Astronomy Tower
Cho Chang Harry Potter
Multiple Eras
Published: 07/05/2002
Updated: 07/05/2002
Words: 520
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,663

So I Need You

Liz R.

Story Summary:
We all know Harry likes Cho, but will she ever like him back? Even after Cedric?

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
I dunno why I wrote this, I'm an H/H shipper. Big thanks to my older sister who took time out to talk to me about future Harry Potter books, and to my two best friends, Frodo and Foloful, who read and support all my writing.

Cause I Need You

A H/C story by Liz R.

Whoa, Whoa, I can't let you go my little girl

Because you're holding up my world

So I need you.

Your imitation of my walk

And the perfect way you talk

Are just a couple of the million things

That I love about you,

So I need you.

-3 Doors Down

Harry Potter sat in transfiguration listening to his professor drone. His mind was far from on his studies as the rest of the class learned about how to turn a guppy in to a successful barracuda. They focused instead on an oriental girl a year older than him.

Cho Chang. He said adoringly in his mind. Wow, what a hot girl.

Riiiiinnnggg! The bell to signal the end of class rang out. Harry scrambled to his feet and rushed toward Ron Weasley's desk.

"Sorry you two," said the voice of reason a.k.a. Hermione. "I've got to go serve my detention with Snape now, don't be surprised if I don't make it to dinner. She gave a hollow laugh of remorse and departed.

"What's up Harrydog?" Justin Finch-Fletchley boomed giving Harry a hearty slap on the back.

"Oh, come on, Jus," said the last member of Harry and Justin's Posse in a mock insulted voice. "I've told you time and again not to insult my boxer brand like that."

Justin and Harry laughed at the antics of Blaise Zabini as Blaise guffawed a bit at his own joke. Ron looked sullen, just as he always did when the two other boys stole his best friend.

"Blaise!" a voice shouted and all four boys turned around to see Blaise's eleven-year-old brother Blake running up the hallway clutching a piece of parchment.

"What, Blake?"

"Blair had her baby!" said Blake catching his breath as he referred to their older sister who'd previously been pregnant. "Or should I say babies."

"Wha..." Blaise managed to say before...

"It's twins!"


"Yeah, two boys," Blake proclaimed, his face shimmering with excitement. "Benjamin and Bryce!"

Blaise was in shock and kept mouthing 'twins?', but Harry didn't notice all his attention was focused on Cho, who was walking across the entrance hall with her friends.

Ron hit Harry on the shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Sure." Harry replied, and he said by to Justin and Blaise (though Blaise didn't hear him) and headed with Ron up to Gryffindor tower.

"What's wrong with you, Harry?" Ron asked.



"Chang, Cho Chang."

"My God, Harry, when will you give up on her!" Ron questioned in frustration.

Harry just sat there and blinked. Why couldn't he just give up on Cho? She's probably still upset about Cedric. Harry thought sourly, though he couldn't really blame her. Cedric's death had had a major impact on his life as well.

"Hey guys I..." Hermione started as she entered the portrait hole, but stopped in mid-sentence when she got a look at the expression on Harry's face.

"I'm going to bed."

"Ron, what..." Hermione asked as Harry stormed up to the boys dormitory.

Ron shrugged and mumbled' "I guess I made him mad."