The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 11/15/2002
Updated: 12/27/2002
Words: 123,031
Chapters: 14
Hits: 6,182

Where Your Dreams End

T Proctor

Story Summary:
What would it be like to be a young witch or wizard in the USA? Sarah's parents had been divorced since she was five and now she is eleven. What secrets have they kept from her and how are they about to change her life?

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
What would it be like to be a young witch or wizard in the USA? Sarah's parents had been divorced since she was five and now she is eleven. What secrets have they kept from her and how are they about to change her life?

Chapter Eight Christmas Revelations

Killainka called a meeting of the staff the very next day where, he and Professor Chalipun related the events of the afternoon before. There was a lot of concern expressed by the entire staff, however no one was willing to commit to any one reason for the events. Abydos related his strange encounter with Sarah with both a grain of salt and a slight hint of concern. In the end, everyone seemed to just be additional confused. The next two weeks seemed to ease the tension of the school. Sarah's only immediate problem seemed to be that as soon as the Professor's realized she was all right, they were piling triple the homework assignments on her. Eric had volunteered to be her personal tutor, which had brought several racy comments from her friends and by the end of the third week; Sarah was caught up on all of her homework. Just in time, since Eric no longer had time to give her, since he was now spending all of his free time practicing Quidditch.

There had been a short break in classes while the school celebrated Thanksgiving. Sarah thought that Abigail made too much food for Thanksgiving but was proven wrong after having been served Thanksgiving Dinner at Dragon's Wood. When they had all finished stuffing their faces, Sarah and Zoe soon discovered that it was a tradition for Eric and Professor Killainka to play chess after the meal. Zoe however, thinking chess boring talked Sarah into spending the rest of the afternoon in front of the TV.

Sarah had never seen wizard television before Dragon's Wood, but now enjoyed watching it as much as possible. In good old American tradition though, there was nothing but Quidditch games and the most colorful and unusual parades she had ever seen. Later in the afternoon, they went down to the field to watch Eric and his teammates practice. They had gotten special permission from Professor Quigley, who wanted them to take the cup this year as much as they did. Sarah had a wonderful time watching Eric and the team practice. Dillon was so totally engrossed that he didn't hear a word that anyone said. "Hey Dillon," said Zoe waving her hand in front of his face. "Those of us in the real world are ready to go back to the dorm before we freeze."

Dillon stared for a moment longer and then turned to look at the others and said "Huh." Everyone laughed. "I'm sorry but I cant wait until a can try out for the team," said Dillon as they headed back for the dorm.

"I bet that you would be good," said Megan smiling at him. Zoe and Sarah looked at each other, and then Megan and then they giggled profusely. "What?" said Megan, then they giggled again and again she said, "what?"

As the days went by life seemed to be good, despite the amount of homework they had and the extra studying that Dillon was now talking them into doing. Zoe and Eric were still concerned about Sarah even though nothing had happened in well over a month. It was hard for Sarah to forget too when every morning there was someone checking on her to see if she would wake up on her own. Then there were the tons of owls that she was receiving from her mom and dad and the Turners on a regular basis.

Even Professors Killainka and Chalipun were reevaluating what had happened. There hadn't been any solid evidence that Chinkana had been at the school. Professor Chalipun had not seen anything that could prove his involvement, and every since the Professor and Sarah had had their dream session, nothing had happened. Chalipun was optimistic to say that perhaps everything that had happened was simply due to all of the commotion in Sarah's life. Professor Killainka however, wasn't as ready to let his guard down.

As Christmas and first term finals approached, Sarah and her friends spent their time split between the library and helping Dillon's father with Christmas decorations. The Turner's and Nettleton's decided that even though nothing had happened in recent weeks the children would still be safer staying at the school during Christmas break. This didn't seem to bother anyone including Eric, whose girlfriend was also staying for the break since her parents were going out of the country for the holidays.

The Great Hall was shining with Christmas glory by the time Professor Quigley brought them their final grades. They were sitting, enjoying their dinner and feeling relieved that they had even going through the last week, when she arrived. "Good Evening," she said startling them. "I could have left these for you at the dorm however I thought maybe you would enjoy your dinner better if I brought them here."

Everyone was afraid to look. Megan was the first to open hers and she began to hop up and down in her seat. After that, no one was afraid to look. Dillon pulled his out and sat with his mouth wide open. "What is it?" asked Zoe. "Are they all right?"

"I would say they're all right," stated Professor Quigley. "Dillon has the highest grades in the sixth grade." She grinned, have him a wink and then walked away.

Everyone at the table jumped on Dillon to congratulate him. Dillon was thoroughly embarrassed and wanted to find a corner. Instead, they had another party to celebrate which was almost comparable to the one they had had for Sarah. It was again well passed a decent hour before everyone was in bed. In the morning, the train would be taking the students who were leaving home on that long journey, so they reluctantly retired.

The next morning most of the dormitory made their way to the train and then home, leaving very few behind. Before they knew it, it was Christmas Eve and Sarah was sitting dreaming in the Great Hall, looking at one of the large decorated trees. Eric had entered the room and couldn't resist the urge to sneak up on her. "Eric Turner," she screamed after jumping nearly out of her skin. She then hit him on the arm and scolded him for scaring the daylights out of her.

"What you doing?" he asked after sitting down next to her.

"Just kind of sitting here and thinking," she answered staring at the tree again. "Aren't the decorations great?" she asked after a short pause.

Eric agreed. "Yeah I think they get better every year, if that's possible." He thought for a moment. "They got a lot better after Dillon and his dad started doing them."

"That's right, he wasn't here the first year you were here," said Sarah

"Well he was here," said Eric, "he just didn't live here."

"What do you mean?" asked Sarah.

"He didn't live here but he was here all the time. I liked him from the start he was a great kid, his mother was my favorite teacher you know?" related Eric.

Sarah turned to look at him in shock. " His mother was a teacher here?" she asked.

"Yeah, she was the Potions teacher before Professor Wetherspoon. I had her the first year I was here. I didn't make friends very well the first few months and Dillon kind have looked up to me." Eric leaned over to whisper to her. "He thought I was great, little did he know."

Sarah laughed. " Why is it that no one said anything about his mom being a teacher here before?" she asked after some additional thought.

"I don't know," answered Eric. "I guess I just never thought to say anything. Dillon and I have talked about it a lot in the past and it's not something we talk about a lot anymore."

"Talk about what?" asked Dillon now coming up behind them.

"Your mom," said Sarah. "I didn't know she was a teacher here. How come you never said anything?"

Dillon stood quietly for a moment. "I don't know. I guess I don't like to talk about it much."

Sarah felt like a heel. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."

"No, it's all right," said Dillon quietly. "Its kind of funny, but lately I've been dreaming about her a lot." Dillon swallowed funny, he suddenly felt as though he shouldn't have said anything.

"Really?" questioned Sarah.

Eric put his arm around Dillon. "You okay with that?" he asked.

"I don't know. I get the feeling she's been trying to tell me something. But with everything going on with you Sarah, I didn't want anyone to worry about me."

Sarah now felt bad. "Dillon I can't believe that you wouldn't tell us you were having trouble. You're our friend and you're just as important as any of us, especially me."

Dillon felt very uncomfortable himself now. "It's really okay," he promised. "Besides the dreams stopped right after you came out of the infirmary."

Sarah looked at Eric. "Do you think that these things could be related?" she asked.

Dillon was worried now that he had said too much. "Surely not, I mean if I thought that they had I would have told Professor Killainka. I've had dreams about my mom before, lots of times."

"I don't know, it's probably nothing," said Eric smiling. "Besides we need to get to bed otherwise Santa Claus will never come." Dillon and Sarah rolled their eyes at Eric and then followed him back to the dorm. Sarah had to tell Zoe all about their conversation before they went to bed.

"Imagine both of them keeping such a secret the whole year," remarked Zoe after Sarah had finished relating what she had just heard to her. "I don't remember ever hearing anything about a teacher dying while Eric's been at school."

"Oh, come one Zoe you had to be maybe six. Besides I don't think they were keeping secrets on purpose. I think they just didn't think it was anything we didn't know about."

"You don't suppose that his mom was killed?" asked Zoe.

"Lord Zoe, you are so morbid. I'm sure that she just died the normal way," assured Sarah.

"What exactly is the normal way?" asked Zoe sarcastically.

Sarah rolled her eyes. "I don't know but I hate to ask him. Maybe we could find out from someone else like one of the teachers." Zoe wasn't sure that that would be a good idea but she was sure there was a book in the library about the school maybe it was in there. They talked a little longer and decided to investigate a little further without Dillon finding out. Before they went to bed they, both sent Christmas greetings to their parents via Mercedes and Socrates. Then echoed good night and went to bed.

Sarah and Zoe were the only girls to stay behind for the Christmas holidays in the sixth grade. Therefore, when they were awoke by pounding on their door and shouting the next morning they knew it was intended for them. "Go away!!" shouted Zoe.

"We don't want any," echoed Sarah.

"You better open up or we will bust down the door," came a familiar voice.

"Go away!" repeated Zoe, and then she added, "or Ill tell mom and dad what you and Annabelle have really been doing up here at school."

Sarah turned over and looked at Zoe who had her head buried under her pillow. "You two crack me up," said Sarah swinging around to get out of bed. She said for a moment listening to Eric pound on the door and Zoe fuss back at him and then she realized what day it was. Sarah ran over and jumped on Zoe. "Hey goof us, its Christmas. That's why he's pounding on the door."

Zoe stuck her head out. "Oh Yeah," she yelled as she sprang up out of bed. Eric had grown quiet for a moment long enough for Zoe to throw on her robe and attack him as she opened the door.

"It's about time you two lazy bums," he said fighting them off. "You have to come and see mom and dad loaded us down this year," he said to Zoe and then he turned to Sarah. "And I think you got more than we did."

"Presents," exclaimed Sarah and Zoe at the same time. Sarah and Zoe raced Eric to the bottom of the stairs. The few students that had stayed behind were gathered around the dormitory tree opening gifts. Dillon was there but he was already dressed since he had stayed the night with his dad. He was sitting next to a large cage, which held a great Snowy Owl.

"Look what my dad got for me," he said as they entered the room.

To no, ones surprise Zoe said, "cool," and drew closer to get a look at him.

"He told me that he was sorry he couldn't afford it when school started. I didn't care but he did. He was so proud when I showed him my grades; I thought he was going to cry." Dillon himself had a tear in his eye.

Sarah and Zoe gave him and Eric big Christmas hugs and began tearing into presents. There were several more for Dillon under the tree from his friends. Zoe had gotten him a book on how to care for your owl; she had been talking to his dad and knew what he was getting. Sarah got him a book about Quidditch. He was both grateful and ashamed for both since he had only been able to make them a small gift. Zoe and Sarah went on and on about how much they like his best but he knew they were just being nice. Zoe had gotten Eric a Fitchburg Finches Sweatshirt that he was now displaying proudly over his striped pajamas. Sarah was the most pleased by the screaming journal that Zoe had gotten her. Zoe explained that it would open to the sound of her voice and if someone, besides she tried to open it the book would scream until she told it to stop. There were a lot of other presents from her parents. Surprising enough though, her mother had not bought her clothes. "Maybe hanging around with dad is doing her some good," she remarked to Zoe.

Zoe's reply had again been, "they're doing it." Everyone punched Zoe on the arm and said yuck at the same time.

The rest of the morning was just as wonderful and topped off by a fabulous breakfast. There were wizard crackers on all of the tables that held wonderful surprises and enough food to serve three times as many people who had stayed through the holidays. Dillon's father was at the head table with the few teachers that had remained. They seemed in as high of spirits as the students including Professor Abydos, who seemed to be flirting with Professor Chalipun. Zoe winced. "That couldn't possible be a good thing," she said looking quite sick, Sarah agreed and then they chuckled.

Eric and Annabelle were sitting extremely close to each other, which got them a second glances and a wagging finger from Professor Quigley. Again, Zoe and Sarah chuckled. "I'm glad we just barely think boys a tolerable," whispered Zoe and Sarah nodded slightly taking a second look at Eric and Annabelle when she did.

Lunch was just as cheery as breakfast had been. Most of the Parathion students had gone home for Christmas including the Griffin boys and their friends, which made the atmosphere that more enjoyable. By the dinner feast, everyone in the hall was extremely full of cheer, including Professor Killainka who challenged Eric to another games of Wizards Chess. Just about everyone in the school stayed behind in the great hall to watch them play, including Sarah and Zoe after Sarah convinced her they should stay. Sarah had seen other students playing the game in the common room, however since she had never been that keen on chess and Zoe thought it was boring, she hadn't played close attention. The first time one of Killainka pawns took, another piece she nearly screamed. "What in the world?" she yelled as the pawn took off the head of the knight.

Zoe laughed. "Haven't you ever watched Wizards Chess?"

"I guess not," said Sarah. "I'm glad I'm not a pawn." Everyone in the room laughed.

Eric gave the Professor a run for his money however in the end Professor Killainka snuck up on his king. "Check Mate," said the Professor leaning back into his chair.

Eric looked sideways at the chessboard. "Didn't see that one coming," he said after a moment. Then he stood and thrust out his hand. Killainka also rose and then took his hand.

"Good game, Mr. Turner," stated Killainka.

"Yes sir, but Ill get you next time," he added winking at the Professor. Killainka smiled and winked back.

"I will look forward to that," he replied and he then said good evening to everyone else and took his leave.

It had been a most wonderful Christmas for everyone. They were all totally exhausted and looking forward to a good nights sleep. Zoe embarrassed Eric by kissing him before going up to bed. Sarah felt like even though Eric pushed her away with a disgusted look on his face, he was exceptionally pleased that she had. Even Dillon seemed to be stress free as he returned to the dorm with Eric who then snuck him up to the sophomore room to sleep. Zoe and Sarah didn't want the evening to end and continued to play cards on Sarah's bed until they fell asleep about two in the morning. Max was terribly aggravated at both of them and opted to sleep on the common room couch, he was the first one to be awakened.

The large fluffy house cat let out a loud meow and stood up to stretch. "Sorry Max," whispered Dillon, he had accidentally sat on him. The cat turned his back to him and strolled off down the hallway, very annoyed. Dillon looked around to see if anyone had heard the commotion. The sun was still sleeping lazily, but Dillon couldn't. He kept going over in his head what they had talked about in the Great Hall, the night before. He didn't like talking about his mother; he missed her a lot and had never really gotten over loosing her. The worst part about it was that he never had been able to remember much about what had happened and his father wasn't about to tell him. Dillon leaned back against the couch and stared at the fire. He was feeling bad about lying to Eric and Sarah, but then he hadn't meant to let out about the dreams. "There's no way that me dreaming about my mom could have anything to do with Sarah anyway," he thought to himself. He pulled the book he had brought down to read out of his robe. He just couldn't go back to sleep, too many dreams and too memories for one night. He was well engrossed with his story when someone taped him on the shoulder. Dillon nearly jumped out of his seat.

Eric stood over him. "Dillon what are you doing?" he asked. "I woke up and you weren't there, you scared the crap out of me."

Dillon turned red. "I'm sorry I couldn't sleep, so I came down to read."

Eric sat next to him on the couch. "Why couldn't you sleep?"

"I guess I was just too excited," Dillon lied.

Eric didn't quite believe him but didn't want to upset him just the same. "I suppose there has been an awful lot of excitement the last couple of days." He looked at the clock. "Well its all most morning," he said smiling. "Perhaps we could be the first to breakfast if we shower and get dressed now. I hear that the best food is to be had first thing in the morning."

Dillon smiled back and nodded. "I will meet you back here in about twenty minutes."

"Sounds great," agreed Eric and then he sat still for a moment and watched him leave. Eric was concerned; he had to admit to himself that there had been a part of him that had been for a while. He decided that it was time to do something about it. Eric and Dillon were just about finished with their breakfast when the girls came down. "It's about time," scolded Eric. Sarah and Zoe looked like they were still asleep.

"Aw, bite me," grouched Zoe as her and Sarah sat down across from them.

"Aren't we pleasant this morning," mocked Eric. Dillon chuckled.

Sarah shook her head and picked up a cinnamon roll. "You are up too early and are way too cheerful," she complained.

Dillon and Eric looked at each other and again chuckled. Eric leaned over to Dillon and whispered, "I need to go see someone. Can we pick up later on?"

Dillon nodded and turned red. "We don't have to hang out today," he whispered back.

"You're not getting out of our deal that easily," said Eric. "We will continue our mischief later," he said aloud this time.

Dillon smiled, Zoe and Sarah looked at them both. "What you are two up to?" asked Sarah.

"There's no telling if my brother is involved," proclaimed Zoe with a mouth full of muffin.

Eric winked at all three and took off toward the door of the great hall. "Ill be back," he said in his best Arnold Schwartzenegger voice. Dillon chuckled; Zoe and Sarah rolled their eyes and continued to eat. When they were finished, they returned to the common room to play a game.

"Have you come to challenge me to a rematch?" asked Professor Killainka sitting behind his desk and looking at his closed door.

Eric opened the door and walked in. "No sir," he said standing just inside the door. "I hope I didn't come at a bad time."

"Not at all Eric, please come in and sit down." Eric followed his instructions and then accepted his offer of hot chocolate. "I suppose that you have something important to tell me or you would not be lurking around outside my office door," said Killainka after a moment.

Eric nodded and leaned forward in his chair. "I am not sure if it is important, but it is to say the least curious."

Killainka looked puzzled. "Okay, you have my attention."

"Well Professor, Dillon told me he has been dreaming about his mother. However, as soon as he told me he began to make excuses as to why it was not important. Then there is the fact that I keep finding him up early in the morning and late at night. He claims that he has been studying, which I'm sure he has by the grades that he acquired. However I think the grades were a bi-product of the sleeplessness and not vice-versa." Eric paused and searched Killainka's eyes for a response, not sure, of his reaction he continued. " I don't know if any of this means anything and since nothing has happened to Sarah in awhile perhaps I shouldn't even be bringing it up. I guess I just thought you should know."

Eric was now feeling a little foolish; Killainka didn't seem to be reacting at all to his remarks, good, or bad. He was just about to stand up and beg leave when Killainka spoke. "He said he had been dreaming of his mother." Eric nodded and got comfortable again. Killainka walked to the window and looked out. "And you say that he's not sleeping well?"

"Well I'm assuming he's not. He looks tired all the time and I keep finding him awake at awkward times," Eric related.

Killainka nodded again, still staring out the window. After what seemed to Eric was an eternity, he turned to look at him. "Eric can I speak to you in confidence?" Eric eyes grew wide; he had never seen the Professor so serious before. Eric was a little frightened and a lot curious but he nodded just the same. "There are only a hand full of people in the world who know what I am about to tell you," he continued.

"Yes sir," said Eric as he felt the hair on the back of his neck raise. He was finding it hard to breath, and showing it.

"Eric," said Killainka, "breath." Eric took a deep breath and sat back. Killainka gave Eric a reassuring smile and then walked over to the fireplace, picked up a poker and stirred the fire. "Think back to the first year you were here Eric, there were a lot of changes at the school that year. The times were changing and there wasn't as much fear in our world. There were however, those who would still do us harm. Those who could not forget the past." He leaned down and stirred the logs again contemplating his next sentence. "Your father and Sarah's, had been chasing one of these men when you started here. He had been one of the most loyal to the Dark Lord and was not expected to let that past be in the past."

Killainka paused again, Eric had only been a child during the Dark times, but he could remember how scared his parents had been. "Professor I don't really remember very much about what happened that year. Mrs. Hutton says that they are repressed memories," he said sort of sarcastically, however he noticed that Killainka did not smile.

"You don't remember much because you were placed under a memory charm," revealed Killainka frankly. Eric frowned, he suddenly felt sort of slighted or cheated. Killainka noticed right away and laid his hand on his shoulder. "Eric it was for your own good and was done with the utmost love. You were not the only one placed under a charm that year, but you were the one that knew the most of what happened."

Eric suddenly felt sick, he wasn't sure that he wanted to know anymore. Should he get up and request to leave or should he simply tell the Professor that he didn't want to know anymore. "Maybe I'm not old enough to hear what you are going to say," Eric said and then he closed his eyes and shook his head. "Did I say that?" he said wrinkling his nose.

Killainka smiled. "Eric if I didn't think that you were ready I wouldn't be taking it upon myself to tell you." Eric relaxed a little, he did trust the Professor, he was the one person on earth that he respected and trusted as much as own his father. Killainka gave him another reassuring look and then returned to the fireplace. He seemed to be searching from some kind of answer in the dancing flames. "Eric the dreams that Sarah has been having, do they sound familiar?" he asked.

Eric nodded. "I remember that I was having nightmares about owls and letters." He chuckled. "I thought that all new students did. I figured I was scared to death about going and that it was coming out in my dreams. Then I remember them getting scarier and they're being someone or something that I never quiet understood. However, that's really all I remember because they went away right after Christmas. I guess Sarah having them now sort of reaffirmed my conclusions that they were just normal and everyone had them, but Sarah seems to be taking them a lot harder than I did."

"Not really," Killainka started. "You just don't remember. Your dreams were just as bad as Sarah's if not worse. However, you were stronger than Sarah is. You could always wake yourself and they didn't have the draining effect on you that they have had on her. This could be because you were raised as a wizard and you were very strong in your convictions from the start. Sarah is just now discovering who she is and is not that sure of herself. And then again I could be completely wrong, I have been once or twice," he said smiling.

Eric smiled back. "I doubt that sir," he said admiringly.

The Professor clamped his strong hand on Eric's arm again. "I'm glad to see that you're still my greatest fan." Killainka smiled and then returned to the fire.

"Professor," began Eric, "its seems to me that you are stalling a little."

"Perhaps you're right," he confessed. "I'll move along." He continued, "in your case the dreams escalated almost to the point of no return."

"No return?" questioned Eric.

Killainka turned and looked dead into Eric's eyes. "Chinkana," he said plainly. "Do you remember that name?" Eric shook his head. "Chinkana was one of the deadliest and most loyal to Voldemort. Perhaps it could be said that he was a Dark Lord in his own right. He had the ability to enter your mind and your soul through your dream state. He chose his victims carefully. They were the young and the innocent; those who he felt someday had the potential to be great Wizards. Like you Eric."

Eric turned red. "I'm not a great Wizard," he said most embarrassed.

"Perhaps not now, however I expect great things from you Eric and so does your family. That is you if we can get you to take the world a little more seriously that is," he scolded. Eric was now a bright red in shading and all most hiding his head "Don't be ashamed Eric, you remind me a lot of myself when I was your age. I'm sure that my very mentor was concerned about how I would turn out also." Eric lifted his eyes; he would never have expected Professor Killainka to say that he was like himself when he was younger. He always pictured the Professor as the Professor just younger. "Finding that hard to believe?" asked the professor. Eric nodded. "I suppose we all think of our teachers as super heroes. But we were all children once weren't we." Eric felt as though the Professor was stalling again however he didn't point it out this time. Killainka turned to the fire again for help. "Where was I?" he asked to no one in particular.

"Chinkana," replied Eric.

"Ah yes, he was making quite a name for himself. He was managing to poison the minds of some of our youngest and wisest. Fortunately for all of us when he was destroyed most of them were returned not unscarred, but wiser from the experience. Those like you Eric who were never completely engulfed could be easily helped with a simple memory charm. But there were others who took years to come to terms with what they had done under his spell." Killainka looked disgusted and somehow drained. It was as though it was taking everything he had to tell the story. "Your father followed him here right after Christmas that year, he figured he was after you. It was true that he wanted you to join him, but he wasn't here for you, it was someone else."

Eric was on the edge of his seat. "Who?"

"The same person that it appears he is again after."

"Sarah?" asked Eric extremely puzzled now.

"No I now believe that Sarah was as you were just another token, not the actually target," explained Killainka.

"But Professor, I'm confused. I thought you said that my father destroyed him," asked Eric.

"Yes we were under that impression. I myself was witness to it and that is what puzzles me. However, there is evidence of his presence here and I feel that we should not underestimate pure evil." Killainka was again engrossed in the fire. Eric couldn't stand it any longer.

"But sir, who is it that you believe he is after?" asked Eric trying to get to the point.

Killainka seemed oblivious to his question. "Tell me about Dillon and his dreams," he asked instead of answering Eric's question.

Eric was taking aback for a moment. When he regrouped he answered best he could. "I'm not sure exactly sir, he just mentioned that he had been dreaming about his mom and that he thought she might be trying to tell him something."

Killainka thought for a moment and then had a request. " I need you to do two things for me Eric. I need you not to discuss what we have said here today and I need you to talk to Dillon and find out what you can without alarming him." He paused and looked at Eric. "Do you understand?"

Eric nodded with a blank and confused look on his face. "Yes sir, but will you not answer my question?"

"Not at this time," said the Professor. "However I will when the time is right. In the meantime it is very important that you keep your promise and keep a good eye on Dillon."

"Yes sir," Eric repeated. He rose from his chair; Killainka crossed the room to meet him. He smiled and placed his hand once more on his shoulder.

"I promise that everything will be okay. And you yourself seem to think that I am always right," he said chuckling slightly.

Eric smiled painfully but genuinely. "I trust you completely Professor," he admitted.

Professor Killainka walked Eric to the door and after a few more assurances, he and Eric exchanged goodbyes. When Eric had left the room, he crossed to his desk and wrote a message.

It is time for us to talk


Zoe and Sarah were slaughtering Dillon at Monopoly when Eric returned to the common room. After apologizing profusely to him, he pulled him out of the room under protests from Zoe and Sarah. Eric took him outside. It was extremely cool however; the sun was shining and gave the false impression of a spring day. There was still a blanket of snow on the ground that sparkled before them in the sunlight. Eric stood still and looked around, Dillon looked around too and then at Eric. "See anyone?" whispered Eric.

"No," whispered Dillon in return and then he added, "why are we whispering?"

Eric laughed and straightened up. "Are you cold?" he now asked.

"Not really," said Dillon pulling his coat closer to his face.

"All right then, I've got permission to practice at the stadium from Professor Quigley want to come?" he asked grinning.

Dillon's eyes lit up. "Da! Like I would tell you no."

"Good, cause I got two brooms, mine and one of the house brooms. We're going to see if you're good team material," beamed Eric.

Dillon was suddenly more excited than he had been his whole life. Sure, Eric had done great things with him in the past but he'd never played Quidditch with him. He looked at him with concern. "Am I dying?" he now asked.

Eric looked at him like he was crazy. "What?"

"It's my last dying request you know, to play Quidditch," replied Dillon.

They both laughed and then headed for the Stadium. Two of the other members of the dorm team were already there with the equipment. Dillon hung back. Eric noticed he wasn't moving and turned to ask him why. "They'll laugh at me," he whispered to Eric.

"No they wont Dillon, they wouldn't do that to you. Besides," he added, "if they did they know I'd make them practice seven hours a night in the dark, while it was snowing blindfolded."

Dillon laughed. "You probably would too."

For the next two hours the three-team members took turns, demonstrating how to do something and letting Dillon try it. To Dillon and the team member's surprise, he caught on remarkably well. Rafael who was the team's Keeper thought that Dillon was amazingly quick for a sixth grader. He was able to block everything that they threw at him and once or twice managed to hit into the goal afterwards. All though he had only been able to catch the golf ball they used as a Snitch six out of seven times Matt, who was the Seeker for the team, thought that he would be good Seeker material. Eric, who was a chaser for the team decided he could do anything he wanted to if he made up his mind to do it. They were all exhausted, cold and soaking wet from falling in the snow when the sun started to go down. Eric thanked Rafael and Matt for joining them; they in turn thanked Dillon and Eric for the afternoon fun and invited them to sit beside them at dinner so they could discuss game strategies. After changing into dry clothes, they all went to the Great Hall. Dillon was walking on air, "This has to be the best day of my life," Dillon thought looking at the older boys flanking him on both sides as they entered. Sarah and Zoe where all ready at the table waiting, they stared at the quartette as they approached.

"What have you deadbeats been up to?" asked Zoe. Matt and Rafael looked at each other and then Zoe.

"Sounds like the 'ittle sixth graders need a hug," said Matt. Rafael agreed and then they both squished the stuffing's out of the Zoe until she was begging to be released. Eric and Dillon couldn't breath they were laughing so hard.

"Very funny," complained Zoe as she straightened herself up and sat back down again. The guys sat down next to them. Eric and Dillon continued to chuckle until Zoe punched them both in the ribs.

"That's not nice," said Dillon.

"You know Dillon, I'm not sure hanging around with Zoe's brother has been good thing for you," observed Sarah.

"Oh Sarah you know that you love me," said Eric as he made smooching noises in her direction. Sarah went red and threw a roll across the table that just barely missing Eric's head. This time everyone laughed.

Zoe would later tell Sarah that she had always had a crush on Matt every since she had first laid eyes on him. Sarah laughed but had to agree he was cute. Annabelle had shown up just before they had started eating. Her and some of the Broughton girls had been with Professor Chalipun all afternoon, learning to meditate. Sarah and Zoe thought that this was cool and wanted to know more. When they were finished eating, they all went back to the common room. Matt and Rafael then left to go flirt with the girls from the Broughton dorm, and Annabelle offered to take Zoe and Sarah to see Professor Chalipun after her and Eric had a moment alone to talk to each other. "Fine," said Eric, "just run off and leave us alone. Dillon and I don't care, do we?"

Dillon puffed up and said, "yeah, we don't care at all." They received several eye rolls and disgusted looks as the others left. Dillon had planted himself in front of the fire and looked exhausted, Eric joined him.

"Are you tired?" he asked him after a minute or two.

"Yeah," he replied.

"I suppose you wont have any trouble sleeping tonight," said Eric patting him on the back.

Dillon sat quietly for a minute and then he looked at him. "Am I so pathetic that you're going out of your way to be nice to me?"

"I didn't realize that I was being nice to you," said Eric plainly. "I was desperately trying to get you to hate me by making you work really hard all day." Eric began to tickle him. "And then after exposing you to women and the embarrassment of eating with Matt and Rafael. I figured that you would never want to have anything to do with me ever again."

"All right, all right," said Dillon pushing Eric away and catching his breath. They both laughed for a moment and then sat back on the couch and enjoyed the fire. It seemed like an eternity to Eric before Dillon spoke again, "Eric, I do want to tell you."

"You do want to tell me what?" asked Eric curiously.

"I know you're worried about me and frankly so am I. You've been like the brother that I never had. There were times after mom died that I don't know what I would have done without you and dad."

Eric was tearing up but he wasn't going to let Dillon see it. "Quit it, my head is going to get even bigger and then Zoe and Sarah would kill us both."

Dillon smiled. "I'm just trying to say thank you in my pathetic sort of way."

"You shouldn't be thanking me," said Eric. "I should be thanking you. You were my friend when I first got here when everyone else made fun of me. After all, if you remember I wasn't always the gorgeous and popular hunk that I am now. I was once a pathetic little dweeb like Griffin. I think if you hadn't been there for me that first year to boost my ego and keep me straight I probably wouldn't have made it." It was getting late and they were now the last in the common room. Dillon looked at the fire and began to speak.

"They begin with my mom standing in the Great Hall," said Dillon staring into the fire.

"The dreams?" asked Eric.

Dillon nodded and then continued. "We're all there, me, you, Zoe and Sarah and all of our other friends. At first, I don't notice that she's there because were talking and having a good time. Then slowly I recognize that it's her and I start to cry out, but before I can get up or say, anything this dark shadow falls over the room. The next think I know she's disappearing into it. I try to get up but I can't, something or someone is holding me down." He stopped and looks directly at Eric. "But the worst part is that as she's disappearing she's saying something to be but I can't hear her. I know that she's trying to tell me something." Dillon took a deep breath and then collapsed back into the couch.

Eric sat in silence for a moment and then put his arm around Dillon. "Wow that was a mouth full little guy."

"Yeah, don't ask me to say it all again," he said looking exhausted.

Eric thought about what he had said. "Can I ask you some questions?" Dillon nodded. "How do you feel when you recognize your mother?"

"Excited, and maybe a little scared, after all I know that she's dead, even in my dream."

Eric nodded. "Who else is in the room? Tell me everything that you can remember."

Dillon spent the next hour answering Eric questions and remembering everything that he could. Then Eric told Dillon that they had talked enough for one night and again made him sleep in the sophomore dorm. This time he also made promise to wake him up if he had the dream. Dillon agreed however, it wasn't necessary. That night Dillon had the best nights sleep he had in months. However, the security of Eric and the sophomore dorm would soon be gone; the train arrived in the morning.

Everyone had to go down to meet the train in the morning, "It's just the polite thing to do," insisted Sarah as they were walking down to the station. No one seemed to mind very much though; it was wonderful to see Megan and William again. The friends spent the next couple of hours talking about the holidays and catching up. Dillon told William about the Quidditch practice making William sufficiently jealous. Megan was quick to remind everyone toward the end of the day that it was only a matter or hours before classes began again, "thirty-six to be precise." Everyone in the entire common room booed and threw things at her. All and all it was a good day and they had at least one more before classes began. After dinner, Eric again excused his self from the group. This time however, Dillon hadn't noticed. He was having too much fun with the rest of his friends.

Eric stood outside Professor Killainka's door and waited for him to invite him in. He knew he did not have to knock, so he didn't. He knew that he just needed to be patient, after a short pause, he heard his invitation. "You can come in now Mr. Turner." As Eric entered, he noticed that they were not alone. There was a tall, thin, woman standing in the shadows by the window. "Good evening Eric," Killainka greeted.

"Good evening," Eric repeated, eyeing the woman suspiciously.

"I'm sorry Eric," said Killainka looking at his expression. "I hope that you don't mind I've invited someone to hear what you have to say."

Eric shook his head. "I don't mind sir." He paused thinking that Killainka would introduce the woman in the shadows, however after a moment he still hadn't. "I wanted to talk to you because I found out some other things," explained Eric.

"I suspected as much," replied Killainka. " Go on," he encouraged. Eric again looked at the woman, and then continued. Eric relayed to the Professor everything that Dillon had told him start to finish. He listened as carefully as the woman in the shadow did and then leaned back in his chair. "So he doesn't have any idea what his mother is trying to say." Eric shook his head. Killainka began to pace while the woman remained in the shadow. Eric kept trying to get a good look at her without appearing to do so to the Professor. "I thank you Eric for your help, now I suggest that you head back to the common room after all this is the last night you get to stay up late. I'm sure your friends are looking for you."

Eric rose. "Yes sir, I'm sure they are." He turned again; trying to get a look at her but was unsuccessful.

"Thank you for keeping me informed and for keeping an eye on Dillon. Feel free to contact me again if you have any more information" were Killainka's final words as he shooed Eric from his office. When the door was closed, he turned to the woman in the shadows. A beautiful blond-haired woman emerged from the shadows. "So Christine, what exactly are you trying to tell Dillon?"