Astronomy Tower
Blaise Zabini Hermione Granger
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Published: 03/24/2003
Updated: 04/27/2003
Words: 16,623
Chapters: 5
Hits: 5,854

A Sorta Fairytale


Story Summary:
Blaise, upon request from his mother, has to make Hermione fall in love with Draco, who she hates. When his spell backfires on himself, he must fight from losing her and learns that gods are among us.

Chapter 04

Author's Note:
Thanks to my BETA: Shazzman for helping me with a new way of arranging the story. Hopefully me stating who is speaking outright makes things easier. : ) Thanks to the loverly reviewers: Tiniwiel, Sally-Anne Perks, Marie’s Lais, Black Rose 832, Andra Malfoy, Embrace, GLEH, Elf Queen, Karena Elizabeth, and N&HP. Love to Lodessa, Halona, Nentari, and Lisse. I heart you all!

Chapter 4: A Fool To Think

Sally-Anne speaks

"Bitch!" Zabini snarled at me furiously, as he walked away from the beds towards his bag.

"Ass monkey!" I snapped back, before turning my back on him. Ass monkey?

Even after he left, I kept fuming. I hate you and your shoes! Christ, he makes me so mad. But, he´s gone now. I don´t see the big deal. I mean yeah he´s cute, but nothing amazing. Han is all "He´s just so sexy. I´m just drawn to him." Whatever! Spare me. Freaking´ manwhore needs to die, like now. All violating my Hannah. Disgusting!

I lay in my bed, trying not to think about what they had been doing in just one bed over. Ew! Ew! Ew! Just wrong. I hope he gets a disease. Actually, no. Strike that! I don´t want him getting Han sick. But, I hope he gets like some girl (not Hannah) pregnant! Yes! Wait, no. Poor girl, carrying his baby. Ech! Okay, strike that, too. My eyes were drooping and I gave up thinking hateful thoughts towards Blaise, so I could sleep.

The next morning at breakfast, I was pushing fork tines into my hand to keep from exploding at Hannah.

"I wish he would have, at least, said goodbye before going to his room," Hannah sighed.

Uh, he was done with you. He doesn´t need to say goodbye. Why is she so stupid sometimes? Susan had no expression on her face at all. But, I was twisting and turning inside. Must not lose it. Must not lose it.

"God Sally, he is the best kisser," Hannah swooned.

Must not lose it!

"He always does this thing, where he sort of hovers his lips over mine and pretends he is going to kiss me but doesn´t. It drives me mad," Hannah giggled.

"You´re driving me mad!" I screamed. Oops. I lost it.

"Sorry," Hannah said softly, looking embarrassed. Susan glared at me from across the table.

"Sorry, I´m just grumpy," I muttered and shoveled food in my mouth to keep me from snapping again.

We headed down the hall to Herbology. I love that class. I get graded for getting dirty. Hannah and Susan think I am nuts. But I love planting stuff. Maybe am in touch with the earth more `cause my parents were hippies. Who knows? We sat down at the tables with the Gryffindors.

"There´s your boyfriend," I whispered in Hannah´s ear and nudged my head to where Harry Potter sat.

She kicked my leg and stuck her tongue out at me. She used to have it bad for him last year but now, thanks to her introduction to Blaiseygoodness, she had dropped Potter cold. Pity. I thought they´d be cute together. But, she was right. He never did show any inclination towards her more than friendly-like. Bummer. Maybe he´s gay. I mean, look at her! I would do her.... you know, if I weren´t straight and all.

As class drew to a close Sprout asked all the Hufflepuffs to stay after. Okay, what did we do wrong? Did she find out about Blaise bonking Han?

"I need to discuss something very exciting with you," Sprout said happily to us, after the Gryffies left. "The Headmaster was presented with a rather exciting proposition from the Ministry of Magic. They are offering two positions as assistants to the top Ministers in the UK. The position also guarantees a future spot as a Minister and a rather impressive stipend. It is being offered to sixth and seventh years. Each head of house has been asked to nominate one student from their house. I have already informed the seventh years. So, if any of you are interested, you´ll need to keep up your marks and fill out the application form, which I have here." She held up the application form happily and continued. "I shall look through them and nominate you in a week. After that you will be watched closely and asked to perform perfectly in your classes. The two finalists will be announced after you return from your Christmas holiday. Any of you interested?"

Susan and I put up our hands up, instantly.

"That´s it?" Sprout asked disappointed. But, no one else raised their hand.

* * *

Blaise speaks

This was too perfect. I had the application form in my hand. Snape had practically thrown it at me. Malfoy was the only other sixth year that Snape had given an application form to, even though Pansy and Millicent both wanted one. I guess that left me with less competition. Not that Malfoy was really competition. I flipped through it. It was rather thick. I knew I could beat him. And as for the seventh years competing with me, none of them could hold a candle to my marks. So, I could see why Snape had practically shoved it in my face. All too easy. A job practically given to me. I strutted back to my room happily, trying the title out in my head: Blaise Zabini, Minister.

I filled out the application form, all twelve pages of it and handed it in, the next day. Snape looked exceptionally pleased with me. I knew Malfoy, for some reason, would always be his favorite, but I was placed just slightly below him. I was his star pupil. I knew he wished I raised my hand more in class and answered all the questions like Granger. But I´m not like that. I don´t show off my intelligence. I don´t have anything to prove. I´ve always known that I´m bloody smarter than half the students here. As long as my professors know that too, then I´m fine.

I walked away so proud. I was going to be set for life! This was going to be great. I would have a career and be able to get my little sister out of that hellhole we call a home. Nothing would get in my way now; not even my mother. I turned the corner and all my dreams and hopes were smashed to pieces by the bushy hair of Granger, who was holding an application. I had completely forgotten about her! I actually felt panicked for a moment. That bloody genius would most likely be picked. It was a law of nature that she would beat me.

I knew then, at that moment, that I had to bring her down. She´d never done anything outright to spite me, but she was just a casualty of war. My view of her as the bright student I strove to be was suddenly replaced with a brick wall barring my way to salvation. I knew I had to do what my mother said. I couldn´t beat her, outright. There was no way. This was it. Maybe Granger didn´t deserve to fall for Malfoy, but I needed this job badly and I wasn´t going to let her steal it from me. It was going to be mine no matter what.

I ran to my room to finish reading the books on love spells.

* * *

Draco speaks

Not that I really care, but I wished I actually could beat Zabini at this. Truthfully, I knew I could get the position by my father just sending the right owls to the right people, with the right amount of money. But, I wanted to beat him with my own skills. Problem is, I could never get as good marks as him. Bugger! Oh well, I thought, no big deal. I don´t care. Let Zabini win. I´ll be his boss anyway. He may be a pureblood, but he´s got no money.

Zabini ran by me. He must have had a date or something.

"Where you off to?" I asked, just to make him even more late.

"My room, Malfoy," he spat and kept running.

Prat! Didn´t even let me harass him. I yawned as I sat in the sofa. Off to bed. I know I have Transfiguration next, but I´m too tired and grumpy to give a shit right now. I climbed the stairs and walked into the boy´s dorm. Zabini was flipping through some books. He looked desperate. I smirked to myself and jumped in my bed. My pillows are really comfy.

"Naptime?" Zabini asked condescendingly, looking up from his book.

Yes, brilliant! No wonder you´re the star Slytherin. Uttering such profound statements like that!

"It would seem," I yawned.

"We have class in ten minutes," Zabini nagged, forgetting he wasn´t my mother.

"We do?" I gasped sarcastically. "What would I do without you?"

And with that, I collapsed my head on my pillow and went to sleep. He was such a bloody nag. How could anyone tolerate a person like that?

* * *

Hermione speaks

"We have class in ten minutes!" I yelled tugging Ron from his bed.

"Hermione," he mumbled, his face in his pillow, "you are my favorite person in the world, but I will harm you if you don´t let go."

He always takes naps at the most inconvenient of times. I gave up and stalked out, followed by Harry.

* * *

Blaise speaks

After Transfiguration, I ran back to my room to finish researching. Malfoy was still fast asleep. Lazy twit. I propped a few pillows behind me and flipped quickly through the books. Finally, I found what I was looking for. A spell to make someone else fall in love. It was extremely difficult! I had to know enough about the person to be able to manipulate their thoughts into wanting the person I had picked for them. I had to make it logically work in her mind or else it wouldn´t last. Made sense. No spell could just make someone fall in love instantly without them questioning it. That would only work if you were Cupid. Since I didn´t see any cute naked flying babies with bows, I was stuck with this.

This way, she would realistically fall for him. It would creep gradually upon her like most true feelings. Lust was instant, not true affection. I would have to build enough passion in her that when the full moon had risen, she would be willing to direct her feelings to whomever I chose. It sounded almost kinky, if you ask me. I mean, I had to go to her room every night, and whisper certain suggestive or romantic thoughts in her ear, until the moon was full.

The last step was on the eve of the full moon, to go into her room at night and cast the spell, Amos Feritas. The next day, when she saw Malfoy, it would be done. It was going to take me a month, but I could do it. I could! Now, I just needed to do the first step. I had to get to know her. In other words do something that seemed almost unfathomable, become her friend. Now how was I to do that? Her friend? I didn´t know if she held equal disdain for me like she did for Malfoy. It was possible. I had never done anything to her, but I was a Slytherin. If I did try to just talk to her like a human, I know she would think I was hitting on her. Most girls think that, which is why I don´t have any real friends that are girls. They assume I want them. Except Pansy. The only girl with enough brains to know I don´t want everything that is female.

Hermione was logical and smart, but still just a girl. Hopefully, she would be quick like Pansy. I mean she wasn´t that attractive, so she should know I wouldn´t be interested. She seemed rather haughty as well. Holding her head high with this demeanor telling the whole bloody world, "I know more than you know." I should know, that´s what I´ve always done. I groaned and closed the book. I would be just as hard to befriend, if she had been trying this on me. Was it really worth all the effort? I put the books away and lay back on my pillows. What I wouldn´t give to be Cupid right then. Just one stupid arrow and I would be done.

* * *

Blaise speaks

Operation: Make a Stupid Arse Out of Myself commenced. I was outside Snape´s classroom, waiting for Granger and her boys, to come out. I had been going over it in my head, exactly what I had to say. But, now that the moment was at hand, I had lost all my nerve. This was why I wasn´t a Gryffindor. It´s odd how I can have all the self-confidence needed to get a girl naked, but not to make them my friend.

Finally, they came out of the door.

"Granger," I said as she walked out, "can I speak to you for a moment?"

She stood frozen goggling at me. Please don´t think I want you. Please don´t think that.

"Why?" she asked.

Good question.

"Er, well," I mumbled and walked up to her, as Weasley inched closer to her. Well, I knew he thought that I wanted her. Potter just looked as confused as Granger. "I know this might sound a bit odd. I have never really talked to you before, but with this internship and all, I was wondering if you could help me."

I knew it was a pathetic way to befriend her, but it was the only thing I could think of. Besides it always worked in those teen stories I read in magazines.

"Help you?" she asked suspiciously, and rightly so.

"Er, yeah. I really want the position. Now, I know you want it too, but you are the smartest person I know, and I was wondering if you could help me at least try to be like you. I don´t intend to beat you. I never seem to be able to be better than you, always second. But, maybe, er . . .what I´m asking for is some advice, I suppose."

"Why would I help you?" she asked crossing her arms. She seemed even more suspicious.

"I know you think I´m some Muggle-hating Slytherin, but I´m not. I am not trying to play a joke on you," I said. "I truly admire you scholastically, and if you want I could pay you. I don´t have much money though."

I felt a little embarrassed saying that.

"You really want her help?" Weasley scoffed.

"Yes," I grumbled. Where was Malfoy when you needed him?

Hermione looked down thinking. She looked up at me again, as if wondering what planet I was from.

"How much?" she asked.


"How much would you pay me?" she asked.

Shit, she´d taken up the offer. I was hoping she would be charitable and do it for free. Fucking woman! I would have to pay her to be my victim. Shit! Shit! Shit!

"Er, well," I muttered trying to think of a good sum. My face must have shown my panic because she cut me off.

"You really don´t have the money do you?" she asked softly.

"Of course he doesn´t." Malfoy ambled up, smirking. For the first time I was happy to see him. See, Granger! Malfoy teases me too! Take pity on me! I must put on a dejected face now and tell him to piss off.

"Piss off!" I snapped at Malfoy.

"Honestly, Zabini, you´re stooping so low as to ask that thing?" Malfoy smirked nastily. "I thought you were our Slytherin genius. You can´t be that poor, that this is all you can afford?"

Look really hurt, I though to myself. And I was, a little. Malfoy always made cracks about my economic status. I gave Granger my best puppy-dog eyes.

"Malfoy, go torture some first years and leave us alone!" Granger snapped.

I kept looking away from Malfoy. Trying to act like I was holding onto the last bit of my pride. See Granger! I am so pitiful and need you to save me. Should I pout or cry? Okay, that´s going too far. Malfoy laughed out loud and walked off. Please let that have helped. Please.

"Alright," Granger huffed, "I´ll help you, for free. But, if you try anything, and your intentions are anything but trying to get that internship, I will let you and the squid out there have some fun. Got it?"

"Yes," I nodded. Shit, she´s a little scary. Maybe I should back out now. If she finds out...No! She won´t. I´ll be fine.

"Okay," she sighed. "Meet me in the library after lunch. I´ll be free for about an hour."

I nodded. Weasley was still glaring at me. Oh, piss off Weasley! I would much rather do your sister then your girlfriend. I wanted so much to say that, just to see his face, but I didn´t. Too bad. It would have been funny to see his ears go pink from anger. Fucking brilliant! I did something that seemed a little cheesy, but I had to look authentic and civil. I held my hand out to Granger. She observed it for a second.

Fuck woman, I´m not contagious!

Luckily, like a true Gryffindor, she shook it.

"Thank you," I said and left.

I was smiling. Note to self: Thank Malfoy for being a prat.

* * *

Hermione speaks

Why am I sitting here in the library? I thought to myself furiously. I must be mad. It´s just that Malfoy got me so upset! If Zabini isn´t legit, I´ll kill him! Nevertheless, I am sitting here. What exactly am I going to tell him? What advice can I possibly give? He was second in our year. The boy must be quite brilliant already. This can´t be true. He must have other reasons. I know it isn´t me. He wouldn´t be trying to seduce me. Could he? Who am I kidding? He seduces stupid pretty giggly girls. Not me.

I doodled idly on a piece of parchment, thoughts still running through my head. But, maybe he is a true Slytherin, in that he wants to be the best. Maybe he truly just wants to excel as best he can. It´s almost admirable. On the other hand, it has always, sort of, given me pride that I beat him. I´ve never rubbed it in his face. But, I will be the first to admit, I enjoy being number one, being always right.

I sighed inwardly. I just can´t get that look on his face out of my head, when Malfoy said he was poor. It was more humiliation then anger. I´m used to Ron and his temper. But, Zabini looked suddenly so small. Whenever I usually see him, he is walking with some girl, his head held high, on top of the world. I didn´t know he was poor. Heck, I didn´t know he didn´t hate Mudbloods. Well, he never gave a hint that he didn´t. Well, I guess not all of them can be bad.

Then I saw him coming around the corner whispering in Lavender´s ear, making her giggle. That was the Zabini I was used to. I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"Nice of you to join me," I smirked. Could you please detach yourself from Lavender and get your hand off her arse. God, he is so disgusting.

"Oh, hi," he smirked and turned to Lavender. "See you later."

She giggled, causing me to almost throw up, and left. He had the same smug look, as he always did. I wouldn´t have felt so irritated if he was the way he´d been outside Snape´s classroom. Humble. He sat down in front of me. We stared at each other for a second waiting for the other to begin.

"So," I sighed.


He was drumming his fingers on his school bag that he had laid on the table.

"So what exactly did you want advice on?" I asked.

"Oh, well . . ." he said and rummaged through his bag. He pulled out a notebook and flipped a few pages until he found what he wanted. It was a list. Admirable.

"Okay," he sighed. "First off, how have you stayed on top all these years?"

"Well, I don´t know. I study every night. Do my assignments immediately. I never let them linger or procrastinate. I do extra research if need be. I always take notes. I´m never late for class. Stuff like that."

I felt sort of special. Like I was being interviewed.

Zabini looked up and smirked, "So, in other words, you have no life."

My mouth hung upon a little. "Excuse me, but I´m helping you. Don´t be obnoxious!"

"I was joking," he winced. "Sorry."

I looked up and huffed. "What else? I want to get this over with."

He looked up at me frowning. "I´m really sorry."

"Next question!" I snapped.

"Well . . ." he began scanning the list.

My mind was still racing. I glared at him. "For your information, I have a life! I hate it when people assume I don´t. I have fun. I have friends. I have a boyfriend. Just because my education is my top priority, doesn´t mean I don´t know how to balance my social life as well!"

"Alright!" he huffed, looking annoyed. "I didn´t mean to insult you. I was just trying to be friendly."

"Well, this isn´t supposed to be a friendly chat."

"Why are you being so defensive?" he asked, putting down the list.

"Why shouldn´t I be?" I retorted. "In my entire time at this school your house has gone out of its way to insult and humiliate me. You say you´re not anti-Muggle. But I don´t recall you ever defending someone called a Mudblood, let alone me. And, now, out of nowhere you are asking for my advice and are trying to have a `friendly chat´? I don´t know what you are really up to. So, I am sorry if I´m on my guard. But, you try living a life where an entire house hates you and everyone else believes you have no life or social skills."

Zabini observed me, eyes wide. Just get the hint boy. I know you are up to something. I can feel it. Just give up now.

"Sorry, Miss Martyr, but I don´t represent my whole house. Who are you to talk to me about being misunderstood? I just wanted to act civil towards you. Sorry, I have never gone out of my way to save anyone. Sorry, I didn´t jeopardize my status in my house, so that Malfoy and his cronies could excommunicate me. I´ll just figure this out on my own, thank you."

He stuffed his notebook in his schoolbag and pushed the chair back.

"Thanks for nothing," he spat and left.

How dare he! My hands were clasped in fists. How dare he turn it around on me! I pounded the table. I tried to suppress the guilt that was rising. He had a point. Why would he stick his neck out? He would only be terrorized. Then I shook my head angrily. Who am I kidding? He just made that all up. He didn´t mean it. Was just trying to make me feel bad. That´s it. Excellent job, too.

* * *

Blaise speaks

What a bloody bitch! Oh, woe is me. I am a Mudblood. I get teased. Whaa! Whaa! Whaa! Spare me. I went into my room and threw my bag on the ground. I sat on my bed and took a deep breath. I knew I had fucked it up. My first try, and I fucked it up. But, she had just lashed out for no reason! What am I going to do now? I have to bring her down.

I fell back on my bed, trying to calm down. She still didn´t deserve this. She must be gutted being a Muggle, with people like Malfoy around. God, I wish I had no conscience, I thought furiously. I wish I was Malfoy. I wish I could hate her and terrorize her and make her love some prat just for my gain, and not feel guilty. But, she was making things so difficult! Now, I had to remedy the situation. Damn!

The next day, oh hell, I couldn´t believe it, but I was going to have to apologize. Beg her if need be. I needed to win and I needed her help.

* * *

Draco speaks

Why am I better than everyone? It´s quite a burden. I smirked to myself. It´s so much fun to be a complete arsehole. Why don´t people try it more often? Maybe they aren´t as good at it, as us Malfoys.

Zabini was sitting, pouting, by the fireside.

"Granger didn´t put out?" I smirked.

"No, I have your mum for that," he snapped back. Not one of his best comebacks, but still biting.

I made a gesture, with my hand, of one wanking off by my mouth, to him.

"Is that what you and Crabbe do at night?" he leered. Better.

"Fuck off!" I spat back. Not one of my best.

He wasn´t being as much fun as he usually was. Maybe he just realized he has less money than the Weasleys. I could almost feel pity for him.... ah, no I couldn´t. I huffed and went upstairs. Maybe I could find something more amusing to do there, or insult.

When I entered my room, the first thing I noticed was a letter lying on my bed. Rather odd place for the post to be delivered. I opened the letter, expecting it to be from my father. A great flash of green light came flying out of it and engulfed me. It threw me, from my bed, back to the door. Luckily no one was there to see.

I think I must have blacked out for a moment. When I came to I was still lying on the floor. I stood up carefully, and walked cautiously to the letter that lay open on the floor. What the hell had just happened to me? I reached with a shaking hand towards the letter. It didn´t throw me across the room this time. I hesitantly brought it up to my eye line to read:

Enjoy your old memories.

~Lord Voldemort

* * *

Blaise speaks

Here we go, I thought. I had been following Granger and her boys for a while. I couldn´t get up enough nerve to speak to her. What was I going to say? "Please forgive me for losing my temper, even though I was in the right, and help me destroy you"? How the hell was any of this going to work? Why the fuck do I have to work so hard for all this? Why am I a Slytherin? Why must I be so stubborn, that I won´t give up, no matter what is in my way? Some people called it perseverance; I call it stupidity.

I slouched down sitting against the wall. Why was I born attractive and poor? Was the fact that I could get girls my consolation for having no money? The cosmos must be pretty twisted if you ask me. Malfoy was given wealth, but was totally inept at being social. Granger was given brains, but was made a Muggle. I scoffed. We´re all doomed.

"Zabini?" a girl´s voice said.

I looked up and Granger was looking down at me. What does she want? I am not going with you to get my arse kicked repeatedly by you freckled boyfriend.


"I was thinking about our argument the other day," she sighed and knelt beside me. "I wanted to say, I´m sorry."

I almost fainted. Wait - something weird is going on here. Oh shit! Just what I need. Granger is nice. Guilt trip! Guilt trip!

"You are?" I asked, wishing she was lying.

"Yes, you were right. I didn´t have the right to snap at you like that. If you still want my help, I´d be glad to do so," she said with a smile. Hey, what had happened to her bucked teeth?

I didn´t answer for a while. She would be glad to? Was this girl trying to kill me? Oh yeah, make me feel even worse now. Mustn´t care. I had to repeat that in my head. She is just some girl in the way of what I want. That is all.

"Alright," I shrugged.

"Just a few ground-rules," she added hastily.

Oh great.

"I want this to be strictly scholastic. I don´t mean to be mean, but I am going to have a hard time trusting you, so don´t immediately get chummy with me."


"Don´t be sarcastic and expect me to take it as a joke, and no flirting," she concluded with a straight face. No problem there, luv.

"Sure," I said, almost defiantly.

She nodded, "Good."

"So, after lunch again?" I asked.

She nodded and smiled. "See you later."

And then she left. Just like that. The girl had delivered herself to me on a plate, to ruin. I watched her walk down the hall. For someone so brilliant she had just made the biggest mistake of her life.

* * *

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