The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Angst Romance
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 08/31/2006
Updated: 11/03/2006
Words: 17,027
Chapters: 24
Hits: 23,564

Permanent Scars


Story Summary:
Draco is a sadistic monster that likes to hurt women. What would have to happen for him to REALLY change his ways?

Chapter 05 - Chapter five

Chapter Summary:
Draco hears a lot of very bad news.
Author's Note:
Thanks to Ambreen and Mimiheart(my betas)for thier support of my writing and of this story.

Chapter five

Pansy had come to Draco's bedside every day for two weeks now.

Sometimes she brought flowers, but most of the time she just came to be with him.

To see him lying there in the infirmary, scarred and hurting, was almost more than she could bear. She wished that there was something she could do to help him. She had known Draco all her life, and she cared for him deeply.

Pansy had heard, of course, about Malfoy manor being burned to the ground, and that Draco's parents had been killed by Death Eaters. It seemed unbelievable that people she knew, the Malfoy's friends, were the ones that had killed them. The idea of it sickened her.

She thought about what it would be like for Draco after he got out of the infirmary. Some of the very Death Eaters that had killed his parents had sons in their year. Draco would have to sleep in the dorm with them, eat with them, and take lessons alongside of them. All the while knowing it was their fathers that had brutally murdered his family.

Pansy was sitting next to Draco on the bed, deep in thought, when Madam Pomfrey came bustling in.

"I have good news for you, Miss Parkinson. Draco is doing well enough now that I won't have to sedate him any more. He should be waking up about seven p.m. tonight," Madam Pomfrey said and then smiled at the joyous look on Pansy's face.

"So, Draco is going to be okay then?" Pansy asked hopefully.

"I'm afraid the scarring is permanent, there is nothing more I can do. But otherwise he will make a complete recovery. He should be back in class by the end of the week," said Madam Pomfrey.


Pansy eagerly made her way down the hall. She made sure she was at the infirmary just before seven p.m. When she opened the Infirmary doors, she was surprised to see Professor Dumbledore already there, standing next to Draco's bed.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore," Pansy said politely.

"Good evening, Miss Parkinson," Professor Dumbledore replied warmly. "I'm glad that you will be here with Draco when he awakes. He is apt to be very confused and frightened, and your being here will comfort him."

They turned as they heard a low moan coming from the bed.

Draco was coming to, but was still groggy. He turned his head and saw Pansy near by.

He reached out and grabbed her hand. "Where am I? What happened?" Draco asked confusedly.

"Draco, there's been an accident," Pansy said, trying not to cry.

"An accident? Where? When?" Draco felt something tight around his head. He reached up and could feel thick bandages. "Why is my head all bandaged up?" Draco demanded. He started to feel panic rising in his chest.

"Calm now, Draco. Madam Pomfrey is going to remove the bandages. While she's removing them, I'll explain to you what has happened," Professor Dumbledore said gently.

Madam Pomfrey approached the bed. She slowly and carefully unwound the bandages from around Draco's head.

While Madam Pomfrey was removing Draco's bandages, Professor Dumbledore began tell Draco what had happened.

"Draco, you were in an accident in Potions class. From what I gather, your class was making a rather dangerous and tricky potion. The potion had to be made very carefully, because if any of the potion came into contact with bare skin before the potion was completed, it would leave permanent, lasting scars. You were stirring the cauldron when it suddenly exploded. Most of the boiling potion landed on your face and hands. Within seconds of the accident, Professor Snape had cast Scourgify to remove the potion from your skin. Unfortunately, the potion had already caused irreparable damage," Professor Dumbledore said solemnly.

"Irreparable damage? Are you telling me that my face and hands are permanently scarred?" asked Draco, feeling sick with fear.

"I'm afraid so. There is nothing more Madam Pomfrey can do," Dumbledore said sadly.

Draco looked at his hand lying on the covers. He could see that it was covered in red, raised, twisting scars. He started to shake.

Pansy sat down on the bed and held Draco tight, trying to comfort him as best as she could.

"I want a mirror!" Draco demanded on the edge of hysteria.

"Draco, honey, I don't think that's a very good idea," soothed Pansy.

"I don't give a damn what you think! I want a mirror now!" Draco shouted hysterically. His heart was beating hard; his palms had gone clammy.

"Perhaps it would be best to get Draco a mirror Poppy. The truth is sometimes not as bad as what our imagination shows us," Dumbledore said.

"Professor Dumbledore, are you sure?" whispered Madam Pomfrey with a worried frown.

"It is better for him to know the truth. Please get him the mirror," requested Professor Dumbledore.

Madame Pomfrey went into her office, and came back with a small mirror, handing it to Draco.

Draco looked into the mirror. The person looking back at him from the mirror was a stranger. A stranger with the same eyes and hair, but instead of being handsome, the stranger was a hideous mass of scarlet and purple scars.

Draco dropped the mirror in absolute horror, too shocked to react. He clung on to Pansy for dear life, finally dropping his head onto her shoulder. She hugged him, and he began weeping into the crook of Pansy's neck as if he would never stop.

Draco cried until he couldn't cry anymore. Then he just leaned against Pansy's neck, feeling tired and emotionally drained.

Eventually he sat up and said vindictively, "My father will make Snape pay for what has happened."

At the mention of Draco's father, Pansy shot an uneasy look at Professor Dumbledore.

Professor Dumbledore knew he could no longer delay telling Draco the devastating news.

"Draco... about your parents... we have received some very bad news," Professor Dumbledore said regretfully.

Draco looked up at Professor Dumbledore, feeling a sense of fear and foreboding.

"What about my parents?" Draco enquired uneasily.

"Draco, it is my sad duty to inform you that both your parents have been killed."

As my beta, Mimiheart said after she read this chapter, Poor Draco!! So he's lost everything... what's going to happen to him now?