Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood
Harry Potter
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Published: 03/29/2006
Updated: 03/29/2006
Words: 741
Chapters: 1
Hits: 465

She's Gone


Story Summary:
A songfic to Mary Gauthier’s Just Say She’s a Rhymer. A Harry/Luna one shot.

Chapter 01 - Chapter 1


There was a knock at the front door. It wasn't a distinct knock like some people have. It was normal and quite simple. Just three taps in a row. But there was no mistaking that knock.

Harry sat in his comfy blue recliner, the one that he had been in for three days now. He stared at the door, stared it down as if willing it to open of its own accord. As it seems, the door had quite a strong will and refused to budge.

Luna had always answered the door. She had insisted that Harry could not do it because Winged Himpsees never approved of a man answering the door. After all, no one could ever tell when a Winged Himpsee would come to call.

The knocking on the door increased and Harry took that as a sign to remove himself from his only constant.

The brass knob was cold in his hand and it felt odd to be answering to door after three years of not being allowed to do so. He turned the knob and pulled the door inward, revealing the redheaded man who had been knocking.

"Hey mate! Where's Luna. You've not answered the door in ages," Ron questioned as he stuck his head in to look for the blond.

When they ask about us
As friends always do
Remember the good times
Honey, we had a few

Harry couldn't make himself speak. He could only think of Luna and the way she would great Ron with a hug before checking his hair for some creature or another that just so happened to love red.

She wouldn't want him to be like this. She didn't want to hurt him.

I'll never condemn you
I'll take all the blame
You got a good answer
When they speak my name

She told him she needed to get out of the house. She wanted to see the world, she wanted information, she wanted experiences. Harry knew she couldn't find them with him. He could not give her the inspiration she so desperately craved.

She was an artist. An artist who was chained down by love.

Just say she's a rhymer
And rhymers get restless
Just say that she's out there in search of a song

Harry almost died on the spot when she told him she was seeking freedom. She had insisted that it had nothing to do with him. She just needed do her thing. She promised she wouldn't be gone long. She promised him she would write every day and she promised that when she returned nothing would have changed.

Harry just couldn't make himself believe it.

I know I hurt you
But I never meant to
Just say she's a rhymer
Just say she's gone

He knew that she had good intentions. He knew that she loved him. He knew she tied to make herself stay. She just couldn't keep it up, she had to go.

You know that I loved you
You know that I tried
You know that it hurt me
Each time that you cried

He knew he would come out of this depression sometime. He just didn't think that he wanted to. He didn't want to live his life, their life, with out her. He had made it known that he had been willing to go with her, but she had rejected him.

When your crying is over
And your new life begins
I won't be around much
So when you see our friends

Luna had work to do and Harry knew that she could not do it with him by her side. He just didn't want to accept it.

Just say she's a rhymer
And rhymers get restless

She needed something knew and maybe Harry did to. Maybe her leaving was for the best/ Or at least that was what his mind told him. His heart, however, said otherwise.

Just say that she's out there in search of a song
I know I hurt you
But I sure never meant to
Just say she's a rhymer
Just say she's gone

"Harry! Did you hear me? Where's Luna?" Ron said for what Harry assumed was the billionth time, judging by his tone.

"She's gone," he breathed, finally meeting Ron's worried eyes.

"What do you mean she's gone?" Ron asked, becoming extremely aware of the situation.

"She's gone," Harry said in a confirming voice.

Just say she's a rhymer
Just say she's gone