How Do You Choose Between What is Right and What is Easy?


Story Summary:
Harry & Hermione cheat on Ginny & Ron together. One night, Ginny catches them in the act, & she has only one person to turn to - Draco Malfoy, who she has been friends with since the beginning of the year. Draco has an idea - give Potter a taste of his own medicine & see how he likes the feeling of being betrayed by someone he trusts. Ginny agrees. The next day, Ginny reveals to Harry what she was doing the night before, & with whom. They argue about it & Harry's affair, & Ron overhears. He confronts Harry, then Hermione. Ginny leaves the common room & the traitorous Gryffindors behind. Everything quiets down & seems to come to some semblance of normalcy - until Hermione & Ginny both find out they're pregnant.

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

Chapter Summary:
Ginny takes refuge in the library to read Draco's words.

Chapter 11

Ginny watched Draco walk away with his friends, and continued to watch him until he had disappeared around the corner into the Great Hall. Only then did she stoop down and pick up what Draco had tossed to her.

It was a note.

She stood there in the Entrance Hall for a long time, not really thinking about anything, her mind a blank slate. After about ten or so minutes, she got her mind to working again. After stuffing the note in one of the back pockets of her jeans, she headed off down a corridor to her right.

She was on her way to the library, and taking her time at that. She was definitely skipping lunch. Besides, who in the world could be hungry after the morning she'd had?

It took her about half an hour to get to a destination that normally took no more than ten or fifteen minutes. The library was empty save for Madam Pince, the irritable and stern librarian. The strict disciplinarian had a pinched, shriveled face, and resembled an underfed vulture. And she also had a habit of chasing out rule-breakers by Bewitching objects to hit them over the head as they left.

Madam Pince was hardly ever seen in the Great Hall for meals, and must've eaten them in her office. She was a very private person, with an intense loyalty to her books (she acted as though they were her children).

The only notice Madam Pince gave that Ginny had entered the library at all was to give her a piercing, almost evil glare, as if she were trying to X-ray her brain where she stood, to see what kind of trouble she was thinking of causing. Ginny ignored her and headed to the very back of the library where she could be hidden and have some privacy.

There was a round table in the corner and she seated herself at it, making herself comfortable. She sighed and put her head in her hands for a moment before running her hands through her hair. She leaned back in her chair before leaning to the side a little so she could slide the note out of her pocket.

Ginny unfolded the note and laid it flat out on the table top in front of her. It was written in the familiar green ink. The handwriting was smooth and in cursive, and looked heavily practiced.

My Dearest Ginny,

Our time together last night was a blissful experience I will never forget. I wasn't lying, either, when I told you I have fallen in love with you. I meant it with all honesty and sincerity, and with all of my heart. I know it may seem a little strange to you to read these words that I have written, but I promise you that every word is true. Remember - I am nothing like Harry Potter, and I never will be.

It is strange to me as well, as I read the words I'm writing as they flow from my quill onto the parchment in front of me. I have seen you walking the halls these past six years, and didn't even really take a second look at you. Until that night we had detention together, you had never even passed by my radar. Now I find that almost every moment that passes by is filled with thoughts of you. I cannot seem to get you off my mind. It is... damn near impossible. Thoughts of you invade my mind, making it hard for me to perform even everyday tasks.

What we experienced last night was, like I said, a night of unimaginable bliss. I will never forget the way you felt in my arms, and I long to hold you tightly in my arms again.

I need to see you again. Please meet me in the Room of Requirement tonight at 11:00. I want to speak with you, and see you again. Send word by owl and let me know if you are coming.

I long to see you, my beautiful Ginny.


D. M.

Ginny laid the letter on the table, and tried in vain to wipe the tears from her eyes. Never had anyone said such things to her, or told her how beautiful she was, or how much she meant to them, or how much they loved her. It was overwhelming.

In the past sixteen years of her life, she had never felt such... acceptance... even from the eight other members of her family. And she felt more special to a person she hadn't even really known a year. Also, she was a Gryffindor - though she didn't consider herself one anymore - and Draco was a Slytherin. The two were supposed to be mortal enemies; and they had been, in theory, for five years.

She liked to think it was fate that had brought them together.

"Send word by owl and let me know if you are coming." That's what the letter had said, written by hands that she wanted all over her body, not on the stem of a quill.

Ginny folded the letter up and put it back into the back pocket of her jeans. There was some spare parchment, an ink well, and a couple of spare quills in a can in the center of the table. She picked up a piece of parchment and laid it on the table in front of her. Next, she took one of the spare quills, dipped it in the ink, and pressed the tip of it to the piece of parchment in front of her. She paused, not really sure what to write. Then, it came to her.

Draco -

You flatter me with your words. Never before has anyone said such things to me. Last night was exhilarating for me as well. It felt so amazing to be held in your arms, and I long to be held in them again, to feel the love and caring and safety that your touch envelopes me in.

I will meet you tonight at 11:00 in the Room of Requirement. Please don't be late. I must speak with you about something as well.

All my love,

G. W.

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