Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Hermione Granger Severus Snape
Romance Drama
In the nineteen years between the last chapter of
Half-Blood Prince Deadly Hallows (Through Ch. 36)
Published: 07/01/2011
Updated: 08/12/2011
Words: 19,666
Chapters: 7
Hits: 410

Never Give Up, It's A Wonderful Life


Story Summary:
When Hermione Granger is assigned Severus Snape's old quarters, she never expects to find his ghost haunting them. But is everything really as it appears? SS/HG.

Chapter 03


Chapter song: James Taylor - "Something's Wrong"

Chapter 3

It was just after seven a.m. when Hermione arrived at the Headmistress's office. She wouldn't normally disturb her at such an hour, but she knew that Professor McGonagall was an early riser, and this really was something of an emergency.

Much as she expected, Hermione found the Headmistress already sitting at her desk, quill in hand and a cup of tea at her elbow.

"Hermione!" McGonagall greeted her with a mixture of pleasure and surprise. "Good morning! I do hope nothing is amiss?"

"I'm terribly sorry to disturb you so early," Hermione began, looking around. "Is Professor Snape not here yet?"

Professor McGonagall frowned. "Severus? Oh," she went on, her face clearing. "You mean his portrait. No, unfortunately, things have been in such a state of disarray it seems to have been misplaced. I really do have other priorities," she added, a bit defensively.

Hermione shook her head. "No, I meant Professor Snape's ghost. Although it is a shame about his portrait. Maybe that's why he's still here..." Hermione mused, thinking that perhaps his unusually colorful appearance was in some way connected to his missing portrait.

Professor McGonagall looked at Hermione sharply. "His ghost? Don't tell me he's decided to haunt Hogwarts?"

"It appears so," Hermione admitted. "I ran into him just now in his-- I mean in my quarters. He was quite put out about my being there, and all his things being gone. Do you still have them somewhere? Maybe he could be persuaded to take up residence in another room that's not needed for the living."

Professor McGonagall began rummaging around among the papers on her desk, muttering something about 'inopportune time' and 'bloody-minded Slytherin'. "The Ministry sent some forms for registering any ghosts that might show up after the Battle of Hogwarts," she explained. "Quite honestly, I was afraid we'd be inundated, but this will be the first one."

"I was a bit surprised to see him, myself. I mean, aside from the fact that I woke up to find him looming over my bed--"

Professor McGonagall snorted in amusement from behind a pile of papers.

"I wonder what it is that's kept him back," Hermione said. "Whether he has unfinished business."

"I'm afraid I'm no expert in Spectrology," McGonagall replied, Levitating a stack of scrolls to peer underneath them. "Very often, I don't think even the ghosts themselves know why they have remained behind." She sighed and returned the scrolls to their original position. "I'll have to owl the Ministry for another form. It will be quicker than trying to find anything in this mess. I'll have to speak to his ghost myself, as well. Not that I don't believe you," the Headmistress hastened to add.

"Oh, no, that's fine. In fact, he said he was going to meet me here. Perhaps he's having trouble finding his way up. That one staircase--"

"Yes, terrible," Professor McGonagall commiserated. "That one right next to the library. It's at the top of my list. However, as a ghost, a missing staircase shouldn't pose any problem to him," she pointed out.

"Oh, yes," Hermione tittered, feeling stupid. "That's right. I don't know then. Should we wait a bit longer? He did seem keen to find out where his things were."

Professor McGonagall looked embarrassed. "I disposed of most of it," she confessed. "Clothes, toiletries... they weren't of any use to anyone. The books went into the Hogwarts library, and the -- you'll excuse me, but I turned anything associated with those horrid Death Eaters over to the Aurors."

"What about personal correspondence? Pictures?"

"The few things I didn't know what else to do with are in a box here somewhere..." Professor McGonagall stood and looked half-heartedly around the room. "It wasn't much. Really, nothing of value."

"Do you mind if I look around? I have a feeling if we can at least offer him something, he may be more amenable to a compromise."

"Be my guest. I'll give you a hand." She turned around and crouched down to peek into some boxes piled up behind the desk. "I'm sorry I can't even tell you where to start looking. It could be anywhere. There have simply been so many things needing my attention."

"I know," Hermione said with a smile and began poking around the various piles of items, being careful to replace everything just as she had found it.

"Other than that, are you finding things to your liking?" McGonagall asked.

"Oh, yes. I mean, it'll take some getting used to, but the rooms and furnishings themselves are fine. Well," Hermione amended as she reached behind half a suit of armor to get at a crate, "I could do with a shower. Do you think it might be possible to have one put in?"

"Nothing here," Professor McGonagall muttered and turned to another corner. "A shower, you say?" she repeated, somewhat louder. "I'll put it on the list for the Aquamages. It may be a couple of weeks. They're having to re-plumb nearly everything on the ground floor."

"That would be lovely," Hermione said, sliding the crate out and prying it open, only to find it full of Ever-Burning Candles. "And would there by any chance be another window-picture floating around? The bedroom is quite dark and could do with some brightening up."

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you there," Professor McGonagall said ruefully. "Those have always been a hot item, and a few seem to have 'walked off' during or after the Battle. Along with all four House banners from the Great Hall, two complete suits of armor, and countless lesser items. Keepsakes, souvenirs, I'm sure I don't know. Mr. Filch is livid."

"How terrible!" Hermione exclaimed, reaching for another crate.

"I'm fairly certain the one in your quarters only survived because no one was able to get past Severus' security measures. It took the Headmaster's Key to override them."

"Thank goodness for that."

"Ha!" Professor McGonagall cried out triumphantly. "I do believe I've found it." She heaved a small wooden trunk up onto her desk with a thunk.

Hermione stood up and went over to join her. The Headmistress started to open the lid, but Hermione put out her hand to stop her. "Wait. Are you certain these are his things?"

"Yes, this is the box I put them in. Don't you want to take a look?"

Hermione shook her head. "No. He wouldn't like me 'wallowing around' in his things. I'd rather respect his privacy. I'll bring them down and see what he'd like done with them."

"I'll come with you. I'm rather curious to see the ghost of Severus Snape."

On their way down, Professor McGonagall pointed out the classroom Hermione would be sharing with Professor Vector, as well as several repair projects needing urgent attention. They even ran into a pair of Aquamages already at work, peering into a gaping hole in the floor, and put in the order for Hermione's shower.

When they reached Professor Snape's former quarters, Hermione paused to knock before entering. "I don't want to surprise him," she explained to Professor McGonagall with an apologetic shrug.

"Hello? Professor Snape?" Hermione called out softly as she opened the door. "I was up in Professor McGonagall's office, but you never came. She's here with me now." She looked around the silent room. "It doesn't look like he's here," she said, ushering Professor McGonagall in.

"Severus?" the Headmistress called out sharply. "Severus, I haven't time for games! If you're here, come out immediately. These are Professor Granger's rooms now. We can find another room for you, if needs be. I can't afford to allow a ghost to occupy a suite with a working bath. Now really, Severus. Be reasonable!"

"Maybe he ran into trouble with one of the other ghosts, or with Peeves," Hermione ventured, feeling as if she somehow needed to defend him.

"Well, that's as may be. Or perhaps he did decide to move on, or visit someone else. In any case, I really do have more pressing matters to attend to. Will you be all right with keeping the box with his things here for the time being?"

"Of course," Hermione said.

"Excellent." McGonagall turned to leave, but stopped in the doorway. "Don't hesitate to come and see me for any reason, anything at all, Hermione. You know my door is always open to you. Oh, and dear?" Professor McGonagall's brisk manner softened as she laid a gentle hand on Hermione's arm. "Don't let Severus get to you. He's a hard nut, but he really is a good sort underneath it all."

"He's certainly a complicated person," Hermione allowed.

"That he is. Or was," Professor McGonagall agreed. "If he does show up again, please let him know he needs to come see me if he wants to haunt the castle. I'm sure we can work something out."

"Thank you, Minerva," Hermione said, the name still feeling unfamiliar on her tongue.

"You're quite welcome." She looked around, her eyes searching the ceiling and far corners. "That goes for you, too, Severus, wherever you are," she said to the room at large before taking her leave.

Hermione closed the door after her and looked down at the chest she was still holding. A nearly irresistible call seemed to be emanating from it, insisting that she open it and look through the contents. Instead, she placed it deliberately on a small table and stepped away. She meant what she'd said to McGonagall about respecting Professor Snape's privacy. In addition, she certainly didn't want to give a ghost any reason to exact revenge on her, and most especially not the ghost of Severus Snape! The sooner she got him to move on, whether to the afterlife or another part of the castle, the better.

There were several things niggling at her, however: Snape's unorthodox appearance; the missing portrait; and last but not least, the fact that he'd simply disappeared after agreeing to meet in the Headmistress's office. It didn't seem like him to make an appointment and not keep it, not unless something had happened to him. But then, what could possibly happen to a ghost?

Hermione's stomach growled, reminding her of her very corporeal body and its requirement for nourishment. Trying to put thoughts of Professor Snape and his afterlife out of her mind, she quit her quarters once again to see what the house-elves were dishing up for breakfast.