Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Severus Snape
Draco Malfoy Severus Snape
Romance Drama
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 07/31/2007
Updated: 07/31/2007
Words: 1,006
Chapters: 1
Hits: 525

Fix You


Story Summary:
When Draco is beaten and left for dead by a mysterious attacker, Severus Snape realizes exactly how much Draco means to him. But love never was something that came easy for the Potions Master and he'll have to fight with everything he's got to keep it within his grasp.

Chapter 01


A blood curdling scream ripped its way through the vacant and dark corridors of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The prefects and teachers doing their nightly rounds all froze at the horrifying sound, their fears that Voldemort or Death Eaters had infiltrated the grounds flashed through their minds. The only person who did not entertain such fears was Severus Snape. The screams continued, filled with pain and anguish as the Potions Master ran as fast as he could toward the sound. The man began to panic when the screams subsided but he did not falter in his search for the person in need. He sprinted up stairs, narrowly avoiding being crushed by their constant changing. He sped past Minerva McGonagall as she too had come to her senses and had begun to search for the source of the scream. He ran harder than he had ever run before, even harder than when he ran from Sirius Black and James Potter in his 6th year when they had tried to do the Levicorpus spell and float him onto the roof of the tallest tower.

He sped by an abandoned hallway but stopped when he thought he saw a pale lump in the darkness.

"Lumos," he said and from the tip of his wand there came a bright light. His stomach lurched as he saw the limp body of his godson strewn across the stone floor. He lay in a pool of his own blood; tears and blood stained his pale face and matted blonde hair. In an unusual display of emotion, Severus fell to his knees next to the teen, eyes wide and full of unshed tears. "Draco," he whispered, reaching out and brushing a strand of bloody blonde hair out of the teens face.

"Severus?" he heard Minerva ask in a shocked voice. "Is he alive?" she asked, her voice small and frightened.

The potions master tentatively placed a shaking hand on Draco's neck, searching for a pulse. "He's alive," Severus said as he scooped the boy into his arms and began to run towards the hospital wing, Minerva following close behind.

"Poppy!" he yelled as he burst into the hospital wing.

"For Merlin's sake Severus what...oh my goodness, lay him down over there, quickly," Poppy said in horror. Severus did as she told him and placed his godson on an empty bed.

"He's barely alive, Poppy do something," Severus said desperately. To his surprise Draco began to move slightly, crying out in pain as he put strain on his injuries.

"Draco you need to stay still, you're safe now, I promise nothing is going to harm you," Severus said softly so that McGonagall wouldn't hear him. To his surprise Draco began to cry softly. He was at a complete loss for what to do for the young boy, he felt completely useless as he watched the injured teen.

"Severus," he heard Minerva say as she began to pull him away from the bed where Draco lay, so that Madam Pomfrey could begin to work on Draco. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the broken body on the bed and all at once he became painfully aware that he was covered in Draco's blood.

"Severus, the headmaster needs to be notified," Minerva said softly.

"I'm not leaving his side," Severus said, all emotion had left his voice and face, his eyes however, gave his true emotions away. Minerva started to argue but stopped short when she saw Severus staring at Draco with pained eyes before Poppy drew the curtains shut. "Alright," she whispered before leaving him to alert Dumbledore.

Severus knew he should be down in his potions lab, brewing healing potions for Draco but he just couldn't bring himself to move an inch. He was frozen with fear and worry as he watched Poppy's rushing silhouette. He kept seeing Draco's usually flawless and beautiful body, broken and bleeding on the cold stone floor.


He didn't look up as he heard the familiar old raspy voice say his name. He continued to stare at the closed curtain, watching Poppy's shadow as she moved around the bed that Draco lay on.

He felt a boney hand on his shoulder but he still didn't look away from the curtain. "Severus, can you tell me what happened?" he heard the headmaster ask him.

Severus remained silent for a moment and Dumbledore began to ask him again when Severus finally spoke, his voice distant and tired. "I heard someone screaming, screaming as if they were dying. I began looking for the source of the sound and through my search I found Dr- Mr. Malfoy lying in the middle of the corridor, covered in blood. I didn't see anyone around and there were no paintings in that corridor to help identify his attacker."

"This is very disturbing indeed," Dumbledore said and Severus felt an overwhelming urge to hit the older man.

"Minerva, rouse all the teachers and tell them that a student has been attacked and that we are going on full lockdown," Dumbledore said hastily.

Severus heard Minerva's quick foot steps receding out of the hospital wing and down the hall.

"Severus, you should get cleaned up and get some rest," Dumbledore said softly.

"I'm not leaving his side," Severus said, his eyes locked on the shadow of Poppy as she continued to move around Draco's bed, her movements less rushed than they had been earlier.

Dumbledore sighed "As you wish my friend," he said before he too left the Hospital wing.

Once he was sure no one was watching him felt a single tear roll down his cheek. He couldn't lose Draco, he just couldn't. He didn't know if he would be able to handle someone else he loved dying because he wasn't there to protect them. Draco meant too much to him for the teen to die, he knew he had done some awful things in the past but the fates wouldn't be so cruel as to take his little dragon from him. Would they?