Astronomy Tower
Ginny Weasley Seamus Finnigan
Multiple Eras
Published: 12/27/2002
Updated: 12/27/2002
Words: 612
Chapters: 1
Hits: 841

The Return of the Littlest Star


Story Summary:
Sequel to The Littlest Star. The littlest star is bored, once again; can causing a Christmas romance keep it amused?

Author's Note:
Sequel to The Littlest Star. Thanks so much to everyone who reviewed and read my story, and to my wonderful beta reader Alexandra Granger!

Title: The Return of the Littlest Star(1/1)

Author: Jaxx

Author's Email: [email protected]

Category: Romance

Key Words: Seamus, Ginny, H/H, R/L, Christmas

Rating: G

Spoilers: None

Summary: Sequel to The Littlest Star. The littlest star is bored, once again; can causing a Christmas romance keep it amused?

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.


The littlest star was bored - again. Some things repeated in cycles, and the littlest star's boredom was one of them. It remembered the last time it was bored, and what it had done to entertain itself, and smiled. How it loved to play cupid...too bad it was not Valentine's Day anymore. But there were other holidays, after all...

Why not help out on one of them? The Littlest Star thought.


All six of them had decided to go to a pub and celebrate Christmas Eve's Night. All of them were sure why they had decided to do this on the snow-covered night instead of go to their parent's homes...for Harry and Hermione to find a dark corner; for Ron and Lavender to drink the night away; for Ginny to be near Seamus.

Ginny had had a crush on Seamus ever since her crush on Harry had ended abruptly during last year when she found out that he loved Hermione. She had realized how wonderful he was, and wanted to be with him, but did not know how to go about it.

Ginny and Seamus sat and talked, and drank butterbeer late into the night. Even after Harry and Hermione had crept away, and Ron and Lavender and giddily walked home, they sat there. Both lingered, smiling and happy, not in the least tired.

At last, when the pub started to close, and both were made to leave, they started to walk back home. It was cold cloudy night, and the thin jackets they wore did not do much to keep out the chill. Seamus put an arm around her - but she did not dare to hope that it was meant the way she wanted it to be. It was only to keep them warm, of course.

Ginny and Seamus walked slowly back towards the Hogwarts grounds. Both were wishing that the night would last forever.

As they walked, they talked. They spoke of many things. What they wanted of life...what they wished for. Seamus said that he wanted love. That he wanted someone that would make the stars come out and twinkle; someone who could make the moon rise. He wanted someone perfect. And she agreed. He deserved the best. He deserved her. And she said so, everything but him deserving her.

He gave a small chuckle and said he knew. She didn't know what was funny about that. She sighed, and shivered a bit. She wished she knew who it was, his perfect girl. She wished it was her.

He wrapped his arm around her closer, as they walked by a large decorated tree, and slowed to a stop. He said he loved Christmas trees, how they were bright, and smelled of pine. She leaned closer to gather in the scent, and closed her eyes, breathing it deeply.

He smiled at her, watching her smell the Christmas tree; she looked so sweet and pretty, that he kissed her.

And, as his eyes fell shut, the stars came out and twinkled, and the moon rose.


The littlest star smiled and twinkled with all its might.


AN: Was that as good as the other one? I wonder...I know it was shorter, so sorry about that, but I do hope you liked it! Everyone who has read and reviewed my other story is amazing! Thank you so much! And, thanks to Alexandra Granger! You're the best beta ever! Happy Holidays to you all! By the way, my AIM is GuitarGurlie54 - Don't hesitate to IM me!

The fic has now ended.