Astronomy Tower
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Published: 12/18/2003
Updated: 01/02/2005
Words: 9,216
Chapters: 6
Hits: 3,534

Fraternizing with the Enemy

Molly Weasley

Story Summary:
That Ron is just so dense and Hermione simply can't take it anymore. He never notices anything! Well, Hermione's fuming and looking for a way to get him back for never seeing the obvious. Now, who's the perfect person to help her do that? Can we say... "Draco"?

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Hermione teams up with Draco to make Ron notice her. Surprisingly, Draco's not the jerk she thought he was. In this chapter, things are really starting to heat up! R/Hr? D/Hr? Who knows?
Author's Note:
All for my girl, Rachel Felton!

What's a Little Jealousy Between Friends?

Chapter 4

When Hermione entered the Great Hall, she couldn't help feeling apprehensive. She tried to focus on making Ron jealous, and keeping her cool, but in the back of her mind thoughts of Draco pounded incessantly. All night she had tried to make sense of him ignoring the hug and then that whole thing with his hair. The Draco she knew would have cursed her into oblivion and laughed at her as he did so. Something was definitely different about him, and she made it her mission to find out what.

Just then she caught sight of Draco leaning against a wall with his hands in his pockets. He seemed to be examining the floor with great interest, and when she walked up to him, he didn't notice at first.

"Morning," she said, hiding her nervousness.

"Oh, hey Granger," he said uninterested. "Let's go then." As they walked towards the door, Hermione glanced up at Draco's face. His skin was pale and devoid of any blemishes. Draco reached up to push his hair behind his ear, and Hermione resisted the urge to touch it, a feeling she could have sworn Draco sensed.

"What is it?" he asked, irritated. "Shoot, I've been staring," she thought.

"Why don't you cut your hair shorter; then it won't get in your face," Hermione suggested with a weak smile.

"Why don't you just leave me alone," he snapped, causing Hermione to look down at her hands, cheeks flushing. "I keep it this way cause my father wouldn't like it, but he's not here to see now is he?" he said, gazing down at her with his gray eyes.

"Oh, right," Hermione said awkwardly, shutting the large door behind her.


"Let's go to the Leaky Cauldron," Hermione said, walking down the cobblestone road of Hogsmead with Draco beside her.

"You think the Weasel will be in there?"

"Worth a try..."

They chose a table towards the back of the restaurant and ordered two butterbeers before sitting in an awkward silence.

"So, have you looked in my journal yet Mudblood?" Draco said causing Hermione to look up in surprise.

"What are you talking about? You told me not to."

"Yeah, but I didn't think you would be stupid enough to listen to me. Gryffindors..." he said with a sigh. Hermione's cheeks reddened in anger and she slammed her hands on the table.

"Maybe I actually keep my promises unlike some people!"

"Calm down Mudblood," Draco said waving his hand dismissively.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Hermione bellowed, causing Draco to nearly flip his chair backwards, but he regained composure almost instantly.

"I'll call you whatever I want to you pathetic excuse for a wizard. Why don't you go cry to Weasley about it?" he sneered.

"I don't know what I was thinking when I asked you to help me," she said, leaning in close to him. "You will never be anything more than a useless little prig with nothing but your money and arrogance to keep you company," she said before jogging out of the restaurant.


Hermione ran down the street, ignoring the stares following her. She turned a corner sharply to a vacant alley way and leaned against a wall, still fuming about Draco. "How could he be such a jerk? And to think I thought he was actually kind of nice. Hermione you are such an idiot!" she thought angrily, covering her eyes with her hands.

"So I guess this means you don't want me to help you nail Weasley anymore?" Hermione heard a familiar voice say. She looked up to see Draco standing with his hands behind his back, a smirk upon his lips.

"What do you care?"

"You know for a fact that I would delight in seeing that maggot suffer. Of course, the workplace would be quite a bit less hostile if I myself was a bit more civil."

"You're just figuring that out now?" Hermione asked, unable to hide her smile.

"Don't push me. I'm trying as hard as I can Mud- I mean Granger."

"Oh yes, it must so difficult for a pureblood like you to associate with someone like me," she said, eyebrows raised.

"Well you said that one not me," Draco smiled. "Ready to get back out there and engage in plan A of Gwod?"

"Ready when you are Agent Pureblood," Hermione said, linking arms with Draco, and to her surprise, he didn't pull away. They walked back out onto the street to see Harry and Ron strolling towards them. Draco must have seen them to, for he reached down and clutched Hermione's hand. She moved in closer to him and placed her other hand on his upper arm.

When the passed by the pair, Harry and Ron looked, once again, as if they could have died. Except this time, Ron seemed to get angry rather than shocked. He stepped right in front of them and glared at Draco, face turning scarlet.

"What is going on here?" he spat.

"Nothing that concerns you, Weasley," Draco said without the slightest hint of emotion.

"Yes it does! You're...you're...seducing my best friend!" he shouted at Draco. Hermione glanced over to see Harry, who looked as though he would bolt at any moment.

"It's not like it matters to you Ron! You only notice me when there's competition! I've found someone who actually cares so if you're really my best friend you'll leave me alone!" Ron's eyes shot open and he looked positively appalled. He mouthed soundlessly for a moment before he turned and walked away stiffly. Harry scampered after him, but not before he gave Hermione a thoroughly disgusted look.

"Well that went well," Draco said with satisfaction after they were out of sight. Hermione still couldn't get over the look that Harry had given her, and Draco seemed to notice that. "You okay?" he said with the slight hint of a worried tone.

"Did you see Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Haha yeah, that was classic."

"That was horrible," she choked.

"Well then tell Harry what's going on if you want to; just make sure that he doesn't tell the Weasel."

"You sure?"

"Of course, it's not like I care what Potter thinks anyways," Draco said, though Hermione doubted that highly.

"Well that's good. Then I guess I won't tell you what Harry said about you last night..."

"What? What did he say?"

"I thought you didn't care?"

"You are an evil little Gryffindor you know," he said, smirking.

"Is that why you agreed to help me? Have I got potential?" she laughed, "Never mind. Let's head back to the school," Hermione said. "We've done all we can for now."


On the way back to Hogwarts, Hermione suddenly became aware that Draco had not let go of her hand. She could feel the nerves in her stomach flutter as the gentle breeze pushed his scent into her.

"So Draco, about your haircut..."

"Oh honestly Granger, I'd thought we'd finished talking about my hair. I'm not gonna cut it. Most girls think this is sexy."

"Well actually I was going to ask about that whole 'defying your father' thing, but now that you mention it," she giggled through a smirk.

"Oh yeah that. Well apparently you don't have a father who forces you to do everything in his image. If you did you would surely understand why I have an inclination towards being rebellious." Hermione couldn't believe she was hearing this from Draco's lips.

"But then why did you threaten Harry that you were going to get him back when he was put in Azkaban?"

"You can't tell me that having your father put in prison wouldn't be a slam to your reputation."

"Yes, I suppose you're right," she sighed.

"Of course I am," he said arrogantly.

"You're such a jerk," she remarked, feigning anger (but doing a rather poor job at it)

"And you are so un-sexy," he smirked, looking down at her.

"Oh am I now?"

"Perhaps," he said, holding their gaze for a bit too long. "Umm yeah, we're a tad close right now. Just a tad bit too close. Hold it together Hermione!"

"So there's still hope?" she whispered.

"I'm a very optimistic person, so I'm gonna say yes," he said leaning in closer to her. Hermione could see ever fleck of blue in his gray eyes and she could feel her knees shaking. "He's not gonna do what I think he's gonna do..."

Just then, the sound of approaching fourth years stirred the silence and they pulled away from each other instantly.

"Well, we have to homework so I can get back. I mean we have to get back so I can do homework," Hermione stuttered.

"Right," Draco said quietly, pushing his hair behind his ear. "Him and that damn hair," Hermione thought.


When Hermione entered the common room, she had every intention of going up to her dorm and doing homework, but someone was waiting for her. The instant the portrait shut behind her, Ron stood from a chair and walked over to her.

"Can we talk?" he asked timidly.

"And why exactly would you want to talk to me now?"

"You know," he said quietly. Hermione nodded and Ron led her to a table in the corner of the room. She sat cautiously, suddenly wondering if Ron could smell Draco's scent on her.

"So, what is it?" she asked emotionlessly.

"Do you truly like Draco?"

"Well..." Hermione certainly hadn't expected this. "I think so," she said honestly.

"Cause if you do, I won't get in your way," he said innocently. "I just don't see how he can suddenly be this great person. I mean this is Draco Malfoy we are talking about here..."

"He's different now Ron! He is so much nicer and he actually pays attention to me without needing something, unlike you," she snapped.

"Hermione, that's not true! You're my best friend!"

"Yeah, only when you need help with your homework," she sneered.

"But...but..." Ron stammered.

"I'm going now. I'll talk to you later," Hermione said, standing from her chair and walking towards the stairs, ignoring the sound of Ron slamming his fist into the table behind her.


"Weasley actually said that?" Draco asked after Hermione told him a censored version of the little episode the night before.

"Yes. I think that 'Gwod' is definitely working," she giggled.

"Well, of course it is. I'm a perfect tool for pissing people off," he smirked. Hermione stood from her chair, walked over to a book shelf and pulled out a book on Dark Magic.

"Why would you bother with that book when you have the official resource on Dark Magic right in front of you?" he asked as she plopped into the chair next to him. Hermione's expression grew serious.

"You're not like...a death eater or anything...are you?" she questioned cautiously.

"A cuddly little wizard like me? Honestly Granger, use your head," Draco said sarcastically.

"No, seriously though...are you?"

"Well I was supposed to be, but now that my father is in Azkaban, I don't think I have to worry about that for a little while." At that moment Hermione dropped her quill and both she and Draco reached down for it. Their cheeks brushed together gently, causing them to pull back slightly and look at each other.

"I...um..." Hermione stuttered quietly. Their mouths were so close together, and it seemed they were only getting closer. For an instant their lower lips brushed together, but Hermione pulled back instantly.


"Relax Mudblood, I wasn't going to kiss you or anything," he sneered.

"I wasn't worried you jerk," she snapped back.

"Yeah, you were just wishing."

"Don't flatter yourself. I think you need to go now," Hermione scoffed.

"With pleasure," he said as he rose from his seat and left the library. For a few moments Hermione sat staring at his vacant seat, pondering what had just happened. She was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of someone coming up behind her.

"Hermione?" she heard a familiar voice say.

"Oh, hi Harry. Good, I needed to talk to you," she said tiredly.

"Likewise. Can you tell me what is going on with you? Since when are you buddy buddy with Malfoy?"

"If I tell you the truth will you promise not to tell Ron?"

"That depends on if it will hurt him or not," he said.

"Well then I can't tell you," said Hermione.

"Look Hermione, tell me and I will keep it a secret unless I think he really, desperately needs to know. In which case, you probably shouldn't be doing it to him anyways, since he is your friend."

"Alright, fine. You know how I've kinda liked him for a while now?"

"Of course. How could I not know?"

"Well see, that's the thing. He just doesn't notice anything. So I'm teaming up with Draco to make him jealous and well, make him notice me."

"I suspected it was something like that," Harry said. "All right, I won't tell him, cause I think he needs this, but if it gets too out of hand, I trust you will do the right thing. And Hermione?"


"Don't get hurt, okay?"

"I won't Harry, I promise," she said leaning in and hugging him. "Thank you," she said before pulled out of the hug and kissing him on the cheek.

"But Malfoy?"


That night, Hermione was looking through her bag for a piece of parchment when she noticed something. The journal wasn't there. She was sent into a panic, tearing through her bag in search for the black book. "Oh no, he's gonna kill me! How could I have lost it?" No matter how much she searched, there was no sign of the journal. "Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!"


The next day, Hermione waited outside of the Quidditch pitch for Draco, since he was in practicing with the Slytherins. Draco, fortunately, was the last person to come out so that Hermione could talk to him without anyone else seeing.

"Umm, Draco?" she said timidly.

"Oh, hey Granger. What is it? I don't think I can help you today because I have a shit load of homework-"

"No, it's not that..."

"What's the matter?"

"I can't find your journal. I'm sorry but I put in my bag and for some reason I can't find it anymore," she cowered; worried that he would pounce on her at any time. But Draco did something that was the last thing Hermione expected.

"Oh, that's it? Forget about it Granger. I got to go start my homework now though, so I'll see you later," he said before walking off towards the school, leaving Hermione standing confused and shocked.

"What just happened here? Alright, it's official. Draco's been possessed..." Hermione thought before following in Draco's path.

Author notes: I hope you liked this chapter. I'm sorry that it took so long for me to get out but I had exams so you will have to forgive me. I tried to make it extra long to make up for its tardiness. Warning: things will get far more romantic as the story goes on! I really hope you give me lot's of good reviews cause it makes my day. THANK YOU!