Astronomy Tower
Multiple Eras
Published: 12/23/2004
Updated: 01/09/2005
Words: 2,602
Chapters: 2
Hits: 974

While the Music Plays


Story Summary:
Arthur’s eyes widened with surprise. “Why this song?” he whispered in Molly’s ears. “It brings happy memories,” Molly replied. “I thought it reminded you of…death?” Arthur asked. “No, it reminds me of your love,” Molly smiled.

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
Hi...it's my second fic, people! I hope you enjoy this, I sure enjoyed writing it!

While the Music Plays

"Molly! Oi, Molly!" Arthur shouted down the corridor.

The plump, red-haired witch turned around. "What is it now, Arthur?"

Arthur ran to her. "Molly, will you go to the ball with me?"

The Valentine's ball. Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, had proposed for one. For fifth years and above, of course. His reasons were simple, and for a cause; so the students could temporarily put behind their worries and troubles with Lord Voldemort, and remember that even though they were in the middle of a terrible war, love was still all around.

Molly's heart fluttered and blood rushed to her head. Yes, the small voice in her brain cried. Yes, yes, yes! Being asked by Arthur to the dance was like a dream come true! Oh yes!

But instead, she narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "As a last resort?"

Arthur's ears flushed an adorable red color as he was reminded of the Halloween ball earlier that year, when he had to go with a crazy girl called Nymphadora Tonks. "Merlin, no," he said hastily. "I haven't and will not ask any other girl."

Molly blushed at the sweetness and thoughtfulness of his words. "Oh, alright then." She tried to sound exasperated and faked a sigh.

Arthur looked alarmed, and Molly knew he was thinking that she didn't really want to go with him, and just pitied him.

"If you don't want to, it's okay," he said quickly, his words coming out in a blur.

Molly smiled. "On the contrary. I'd love to."


"Oh, Merlin," Arthur murmured. His date for the ball, his Molly, was standing there, right in front of him. She looked stunning. Her frizzy red hair was smooth and slick, in a bun. Some strands of her lovely red hair fell upon her face, framing it perfectly, making her look perfect.

Her dress was a very light pink, which shimmered in the light of the torches. It was tight-fitting, but somehow it managed to make her plump body look slim. It trailed on the floor, leaving what looked like a trail of pink water behind her.

Arthur could only manage another croak of "Oh, Merlin", causing Molly to giggle.

"I suppose you like the dress?" she smiled.

"You look stunning, Molly," Arthur said, finally able to string more than two words together.

"Yeah, well, my mother gave me this dress. She wore it during her first dance with my father-"

"It's not the dress," Arthur interjected, "that makes you look beautiful. It's you that makes the dress beautiful."

Molly felt her jaw drop. "Arthur," she breathed. "Wow."

Arthur's ears were tinged pink with pride. "Shall we go down?" he offered her his hand.

Molly nodded, and took his hand. When they entered the Great Hall, Arthur automatically asked her to dance. She nodded.

She put her hands around Arthur's neck, and he slid his hands around her waist tenderly, causing her skin to tingle with pleasure.

Aux arbres mouillés de septembre
À leur soleil de souvenir
À ces mots doux, à ces mots tendres
Que je t'ai entendu me dire
À la faveur d'un chemin creux
Ou d'une bougie allumée
Adieu à ce qui fut nous deux
À la passion du verbe aimer
Est une infinie diligence
Où les chevaux ont dû souffrir
Où les reflets de ton absence
Ont marqué l'ombre du plaisir
L'adieu est une lettre de toi
Que je garderai sur mon cœur
Une illusion de toi et moi
Une impression de vivre ailleurs
N'est que vérité devant Dieu
Tout le reste est lettre à écrire
À ceux qui se sont dit adieu
Quand il fallait se retenir
Tu ne peux plus baisser les yeux
Devant le rouge des cheminées
Nous avons connu d'autres feux
Qui nous ont si bien consumés
C'est nos deux corps qui se séparent
Sur la rivière du temps qui passe
Je ne sais pas pour qui tu pars
Et tu ne sais pas qui m'embrasse
Nous n'aurons plus de jalousies
Ni de paroles qui font souffrir
Aussi fort qu'on s'était choisi
Est fort le moment de partir
Oh l'adieu !
C'est le sanglot long des horloges
Et les trompettes de Waterloo
Dire à tous ceux qui s'interrogent
Que l'amour est tombé à l'eau
D'un bateau ivre de tristesse
Qui nous a rongé toi et moi
Les passagers sont en détresse
Et j'en connais deux qui se noient
Aux arbres mouillés de septembre
À leur soleil de souvenir
À ces mots doux, à ces mots tendres
Que je t'ai entendu me dire
À la faveur d'un chemin creux
Ou d'une bougie allumée
Adieu à ce qui fut nous deux
À la passion du verbe aimer
C'est le loup blanc dans sa montagne
Et les chasseurs dans la vallée
Le soleil qui nous accompagne
Est une lune bête à pleurer
L'adieu ressemble à ces marées
Qui viendront tout ensevelir
Les marins avec les mariées
Le passé avec l'avenir
Oh l'adieu !
Oh l'adieu !

Molly's childhood song, one her grandmother used to sing to her while rocking her in her cradle, was played by the band. Memories of her grandparents flooded back, with them was the day Voldemort killed them on a Sunday afternoon, when Grandmere was knitting a red and gold sweater for baby Molly.

Without realizing it, tears flowed out of Molly's brown eyes, at such a rate that alarmed Arthur. He pulled her aside to a dark corner so no one would see her crying.

"Molly, what's wrong? What did I do now?" he asked.

"Nothing," she mumbled.

"Then why are you crying?" he asked again, not convinced by her answer. "Tell me, Molly."

"It's the song," she sobbed. "My grandma used to sing me this song. She was killed by...by Voldemort." Arthur flinched.

"Oh, Molly," he cried lovingly, pulling her close. She cried into his chest. "Molly, we're safe, Molly, as long as the music plays."

Molly looked up into Arthur's loving eyes, which were overflowing with emotion. "While the music plays?"

"You-Know-Who won't touch us while we're filled with love and music, Molly. He can't," Arthur said. "Cheer up, Moll."

With his thumbs, he wiped her tears away. "Your tears are beautiful, but I prefer your smile. Smile for me, please?"

Molly smiled at his loving tenderness. How she loved Arthur.

"Oh Merlin!" she cried, pulling away from him. "I've ruined your dress robes!"

"No matter," Arthur said nonchalantly. With a flick of his wand, Molly's tear stains were gone. "Shall we dance?"


Arthur's heart was beating nervously. His wedding dance with Molly. He better not mess this up.

Like three years ago, he slid his hands around her waist, and she put hers around his neck.

Molly, again, looked stunning in her wedding gown. It wasn't too controversial, so he didn't have to worry too much about stepping on the hem of her gown. Her eyes were shining with unshed tears, but a smile was fixed happily on her face.

The song played was the one they had danced to back in Hogwarts.

Aux arbres mouillés de septembre
À leur soleil de souvenir
À ces mots doux, à ces mots tendres
Que je t'ai entendu me dire
À la faveur d'un chemin creux
Ou d'une bougie allumée
Adieu à ce qui fut nous deux
À la passion du verbe aimer
Est une infinie diligence
Où les chevaux ont dû souffrir
Où les reflets de ton absence
Ont marqué l'ombre du plaisir
L'adieu est une lettre de toi
Que je garderai sur mon cœur
Une illusion de toi et moi
Une impression de vivre ailleurs
N'est que vérité devant Dieu
Tout le reste est lettre à écrire
À ceux qui se sont dit adieu
Quand il fallait se retenir
Tu ne peux plus baisser les yeux
Devant le rouge des cheminées
Nous avons connu d'autres feux
Qui nous ont si bien consumés
C'est nos deux corps qui se séparent
Sur la rivière du temps qui passe
Je ne sais pas pour qui tu pars
Et tu ne sais pas qui m'embrasse
Nous n'aurons plus de jalousies
Ni de paroles qui font souffrir
Aussi fort qu'on s'était choisi
Est fort le moment de partir
Oh l'adieu !
C'est le sanglot long des horloges
Et les trompettes de Waterloo
Dire à tous ceux qui s'interrogent
Que l'amour est tombé à l'eau
D'un bateau ivre de tristesse
Qui nous a rongé toi et moi
Les passagers sont en détresse
Et j'en connais deux qui se noient
Aux arbres mouillés de septembre
À leur soleil de souvenir
À ces mots doux, à ces mots tendres
Que je t'ai entendu me dire
À la faveur d'un chemin creux
Ou d'une bougie allumée
Adieu à ce qui fut nous deux
À la passion du verbe aimer
C'est le loup blanc dans sa montagne
Et les chasseurs dans la vallée
Le soleil qui nous accompagne
Est une lune bête à pleurer
L'adieu ressemble à ces marées
Qui viendront tout ensevelir
Les marins avec les mariées
Le passé avec l'avenir
Oh l'adieu !
Oh l'adieu !

Arthur's eyes widened with surprise. "Why this song?" he whispered in Molly's ears.

"It brings happy memories," Molly replied.

"I thought it reminded you of...death?" Arthur asked.

"No, it reminds me of your love," Molly smiled.

Arthur grinned back, and danced with her until the song stopped. When other couples began dancing, Arthur stopped for a drink.

There was an owl beside the huge punch bowl. It had a letter tied to its leg, and its chest was puffed out proudly.

Curiosity told Arthur to untie and read the letter. At the sight of Arthur, the bird stuck out its leg with the parchment tied on. While reading it, Arthur sat down in a chair beside Molly, who was chatting animatedly to one of the guests.

Mr. Weasley, it read. I would like to congratulate you on your wedding with the charming now Mrs. Arthur Weasley.

I regret to inform you that there have been more attacks on Muggleborns earlier today. And I'm afraid you may have been close to some of these people;

Alissa Valencia

Mia Matthews

John Parish

Benjamin Gregory Green

I offer my deepest condolences.

Cornelius Oswald Fudge

"Oh dear Merlin," Arthur whispered. He actually knew all four people, all four people who were probably now lying somewhere, pale-white with horror-stricken looks on their faces. And it just had to happen on his wedding day.

Molly was beside him in a second. "What is it, Arthur?" she took the letter from Arthur's limp hands and read it quickly.

"Oh, Arthur," she said, pulling him close.

"It's terrible, Molly," he moaned softly.

"Yes, yes, I know," she whispered. "But Arthur, while the music plays, we're safe, remember? Voldemort can't touch us!"

Arthur nodded. "Yes, yes, you're right, Molly."

"We're safe while the music plays," Mr. and Mrs. Weasley said together in unison.

Author notes: Much requestion second fic is here! Please review! Pretty please with a cherry on top!
If you are very nice, and you reviewed this, I might even add a second chapter! But only if you're very nice...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you celebrating them! (Just so you know I'm writing this on the 21st of December).....
Scroll up, Click on Review!, and Write in some comments and feedback for me! Love ya!