The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 11/15/2002
Updated: 12/27/2002
Words: 123,031
Chapters: 14
Hits: 6,182

Where Your Dreams End

T Proctor

Story Summary:
What would it be like to be a young witch or wizard in the USA? Sarah's parents had been divorced since she was five and now she is eleven. What secrets have they kept from her and how are they about to change her life?

Chapter 12

Chapter Summary:
What would it be like to be a young witch or wizard in the USA? Sarah's parents had been divorced since she was five and now she is eleven. What secrets have they kept from her and how are they about to change her life?
Author's Note:
Wow, can't believe I'm here, thanks to Sarah for inspiration and Beth for guidance. Oh yeah and Wavie, you know what you did.

Chapter Twelve Abduction

Professor Chalipun had managed to make her way to Killainka's office despite being stopped several times by students and faculty. Killainka was standing just inside the door when he invited her in. He had a strange disturbed look on his face. "Javier, is something wrong?" asked Professor Chalipun as she entered.

"Yes, but I'm not sure what," he replied turning again toward the door. "I think we'd better head to the dormitories, something is just not right." Chalipun nodded and it was only a matter of moments before they entered the dorm corridor.

"Bellarmine," Killainka called as they approached the entrance and there they found themselves. Their arrival was totally unexpected and caused a great commotion especially among the older students and prefects.

"Professor, what a pleasant surprise" said one of the seniors. Others began scrambling around picking up the room and trying to look busy.

Killainka smiled slightly knowing that their presence there was anything but a pleasant surprise. "Mr. Wagner could you please tell me where Mr. Turner and Mr. Ratcliff are?"

The tall skinny teen turned to look at his friends for help. They all shook their heads and shrugged their shoulders. Turning back to the Professor he replied, "No sir. I haven't seen either since this morning." The older students all nodded in agreement.

"I saw Eric at lunch," said one of the sixth graders who had been listening. "He was with his sister and her friends."

Killainka now addressed this young lady. "Miss Grant do you know where his sister and her friends are?" She shook her head and explained that she hadn't seen them since flying class.

"Professor," whispered Chalipun to Killainka. "Aren't they all supposed to be escorted to each class?"

Killainka nodded silently, his facial expression was growing more concerned with each moment. "Priscilla," he answered quietly, pulling her aside. "Find Sir Roger and see who was with the children when they left class. I'm going to find Romulus, I have a bad feeling about this." Chalipun nodded and disappeared back down the corridor. Killainka told the students that were in the common room to inform Professor Quigley immediately if any one of them arrived at the dorm and then he too left.

Dillon sat patiently outside Professor Wetherspoon's classroom waiting to be called in. He couldn't imagine why the Professor had asked him to come. He kept going over and over in his head his last assignments wondering if he had done them correctly. Senior, Simon Pruett, had been his escort and was getting equally impatient.

"What do you suppose he wants of you?" he asked after ten minutes of pacing.

Dillon shook his head. "I can't think of any reason," he admitted.

"Mr. Ratcliff, you can come in now." Professor Wetherspoon was now standing at the door looking down at him.

"You can go Mr. Pruett. I'll make sure the Mr. Ratcliff makes it to his dorm safely." Pruett didn't wait around long enough to even see Dillon enter the classroom, which he now did extremely reluctantly. It was dark and Dillon never had been very found of the Potions classroom or it's odd smell. There were jars and bottles of all shapes and sizes lining the walls some of which held small creatures floating in green solutions.

Professor Wetherspoon had never scared Dillon before, however at this moment he was making him extremely uncomfortable. "Sir, have I done something wrong?" Dillon asked as they entered the classroom.

Wetherspoon laughed, out of character. "Is that why you think you are here my son?"

"Come on!" cried Megan. "We're going to be late back to the dorm and we're going to get in lot's of trouble if we don't hurry." They were turning the corner to the dorm corridor when they literally ran into Professor Killainka.

"Sorry sir," they all said in unison.

Killainka, relieved to see them, smiled slightly and told them to relax. "I was just in the dormitory looking for you," he explained, taking a good look at them and counting heads. "Where are Dillon and Eric?" he asked after a brief head count.

Everyone began to answer at once, which the Professor quickly put an end to. "Hold on, hold on, Miss Turner you first." Zoe took a deep breath and began to relate how Dillon had been called out of flying class. She also relayed that they had not seen Eric since lunch. This was where Sarah interrupted.

"That's not true," she began. "I saw him just a little while ago in the hall." However, as soon as the words left her mouth she regretted them.

"Sarah!" scolded Zoe. "We told you he had not been there." Killainka tilted his head slightly and listened thoughtfully.

"But I saw him," Sarah insisted.

"No you didn't Sarah you must have been dreaming," maintained Megan.

"Everyone settle down," said Killainka calmly. "Miss Nettleton, tell me what you remember."

Sarah was now frightened and didn't wish to speak but continued anyway. "Well sir, I'm not quite sure what happened."

"Tell me what you remember and then we'll here what the others have to say."

"We left flying class and were heading down the hallway close to the library. I wasn't feeling very good so I stopped to rest. Megan and William seemed to be getting irritated at me so I told them to go ahead." At this point, Megan opened her mouth to speak and the Professor lifted his hand to signal her not too.

"I'll hear from you in a moment," said Killainka softly. "Continue Miss Nettleton."

Sarah looked at her friends and then the Professor before continuing. "Anyway I've not been the easiest to live with lately and then I got into a fight with Zoe and told her to leave too." She paused and took a deep breath. "The next thing I remember, Eric was waking me up and asking me where everyone was. Before I could answer him completely though, Zoe woke me again and told me that I'd been asleep the whole time and they had been there the whole time and Eric hadn't." Zoe, Megan, and William were nodding like stuffed Chihuahuas in the back of a car window now.

"Yes sir, we were there the whole time. We were about to fetch a teacher when she came around again," added Megan.

Killainka stood quietly thinking of everything he had been told. "I want you four to go to the dorm common room and wait for me. I don't want anyone of you losing sight of the others. Do you understand?" All four heads bobbed up and down his time. "I will watch until I see you go in. When you arrive there, everyone will tell you I was looking for you. Tell Professor Quigley what your instructions were and that you have seen me. Then tell her to wait for me in Professor Chalipuns classroom." Everyone again nodded and then headed toward the dorm. Sarah hung back slightly and looked upset. "Yes, Miss Nettleton?"

"Are they all right?" she asked, having a feeling she all ready knew the answer.

"I'm sure they are after all we couldn't find you and you are all right," he proposed

"I guess that's true," answered Sarah, unconvinced before turning and following the others. As he watched them disappear, he thought how he himself should believe his own words but he wasn't sure he did.

Zoe pulled Sarah to one side of the common room along with Megan and William after meeting the curious mob and speaking to Professor Quigley. "Something has happened to Eric and Dillon, I just know it."

Megan and William began making up reasons why Zoe could be wrong while Sarah stood silent for a minute watching the scene. "She's right," she said finally putting an end to the chattering from Megan and William. Sarah pulled her backpack off her back, laid it on the floor, and opened it to pull out a rather large and old book. "I found this in the library today during study time. Professor Periwinkle told me about it. It's a history of Dragon's Wood." Sarah slammed to large book on a nearby table and opened it.

"It's ancient," complained Megan. "How could it have anything about five years ago?"

"Professor Periwinkle said that at the end of the school year a new chapter appears retelling the events of that year," explained Sarah.

"Cool," said Zoe leaning over to inspect the book. She looked around to see if they were being watched and then recommended that they regroup at one of the corner tables, since they were not supposed to leave the room.

"What does it say?" asked William as they settled down.

"I don't know," answered Sarah. " I haven't had time to look yet." Suddenly everyone was grabbing at the pages turning back from the end until they came to the year before Eric arrived at Dragons Wood.

"This is it," announced Zoe. "Eric came the next year. Sarah read as three sets of eyes looked over her shoulder and tried to focus as well.

"It says that at the end of the year the school's potions teacher resigned after being injured in a classroom accident. That's when Professor Ratcliff came," she retold.

"Dillon's mom?" asked Megan. Sarah and Zoe nodded.

"Anyway that was about all of the excitement that year," she summarized and then turned even more pages skimming for pertinent information.

"It talks about the new students coming, and the competition between the dorms." Sarah stopped and read silently for a while.

"What?" asked everyone after waiting patiently and trying unsuccessfully to read over Sarah's shoulder.

"It mentions that a sixth grade boy is found out cold after the Halloween Ball."

"Eric," whispered Zoe. "Dad knew long before he told mom or any of us. Then they weren't honest with Tabatha and me. She was just a baby and I was only five or six, Dad said we didn't need to know." There was an air of resentment in her voice.

"But then there is just normal chit chat and useless information." Sarah read on quietly occasionally one of the three asked her what she was reading, but mostly they just waited for her to let them in on what she read. After what seemed like an eternity, Sarah began reading quicker and breathing harder.

"What is it?" asked Zoe recognizing her panic.

"There's something about Professor Ratcliff again. There was some kind of investigation. It seems that a student wrote home and told his parents what was going on and insinuated that Professor Ratcliff had something to do with it." Sarah read for another minute and then starting shaking her head and looking disgusted. "It figures."

"What's that?" asked Megan.

"It was the oldest Griffin boy," she said turning the page abruptly as though it had attacked her. "Bastard," she mumbled to herself.

"Sarah," Megan scolded.

"Oh hush Megan. You can't tell me that you haven't wanted to call him that a time or two?" said Zoe rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, but I didn't," mumbled Megan.

"Shhh," said William. "I want to hear what happened."

"She was removed from the classroom for two weeks while they investigated. Professor Killainka took over the class. When the boy continued to exhibit the same behavior they decided it couldn't have been her." Sarah stopped feeling uneasy about knowing who all of the characters of the story were and knowing the things that had happened to her that year. "Wow," she said after reading two or three more pages. Again she was barraged with "what's" and "tell me what it says'". "It talks about our dads, Zoe," explained Sarah. Zoe strained hard to see where Sarah was talking about. "It says that Professor Killainka called them in to investigate after the school security had been unsuccessful."

"I'm surprised they waited that long," remarked Zoe. "Your dad and mine are not known for their patience. Especially when it comes to family."

"Yeah but that's when my folks were splitting up," observed Sarah. "I'm sure his mind wasn't exactly on his job."

Zoe placed a strong hand on Sarah's shoulder and squeezed. "I'm sure that it was on his whole family which my family is included in."

Sarah smiled and nodded for she knew that was true. Again, she buried herself in the book. "That's about it," she said pulling back and looking frustrated.

"You're kidding," said Zoe.

"No, I mean it talks about the top dorm for that year and which dorm won the Quidditch Cup and about graduation. But, wait a minute." Sarah read on again. "It says that Professor Ratcliff will be replaced next year due to unfortunate circumstances and mentions Dillon and his dad coming to live on the grounds. Then there is a thank you to our dads and that's it."

"That sucks!" declared Zoe.

"I suppose that didn't help at all," echoed William. Megan sat down next Sarah and put her arm around her. It was obvious that Sarah was disappointed.

"I suppose someone told the book not to write the truth," she said sympathetically.

Zoe sat down also; tears were rolling down her cheeks. Sarah noticed this and leaned forward. "I would like to tell you that everything is going to be okay. But I won't lie to you. I think you're right. I think that something has happened to Eric and Dillon. I know you don't believe me and maybe I was asleep, but he was there in the hall and I know it. He was panicking and he was trying to find Dillon." She stopped talking, Zoe would be full out crying if she hadn't been in the common room. "We are the only ones who can figure this out; you and I." Zoe nodded and silent tears rolling down her cheeks.

Megan looked like she was about to say something but then stopped. Sarah wiped her eyes. "What Megan?"

"It's probably not important," said Megan looking down.

"What's not important?" asked Zoe sniffling.

"Well," began Megan. "I also found a book. I thought about how you were having these really weird dreams and so I went looking for anything I could find on dreams." Megan reached into her backpack and pulled out another old moldy book. "I found this book about dreams and sleep disorders. There is this one sleep disorder that sounds like the dreams you've been having." Megan turned to a page in the book that was marked with a piece of ribbon, as the others gathered around.

"What does it say?" asked William.

"Well evidently you're not the first or only person to have these dreams. It's not uncommon at all. It says here that fifteen to twenty percent of the population has them. The Muggles have found all kinds of ways to scientifically explain them," she continued.

Zoe looked over her shoulder and read, "hag phenomenon?"

"Yeah," chuckled Megan. "It got the name because people used to think that it was caused by a witch sitting on top of their chest. Muggles," she said shaking her head. " Actually they weren't far from the truth. Different cultures have had different explanations for what causes it but evidently, it's something that certain people can do it. There's a special kind of power or magic that you're born with. Some wizards and witches can enter others dreams and take over."

Everyone grew quiet. They had managed to not arouse suspicions so far, but she knew that they couldn't leave the common room without being noticed. Sarah focused on one of the Senior Prefects and looked at William.

"William, go and tell Tim that Zoe has a terrible headache and ask if we can go into the study room. Tell him that we'll leave the door open," instructed Sarah. William agreed and surprisingly enough he did not object and after twenty minutes or so of the Prefect pacing back in forth in front of the door they were alone.

"Now what?" Zoe asked when they had reached this point.

Sarah found the softest and most comfortable chair by the fire and sat. "I have to go to sleep." Everyone was up in arms Megan was pacing back and forth and saying that that was the dumbest things that they could do and William was threatening to go and get Tim and or Professor Quigley.

"No!" said Zoe sternly. "She's right." Megan and William were now looking at her like she was crazy and then asked her if she was.

"If Eric and Dillon have somehow been taken or crossed over or whatever the hell it is that happens," Zoe expressed all in one breath and as loudly, as she thought she could without being overheard. "Then Sarah is the only one who can find them and only in her dreams." Everyone was silent. The fire crackled and popped loudly, as though to remind them all that there was air and it was all around them. Sarah closed her eyes and tried to put all of the stress out of her mind.

"Your job," she whispered after a moment. "Is to make sure I don't disappear too." And then she added, "Or if in the event that I do, to find Professor Killainka as fast as you can." Zoe was the only one who reassured her that they could handle it; the others sat silently. Sarah took another deep breath and leaned further into the chair.

Dillon looked at Professor Wetherspoon with apprehension. "I'm not sure why I am here," flowed his words reluctantly. Wetherspoon paced slowly across the front of his classroom. Dillon was now suddenly terrified. He had never seen Wetherspoon look so sinister and the room seemed to be darker and smell stronger than it ever had before. He was afraid that if he continued to talk he would surely be sick, but he pushed on, again he asked. "Did I do anything wrong?"

Wetherspoon moved closer very quickly, nearly causing Dillon to loose his footing. "Did you boy?"

Dillon hadn't known Professor Wetherspoon very long but he knew this wasn't right. "Who are you?" Dillon asked backing up.

Wetherspoon smiled from ear to ear. "You're smarter than I imagined, boy."

"Quit calling me boy, I have a name!"

His smile grew even wider. "Okay, Dillon, I will call you by your name. Though it's not the one I would have chose for you."

"As though you should have had a choice in what my name would be," said Dillon angrily.

"And who are you to say that I should not have? It was best that that ignorant Mudblood should have?" he hissed.

Dillon was now having a hard time looking the Professor in the face and looked away for a short time. When he had worked up the courage to look at him again, he seemed different, almost demon like. His face seemed to glow and was slightly distorted. "I won't be afraid of you. You are only a dream," Dillon announced loudly.

Wetherspoon's possessor began to laugh ever louder. "Is that what you think Dillon? Do you think that this is a dream? Then I suppose that you won't mind if I take care of some business."

Dillon was frozen in his spot, he couldn't speak, and he wanted to ask what he was talking about but didn't want to know. The possessor gave him an icy glare and then smiled as he walked to a nearby closet. He checked to make sure that Dillon was watching as he opened the door and exposed his captive. "I'm sure that Mr. Turner will be impressed by your compassion for him."

Killainka was extremely tired and was beginning to doubt even his own words as he made his way to the Faculty Corridor and into his office. He was trying to remember who he had instructed to meet him and where but he was sure that he had not invited Charlie Ratcliff to meet him in his office. "I'm sorry sir," apologized Ratcliff, springing to his feet as Killainka entered. "I was afraid to wait outside. I didn't want anyone to see that I was here."

Killainka was a bit concerned that he had been surprised by Ratcliff, but chalked it up to his degree of exhaustion. "It's all right Charlie, I just have a lot on my mind."

Ratcliff moved forward and then, as though he had second thoughts, he moved back into a corner again. "Professor I need to tell you something, but I don't know what it is," he confessed.

Killainka sat down in front of the fire and instructed Ratcliff to join him, which he reluctantly did. "What is it Charlie, you can tell me anything?"

"Sir, when I woke this morning I didn't feel so well. I lay in bed for a while and then called for Dillon. After ten minutes or so I realized he wasn't there." Ratcliff was teetering in his chair. Killainka took his arm to steady him. "Sir, it's nearly April," he said most disturbed.

Killainka was not sure what he meant. "Should it not be, Charlie?"

"No sir, the last I remember it was August."

"What is the last thing you remember in August?" asked Killainka without a flinch.

"Dillon and I went to visit some family in San Francisco."

I swear if anything happens to her," Megan whispered, "I'll never forgive any of us." William kicked her and shot her a dirty look. Zoe ignored them all concentrating only on Sarah who seemed to only now be slipping away

Sarah felt great, it had been a long day, and she was more tired than she could remember being in a long time. "Dreamless sleep doesn't cut it," she thought to herself. "It just makes me more tired." She was sitting in front of the fire in the common room now. It was so relaxing and the fact that no one else was there made her not want to move. She was just about to settle in permanently when she finally remembered why she was here.

"Eric, Dillon, where are you?" she asked rising to her feet. She looked into the fire and cried out. "Take me to them."

"Nice of you to join us, Miss Nettleton." Wetherspoon's face was hardly recognizable now and for a moment, Sarah was not sure where she was. She lost her balance twice before grabbing a chair to steady her.

"I knew you would be here," Sarah said trying to find a strong voice. She began to look around for Dillon and Eric. The possessor moved toward her slowly allowing Eric to fall forward out of the closet he had been pushed into. Sarah resisted the urge to lunge toward him. He looked alive and at that moment, that was enough. "Where's Dillon," she asked herself, trying to keep an eye on Eric, her attacker and still scope out the room.

"So you know who I am. Why is it that you do and my son does not?" Sarah was now able to follow his ghostly jester and find Dillon frozen at a desk on the other side of the room.

After seeing that he was alive, she addressed her concerns now to the present danger and what she now realized was an odd question. "What are you talking about?" she asked loudly standing her ground despite the fact that he was slowly approaching.

"I thought that you would know. Your boy friend here did," he said pointing at Eric who lied crumpled on the floor.

Sarah ignored his attempts to inflame her emotions. "If you are trying to say that Dillon is your son I had no knowledge of it and I'm not sure that it's even true. Why should I believe you?"

Dillon was visibly upset, even from a distance Sarah could see his swollen eyes and the tears flowing out of them. "Don't listen to him Sarah, it can't be true."

"It is," whispered a new character in the conversation. Sarah turned to see Eric struggling to lift himself to his feet. Dillon turned also. "I'm sorry Dillon but Professor Killainka told me so," he said forcing every word out.

"Isn't it nice to be the last ones to know?" the demon voice taunted.

"Who are you to claim to be Dillon's father?" Sarah shouted.

"It's not who I am, Miss Nettleton, but what I am that you should be concerned with." With these words, the body of Professor Wetherspoon fell to the floor limp. The room suddenly filled with a brilliant light. Sarah used the confusion to run to Dillon's side.

"Are you all right?" she asked shielding him from the light.

"Sarah it can't be true. I don't understand." Dillon rambled.

Sarah now searched for Eric and found him now only a few steps away. "Dillon we have to get to Eric." Dillon didn't and couldn't respond. Sarah shook her head and grabbed his arm tightly. Taking another look into the unfocused light, Sarah drug Dillon across the room and pulled him down next to Eric on the floor.

"Eric, are you all right?" she asked pulling his face up.

"He said that if I needed him, he would be there. We have to find him, Sarah," whispered Eric.

"Javier, are you okay?" asked Professor Quigley standing over him. Killainka opened his eyes to find that his office was now full; Professors Quigley, Abydos, and Chalipun had now joined him. He sat up looking very disturbed.

"Alice could you please let Miss Turner and her friends in," he said glancing at the door. Professor Quigley knew not to question him and crossed the room to open the door.

Zoe stood there staring at the room full of teachers. "Professor Killainka," she said finding his face.

"Yes Miss Turner."

"Sarah's gone. She went to find Eric and Dillon."

The entire room fell silent. Killainka looked at the children and then the fire. "Thank you for coming to tell me." He turned to Professor Quigley. "Alice please take them back to the dorm. Let Cedric know that everyone should immediately return to their dorms and that there will be detention for anyone who does not."

"Professor please we want to help," pleaded Zoe while Megan and William's head bobbed in agreement.

"You have," replied Professor Quigley. "And now we will take care of this." She glanced at Killainka and then ushered the children out the door. It will be all right Zoe, have faith," he added as they left. When they were gone, he turned to Abydos and Chalipun. "Have either of you spoken to Professor Wetherspoon?"

Abydos and Chalipun looked at each other and shook their heads. "No, why Javier?" asked Chalipun.

"Sarah said that Dillon was taken to his class room this afternoon. I think it's time we gave him a visit." Killainka turned to leave the room and lost his footing.

Abydos moved forward and steadied him. "Are you all right?"

Killainka's eyes grew wide and fiery. "Now, I have to go now!" he said suddenly.

"That's right, everyone's all together now, makes life so much easier for me." Wetherspoon's possessor was now only a malevolent voice emitting from a bright light in the center of the Potions class. "We could have been great together, you and I. But you were all so afraid of doing anything wrong that you couldn't believe."

"Sarah we have to find Professor Killainka," Eric repeated trying to stand with no success. Sarah knew what Eric meant; she closed her eyes and concentrated as hard as she could on Professor Killainka. Sarah watched Eric as he tried to rise again and was now fumbling with his robe. She suddenly knew what he was trying to do and began to search her own pocket for her wand. Finding it, she did not dare pull it out just yet; she then grabbed Eric's hand and helped him find his.

Eric smiled and nodded to her. "Thanks," he whispered.

"I don't know what good they will do," whispered Sarah looking at the glowing presence and then to Dillon who was now paralyzed with fear.

"What you talking about?" asked the disembodied voice. "Plotting my demise?" He now laughed loudly and then continued. "Do you actually think that mere children could do what many great wizards have tried?"

"Perhaps not mere children, Chinkana, but then, they are not alone," Killainka now stood at the entrance to the classroom. Sarah didn't think that she had ever seen him brandishing his wand. "Show yourself!" he now demanded.

The voice began to laugh loudly again and then said, "very well." Sarah felt like the entire room was spinning wildly. The light seemed to be twirling faster and faster into it began to take the shape of a man. It was not a man but the shadow that Sarah immediately recognized from her dreams.

"Here we are again. Isn't this quaint?" Chinkana was saying now as his shadowy figure moved closer to Killainka. "I know," he said using a playful voice. "We should return to where we were before. After all it wouldn't be very fair to me if all those people out there got in here." Sarah felt suddenly dizzy and was reminded of the portkey. Before she could figure out what was going on she found her self-falling onto the ground in the center of the Quidditch Field. Eric and Dillon had fallen with her and now lay by her side. Finding her focus again she looked to the other side of the field where Killainka stood as steady as he had inside facing the ever advancing Shadow.

"What's the matter Chinkana, afraid that you can't defeat meager teachers? I would think that a great man like yourself would have no fear at all," Killainka taunted.

The shadow chuckled. "You haven't changed at all Javier. I remember the first time we met; you were a lot younger but just as stubborn."

"And you, are you the same?" he asked calmly.

The Shadow ignored his question and glanced at the children. "You could have also been great Javier, as these children could have. But I suppose there is that inherent good in all of you that prevents you from seeing the truth."

"The truth as told by you?" questioned Killainka. "And what would that be? Tell us all what benefit we would all receive from joining your cause."

The Shadow chuckled again turning to now advance on Sarah, Dillon, and Eric. "Miss Nettleton you have great potential. After all many of my followers have feared your fathers name. And there's no doubt that having you, my son, beside me would have been desirable." Chinkana stopped and for a moment, Sarah thought that maybe a more human side had emerged but that was quickly discounted. "But the bitch has seen to you disloyalty." He paused again and then spoke softer to Eric. "This was your second chance, Mr. Turner, you would have been a great asset to me however you will be far too great of a liability. I can not let you become one of them." With these words, he turned quickly and advanced on him.

Sarah jumped; pulling her hand out of her pocket holding her wand which Eric now mustered all of his strength to do. He looked at Sarah and whispered "Impedimenta when I raise my hand." That is what he did.

"Impedimenta!" They both yelled at the same time. However, the Shadow of Chinkana continued to advance on them. Sarah strained to look around him to see what Killainka was doing and noticed that Chinkana seemed to have some kind of hold on him that he was trying to break.

"How can he be attacking Killainka and us at the same time?" Sarah asked out loud and then she looked at Chinkana again and was terrified. "Never mind."

Eric raised himself higher and they both shouted again. "Impedimenta!"

Dillon who had sat the entire time now rose and began to walk toward the shadow. Sarah, Eric, and Killainka at the same time called his name and cautioned him to stay back.

"No, I won't!" he spoke strongly and as though he was in a trance. "I want, no need to be with my father," he said loudly.

Chinkana stopped. As he had gotten closer to them Sarah had began to notice features, as he spoke this time to Dillon, Sarah saw a face begin to form. "What is this boy, are you speaking to me?" he asked.

"Yes sir," said Dillon. "I know now why I have felt so out of place all these years. It was wrong for my mother to keep me from you. I will go with you if you promise not to hurt my friends."

"No Dillon!" cried Sarah. "Don't do it."

"Shut up girl!" said the shadow coldly. "This better not be a trick, boy. Or you will all suffer and more."

"No sir, I am ready to go. I am tired of being laughed at and ridiculed, I know that will no longer happen if I am with you." Sarah tried to grab Dillon's robes to pull him back and found her self suddenly repelled across the field. Dillon looked at her but did not go after her. Sarah could see Killainka trying to move from his frozen position, she couldn't hear what he was saying, but she was sure that his curse had been far greater than hers. She couldn't move now lying crumpled in the grass she prayed that something good would happen but wasn't really counting on it.

Chinkana had now allowed Dillon to get close enough to touch him. "Then let it

be so," he said reaching out to touch Dillon's hand. As he took it, he shouted one last

warning. "This is obviously not the end Javier!" Then he and Dillon both disappeared.

Sarah, Eric, and Killainka now found themselves alone in the dark Quidditch Stadium.

Eric and Sarah collapsed on the ground.