The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Ginny Weasley Harry and Hermione and Ron
Horror Suspense
Unspecified Era
Published: 11/06/2006
Updated: 11/06/2006
Words: 558
Chapters: 1
Hits: 309

The Return


Story Summary:
Harry, Ron, and Hermione are out of school. Harry has finished off Voldemort and his followers. Has he finished all of them? One is returning? Who is it? How will Harry defeat him?

Chapter 01


Harry walked towards the house and started to freak out. He forgot how to open it! How was he supposed to live at number 12 Grimmauld Place, if he couldn't even get in? Harry finally remembered how to get in. He wrote:

Number 12 Grimmauld Place

in scratchy letters on a piece of paper and read from it. The building started to appear.

Harry entered the house. The door shut behind him and Harry stared in amazement at his surroundings. He heard creaking and turned his sight towards the sound. A figure materialized in front of Harry's eyes. The little body had bright eyes and just stood in the middle of the hall.

"Harry Potter!" said the excitedly high voice.

The body had a crooked nose and stared at Harry. Harry found out who it was.

"Dobby!" said Harry.

"Harry Potter! You are here! I am so excited that you have returned."

"Well, where is Kreacher?" asked Harry.

"He left in excitement when he found out that Sirius had died. I yelled after him, but he wouldn't listen. I knew that you would inherit this house so I stayed here. About the first week, I opened up that picture frame." Dobby pointed to the frame of Sirius's mother. "I didn't know it. The picture looked at me and started screaming. I took a hammer and... well destroyed it."

Dobby opened it and Harry covered his ears. But, Harry heard no scream. He opened his eyes and saw one thing. It was a gaping hole in it. Harry touched it and looked at Dobby.

"Well, at least we won't need to cover our ears every time it opens," laughed Harry.

Weeks had passed, and Harry was lonely. The only living things in that house were he and Dobby. Harry picked up the phone and waved his wand over it. The phone automatically dialed. The phone picked up.

"Hello," came the voice.

"Hi, Hermione! I am now living at Grimmauld Place! I'm very lonely. Can you come over?" said Harry.

"Ya. I'll apparate over there now. Bye!"

Harry waited and finally saw Hermione appear in his kitchen. Hermione stared at Harry and ran over to give him a hug. She closed her eyes and savored the feeling of Harry again. Harry felt down Hermione's back and grabbed her backside. Hermione sat there and reached down his pants. The feeling Harry felt right now was amazing.

Harry looked straight at Hermione and they erupted into a kiss. Harry forced open her mouth and licked the inside. Harry stuck his tongue into her mouth and Hermione felt week-kneed. She fell and Harry caught her. Harry and Hermione parted. He carried Hermione upstairs and set her on the bed. He undressed her and Harry walked towards the closet. I will be out of here quickly. Harry closed the doors and Hermione waited on the bed.

Suddenly, Hermione heard a creak. She looked at the door. There was no one there. She looked back at the closet, anxiously waiting for Harry.

Harry sat in the closet, tormenting Hermione. He looked at the door and waited. A few minutes later, Harry heard a scream. He quickly dressed again and ran out of the closet. Harry looked around and saw nothing. It didn't register until he finally though about it. He saw nothing!

Hermione was missing.