The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Angst General
Multiple Eras
Published: 12/12/2003
Updated: 12/12/2003
Words: 850
Chapters: 1
Hits: 161


Rose Noix

Story Summary:
A little Christmas-ficlet: Ginny Weasley thinks about the colours and people around her. D/G, sort of.

Chapter Summary:
A little Christmas-ficlet: Ginny Weasley thinks about the colours and people around her.
Author's Note:
This is (sort of) my first Hp-fic, so be nice. I hope you like it, it's kind of my Christmas present to everyone here who's stories I've read and loved.


It's Christmas. The snow lies thick outside, covering everything like a white rug. Hiding things. It seems like there's nothing evil out there, everything is so white.

White. That's the colour of innocence.

Ginny laughs hollowly. It's been a long time since she realized that even though you can't see things covered by snow, they're still there. It was just when she was younger that she believed that. She believed a lot of things when she was younger. If you sit still as a mouse in about an hour, staring at a flower, you can see it grow. If you tread on the lines in the pavement you will disappear. Your parents are perfect. And there is such a thing as eternal, passionate love.

It's funny - she hasn't felt like a child in ages. But that's what she is. A kid or maybe a teenager. Has she been through a lot? Or does everyone feel older on the inside than on the outside? No, maybe not old people. They feel younger, don't they? Is there a time in between childhood and old age when you feel complete? Like you should be?

There's a tree in the common room. It's brilliant. It was her and Hermione's idea. Get a tree, give everyone the Christmas spirit. It's beautiful, stunningly green, and it's only decorated with gold tinsel and red and gold Christmas ornaments.

Green. That's the colour of Slytherin, of evil.

Or is it? Ginny always thought black was supposed to be the evil colour, or even red. She isn't sure though. Does evil have a colour? A face? Instantly, the face of someone she once trusted flares up into her head. But that's a lie. He was only an image, an apparition. He looks nothing like that any more. She hasn't seen him, the one everyone fears, only his young self, but judging from Harry's nightmares, she is sure he's not handsome anymore. Not like Tom. He's the same though. Tom is the same person that's killed and murdered so many people. How is it possible that something so evil once were so beautiful?

She knows about Harry's nightmares. As usual, neither Ron nor Hermione mentions anything of what's going on, but Harry often falls asleep in the common room. It's peculiar, really, how he always seems to be sitting there around midnight, staring into the fireplace. Maybe he's remembering something. His eyes always look a little glazed.

Harry's eyes are green. So it can't be the colour of evil after all. But it's still the colour of Slytherin.

Slytherin. It's very sad. All the other houses are now stronger together, comforting each other. But those from Slytherin don't care about all the people that are in danger outside the school. Is it pretence? Or is it true? Don't they have anything in their heart? No feelings? Are they in Slytherin because they are evil or are they evil because they are in Slytherin?

She's wearing a formal dress today. It's a Christmas dress - red and long, and with a skirt that could twirl around her if she wanted to dance a bit. But she doesn't.

Red. That's the colour of Gryffindor, and of love.

She can see him walking across the snow-covered grounds. His black cloak makes him extra visible against the light background. His blonde, almost silver hair is not that visible though. But she knows it's him. Knows his steps, the way he walks.

Draco Malfoy.

He's not beautiful. Not really. Not one girl outside Slytherin likes him. He is incredibly hurtful, and his face is always a mask, pulled into an ugly sneer. Not one girl outside Slytherin likes him. Except her.

She's never mentioned it of course. It would be mad. But whenever they insult him and talk about how evil he is, she shuts up and keeps her mouth shut most of the time. Sometimes, so no-one can get suspicious of her feelings, she joins in with them. She says all those hurtful things she should know are true. One time, he heard her. He didn't say anything, and his face was his usual mask. Maybe if someone had been with him, then he would have thrown back an insult, but he was alone and just looked at her for a minute with cold grey eyes. Then he turned around and left.

He'll never notice her. He'll never do as he does in her dreams - kiss her and say that everything will be okay. Waking up after those dreams is terrible, like waking up to a nightmare. But the dreams don't stop.

She sighs a little and watches him disappear into the castle again. She wonders what's on his mind and is afraid of what might be hidden there.

"Ginny", a voice behind her says. "Do you want my present now?"

She turns towards him, a grin plastered to her face. No one ever realizes this smile is a fake, she thinks, amused.

"Yes, of course, Dean, I can't wait to see what you got me," Ginny says and kisses him.

Author notes: Merry Christmas everyone! Please review, even though you hated it, I would like to get your opinions!