Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Published: 04/15/2004
Updated: 06/16/2004
Words: 4,327
Chapters: 8
Hits: 4,709

At Least It's a Pureblood


Story Summary:
They lay quite near to each other. They were knocked out in the struggle of the battle between Death Eaters and members of the Order of the Phoenix. They had been left, thought they had perished. They hadn't.

At Least It's A Pureblood Epilogue

Chapter Summary:
They lay quite near to each other. They were knocked out in the struggle of the battle between Death Eaters and members of the Order of the Phoenix. They had been left, thought they had perished. They hadn’t.


"Come back here, Troy!" shouted Draco to his son. The boy was starting to get out of hand. It was a good thing he would be going of to Hogwarts soon.

Ginny was resting under a tree. She was now five months pregnant with their fifth child.

After Will, came Troy, Cornelia and Adam. Cornelia was now 8 years old. Adam 3. Ginny knew that she was expecting a girl. Beatrice they would call her.

She had learned to stay away from stairs and other things she could trip over when she was pregnant. But it wasn't getting easier when you had young children. They tended to leave their toys all over the place and always in places where it was easy to trip over them.

"Mummy," Cornelia said.

"What is it, sweety?"

"Could you tell us the story again how you and daddy got together?" she said. Her blond hair shining in the sun, she looked up to her mother with her big brown puppy eyes.

"Please, mum!" added Adam. He had inherited the Weasley hair, but he had his dad's grey eyes.

"I've told you the story a thousand times already! But how can I say no to my darlings?" she said, lifting Adam up and placing him next to her on the daybed.

"Troy, mummy is going to tell the story again! Come!" Cornelia shouted.

"Hurray!" yelled Troy and came back. He was a spitting image of his father at that age. Just more wild...

Troy and Cornelia settled themselves next to their mother, one on either side, on the grass. Draco sat down at the end of the daybed.

"When I first met your father, I didn't like him at all! That was the year I was possessed by an evil spirit!"

"The one, uncle Harry vanquished..." Troy added.

"That's the one..." Draco said irritated. He didn't like it when his children spoke of Harry Potter as uncle Harry!

"Your father used to tease me all the time!"

"That was only because I know you were a danger to me... You were a danger to my sanity!" he grinned.

"Your father's family supported the bad guys... while my family supported the good guys!"

"So what, I'm proud of it!" Draco said.

"After my final year at Hogwarts there was the final battle between good and evil, right here in Godric's Hollow. We were both knocked out cold."

"When we woke up the battle was over. Evil was defeated and we had no memories of who we were, whatsoever!"

"And then you got our brother Will..." Troy said.

"Then Troy, then me..." added Cornelia

"And me, and now our little brother or sister!" Adam chuckled.


In time Troy was sorted into Gryffindor, Cornelia in Ravenclaw, Adam in Slytherin and Beatrice (a spitting image of her mother) became a Ravenclaw too!

Through their parents story they had learned that there was no time like the present. And one should be glad that one still had their memories.