Astronomy Tower
Fleur Delacour
Multiple Eras
Published: 04/26/2005
Updated: 04/26/2005
Words: 3,213
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,472

The Eenglish Lesson


Story Summary:
When Fleur asks Bill for some private English lessons, how can he say no? But what happens in those private lessons is something else altogether. [Warning: mindless naughty fluff.]

Chapter Summary:
When Fleur asks Bill for some private English lessons, how can he say no? But what happens in those private lessons is something else altogether. [warning: mindless naughty fluff.]
Author's Note:
Fleur is so intruiging, don't you think?

It was amazing how extremely attractive that girl was.

Bill Weasley spent many hours just ruminating over it. That sleek, silvery blond hair that was never out of place. The little pink bubblegum tongue behind white teeth. Those blue eyes that were so blue Bill thought he could fall into them and drown, loving it as he went.

The only thing wrong about her was her accent, and Bill even found that enchanting. The sweet French way she pronounced words, not being able to say "th" or the letter h; her insistence that her English "is not nearly good enough."

Yes, she was a beauty, Fleur Delacour.

Bill was jerked out of his reverie by the same sweet French voice. It's owner, whom he had been pondering, was standing in front of his desk, a slightly puzzled expression on those full lips. Bill hated his desk job and missed the tombs, but it had compensations.


Bill looked up at Fleur. Even her calling him Billy could not jar her perfection in his eyes.

"What is it?"

Fleur tossed her silvery blond hair behind her and smiled at Bill, who felt himself drawing in breath. "Zey want you at ze front desk."

"Okay, I'm coming." Bill got out of his seat and stretched, conscious of Fleur's gaze on him.

"I will come wiz you," she decided. She turned around and Bill followed her, trying to keep his gaze off that perfect little derrière.

When they were almost there, Fleur turned around suddenly. Bill almost bumped into her. "Billy?"

"Yes?" He was both embarrassed and overwhelmed at the proximity. A whiff of her perfume drifted up to him. He glanced down and caught a look down her shirt. Bill wrenched his gaze away, feeling his ears blush red.

"Billy, I was wondering..." Fleur looked a little embarrassed. Bill blinked. How could this goddess of sexiness and perfection be embarrassed?

"Billy, I know my Eenglish is not very good. I was wondering....I was wondering...how do you say zis in Eenglish...I was wondering if you would consider giving me private lessons."

When Bill's stunned silence was evident, Fleur said hopefully, "I could pay you, of course."

Bill shook himself out of his reverie. "What? Oh no, Fleur." He managed a smile at her. "I would be delighted to give you lessons, even though your English is excellent."

Fleur looked pleased. "'ow much do you wish?"

"What? Oh, no, I would be happy to do it for free." My payment is being close to you, he added silently.

Fleur beamed at him. Bill caught a glimpse of that tongue behind the teeth. "Excellente." She turned to go into the office; but then she turned back, and said, "I am working late tomorrow. If you wish to wait, zen perhaps we can meet up after work and get togezzer?"

"Hm? Oh yes, that would be fine." Bill watched her disappear into the office.

Oh yes, there were compensations.


"Are you ready?" Fleur asked, as she slipped on a fur coat.

"I'm ready when you are," Bill said, trying to quell the butterflies in his stomach. He had his speech ready: "Would you like to go get something to eat first?" Or maybe it should be, "What about a bite before we start?" Or maybe even "If you want we could eat something before we begin."

The truth was, he really wanted to take her out, but he was too nervous. She was a goddess; he was just...well, he was Bill.

"I'm ready." Fleur smiled at him, as she pulled her purse onto her shoulder. "Where do you want to go?"

"Well..." Bill took a deep breath. "I was wondering, before we begin ifyouwouldliketogetsomethingtoeatfirst..." The words suddenly spewed out of his mouth. He took another breath, and said more slowly, "I mean, if you would like to get something to eat first."

Fleur looked surprised, but pleased. "I would like that, yes. Per'aps we could go to my flat afterwards."

Her flat? Bill wasn't quite sure if he was ready for Fleur's flat yet.

Bill cleared his throat. "Sure."

"Or your place, of course, or anywhere you wish," Fleur added hastily.

"No, your flat is fine," Bill said, still wondering what her flat would look like.

"Zat is good," Fleur said happily. "Shall we go zen?"

"Oui," Bill said, using his limited vocabulary of French, as he led the way out of Gringotts, still marvelling that he had a sex goddess following him.


"Perhaps here?" Bill pointed out a little Italian place that had recently opened up on Diagon Alley.

"Zat would be nice. I 'ave recently developed a taste for pasta," Fleur laughed. She seemed comfortable, walking along at Bill's side. Bill was the opposite. He was tense and tried not to notice her perfume wafting up to his nose. It was beguiling. He wanted to put his arm around her, but he also wanted to run away.

"Okay." Bill pushed open the door to the restaurant. An Italian wizard was behind the counter, talking quietly to himself and using his wand to sort out bills. He looked up and saw Fleur and Bill. His face broke into a smile.

"Ah, you must be a Master Weasley!" His voice was slightly tinged with an accent.

Bill was startled, and he glanced at Fleur. "Yes, I am."

The Italian wizard came out from behind the counter, still smiling. "I had a brother of yours in yesterday. Tall fellow. He was here with a brunette...?"


"Ah yes, that was it. Master Ronald. I'm afraid he got rather tipsy and told me much about his family. Including the brother that worked at Gringotts, with, what he termed as 'one of those sexy Veela-types.'" The wizard bowed to Fleur, who was looking both offended and pleased. "Not my words, madam. At that point, as I remember, the brunette smacked him."

Bill smiled. Sounded exactly like Ron, relying on Hermione to keep him in line. Then he remembered Fleur, who was looking slightly - what was it? Annoyed? Amused? "My brother was drunk," he murmured to Fleur. "Please do not take anything he said too seriously."

She smiled, and he took it for a good sign. "A table for two," he said to the Italian wizard.

He led them to a tiny little table. There was a little vase with a single rose in it in the middle. The rose was wilting. The wizard examined the rose, gave a little shake of his head, and tapped it with his wand. The rose suddenly straightened up. The wizard smiled again. "Master Weasley....mademoiselle," he said to Fleur. "Your menus are on the table. Please tell me when you are ready to order." He bowed again and left.

Bill sat down, trying to suppress his mounting nervous energy. He had the urge to jump up and run.

Fleur gave yet another smile at him from across the table. Bill thought that if she didn't stop smiling, he would have the temptation to do something very, very, very stupid.

"Well- er-" Bill reached for a menu, and to his dismay, Fleur put her hand out at the same time. Their hands landed on each other in which would have been a perfect movie moment.

Bill snatched his hand back like he had been burned.

"Sorry....sorry..." he babbled.

Fleur muttered something to herself in French. Bill wondered if it was good or bad.

"So, shall we order?" he managed to stammer.

Fleur suddenly looked straight at him, amusement in her blue eyes. "Calm down." There was a note of enjoyment in her voice.


"Why are you so... tense? Calm down. Détendez, we say." She reached across and pulled his hand towards her. Bill didn't resist, slightly stunned at the contact. She began to massage his hand, and despite himself, Bill could feel himself relaxing. Must be something French, he supposed.

By the time the meals arrived, Bill was a little more comfortable. His whole being was concentrated on the hand that Fleur was massaging, and he was more then a little sorry when she stopped.

They ate in quiet; not much conversation passed between them. Bill was both worried and happy at the prospect of those lessons. What could he teach her?

When they had finished and paid, Fleur rose. "What about zose lessons now?" she asked, slightly coquettishly.

"Um, yes." Bill steered them out of the restaurant, but once outside, was not exactly sure where to go.

"We can go to my flat, if you wish," Fleur suggested.

Bill hesitated, but then nodded. He followed Fleur's exquisite bottom to a long line of flats. She went up a couple of stories, and then paused before a beautiful, dark mahogany door.

"Before we go in...are you allergic to animals?" she enquired.

"No, no."

"Good...mon chat Mignonette will be around here somewhere." She smiled up at him and unlocked the door. Bill stepped into what seemed like both a small measure of heaven and hell.

The flat was painted a delicate shade of blue- almost, Bill registered, the colour of Fleur's stunning eyes. He had stepped into what seemed to be a living room, with a couch and some armchairs around a coffee table. The living room turned into a kitchen on the other side; there was a gleaming wooden table with some chairs around it as well as a few countertops, a stove, and a sink. To his right, he could see a door slightly ajar that must lead to Fleur's bedroom. The overall impression was of subtle beauty.

A fluffy white cat with a heart shaped face and a long tail tipped with black was perched on one of the chairs. Upon seeing Fleur, it hopped off and made it's way to her, meowing.

Fleur picked it up and cuddled it to her chest. The cat yawned and turned piercing green eyes onto Bill, who was slightly unsettled. The cat's gaze seemed to go right through him.

"Zis is my cat Migonette," Fleur said proudly, stroking the long fluffy fur. "What do you zink?"

"Beautiful," Bill said sincerely, not referring to the flat or the cat.

Fleur looked extremely happy. "I was zinking, perhaps, we could work in ze kitchen?"

"That sounds good."

Fleur walked into the kitchen, still holding her cat. "Mignonette is from France," she said, and Bill thought he could discern a tiny bit of sadness. "I was born zere. I grew up wiz Mignonette's muzzer, and when she 'ad kittens, I took one to take wiz me." Now Fleur's eyes were wistful. "She reminds me of home."

"Fleur..." Bill murmured, almost reaching for her hand but thinking better of it.

Fleur shook her head. "Don't listen to me." She sat down at the table and put the cat on her lap, where it curled up comfortably and stared at Bill. "Come, sit down."

Bill sat at the opposite end of the table, which wasn't really that far away, because the table was not very big.

"What would you like to start wiz?" Fleur's smile was enticing, and Bill smiled back at her before he remembered that he had no clue what he was doing.

"Uhm...I'm not really sure, but we could work on anything you wish."

"My accent," Fleur said decisively. "I 'ate it."

Bill shook his head. "It's very unique, Fleur. I rather like it, actually."

Fleur leaned forward, and suddenly her eyes were big and blue. "Really?"

Bill's breath caught in his throat. He nodded.

"Uhm, how about you write something for me?"

Fleur got a piece of parchment and a quill. "What should I write?"


Fleur hesitated, and then started to write something. She finished, and pushed it across to Bill.

Bill glanced down at it. Her writing was so flowing together it was hard to read, but he liked it. It suited Fleur. He was about to say something-

But then he noticed the words.

Do you want too know why I wanted English lesons?

Ignoring the spelling mistakes, Bill hesitated and looked at Fleur. She didn't smile or say anything- but she handed him the quill. Her blue eyes were filled with something he didn't recognize.

Bill scribbled down something.

Because you wanted to improve your English?

He handed it back to her.

She wrote something and handed it back. Bill felt rather silly, writing instead of talking, like he was a fourth-year and passing notes. The cat meowed.

Because I wanted to get too know you better did you want to get to know me?

Again the exchange.

Yes, I wanted to get to know you

Bill was starting to feel flushed.

Billy, I have a confession...if I tell you will you laugh?

Bill wrote fast.

I promise not to laugh. What is it?

Fleur took a long time writing, and Bill could feel tension welling up inside him. He had no idea where this was going, or why they weren't talking like normal people.

But did he want to be normal for this extraordinary girl?

When the note came, Bill could almost feel himself shaking.

The reason that I asked you four English lesons was not because I wanted too improve my English.

And then underneath, in smaller writing:

The reason I asked you is that I really really really like you

And even smaller:

Billy, do you like me in that way?

Bill couldn't breathe.


She read the word, and then looked at him. Bill had the oddest feeling, like he was floating. Her silvery blond hair was falling around her face. He reached out and brushed it out of her eyes, touching her cheek.

She caught his hand when he was removing it, and held it, pressed against her cheek. Her eyes were closed.

"Billy," she whispered.

Those lips moving. The way she was holding his hand, clutched against her. The enticing French. This beguiling girl who was imploring him to ...

Bill couldn't take it anymore. He got up, sat down beside her, and kissed her full on her lips.

She made a little mmph of surprise, but he was delighted to find a warm response. He had one hand on her face, pushing back her hair, but his other slipped around her waist, pulling the French girl towards him. The cat made a mewling noise and jumped off as its owner was pulled towards Bill.

Fleur kissed him for a long time before pulling back. She opened her eyes and smiled at Bill, her eyes sparkling.

"Do zat again," she said, in a low, husky voice.

"What? Kiss you?"

"Oui. No- wait."

Fleur rose, and, pulling Bill along by the hand, she entered the door he had seen earlier. Bemused and feeling the aftershocks of that devastating kiss, Bill hardly took in the fact that he was in Fleur's private bedroom. He could hardly tell what was happening. He hardly knew that he- he! Of all people! - had kissed Fleur Delacour, and that she was now leading him into her bedroom.

She closed the door and pulled him down on the soft bed, putting her arms around him. Bill could feel the warmness of her so close to him. He pulled her close, feeling the way her body was rubbing against his. He could feel himself becoming arisen.

"Now kiss me," she whispered.

He complied, putting his mouth on hers and getting that same, delightful response. Her lips parted slightly, and then more as Bill gently slipped his tongue into her mouth, probing. He pushed her gently down on the bed so that he was on top of her, tasting at her mouth with his and trying to get his fill before the dream ended.

She extended her free hand and pulled his hand into her shirt. Bill could hardly believe this. He was kissing the girl of his dreams. He was making out with the girl of his dreams. He had to be dreaming.

Should take advantage of it while I can, he reasoned with himself, and slid his hand into Fleur's shirt.

She came up for air, as Bill smoothed his hand over her breasts. "Do you know what ze French word for kiss is?" she whispered into his ear.

"No," he whispered back.

"Baiser," she breathed, and then they went down again. Bill pressed his lips against her smooth ones, opening them gently and sliding his tongue in. She worked deftly to unbutton his shirt.

When his shirt was off, she slid off her shirt until she was in a black lacy bra. Bill moved his mouth down from her mouth to her neck; kissing and licking the hollow of her throat. Fleur made a small noise; she bit Bill's ear lightly as he bent over her, moving his mouth southward. One of his hands gently tugged at her skirt until it slid down over her hips, while her fingers pulled at his robes until they were both in underwear and in Fleur's case, her bra.

Bill struggled with the clasp of her bra for a few moments before Fleur undid it for him, looking up at him with a look of want in her blue eyes. He smiled at her, letting his fingers roam over her breasts; rubbing and stroking. Then his mouth was drawing wet circles on her chest; she moaned, reaching for him.

It's all happening so fast, Bill thought giddily, but Fleur touched him again and he promptly forgot all thought.

They both slid off the rest of their clothes, until they were naked. Bill stretched out beside her on the bed, kissing her and pushing her down lightly. Her eyes were closed, but she was sighing, and her long blond hair spread across her face. He pushed it out of the way, landing light kisses on her eyelids; he touched her gently and she reached for him. He moaned out loud, kissing her harder, his tongue in her mouth and his hands between her legs and on her chest.

She moved against him, separating her legs, and he gave into her beguiling actions, releasing his own pent up need. She made small mewling noises as they moved together, and finally he collapsed on her.

They lay on the bed, both breathing hard, as Fleur lay on her side, her eyes closed; but a smile was on her face. Bill pulled her close, his thoughts rushing into his head as he tried to absorb what had just happened.

And suddenly, it clicked; suddenly Bill realized what they were doing. What they had done.

Strangely, though, he wasn't embarrassed any longer. She was beautiful, and he liked that about her. He liked her so much it hurt, and he wanted to reach out and pull her a little closer, a little closer, until he could just take her into his body and keep her with him forever.



She rolled over, her blue eyes flicking open and looking into his eyes as she leaned against his chest. "Let's do zat again."

He kissed her, his hands flicking over her shoulders as he pulled her a little closer, enjoying the contact.



"When do you want to have those English lessons?"





"Once we're done."

Author notes: Sorry if the French is incorrect, I used an online
translator because my French SUCKS. Hope you enjoyed, and reviews make my day *wink*.