The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Angst Romance
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 08/31/2006
Updated: 11/03/2006
Words: 17,027
Chapters: 24
Hits: 23,564

Permanent Scars


Story Summary:
Draco is a sadistic monster that likes to hurt women. What would have to happen for him to REALLY change his ways?

Chapter 06 - Chapter six

Chapter Summary:
Snape and Dumbledore have a chat. Draco starts questioning his beliefs.
Author's Note:
Thank you to my two betas, Ambreen and Mimiheart.

Chapter six

Dumbledore and Snape were in Snape's office, having a discussion about what would be best for Draco after he left the infirmary.

"I think it would be better for Draco if he did not have to return to the dorms. Crabbe's and Goyle's fathers were more than likely part of the gang of Death Eaters that killed his parents," said Snape.

Dumbledore replied, "I already have a place in mind for Draco. It is a small, unused classroom on the fifth floor, not too far from the Ravenclaws' dorms. After it is cleaned and a bathroom installed, it should be perfect for him. The window also overlooks the Quidditch pitch, I'm sure he'll enjoy that."

Snape continued, "I also have concerns about his lessons and his meals. Would it be possible for him to take his classes with the Ravenclaws? Any classes that the Ravenclaws and Slytherins share he could take with the Gryffindors."

"That sounds like a fine plan. For now he can have his meals in his room. Hopefully he and the Ravenclaws will get along well enough that he will be able to take his meals with them eventually," Dumbledore said optimistically.


It had been a week since Draco had found out his parents had been murdered.

Dumbledore had told Draco that Voldemort had wanted revenge because of the disaster that happened at the Ministry. Lucius had not brought back the prophecy that Voldemort had demanded he get. Because of this, he had sent his Death Eaters to kill Lucius.

When the Death Eaters had arrived at the house, they had found his parents sitting down to dinner. His father had grabbed his wand to defend himself and Narcissa, but it was too late. The Death Eaters had cast Avada Kedavra, killing them both instantly. In their blood-lust they even killed the Malfoy's house-elves, slitting their throats. They then proceeded to pillage the house, taking anything of value. Once the house was stripped bare, they set it on fire. The outside of the manor, being stone, did not burn, but the inside was totally gutted.

Draco lay on the bed in a daze. Everything he had been taught, everything he believed in was in shambles. He just couldn't absorb the idea that friends of his parents had done this. People he had known all his life. He had gone to their parties, played with their children. They had seemed to genuinely love and respect his parents. But in reality they were only Voldemort's pawns, and they would do as they were told.

He felt genuinely betrayed. Everything he had been taught about the purity of blood, about the superior qualities of the Death Eaters, had all been a bunch of lies.

Draco now saw Death Eaters for what they were. A bunch of narrow-minded, prejudiced killers. Draco saw that Voldemort would never win, that there would always be people rising up against him. That Voldemort could kill, terrorize and torture hundreds, only to have thousands spring up to take their places against him.

He saw the futility in everything his parents had believed, and it made him weep.

Draco's whole world is collapsing around his ears. How will he cope with it?