The Dark Arts
Hermione Granger Lucius Malfoy Nymphadora Tonks
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/12/2004
Updated: 02/11/2005
Words: 11,979
Chapters: 8
Hits: 3,843

Playing for Time


Story Summary:
When Tonks is attacked by Lucius Malfoy, she comes up with a rather desperate plan to stall him. Soon both she and Hermione are under the power of the wizard, and they have only each other to rely on, if they are to escape. Some violence, mostly in the first chapter, and implied torture and rape in later chapters.

Chapter 03


Chapter 3

Tonks leaned against a statue of a rather depressing looking dragon, waiting for the Muggle Studies class to finish. She knew that this was Hermione's last lesson this day, so it would be possible to talk with her without interruptions. Tonks felt jittery and nervous, time moving way too slowly for her taste.

Lupin had followed her to the school's gate, promising her to meet her there when she was finished. Normally such chivalrous behaviour would have annoyed her, but today she felt grateful. While she walked the stairs for her interview with Dumbledore, she caught a glimpse of a tall, blond man in the throng of students, and her heart stopped. However, when he came closer she saw that it was not a man, only a boy who had grown fast, though the hair and the sneering face were so much like her captor.

Draco Malfoy. Tonks' heart slowed, though she still felt a little queasy when she met his eyes and his smirk became more pronounced.

"Does he know?" she wondered. She rather thought so, but she was determined not to let that brat make her nervous. When she passed him she tossed her head and called out nonchalantly.

"Hi Coz!"

She smirked a little herself when she heard one of the idiot-friends of her cousin ask who she was in a baffled tone. Tonks was certain that Draco had neglected to tell his companions of any half-muggle relations, especially those with pink hair and T-shirts with rude remarks printed on them.

The talk with Dumbledore was brief, but even so it calmed her and made her feel much better. To her relief he agreed whole-heartedly that Hermione needed to be told. He even offered to accompany Tonks, something she declined.

So, now she was waiting for Hermione, rehearsing in her mind what she was going to say. The clatter of moving chairs and chattering voices told her that her wait was over. When the door to the classroom was opened, she peered in, looking for Hermione.

Tonks spotted her at a desk, slowly gathering up books in her arms. The chair beside her own was empty and though it could mean just that its occupant had been in a hurry to leave, Tonks got the feeling that the chair had, and always had been, empty. She wondered if Hermione had any friends, apart from Harry and the Weasley children. She rather thought not. It saddened her; her own schooldays had been filled with friends and fun.

Hermione was coming toward her now, hunching slightly over her heavy books, looking serious and a little grave. Too serious. Now Tonks would have to add to it. Hermione looked up and caught sight of Tonks, her face suddenly lit up.

"Tonks!" she exclaimed, shifting her books over to one arm so she could give the older witch a somewhat awkward one-armed hug. "What are you doing here?"

She looked much happier at once, smiling at Tonks, but the smile faded when she saw Tonks' unusually grave look.

"Let's take a walk," Tonks said. "We can go to the lake."

They didn't spoke much until they had reached the water, seating themselves comfortably underneath an old oak.

"Don't you have any female friends?" Tonks asked.

Hermione looked a little surprised. "I have Ginny, of course. Lavender and Parvati aren't half-bad either. None of them take Muggle Studies, though, if that's what you're thinking about. I actually don't mind sitting alone. Normally I sit with Ron and Harry and sometimes they chatter so during lessons."

She threw Tonks a shrewd glance. "But I don't think you brought me here to discuss my friends, did you? Something has happened."

Though Tonks had dreaded to tell Hermione, it turned out to be easier than she had thought. Hermione's quick mind grasped the facts and implications without the need for Tonks to repeat herself. Hermione gazed thoughtfully out over the lake when Tonks had finished, a little paler than usual, but otherwise composed.

"I guess it's not really surprising," she said. "He hates me and wants to hurt me. And you. I'm glad that he didn't manage to hurt you more." Hermione thought a little before she continued. "I guess I'm pretty safe here at school, but I worry about my parents. What if something happens to them?"

"Dumbledore will strengthen the wards around them today, I spoke with him before I came to you. I don't think you have to worry too much about them. In this case, the contempt Malfoy feels for all Muggles will work for us. His hate has made him ignorant; he simply doesn't know much of the Muggle world and it's unlikely that he will venture out in it." Tonks saw Hermione frown a little and knew what she was thinking of, so Tonks continued.

"I know, there were Muggles killed the last time You-Know-Who had power. But those were almost exclusively people who had came into the wizarding world, one way or another."

Hermione nodded. "I see. But do I need to tell Ron and Harry about this? They'll worry and probably come up with some annoying, crazy scheme to keep me safe."

"No, of course not. The important thing is that you know. As you said, you will probably be safe here. Still, it can't hurt to read up on different kinds of precautions. If, though I dearly hope it will never happen, Lucius Malfoy manages to get hold of you, you need to be able to defend yourself and you will not have your wand.

But, originally wands weren't needed to perform magic. They were established as a means to control magical ability, and a very good thing that was. Still, there are instances where magic can happen without it. The first manifestation of magic in a child comes, most often, without the help of a wand. There are also the body transformations that I can do, or those of an Animagus. Those don't require a wand either."

"I know," Hermione answered. "There are some books on it in the Restricted Section. Do you think I could get access to those? I'll tell Miss Pince that it is for a school project, but perhaps you can talk to Professor McGonnagall so she can write me a note of permission?"

She paled even more while she talked, but she looked determined. "It's so stupid!" she said angrily. "To be hated, not because I have said or done something, but just because I was born. I know it's not unique for this world, I know it happens in the Muggle world as well, but it's still so stupid!"

Weeks passed and Tonks found new routines. She stayed at Grimmauld Place for a week, the gloominess almost driving her mad. Then she found a nice room located over Magical Menagerie in Diagon Alley. She sensed that Lupin wasn't very happy to see her go and she felt sorry for him. To stay in the old house, in Sirius's house, must be very depressing. But he really wasn't there all that much and she simply couldn't stand to live there, even if Lupin had been an excellent housemate.

She went to her work at the Ministry as usual, only choosing different ways and times every day to get to and back from work. Nothing was heard about Malfoy, he seemed to have disappeared completely. Little by little the worst fear was worn off; Tonks just wasn't made to worry and she couldn't live in constant terror. She hadn't seen Hermione again, but she'd heard that the girl was doing as well as she usually did at school.

When the attack finally came, it didn't come as an assault in a dark alley, as Tonks had somehow expected. It came in broad daylight among the crowded passages of Diagon Alley. Tonks were strolling down the street after picking up some books at Flourish & Blotts. She was contemplating an ice-cream when it happened.

It was an explosion, at least that was what it appeared to be, though not a sound was heard. A wave of pressure knocked down most people around Tonks and she fell herself, dropping her books. When she looked up she could see people running to and fro, some of them bleeding, others were crying.

She crawled up, looking around her. Some of the people on the ground weren't moving and she realised that they must be dead. Tonks bent over a woman that she thought was moving, but never got a chance to see if she was all right. A strong hand closed on her arm, her wand was wrenched from her and then came the familiar feeling of being apparated. Away from the sunshine and the horror on Diagon Alley.