The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Slash Darkfic
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 10/01/2006
Updated: 08/23/2009
Words: 6,676
Chapters: 5
Hits: 2,372


Jagged Angel

Story Summary:
A series of vignettes involving Harry and Draco at Hogwarts.

Chapter 05 - Refraction Round 5

Chapter Summary:
A 'chance' meeting?

'Refraction: Round 5

Thanks to Junior (no shotgun, however!) and Sonja for bunny help...

A light flickered, then died. It flickered again, and then shone out to reveal the empty corridor. A solitary figure came storming into view.

Merlin, why is it always so cold in this damned castle? Haven't they heard of heating?

Draco shivered. His fingers shook around his wand as he struggled to keep the tip alight. He now regretted leaving his gloves in the Common Room. He also regretted leaving his book in McGonagall's classroom.

Such an idiot. That's what I happens when I get distracted by stupid Gryffindors.

He heard a noise.


Someone was walking up the corridor towards him. His heart hammered in his chest, his senses heightened. He desperately wanted to light his wand again. Draco sidled up to the corner and took a peek around it.


Harry was looking around the corridor, whilst stuffing a parchment into his pocket.

'Lumos,' whispered Draco. He swaggered towards Harry. 'Bit late for you to be out of bed, Potter.'


'Unless you can give me a good explanation for it, I'll have to report you.'

Draco caught a flash of something in Harry's eyes. Was it anger? Excitement? Draco couldn't tell, it had gone so fast, but he was thrilled at the thought of provoking emotion in Harry.

'It's none of your business, Malfoy.'

'Oh I think it is, Potter, and this Prefect's badge says so.'

Harry didn't respond, he just stood there staring at Draco with an expression of curiosity on his face, as if he wished for Draco to speak.

'Do you want me to report you, Potter? I'd be quite happy to oblige.'

'Not particularly.'

Draco was confused.

'Then what do you want, Potter?'


'To what, precisely?'

Again, Harry did not respond.

'Honestly, Potter,' Draco said with exasperation, 'if you want answers, you need to ask questions. I could just make up answers, I suppose. Yes, you are a prat; yes, I will report you for being out of bed this late; no, I don't think I will...'

'Shut up, Malfoy,' Harry interrupted. 'What do you want from me?'

'I thought we'd already discussed this one, Potter.'

Harry moved towards Draco and shoved him into the wall. Draco felt his back slam against the stone. He lifted his wand into Harry's face, draping it in light.

'What do you want from me, Malfoy?' Harry's calm voice and cold eyes only served to disturb Draco. A vision entered his mind of another whose voice was calm right before a deadly strike. Harry's eyes were rimmed red from the wand-light. Draco shivered.

He felt Harry's body pushing up against his own, the feel of Harry's hip digging in to his, and Harry's arm across his chest. His breath caught in his throat. He was sure that Harry could hear the pounding in his chest.


'I don't understand you, Potter. Don't you want more out of this than your impending death?'

'You didn't answer my question, Malfoy.'

Why not? I've got nothing to lose now.

'I want... you.' Draco knew it sounded pathetic the moment the words left his lips. He groaned, screwed his face up in frustration, closed his eyes, and leaned his head back against the wall. He felt Harry release him, leaving him cold and yearning. His arm dropped.

Some days I feel so numb and empty, and those would be the good days for me. Why can't I feel numb now?

After a moment, Harry spoke. 'It can't be that way.'

'What's stopping it?'

'In case you hadn't noticed, we're at war. And you're a Malfoy.'

'But that doesn't mean...'

'Doesn't it?' Harry yelled. 'Your father... your mother... Voldemort!'

'I can't lie! I can't tell you I'm something I'm not! Yes, I am a Malfoy. Yes, my father is a Death Eater. But I want more than that, can't you see that, Potter?'

'What I see is a Death Eater in the making. What I see is something I won't get involved with.'

'Why? Because my father's a Death Eater? Because I'm in Slytherin? Don't tell me you've fallen for that rubbish. You of all people should know that's not true. Sirius Black....'

Harry lunged at Draco, grabbed him around the throat, and snarled, 'Don't you talk of Sirius Black.'

Draco pushed Harry away. 'I was not going to foul his memory, Potter,' Draco said angrily, 'I was just... it doesn't matter! You see the world in such simple terms. Nothing is as you think it is, you know.'

'So, there is no war, and Voldemort is not trying to take over the world,' Harry retorted, sarcastically.

'Are you really this obtuse? Does everything have to be spelt out for you?' Draco was frustrated, at Harry for not understanding, at himself for being in this situation, at the world that forced this upon them both. 'You can't see how you've been manipulated and lied to, can you? You've been twisted and turned so often, so fast, that they've got you believing all sorts of things, don't they?'

'I don't know what you're talking about.'

'Everything they taught us was nothing but lies, Potter. You really should learn to tell the difference between dreams and reality.'

Harry shook his head slowly and sighed. He recalled another Malfoy saying the same words. 'Like father, like son.'

Harry flung the cloak over himself and disappeared from view. Draco snatched where Harry had been, but his hand closed on thin air. His heart sank. He caught his own reflection in an old mirror on the wall where Harry had just been. In between the mottled veneer, he saw the disappointment written all over his face.
