How Do You Choose Between What is Right and What is Easy?


Story Summary:
Harry & Hermione cheat on Ginny & Ron together. One night, Ginny catches them in the act, & she has only one person to turn to - Draco Malfoy, who she has been friends with since the beginning of the year. Draco has an idea - give Potter a taste of his own medicine & see how he likes the feeling of being betrayed by someone he trusts. Ginny agrees. The next day, Ginny reveals to Harry what she was doing the night before, & with whom. They argue about it & Harry's affair, & Ron overhears. He confronts Harry, then Hermione. Ginny leaves the common room & the traitorous Gryffindors behind. Everything quiets down & seems to come to some semblance of normalcy - until Hermione & Ginny both find out they're pregnant.

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15

Chapter Summary:
Harry does great harm to Ginny.

Chapter 15

Harry advanced towards her, the smile on his face turning into menace. He had stopped twirling the wand between his fingers, and was now holding it very tightly in his fist. As Harry came closer and closer to her, Ginny backed up. Harry paused, so Ginny did too. He took a couple more steps towards her, so she followed... only to feel the hard wall of the common room behind her.

Harry stopped again, only a few steps from her. He stood with his feet spread apart, as though he were trying to keep his balance. On an impulse, Ginny took a quick glance over at the armchair Harry had been sitting on when they'd come in. One the floor in front of the chair was a pile of empty Fire Whiskey bottles, maybe about ten. Ginny had no idea how he'd obtained so much alcohol, but that didn't matter at the moment.

"You're drunk," Ginny said, her tone of voice coming out a lot more frightened than she'd meant it to.

"All the better," Harry said. His eyes, though menacing, were a little glazed over, and his speech slurred just slightly. Ginny had only just noticed. She was so frightened she could feel her heart banging against her chest. She put her right hand over her heart to try to steady herself, but it didn't work. Not in the least.

Harry laughed at her frightened expression, and began to twirl his wand between his fingers once more. After a minute he stopped and stared at her, his eyes glinting maliciously.

He pointed his wand in the direction of Ginny's wrists and whispered, "Incarcerous." At once, a long thick rope came shooting out of the end of his wand and flew towards Ginny. With a flick of his wand, the rope circled around her and wrapped itself tightly around her wrists, binding them behind her back. Ginny immediately began to struggle, but it was no use.

She was trapped.

A stream of tears ran down her cheeks again, this time coming in a torrent. She made a small choking sound, which came from the back of her throat.

"Hmmm..." Harry said. "I don't like a whiner much. You need to learn how to... properly cooperate." He smiled an evil smile, and pointed the wand at Ginny once again. "Silencio," he whispered.

Immediately after the spell left Harry's lips, Ginny felt her lips and mouth go dryer than a desert, and her throat seize up like she had laryngitis or strep. She couldn't say a word. She couldn't even make a sound. Her face filled with horror as the realization of what Harry was going to do finally hit her. In all her fright an horror at what had been going on, her brain seemed to be very slow-acting.

Harry grinned at her, a very evil and menacing smile, once he'd seen that his spell had worked. He dropped his wand carelessly on the floor, and advanced the rest of the way to her. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he half-dragged her helpless body over to a nearby couch. When they got to it, he threw her roughly onto it, so she was laying on her back.

Try as she might, Ginny couldn't block out what Harry was doing to her. He sat on top of her, pinning her to the couch. She couldn't even move her legs. Taking out a pocket knife from his pocket, he slit open the front of her robes, top to bottom. Next went her shirt. He was none too gentle, either, so they were very soon mutilated beyond repair. He slid the knife back into his pocket.

Her bra fastened in the front, so it was easy for him to rip it open. Leaning down until he was laying flat on top of her, he feasted on her breasts, licking and sucking on one, while squeezing and rubbing the other one mercilessly. Then he would switch. He switched twice more before giving up on that particular form of torture. However, what came next made Ginny wish he had gone on with her breasts all day instead, and never made it to the other.

He got swiftly off of her and stared down at her for a moment. Her tears had not stopped. They were, indeed, still streaming down her face in torrents. He reached down to her jeans and ripped them open in one swift motion, before pulling them down and off her. Next went her underwear, which was a dark green thong. He rubbed them against his fingers for a moment before ripping them off as well. He left the clothing, along with her shoes (which had come off in the process) on the couch at her feet.

Harry let go of her legs to survey her for a moment, but the next moment he wished he hadn't. She started kicking, and squirming, and doing her best to get off the couch without the use of her hands. She didn't have any success at all, and Harry (tired of watching her struggle) slapped her across the face so hard it was sure to leave a bruise.

This stopped Ginny's struggles at once, and she stared up at Harry, shocked, horrified, and frightened all at once.

"I can't have you squirming around like that through this, it takes all the fun out of it." Harry grinned down at her, menacingly and evilly, and went to pick up his wand. Pointing it at her, he said, "Petrificus Totalis." Her whole body froze. The tears even froze on her face. This time, she couldn't move for real. This had nothing to do with her fear or nervousness. He dropped his wand on the floor again.

Harry flipped Ginny over on her stomach. She was laying flat out. He took his knife out again and cut off her robe, shirt and bra, throwing the ruined garments down by her pants and underwear. He dropped his knife on the floor by his wand, before rubbing his hands slowly over her entire body, starting at her hair. He rubbed his fingers over her shoulders, down her back, across her buttocks, down her legs, and back up again. After he did it once more, he stood up fully and undid his pants. After pulling them and his boxers down to his knees, he straddled her body, one knee on either side of her. Leaning down a little bit, and guided a bit by his hand (the other hand on her back), he felt himself enter her.

Ginny felt it too.

It was very rough, and excruciatingly painful for Ginny. Harry dove himself deeper and deeper into her, going faster and faster, until she was at the brink of passing out (and most definitely not in the good way). This wasn't helped along by the fact that she was trying as hard as she could to scream. However, not being able to make a sound, it only gave her a very painful headache.

Harry found his release inside Ginny's body twice. After several minutes, he shuddered his release a third and final time, and Ginny felt a jolt of pain sear through her entire body. He ripped himself out of her with unimaginable force, and Ginny knew no more.

Just to let everyone know, this Saturday I'm getting married and I will be on my honeymoon until August 10. So from now, there will be a couple of weeks before anything new comes out. I didn't want everyone to think I forgot about them. See you all in a couple of weeks! Enjoy the three new chapters. :)