The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch/Severus Snape
Original Female Witch
Darkfic Alternate Universe
Multiple Eras
Half-Blood Prince Deadly Hallows (Through Ch. 36)
Published: 04/30/2008
Updated: 02/19/2014
Words: 42,163
Chapters: 8
Hits: 1,049

Dark Heiress


Story Summary:
They fear the dark. Not me. They call it evil. What is evil? They say it consumes, controls. No one controls me. Not anymore. They hate me. I don't care. They don't understand. But I'll show them all... especially him... One witch must embrace the darkness in order to rid the wizarding world of its ultimate evil and finally redeem the house of her forefathers. The past is not set in stone and things are never what they seem. A journey filled with love, lust, lies, revenge and betrayal. Dubious prophecies, dueling Marauders and uncovering deeply buried secrets. The truth will rock the wizarding world to its ancient magical foundation and every witch and wizard will question their once firmly-held beliefs...

Chapter 07 - Aside from the Pride

Chapter Summary:
We finally get to see which House Morgana has been Sorted into and just what her fellow students think of her. The first day of Hogwarts turns out to be more than a little interesting for some.
Author's Note:
Fifty House points each to AlyssAislinn and TitaniaOrion for their reviews, it's always amazing to hear what you think. Also, big thanks to afterglow745 and Harry_Potter4life for polishing up this chapter.

Chapter 6- Aside from the Pride

Morgana sat in the circular room looking at the many items around her. The Headmaster's office seemed to mirror his eccentricity.

She was beginning to grow annoyed at having to wait for the Headmaster to arrive with only his large phoenix and portraits of past headmasters for company. All she wanted was a good night's rest before taking on her new life as a somewhat normal teenager the following day.

She was startled when her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the Headmaster.

"Ah, Morgana, good to see you again! How was your trip?"

Quickly recovering from her surprise, she replied shortly, "Fine, thank you."

Smiling, he settled himself behind his desk and pulled out a bowl of yellow sweets.

"Sherbet lemon?" he offered.

"No, thank you, Sir. I believe you wanted to see me?" she replied, getting straight to the point.

"Indeed, I did. I see you are looking much better than during our last encounter," came his response, looking bemused.

Not willing to stray down that path again, Morgana tried a different tactic.

"Well, if that is all, then perhaps--"

Preventing her from making her escape, the Headmaster interrupted, "Actually, I would prefer if you would stop by the Infirmary and see Madam Pomfrey. I have already informed her and she awaits your arrival."

Damn! Is my life destined to be full of complications? thought Morgana. The last thing she needed was to be prodded and probed by a stranger. After her ordeal with Lucius she was not open to any form of physical contact, and she was certain that a Mediwitch was sure to invade her personal space. She would also rather nobody knew of her situation and there would be no hiding it from this Madam Pomfrey.

"Really, Sir, but that won't be necessary," she tried vainly.

"I don't believe that was a request, Morgana. Madam Pomfrey will just give you a quick examination, the results of which will stay between the two of you and you can be on your way. I'm certain that you need not worry." Morgana glared at the older wizard but remained silent.

Unfazed, he continued, "As per our agreement, I have compiled a table of jobs for you to do around the castle. However, I must add that it really is unnecessary. Perhaps you have changed your mind?"

Morgana's pride was all she had at the moment, and she would not accept charity. She boldly replied, "I will earn my stay." She stood up and held out her hand for the role of parchment. Eager to leave and get the damned examination over with, she took the parchment without looking at it and began, "If that will be all..."

Sighing, the older wizard replied, "One last thing and you will be free to leave. Sixth-year students have already sat their Ordinary Wizarding Levels, but as you are a new student, my colleagues and I have decided to allow you to attend class with the other sixth-years. However, you will be on probation for a month, during which time your teachers will be able to assess you and decide whether you are capable of remaining as a sixth-year student. You will find a number of subjects on your parchment to choose from, as well as those that are compulsory. Please make your choices wisely and if you have any concerns, feel free to ask for assistance from any of the teachers. Mr Filch, the Caretaker, is waiting outside my office to escort you to the Infirmary and then to your Common Room. I've been told the password is Purus."

Morgana already had her hand on the door handle.

"Good night, Sir," she replied as she opened the door.

A soft reply of, "Good night, Morgana," was all she heard as she made her way down the spiral stairs. As she stepped into the corridor she was met with a straggly-looking man with yellow eyes. He had a deep frown on his face and looked at Morgana disapprovingly.

"Right, you, keep up then- I've better things to do than give tours of the castle!" said the man Morgana assumed to be the Caretaker. He moved surprisingly fast and Morgana had to take long quick strides so as not to be left behind. All the while the irritated Caretaker kept rambling to himself, not caring that Morgana could hear all of his hateful remarks.

"Damn students, always takin' advantage... don't know what Dumbledore's thinkin'...too lenient I always said...think I'm their personal slave... gettin' away with murder they are... and them blasted Marauders..."

Morgana tried to ignore him and instead began to imagine how her examination would go. It did not take long before they were outside the large wooden doors to the Infirmary. The second it took for her to hesitate upon entering the much dreaded Infirmary was all it took for the ill-tempered Caretaker to bark at her, "Well, what are yer waitin' for? Get to it!"

She glared at the Caretaker before pushing the door open and entering the surgically-white cleanliness of the infirmary. The beds were empty and the only sound came from an office to the side where she could hear someone bustling about.

She approached the open door of the office and ventured in a clear, level voice, "Madam Pomfrey?" A young witch in an immaculate, starched white Mediwitch ensemble made her way from the back of the office where Morgana noticed a room that contained many potion vials.

"Ah, Miss...Morgana, I presume? Headmaster Dumbledore said a new student would be coming by. If you could just get behind the screen over there--" She gestured to a large screen that blocked a bed just past her office before continuing, "--and pull on the hospital gown, I'll be with you in a minute."

Morgana made her way behind the screen and for a fleeting second she entertained the idea of escaping through the large windows. The fact that she would most likely plummet to a painful death seemed almost welcome to the alternative. She felt like pulling out her hair, and for a moment actually gripped a handful before slowly trying to regain her composure.

Steeling herself against what was inevitably to follow, she donned the gown that had been neatly folded at the foot of the bed, before seating herself on the edge. She had changed just in time as Madam Pomfrey joined her behind the screen.

"Right, Morgana, if you'll just lie down, I'll run some diagnostic spells to assess your general health. There's nothing to be worried about and you won't feel a thing," the young Mediwitch said reassuringly.

Morgana, not wanting to be coddled or have Madam Pomfrey believe that she was nervous, because really, she wasn't, quickly piped in, "I'm not worried. I just want to get this over with."

Madam Pomfrey smiled kindly at Morgana before waving her wand over her torso. Trying not to worry, Morgana forced herself to think back to the evening's Sorting Ceremony.

* * * * *

Morgana held her breath as the Hat finally announced, "...GRYFFINDOR!"

As the name rang through the Hall, she knew that if she had still been living at home, were the news of her being Sorted amongst the blood traitorous house of Gryffindor to reach the delicate ears of her parents, she would most certainly have been disowned. It was a good thing that minor detail had already been dealt with. Nonetheless, Morgana was relieved that she would not have to be in the former house of that idiot, Lucius Malfoy.

It would have sickened her to be in the same House as her parents and their associates. Replacing the Hat upon its stool, she made her way towards the red emblazoned table, her future Housemates applauding in jubilation for its newest member.

She tried to avoid looking in his direction, but the boy named Black was banging on the table and the moment her gaze strayed towards him, he once again winked at her before sticking his fingers in his mouth to whistle loudly. She averted her gaze and looked for a seat while the boy Black hastily turned towards his friends.

"So, what do you think, Prongs? Looks like I have a new conquest..."

Beside him, a boy with hazel eyes and glasses regarded his friend closely before saying, "Let me guess, Padfoot, the rest of Hogwarts girls, single or not, not much of a challenge anymore?"

"This, my friend, is fresh blood. I'm not saying I don't appreciate all the attention from my ardent fans. Why, just this morning some pretty Hufflepuff was offering to do my Transfiguration homework for the rest of the year if I sat next to her. Sweet girl, can't quite remember her name but anyway, you know how it goes, it tires a guy out after a while."

"So, how long are we talking about this time? One hour? A day?" came the avid reply from his best friend.

"You know, you really should have more respect for them. They're not just here for your entertainment," came a third, level voice.

"Oh come on, Moony, live a little! You sound like something from Witch Weekly's 'Hex a Wizard' column. Now if you'd just take my advice you could hook up with that nice-looking little Ravenclaw Prefect that always happens to be with you on duty--"

"--or in the library..." broke in a fourth voice.

"--or next to you at Quidditch matches, and that's even when we play against her house!" finished James Potter.

A red-faced Remus Lupin spluttered, "You guys--I--Sirius-- you read Witch Weekly's 'Hex a Wizard' column!"

Unabashed, Sirius replied, "Of course I do. You have to know your prey in order to win them over. So, as I was saying, given the odd circumstances of our house's newest member, I think I deserve at least a week to suss out the target." Rubbing his hands together gleefully he continued, "Now, the interesting part, stakes!"

"Knowing your reputation with the ladies, I don't think the odds are in our favour, and I'm not about to throw away Galleons," replied James.

"Come on guys, we have to make this interesting!" whined Sirius.

"Fine, fine! Just don't use that tone, you sound like your mum," replied James to a horror-faced Sirius. Ignoring his look of disgust, James continued.

"Let's see, five Galleons if you get her, and ten for me if you don't."

"Wait, why do you get more?" replied Sirius.

"Like I said, the odds are already in your favour. Besides, who can resist our charming ol' Paddy?"

"Cheers, mate! Fine, it's a deal," replied Sirius happily, not noticing James' look of accomplishment. Sirius faced the other two and said, "Right, then, what about you two?"

"Sorry Sirius, but I'd rather not be involved--"

Disregarding Remus, Sirius broke in with, "Okay, from Moony, a weeks worth of homework." Remus looked scandalised at the very idea before Sirius confidently continued, "Or a week on my best behaviour, no pranks, sneaking past curfew, skipping classes or--"

"Or doing anything to Snape," Remus said seriously.

"No pranking Snape?" was the almost painful reply from Sirius. Frowning at Remus' nod, Sirius replied reluctantly, "Deal."

Finally, turning towards the last Marauder, Sirius said, "Ah, and Wormtail." The fourth member of the group looked nervously at Sirius, before listening to him continue. "Let's see... since you seem to scare all the girls away, you can have that magazine of mine you're always drooling over,"

Wormtail turned a dark shade of red before spluttering, "I-I-don't-what--"

"Relax, Wormtail," interrupted Sirius, "Your secret's safe with us. And if, or rather when I am triumphant, let's see, no beans for the rest of the year, or cabbage for that matter. At night, the smell..." he let the sentence hang, all three of the Marauders wearing a grimace.

Peter Pettigrew hastily dropped his gaze to the table, and pushed away his plate which still held the remaining half of his dinner.

Sneaking a quick gaze at the newest member of Gryffindor, Sirius couldn't help keep the smug grin off his face as he said to the small group, "Let the games begin..."

Morgana took the closest available seat which, thankfully, also happened to be furthest from Black and his rowdy group of friends. The only downside was that she was seated amongst a number of twittering First Years, all of whom were still in awe over the Sorting Ceremony.

Remembering the Bloody Baron's promise to keep her a seat, Morgana cast a glance over to the Slytherin table and noted that the ghost looked particularly scandalised, which was somewhat terrifying and caused the few students close to him to edge away. Her gaze connected once again with that pair of obsidian eyes. Its owner fleetingly looked at her before breaking eye contact and looking down at the table with a scowl.

"Of course, it had to be bloody Gryffindor," he sneered to himself.

"What was that Snape?" said a boy to his left.

"Nothing. Mind your own business," he snarled in response.

"What's gotten your knickers in a knot then? Oh wait, I heard about Black and you on the train. Seems the filthy traitor still hasn't outgrown his little thing for you. He still calling you by your pet name then? What was it again... oh yeah, Snivel--"

"Shut it, Avery! Black and his gang are a bunch of cowards. All that Gryffindor bravery, a pile of dung! And if you don't stop that damn snickering, you'll be the first to sample some of my more interesting spells I've been working on this summer," he growled menacingly.

His partner immediately lost his amused look and wisely avoided trying to make conversation for the remainder of the evening.

Snape furtively glanced back to where the new girl, Morgana, had seated herself. She, like the rest of the students, had begun to eat as the food magically appeared. There was something about her... but then his gaze drifted further along the table to where one fiery redhead sat. She was chatting amiably to her friends between mouthfuls. He looked back to his own plate which was still empty. It was foolish to believe that any Gryffindor girl would be any different from her. If he had any sense at all, he would avoid girls like a swarm of Doxies. No, it was definitely not a thought worth dwelling on. Fools that wore their hearts on their sleeves were self-made targets. Scowling once more for good measure, he began to fill his plate before dessert began.

Morgana ate heartily; while Milly's food was nothing to be scoffed at, it did not compare to the spread before her. Soon, dessert appeared and after a helping of chocolate blancmange with mint cream, she was ready for bed.

She had managed to avoid turning in Black's direction, as she knew he had been trying to get her attention the entire evening. It was a relief when Dumbledore finally rose to address the school once more. "Now that we are all sated, it is off to the wonderful land of dreams, where anything is possible. Almost like magic..."

The rest of the Headmaster's good night speech was drowned out as Professor McGonagall appeared at her shoulder. "Morgana, the Headmaster would like a word with you before you head for your dormitory. I am to lead you to his office where he will join you momentarily. If you would follow me," she said in her Scottish brogue.

Lovely, thought Morgana, as she followed the older witch. Just what I need. Sighing, Morgana instead tried to remember the routes they were taking. Eventually, they reached a stone gargoyle and Morgana heard her Head of House murmur to the statue, "Strawberry puff."

The gargoyle shifted to reveal a spiral staircase that ascended. "Go on up into the office. Professor Dumbledore should be there shortly." Morgana nodded and took her first step onto the staircase, which started to move, when she heard Professor McGonagall say, "And welcome to Gryffindor, Morgana."

It may have been a trick of the light, but Morgana was sure she saw the older witch smile briefly before she lost sight of her Head of House and was met with a wooden door.

* * * * *

Morgana watched as a deep crease began to form between the eyes of the Mediwitch. The older witch had just run the diagnostic spells, and Morgana knew that there was no way she could hide the truth from her. As if on cue, Madam Pomfrey began, "Morgana, while your general health is satisfactory, it seems that you have sustained a number of serious injuries recently, which is a great cause of concern."

The young Mediwitch was staring intently at Morgana, clearly seeking some explanation. There was no way that Morgana was going to get into details with the other witch so she simply said, "I got into a fight."

Clearly not fooled, the Mediwitch replied, "Morgana, some of your injuries were life threatening and- I have to ask--" she faltered before continuing in a gentle tone, "--were you assaulted? Morgana, were you...raped?"

Inhaling sharply, Morgana closed her eyes tightly to fight off the tears that threatened to spill before quietly saying, "I'd rather not talk about it."

Feeling her heart clench, Madam Pomfrey replied, "Morgana, this is serious. Whoever did this to you--" but Morgana did not give her a chance to continue.

Sitting up quickly, she gripped the Mediwitch's wrist almost painfully before forcefully saying, "No! There's nothing to be done. What's happened has happened and that's all there is to it."

"Morgana, do your parents know?"

"I have no family," stated Morgana in a dead tone. She continued, "And no one is to know. No one. Promise me you won't tell anyone."

"Morgana, this cannot be ignored, perhaps Dumbledore--"

"Not Dumbledore! Please, no one can know! It's my business. You have no right to tell anyone!"

Sighing, Madam Pomfrey gently stroked Morgana's hand before saying, "Alright, Morgana. However, you do still require medical treatment and as your Mediwitch," she said more sternly, "I'm keeping you here overnight." Seeing that Morgana had opened her mouth to argue, she added, "It's non-negotiable."

Pursing her lips and crossing her arms with a huff, Morgana lay back on the bed. "I suggest you get comfortable. You have a number of bones that have not healed properly. I will have to rework the points of fracture and reset the bones. Also, while it does not seem as though there's anything to worry about, I think we should rather err on the side of caution; so I'll need to administer an emergency contraceptive potion."

Morgana's face contorted to one of horror. The thought that she could be pregnant had not even crossed her mind. With all that she had been faced with recently, this was one surprise she'd rather not have to deal with.

Patting her hand in a show of comfort, the Mediwitch said, "Like I said, Morgana, there's nothing to worry about. Try and relax while I get your potions. I'll be back to start in a few minutes."

Walking around the screens, Madam Pomfrey entered her office with a sigh. There was already so much going wrong in the Wizarding world; young people like Morgana were supposed to enjoy their lives, sheltered and protected from harm. If they were robbed of their innocence now, then what kind of life awaited them in the real world?

Stepping into her potions stores, she began looking for potions she would need. She found the contraceptive potion and made her way back into her office where she poured a measure into a goblet; the potion needed to air for five minutes before being consumed. Setting the goblet onto a tray she turned back to find the rest of the potions.

Her back to the door, Madam Pomfrey did not see the figure that arrived behind her. Hearing a knock on her offices door, she answered automatically, "Morgana, you should not be out of bed."

"Excuse me, Madam Pomfrey," came a familiar voice.

Turning around with a warm smile she amended, "Lily, my dear, good to see you. How are you?"

"Very well and you, Ma'am?" came the polite response.

"Good, thank you. So what can I do for you?"

"Actually, it's for Mary, she's got her usual cramps and she hoped you had something for her?"

"Yes, yes, poor girl, it's the same every month. Wait just a moment and I'll get the right potion," said the Mediwitch kindly before heading back into the potion storage.

So, the new girl, Morgana, is in the Infirmary... that explains why she wasn't in the common room. I wonder what's wrong with her, thought Lily. Spying the goblet on the table, she allowed her curiosity to get the better of her. Gazing in at the contents, she saw the vivid red colour and the convex meniscus of the potion...and knew exactly what it was... from theory, of course. If the new girl was taking it, that could only mean one thing...

"Ah, here you go." The Mediwitch emerged with a vial in her hand but failed to notice Lily's prying gaze as the girl, instead of noticeably jumping away, had covered her tracks by taking a step towards the Mediwitch as if to retrieve the potion.

"Mary knows the routine; she must drink the entire vial and if she still has cramps tomorrow she can come see me."

Accepting the small vial, Lily replied with a grateful smile, "Thank you, Madam Pomfrey. I'll be sure to tell her that."

Lily hurried back to Gryffindor Tower. Mary MacDonald was one of her closest friends and she knew the girl had been dying to know about their new roommate, who had apparently already gone missing.

"Purus," she said to the portrait of the Fat Lady. She was barely through the hole when she was accosted by a large figure. "Hey, Red, there you are--"

" Don't. Call. Me. That.!" she replied tersely, trying to side step the infamous Marauder.

"Right, so anyway, I've been waiting ages and there's no sign of her. She definitely didn't come back to the Common Room, but since you're a prefect and teacher's pet--"

"I am not a teacher's pet!" she snapped.

The Marauder however, carried on without hearing her, "--I was hoping you might know something?"

Surprised to see the odd look on his normally mischievous face, Lily replied in a neutral tone, "I have no idea what, or whom you are talking about." Nose in the air, she made to leave when she felt a strong but gentle grasp on her forearm.

"Come on Evans, you know, that new girl, Morgana."

Through narrowed eyes, she regarded the boy before her, who, to his credit was trying to project an image of utter innocence. And failing dismally at it. "What exactly do you want with her?"

Peevishly, he replied, "You know, to welcome her... to Hogwarts and Gryffindor."

Having witnessed some of his more creative ways of dealing with other students, she replied cynically, "Yes, I'm sure."

"Evans!" he whined before continuing, "Please, you must know something?"

Whoa. He said please. I suppose there really is a first time for everything. Sighing, she relented and said, "She's in the Infirmary. No, I don't know why, and no, you most definitely are not sneaking out to find out."

It was as though she had read his mind. "C'mon, Red, just a few minutes, you know, to make her feel at home, being the new girl and everything."

A peeved redhead replied, "Don't call me Red! And if I find out you so much as stepped a foot in the direction of the Infirmary, I'll deduct House Points... and give you detention! Don't think I won't come up and check in your room. If I find that you're missing, I'll go straight to Professor McGonagall!"

"But- but- you're in Gryffindor!" he spluttered in horror.

"All the more reason to keep you in check, Black. Now, do you promise you won't--"

"Yes, yes! I won't go," he grumbled, shooting her a disgusted look and walking away. "Don't know what Potter's thinking... doesn't know what he's in for... bossy little red-head..." Lily watched a very disgruntled Marauder drag himself towards the fireplace before making her way to the sixth-year girl's dormitory.

A worn couch stood before a crackling fire, occupied by two smaller second-year students. Paying no notice, Black slumped onto the couch and squashed himself between the two boys who, a moment before, had been engrossed in an animated discussion over the new opening in the Gobstones club.

After spying his best friend with the girl he had been chasing for the past few years, James Potter rushed to the couch and squashed himself next to Sirius, effectively burying the two younger boys in the overstuffed cushioning. "I saw you and Lils talking a second ago. What did she say? She mention me? Is she ready to go out with me?" He fired question after question, unable to contain his excitement.

Accustomed to the frenzied state his friend would get into on sighting a certain redhead, Sirius Black sighed before replying, "Relax, Prongsie, she's as crazy about you as the day you met."

Overjoyed, the messy-haired boy replied, "Really? Finally! After all this time--wait," he broke off as he remembered something. "Lils wasn't that happy with me the first time we met. Granted, she didn't know she was in love with me but still..."

Unable to allow his friend to continue in his disillusioned state, Sirius sighed once more before saying, "No, Prongs, she didn't mention you." Seeing the slight fall of James' face he added reassuringly, "But that's no reason for you to give up, I know she'll come around."

With a new sense of resolve, a cheery James replied, "Fear not, Paddy, this Marauder is as relentless as Snivellus is at avoiding shampoo." When his joke did not receive the appreciative response he had been expecting, he regarded his friend more closely; Snape-bashing was one of Sirius' favourite pastimes.

"What's up Padfoot? You look serious." When, once again, their most famed joke went unnoticed, James truly became worried. That joke had never ceased to break a laugh, no matter how corny it was.

The two second-years, who were being suffocated by now, struggled out from the folds of the seat and clambered away.

"Lily appears to be a problem; she's jeopardising the mission, and I'm afraid she'll have to be dealt with," came the serious reply.

"Now, now, Sirius, there are limits, and no one messes with Prongs' Lily. No need to get drastic just because she thwarted your little hunting expedition."

"That's a bit rich coming from you, the way you stalk Evans. Really, James, it's sad."

"I do not stalk Lily." After a moment of thought he said, "Okay, well maybe just a little. But that's different; Lily and I were made for each other, she just doesn't realise it yet. By the way, where is that new girl? She's in Gryffindor right?"

"Yeah, Evans said she's in the Infirmary, wonder why though...I was about to go for a visit when Miss Perfect--"

"Oi! That's the future Mrs. Potter you're talking about, although she is rather--"

"--told me she'd throw me in detention! Talk about looking after your housemates."

"As if the great untouchable Sirius Black is ever without a plan to ensnare the fairer sex!"

"Of course! Which girl can resist the irresistible charms and outrageously good looks of the most famous Black?" he said pompously, sending James a dazzling smile.

"Sorry mate, but there's only one girl I ever notice," his best friend replied dreamily.

"Besides, I don't need to worry. I saw the way she was checking me out. She wants me," replied Sirius with an equally dazed look.

Stifling a chortle, James replied, "Yes, I'm sure she does."

Madam Pomfrey watched as Lily left with the vial in her hands. "She really is a delightful young lady," said the Mediwitch to herself. Sighing, she placed the potions on a tray before carefully making her way to the partitioned bed. Morgana was lying beneath the covers with a frown on her face. "Right, Morgana, I won't lie and say that this won't be unpleasant, but it is for the best."

Morgana reached for the goblet of potion that she was being offered. "You'll have to drink the entire potion. Every last drop."

"Yes, I get it," she replied despondently. Morgana grimaced as she swallowed the first potion; its red colour belied its foul taste. Once all of the potions were a churning mix in her stomach, the Mediwitch began the torturous task of resetting Morgana's bones. To say that the night would be unpleasant was indeed an understatement.

* * * * *

While the sun merrily streamed in through the Infirmary windows indicating a pleasant day, it was ignored by the witch who had just awoken and was now rushing about in a foul mood. The re-setting had been painful and uncomfortable. While her hand and ribs now felt as good as new, she did not. Sleep had eluded her for most of the night as the potions had left her feeling nauseous. When she finally did manage to succumb to sleep, it was not a refreshing one. She awoke feeling groggy and in need of a few more hours rest. To make matters worse, she had almost overslept and much to her annoyance, the Mediwitch had told her simply that a day in bed would do her well.

Complimented with a pounding headache, Morgana had steadily grown irritable as she rushed about trying to get ready for the morning's first class, Ancient Runes. Her school bag, the same cloth one she had used for her trip in Diagon Alley, had been left at her bedside along with her school robe hanging from a hook on the wall.

Hastily getting dressed, she grabbed her bag and rushed out desperately trying to remember the direction to the classroom that the Mediwitch had given her. There was no time for breakfast, so she sprinted down the near empty corridors, the nervous tug in her stomach telling her that she was going to be late. Hoping she had reached the right room, she pulled open the door to a class that had already begun.

A level voice called out, "Tardiness is unacceptable Miss--"

"Morgana," she provided, her face burning.

"The new student?" he asked before continuing, not waiting for a response, "Well, be that as it may, five points from Gryffindor should serve you and your house well to ensure that you are on time for class. Take a seat." There was a collective groan from her fellow housemates as well as a few snickers from the Slytherins. She sunk into the nearest seat, her eyes glued to the desk in front of her. She had just lost Gryffindor their first set of points and her housemates were shooting her annoyed looks that she avoided by keeping her head bent low. This also meant that she missed the dark gaze that was boring into the back of her head from the corner of the class.

"Don't worry, it happens to everyone. Besides, it's your first day and trust me, we'll have lost so many points by the end of the day that no one will even remember," came the reassuring words from her left where a boy with a round face and a kind smile sat. He continued in low tones, saying, "I'm Frank Longbottom. Welcome to Gryffindor."

Having been ostracized from most people her age, Morgana had not had the chance to interact freely with others or make friends, so she replied uncertainly, "Yes, thanks."

The class went fairly well, until the teacher began asking questions. Morgana had never possessed but a rudimentary grasp of Ancient Runes, as her parents had made it clear that looking at useless symbols had no merit in her future. Their only concern was equipping her with as much knowledge and physical practice with magic, and anything else did not matter. Choosing her subjects had been tricky enough: Charms, Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Arts would be simple considering those were areas her tutors had focused on. Then there was Potions; but how hard could it be to make a potion following a recipe? It was just like in the kitchen, not that she had ever cooked anything, but she had seen the house-elves use the many cookbooks to prepare her mother's favourite dishes. If a house-elf could do it, it should be easy enough for her too. And of course she had seen her mother tell her garden-elf dozens of times how to maintain the estate grounds, prune her roses and even the Snap-Dragons. It was a job even her mother could do, so Herbology was an obvious choice. Finally, because Ancient Runes was the only other subject she had ever encountered, she had made it her last choice. What did she know about caring for magical creatures or reading patterns in the stars? Everyone knew Divination was a farce for the gullible and she could just hear the arrogance in her father's voice as he snorted, "History! Who cares about the past when we're already working on a better future?"

"Right, now, a common mistake from last-year's exam: who can tell me what the difference between ehwaz and eiwaz, is?" Only a few hands were raised, one of which belonged to a redhead in front of her. Morgana, however, was vainly trying to keep her head lowered in a bid to go unnoticed. "Ah yes, how about you, Morgana?" The Runes professor was looking at her expectantly.

Embarrassed, Morgana replied softly, "I don't know."

"What was that? Do speak up," prodded the Professor.

"I don't know," she repeated louder.

"You don't know. That is an OWL question. You will notice that I make no exceptions for anyone in this class. Everyone here has earned their place based on merit and yours will not be given because you are the new student. Perhaps you should rethink your subject choice; I hear Muggle Studies has ample space." A handful of students sniggered but thankfully, the Longbottom boy was not one of them, shooting Morgana a wan smile.

The teacher continued on to say, "If I remember correctly, you received an Outstanding on the exam, didn't you, Lily?" Not waiting for whoever Lily was to answer, he said, "Perhaps you could take pity on your housemate and tutor her before I am forced to kick her out."

"Of course, Sir," came the reply from the redhead in front of Morgana, who had flushed a deep shade of crimson. For the remainder of the lesson she kept her head down and avoided making eye contact with anyone, least of all the obnoxious Runes professor. When the lesson finally ended, she practically ran out, not wanting to hang around any longer than necessary, ignoring the voices of Frank Longbottom and that Lily girl. Managing to find an empty classroom, she slipped in quietly and waited a few minutes before checking her timetable for her next class.

Herbology, Greenhouse Eight. That must be outside, she thought reasonably. Taking a deep breath, she left the classroom and joined the students straggling between classes. She gradually made her way towards the large, open doors of the castle and spied groups of students making their way towards the large glass greenhouses in the distance. At a steady pace, she made for the same area as everyone else, trying to ignore the various curious looks directed her way. Clutching her bag tightly and looking ahead resolutely, she strode past a small group of boys huddled to the side talking in hushed tones.

"Right, so here's our game plan--"

"Wait just a minute," broke in an anxious voice, "What do you mean by our game plan? This was your idea and if you'll remember I wanted nothing to do with it."

"Moony, Moony, Moony. Now what kind of Marauder would you be if you didn't lend a hand occasionally," came the casual reply of Sirius Black.

"All I'm saying is that this, like so many of your other plans, is doomed to end badly."

"Now, now, Moony, give our guy some credit; this is Sirius we're talking about. If anyone can woo a girl, it's him," replied James Potter convincingly.

With a grin, Sirius said, "Thank you, Prongsie. Now, as I was saying, before I can resume the conquest of my lovely new target, I need some details. This is where you come in Moony." Ignoring the worried look on his friends face, he went on, saying, "Being the nice guy that you are and seeing as how we're one Marauder short with Pete doing Divination, you're going to partner with her and try to sniff out any information."

"Why me? James is better at this sort of thing, and he could--"

"Because we both know that James is too busy eyeing Evans to be of much help here; he'd be too distracted."

With a solemn nod, James agreed, "It's true."

"You're really going to make me do, this aren't you?" sighed Remus with an air of defeat.

Clapping both boys on the back, Sirius said cheerfully, "This is it then, boys, let the games begin!"

Finding a workbench for herself, Morgana laid her bag in the space besides her, hoping she would not have any company. Waiting for the class to begin, she watched as people paired up and soon felt a tap on her shoulder. "Excuse me." Turning to face the voice, she met the gaze of a boy with worn robes and congenial smile which belied the tired look on his face. On his chest was a Prefect badge which gleamed proudly. It took a moment for her to place him as the Prefect on the train that had rushed past her.

"Yes?" she ventured expectantly.

"Would you mind if I joined you? Everywhere else is practically full," came the polite reply as he gestured to the place besides her. Looking around, most spaces were occupied or in the process of being so. More disturbing was the fact that she recognised a number of the students from her earlier disastrous Runes class.

With a sigh, she conceded and replied, "Sure, go ahead."

"Thanks. I'm Remus Lupin, by the way."

Seeing his expectant look, she offered, "Morgana." Gazing past her, he could see the other two Marauders a workbench away gesturing for him to continue.

"Nice to meet you, Morgana...?"

Morgana quirked an eyebrow at him as he trailed off before replying, "Just Morgana."

Clearing his throat, Remus began once more, "So, Morgana...you're new...um...so where were you studying before? Beauxbatons?"

Regarding him shrewdly, she replied levelly, "I had tutors."

Looking uneasy, Remus pressed on to say, "Tutors, oh, that's interesting. So...uh...why did you decide to join Hogwarts?"

With narrowed eyes, Morgana replied, "I think we should we get ready; it looks like the class is about to begin." She had anticipated that there would be questions, but really, didn't people know how to mind their own business? Hoping to stem any further conversation, she resolutely turned to face the plump witch with dirt-covered robes who had, thankfully, just entered the greenhouse carrying a pair of shears.

The class progressed without any more conversation involving her personal life. However, she fared as well in Herbology as she had in Ancient Runes. When she clipped the wrong stem on a Banshee Vine for the twelfth time and it let out an ear-piercing wail, it was to her immense annoyance that she heard Professor Sprout say, "My dear, perhaps it would be best if you sought help from someone who could help you until you become more familiar with the plants. Lily, dear, would you mind?"

Morgana groaned inwardly as the same redhead from earlier, who was hanging onto every word, said, "Yes, of course, Professor."

Shoving her wand into her robe (apparently, trying to stun the damned weeds only intensified their screams), she wiped off the tiny beads of sweat from her forehead and tried to disentangle the flailing branches from her hair, trying hard not to just walk out of the class. Things were supposed to get better at Hogwarts, not worse. So far, her entire stay had been nothing but a big fiasco. She was sure that if she was just given some time she would be fine. Under the instruction of her tutors she had quickly learnt a great deal. Not that she had any choice, but she was still by no means a thick student.

When the lesson finally came to a close, Morgana could not have been more relieved. It was lunch, and if her stomach's judgement was anything to go by, she was starving. She tried to avoid the know-it-all redhead, but this time she was not so fortunate.

"Morgana, um...hey! Hi, I'm Lily Evans, we're in the same house and actually share the same dormitory..." she left the sentence hanging in the hope of Morgana offering an explanation for her absence the previous night, but there was no way that Morgana was going to oblige her with details the redhead had no business knowing.

"Yes, I suppose so," she replied simply, waiting for Lily to continue. People were streaming past her on their way to lunch and Morgana watched on in envy.

With a steady smile Lily continued, "Yes, well, I'm also a Gryffindor Prefect, so if you need anything or if you want to discuss some sort of study plan, or anything else really, I'm here. Oh, and I don't mind coming up with a study timetable that could suit both of--"

"Yes, I'll keep that in mind," cut in Morgana, as the redhead was already flipping through her daily planner. This girl had the audacity to assume that she needed her help! Well she didn't. She needed no one's help, or pity. Turning on her heel, Morgana walked away and blended with the crowd, leaving an open-mouthed Lily gawking in her stead.

The nerve of some people! And I was just trying to be nice, thought Lily as she stormed off towards the Great Hall. If that was the new girl's attitude, then she was not going to bother.

Morgana entered the Hall and sat at the end of the table closest to the doors. The Hall was quickly filling up and she knew she couldn't avoid everyone forever, but that didn't mean she couldn't try. She tried to eat as fast as possible, but soon she felt someone sit beside her. While she would have preferred to ignore that person, they apparently had other ideas.

"No need to look any further, I'm right here," came a haughty voice directed at her.

"Excuse me?" she said as she turned to look, only to find the boy Black, who had winked at her during the Sorting Ceremony. He was leaning on the table, his hair falling slightly into his eyes and he was grinning a perfect smile at her. Grinning...like an idiot.

"I mean, a girl like you wouldn't be complete without a guy like me. So here I am," he replied with a smirk.

"Right, well I have to go," she said as she stood to leave.

"C'mon, I'm doing you a favour really."

With her bag strung over her shoulder she replied, "Thanks, but I think I'm fine as is."

Turning to leave, she 'accidentally' dropped her goblet of rhubarb juice on his lap, only to hear him give a yelp and exclaim, "Aack! That's cold!"

Having watched the scene from a few seats down the table, James, unable to contain his laughter approached his friend and laid a hand on his shoulder to say, "I can't seem to hear the sound of any wedding bells just yet."

Drying the large wet spot on his robes a slightly miffed Sirius replied, "Worry about your own wedding bells! I've got this one in the bag!"

With a laugh, James replied, "Didn't seem like it to me. I thought you were off to a rather wet start!"

"Oh shut up!"

* * * * *

"Idiot!" mumbled Morgana under her breath as she left the Great Hall. Checking her timetable, she had a free period before Defence Against the Dark Arts at the end of the day. However, according to her duties roster, she was to help Madam Hooch with the first-year flying lessons. She was required to set out the brooms before the lesson began and then replace them when it was over. Not too much of an effort, she thought, considering it was the first duty she had been given.

Making her way outside, she found it to be a warm, bright day with a few fluffy clouds scattered across the brilliant blue sky. The lake gleamed as the sun's golden rays made the ripples caused by the giant squid to appear scattered with diamonds. If only I hadn't left my paint set behind, she thought in frustration. Today was a perfect day to be out capturing the world as it basked in the merry sunlight. Sighing, she consulted her list again, which was now giving instructions to get to the broom shed. Morgana was thankful that the list appeared to be enchanted to provide assistance where necessary, which suited her since she still had trouble being around people, much less having to converse with them and ask for help. Sitting on a seat carved into the wall of the castle, she waited for the teacher to arrive. Students milled about as they enjoyed the brief reprieve from lessons, thankfully taking no notice of Morgana.

A quarter of an hour later, most students began making their way indoors. Morgana spotted an older witch with short grey hair and yellow hawk-like eyes approaching. "Ah, you must be Morgana. I'm Madam Hooch. Dumbledore said you'd be assisting with the first-years' flying lesson; How good are you on a broom?"

Having never considered that she may be required to actually mount a broom, Morgana replied nervously, "I've never actually been on a broom."

Madam Hooch's eyes seemed to double in size at her response. "That's absurd! Why ever not?" she asked.

"My parents did not see it fit for a girl to waste time on a broom," replied Morgana, irritated at her parents.

"That's ludicrous! Having played for the Holyhead Harpies, I can vouch that it was most certainly not a waste of time. Not to worry, I think I can fix that. We'll end class ten minutes early, and you can have your first go at it. How does that sound?"

Morgana couldn't help the sudden thrill she felt at the idea of flying. She had seen images of people flying in books and had always yearned to experience it for herself. This time there was nothing holding her back and it was an opportunity she was not going to miss. "Yes, I'd like that very much."

With a smile, the older witch replied, "Granted, the school's brooms aren't the best, but it'll do."

With her spirits high, Morgana gathered enough brooms and set them in rows. That done, she moved back to her seat as the students arrived. A number of students looked excited, while others looked at the brooms with avid curiosity, and a few showed white-faced nervousness.

She observed the class in interest and enviously heard the joyous yells as some managed to soar off the ground. She had hardly given flying a second thought, as her parents had forbidden her, knowing that any pleas would be in vain. The end of the class couldn't have come faster and soon she was alone with Madam Hooch and one of the few brooms in better condition. "Right, Morgana, I know you were watching, so just take a breath and give it a go."

With a nod, Morgana did exactly that before throwing her leg over the broom and mounting it. With a look of encouragement from the older witch, she gripped the handle firmly with both hands before kicking off from the ground. And then... the world no longer existed. There was nothing holding her back. For the first time in years, she felt exhilarated. Throwing all inhibitions to the wind, she let out an equally joyous laugh. If she need ever describe the feel of freedom, then this was it. The absolute control, the cool, crisp taste on her lips, the whisper of the wind against her cheek telling her she was finally free.

* * * * *

While Morgana dreaded having to go back to a class full of curious people, her amazing afternoon, however short her time in the air had been, had put her into a relatively good mood. The prospect of being cooped up indoors did not seem as daunting. Filing into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom with the students, Morgana found a seat towards the front of the room. A moment later, and the lingering pleasure from her flight evaporated at the sound of an unfortunately familiar voice. "Ah, sweet of you, keeping a place for me." The large form of Sirius Black promptly sat himself beside her, and Morgana couldn't help the groan that escaped her lips.

"Don't get too excited over me now," replied Sirius with a smirk.

Deciding that she would not let him get to her, she avoided looking at him and resolutely ignored his comment. Turning around, Sirius gave a double thumbs up to James Potter, who winked in response. Seated besides him was Lily Evans, who rolled her eyes at the two boys. Unperturbed by her silent demeanour, Sirius began. "So Morgana, that's a nice name. I was thinking--"

What exactly he was thinking was left hanging when the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher entered the class and said, "Good afternoon, class. As you know, I am Professor Backly, and I will be taking you for Defence Against the Dark Arts for the rest of the year. As I can see, you are already all in pairs, but for today, I'd like you in same gender pairs, just to avoid any incidents. You, at the back," he said, directed to a dark, lone figure seated in the corner on the opposite side of the room. With the entire class' attention focused on him, Severus Snape replied with a scowl, "Yes?"

"Where is your partner? According--"

"Probably poisoned him," came the just audible voice besides Morgana. The class sniggered and Snape scowled even deeper, glaring at Black.

The Defence Against the Dark Arts professor continued over Black's comment, saying, "--to the class list there should be an even number of students."

Returning his attention to the new teacher, Snape briefly thought, Like the rest of us, he thinks this class is a waste, before replying evenly, "Mulciber is...sick."

The professor gave him a calculating look. "On the first day of school? I'll be looking in to that."

When it was apparent that no reply was forthcoming, he said, "You may work in threes for today. The rest of you, move."

The class began to shuffle around and Morgana felt relief at having a change in partner. Much to her annoyance, Sirius' voice rang out. "Don't miss me too much, babe," he said. Turning to glare at him, she saw him wink at her as he joined Potter behind her. Her relief was, however, short-lived as her new partner sat down. Gazing at the vivid red hair, Morgana groaned inwardly, trying to keep a grimace off her face.

"Professor McGonagall asked that I assist you with any of your classes that you might have difficulties with. So, as I was saying earlier, perhaps it would be easier to set up some sort of study timetable that could suit us both." Her business-like tone did nothing to convince Morgana that she wanted or needed anyone's help. The fact that her new Head of House seemed to think she was inept did little to improve her mood.

"Like I said, I'm fine. You really shouldn't trouble yourself with help that's not wanted." Turning her face towards the professor, who looked about to begin the lesson, she stemmed any further discussion. Pursing her lips, Lily did the same.

"Today, you will be practicing Non-verbal spells. While I don't expect great results, since this is your first lesson, your current pairs should ensure that you are somewhat evenly matched. Now, Non-verbal spells are most effective..."

Morgana lost interest soon after. Non-verbal spells were nothing new to her. After what felt like hours, she heard the teacher direct, "...be facing your partner with your wands raised, and using only your thoughts you will attempt to disarm or block your partner. I want it clear that no other spells are to be used. Now, let's see what you can do. I will be coming around to assist."

Clearing away her things, Morgana noticed that the know-it-all red head had been taking lengthy notes and was just rolling up a long piece of parchment. Finally facing each other, wands raised, Lily said, "Right, so he said to keep your mind clear, envision your spell working and feel your magic flow." She began moving her wand around in her hand, seemingly getting a feel for it. "Feel the magic...feel the magic..." she muttered to herself.

Tired of watching her opponent while others around them were laughing at failed attempts or trying to cheat, Morgana said, "Just give it a go, will you?"

With a resolute look, the redhead met her gaze and said, "Fine, be ready to block." Their wands raised, each witch wore a steely look aimed at the other. Seeing the slight crease of her eyebrow, Morgana did not have to work out that the redhead was about to cast the spell. A second later and she felt the slightest brush as her Shield Charm dissipated the impending spell.

"You're not doing it right. You're not concentrating hard enough, and you need to channel the magic through you faster." She had heard those words often enough and it was good to finally have them directed at someone else.

With her eyes blazing, Lily crossed her arms in a huff before retorting, "Well, if you're such an expert then why don't you show how it's done!"

Amused at having gotten under Miss Perfect's skin, Morgana replied with a smirk, "I was just trying to...help."

With a sniff, Lily said, "Well don't. Now, are you going to show how it's done? Or maybe you don't actually know how."

With narrowed eyes, she answered with, "Fine." Both girls raised their wands once more and adopted a duelling stance. Their eyes bore into each other and a number of thoughts began running through her mind. It was as if all her hellish moments were replaying themselves in her head. Lucius... Her parents...The frustrations of never being able to stop them...The maddening years under their roof... The helpless feeling they always incited in her... That day at Malfoy Manor... Her father leaving her for dead in the alley... The morning's disastrous classes... Suddenly it was too much. Now she had a target, and even more, a wand tightly enclosed in her hand.

"Well?" prodded Lily impatiently.

What came next, she had no intention of doing. Her torrents of emotions caused the simple Expelliarmus Spell she was thinking to expel from her wand with an incredible force of magic. The spell shot at such a speed that she couldn't tell when it left her wand and crumbled Lily's much weaker Shield Charm. There was a blast of light as the spell made contact and the redhead was thrown across the classroom and into the side of a desk, her wand spiralling out of her grip.

* * * * *

So sorry for the long wait, I hope you guys are still reading. I'm dying to know what you guys think; love it or hate it, prefer shorter or longer chapters, review and let me know. And finally, if you want to get email notifications of the next update, leave a note in in a lovely little review and I'll let you know when I post the next chapter...