Astronomy Tower
Blaise Zabini Draco Malfoy Padma Patil Parvati Patil
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Published: 08/30/2004
Updated: 12/12/2004
Words: 5,741
Chapters: 10
Hits: 3,529



Story Summary:
Sequel to Dreams can come true after all! What are the tales after one day of dreams coming true...

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Sequel to "Dreams Can Come True After All!" What are the tales after one day of dreams coming true...

Chapter six: Talking through the fire

I stuck my head in the fire and called Hufflepuff Common Room!

The first one that I saw was Ernie.


"Who's there?"

"Down here in the fire! Can you get Zacharias to the fire?"

"Sure Padma! But then you got to tell me how you got to do this..."

Ernie walked away to be returned a bit later with Zacharias.

"Padma! What are you doing with your head in our fire?"

"Long story, but you've got an appointment with Professor Snape. You will be joined by Daphne, Vincent and Parvati... Snape will take you four to see Dumbledore!"


"Just do it, Zachyboy!"

"Ok, I'm going!"

With that Zach walked away. "Ernie I talk to you later!"

I pulled my head back.

"Now Vincent and Daphne?"

Blaise nodded and we both grabbed some Floo powder and stuck our head in the fire saying "Slytherin Common Room!"

Daphne was already sitting by the fire, that was lucky.

"Hi Daphne!" Blaise called.

"Blaise! Padma! Where are you! Draco has been looking all over for you. Pansy said something about pregnancies?"

"You have to get your butt and Vincent's up to Professor Snape's... Smith is there already!" Blaise said coolly.

"I will!"

"Congratulations on your pregnancy by the way..." I said.

"You too!" Daphne said with a weak smile and turned around to Blaise's old dorm to get Crabbe.

Again I pulled back. Blaise was still in the fire. I pulled him back!

"Why did you do that for?" he yelled.

"You can do that often enough! You can still enter your old dorm! And I've still got to contact my sister..."

Blaise sighed. He knew it was better if I did that on my own. Slytherins were not particularly loved by Gryffindors... the feud!

So again I placed my head in the fire and called out "Gryffindor Common Room."

The first who noticed me was Harry. He walked to the fire...

"Padma, what's up?"

"You wouldn't know where Parvati is would you?"

"I'll ask Lavender!"

I heard him call out Lavender. Lavender appeared by him in front of the fire.

"She's in her room. Should I go and get her?"

"That's probably best. Tell her that she needs to get to Professor Snape. Dumbledore's orders. He will take her and the others to see Dumbledore!"

"I will!" Lavender said and was off up a flight of stairs.

"But what..."

"I'll tell you later, Head Boy!" With that I redrew my face from the fire.

I noticed immediately that Blaise was gone!

I knew it was not my business yet why my fiancé was suddenly missing, but I sure knew that I already missed him. Was I dependant on him for my own happiness? It certainly seemed that way. I knew that Blaise wasn't the easiest person to live with. He was a Slytherin and Slytherins were never easy. But my motto had always been 'Why do it the easy way if you can do it the hard way'. And this was the time to see how much that was worth!

Blaise needed to deal with his own demons and I with mine. So I decided to talk to Ernie!

Author notes: Reviewing is good for the soul!