll be fine. I should just ignore it. If he's going to break up with me then. . . that's fine. I'll be fine. I'm sorry I bothered you with all of this. It's really not important. So, anyway, I'll just. . . write again later. I hope everything is going well for you.

Love and miss you,


November 24

Dear Marie,

Everything's going fine for me. Poor Harry. Everyone's written to me about how pathetic he is now that I'm gone, but you all have to remember that I miss him just as much. My coworkers pick on me too. It's slightly annoying but oh well. About Blaise, darling you have nothing to worry about. The boy is crazy about you and anything he's doing now is probably him just freaking out over how much he cares. Give him some space and he'll be fine. He needs to work through his emotions and everything and then he'll be back even more in love with you than he was before. Don't push him too hard and I'm sure you'll get your answers soon. I miss you too and hope to see you soon.



December 5

Dear Violet,

How are things going at the Ministry? Defeated any bad guys lately? Everyone here is doing fine. I actually beat Hermione on a Potions test so she's a little upset but other than that we're doing well. I don't know if she's told you yet but Hermione and I are dating. To tell you the truth I've never been happier. I know our past isn't conducive to our current relationship but I'm really starting to fall for her. Who'd have thought that this could be? I mean I truly see her as a person now, as an equal. Wow. Sorry to drone on there. Hope things are going well for you. Oh and could you do me a favor? Send Harry his manhood back please. I insulted him yesterday and he barely even blinked. He misses you way too much. Hope to see you soon.


Draco Malfoy

December 7

Dear Draco,

Hello dear. Everything's going well and yes I defeated some evil guys just the other day. You and Hermione make such a cute couple but if you hurt her you are forfeit. Remember that. I'm glad that you see her as an equal and I'm happy that you find her so wonderful. Treat her well and no one will be forced to hurt you. And you are free to ramble on to me at anytime. About Harry's manhood, I didn't take that with me and if he is just too grown up to fall for your childish tactics then don't complain to me, just grow up too. So there. I stick my tongue out at you. I miss you too Dray and I'll try to see you soon.



December 12

Dear Violet,

I miss you so much! Life at Hogwarts just isn't the same without you. I don't think we realized just how important you are to the group until you left us. (Not to mention, Harry has turned into an angsty, pubescent bitch...I kind of want to smack him a little bit...not that I can fault him for missing you.) You should know that I am kind of risking my neck right now, seeing as I am definitely writing this in the middle of Charms. Good thing Flitwick is so completely oblivious to me. He's too busy fawning over Grace, his little prodigy. Speaking of Grace, I think I should let you know that she's been acting really strange lately. She keeps on disappearing for really long periods of time and then giving us really sketch explanations that don't really explain anything at all...they just make us more confused/suspicious. Also, she keeps on spacing out and getting this really dreamy expression on her face. While this really isn't that out of the ordinary for Grace, anytime we ask her about it or tease her, she gets really nervous and changes the subject. I'm honestly worried about her. I don't know what to do...maybe she'll talk to you. I just hope she's okay.

Other than Grace's strangeness, everything is pretty normal and therefore boring. Ron's being a giant prat, but that's nothing new. Honestly, how can someone so adorable be such an idiot? Maybe that's why I love him so much. I think that's all for now...we all miss you and love you! Can't wait to see you again!



December 15

Dear Lisa,

I miss you too! Life here is pretty boring as well but I'd rather have things be boring then have some major disaster going on. Don't risk your life to write me letters in class. You're supposed to be paying attention silly. Don't worry about Grace we've talked and she's fine. She'll tell you everything when she's ready but for now don't panic. Of course Ron's being an idiot; he wouldn't be Ron if he weren't. Send everyone my love and I'll try to come back to you soon.

Hugs and Kisses,


January 3

Dear Violet,

We go back to school tomorrow. Christmas vacation was too short but I'm sad that I didn't get to see you. It was our first Christmas together and yet we were apart. How ironic. Did you like your present? I hope so. How was your Christmas? Did you spend it with someone or did you have to work? I hope you weren't alone (which means I hope you were with female friends). Have to go. It's time to go to bed. Mrs. Weasley doesn't like it if we stay up too late even if I'm writing to you.




Harry and the rest of the gang got out of the carriages and made their way into the castle. They had just entered the castle when they all heard a sharp whistle. They turned and saw Violet standing there a large smile on her face, waving at them. Before any of the others could move, Harry broke into a run and upon reaching her swept her up into his arms and twirled her around. The others soon rushed over and Violet was passed around so everyone could hug her. After the initial greetings, Violet led them to the room she had prepared. As they entered, they saw a circular table that was set for dinner. Floating candles lit the room, giving it a wonderful glow. They all made their way to the table where they sat according to the place cards. Once seated, they all turned to Violet, questions in their eyes. She smiled before answering their questions.

"Dumbledore gave me permission to steal you all away for the remainder of the day so I thought instead of eating in the Great Hall, we could have dinner together. The house-elves have prepared individual dinners according to each person's tastes. After dinner, I have presents for each of you." She grinned at the stunned expressions on their faces.

"That's great Vi!" Harry exclaimed.

"Yeah this is really sweet of you," Marie added.

"I'm excited about the food to tell you the truth," Ron stated.

"I'm more excited about the presents," Draco added.

"Well then we should get started with dinner," Hermione concluded, ever practical. Violet smiled at her friends and clapped her hands. Food appeared on the plates.

"Enjoy guys!" Violet said and everyone started eating. After dessert, they gathered on the floor and sat on pillows that Violet had conjured. She pulled a bag out of her pocket and resized it so that once again it was normal size. Inside were presents for all of them. She pulled one out and handed it to Hermione. Hermione squealed and quickly opened it. Inside was a book about various diseases and their cures and ancient antidotes. She got up and gave Violet a big hug. For Draco, Violet had gotten the latest designer clothes from around the world. Ron received season tickets to the Chudley Cannons games. Lisa got a set of perfumes which could affect people's emotions and attitudes based on which perfume she used. For instance, Admire made people admire her and Desire made people either want her or want to be her. Marie got a baby tiger that was perfectly trained and would follow her every command. She gasped with delight when Violet presented her with her very own tiger. Blaise got a set of art supplies that never depleted and always remained fresh. Grace was the new owner of a pair of shoes that changed to fit any occasion. They always changed to match any outfit perfectly. And for Harry, Violet had gotten a photo album filled with pictures of them together and individually. A book filled with memories and happiness. Harry's eyes glowed with happiness as he turned to Violet and kissed her gently.

"Thank you, love. It's amazing." Violet smiled and patted him gently on the cheek.

"I hope you all like your presents." Everyone voiced their enthusiasm and gratitude.

"If you wait right here, I'll go get your present," Hermione said.

"Oh yeah. I have your gift too. I'll go get it," said Lisa. Soon everyone except Harry left to get their present for Violet. Once they were all gone, Harry pulled Violet into his arms and proceeded to kiss her passionately. After a while, they resurfaced for air. Violet's hair was mussed and her lips were swollen from the passion of his kiss. Harry grinned at the glazed expression in her eyes. He pulled her back for another kiss. Once again, they broke apart for air and just in time because they heard that the others were coming back. They quickly set themselves back to the way they had been, just as the door swung open. Hermione looked at them, a small smile on her lips as she handed Violet her present.

"Here you go, Vi. I hope you like it." Violet took the present and proceeded to unwrap it. It was a book on magic in ancient Greece in relation to the Greek gods and goddesses. Blaise was next and he gave her a Wizarding version of an iPod. Instead of buying music to put on it, all you had to do was think of a song, tap it with your wand, and the song would automatically add itself. From Ron she received a large assortment of her favorite candies from Honeydukes. Draco presented her with a set of earrings that would change color depending on the outfit. Marie gave her a blank book that when tapped with a wand could change into any book of her desire as many times as she wanted. Grace gave her a flower pin. The flower, a cross between a lily and a rose, was real and was charmed to always remain fresh and the smell would never fade. It also had the power to record anything she wanted. And finally from Lisa, she received a purse that held anything and everything Violet wanted to put in it and always changed to match the occasion and outfit. She then showed them all the beautiful bracelet Harry had gotten her. It had stones the color of her eyes and the color of his set in a beautiful pattern that changed depending on her mood. Right now the stones formed hearts revealing her love for the man next to her. After all the presents had been unwrapped and squealed over, Violet stood up.

"Well I'm spending the night then I'll be heading back early tomorrow so I'll say goodbye now. I'll miss you guys and try to visit again as soon as I can. Thanks for the presents. They're all wonderful." She smiled as they all came to give her goodbye hugs. The hugs lasted for a long time since no one was ready to say goodbye to Violet once again, but soon it came to an end. Violet waved one last time as Harry led her back to her rooms. Outside her door, she turned to him.

"I have to get up very early tomorrow...but you can come in if you want." She looked up at him, a small smile gracing her lips. Harry leaned down and kissed her gently. He pulled back before dipping back down to catch her lips in a passion filled kiss that left them both breathless. His arms wrapped tightly around her body as he tried to make them into one. A low moan escaped Violet as she felt his lips trail down her neck before resting at the pulse point at the base of her neck. They stood there for a second before Harry pulled back.

"If I go inside, I won't want to stop. And what I want to do to you could take all night and we wouldn't want you to be tired for work tomorrow," he said his husky voice sending shivers up her spine. Their eyes met and her breath caught at the smoldering passion in his, before he wolfishly smiled and gave the portrait the password. As the picture swung open, he stepped back and gently kissed her hand.

"Until the next time we meet my lady." And with a slight bow he turned and was gone. Violet slowly made her way into her room, her body tingling at the remembrance of his kiss. She quickly undressed, brushed her teeth, put on her most comfy pajamas, and settled in for the night. The next morning she arose and was soon ready to leave. She made her way to the Entrance Hall and was soon out the doors, and past the wards. She turned back and blew a kiss up to the Gryffindor tower where her majestic lion was still slumbering. Violet then Apparated, already planning her next visit.