Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Drama Romance
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 01/24/2005
Updated: 01/27/2005
Words: 5,541
Chapters: 8
Hits: 3,813



Story Summary:
Sequel to The Mudblood and the Dragon. Hermione and Draco must tell their son about the Famous Harry Potter.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Hermione and Draco receive letters from Dumbledore and Ron.

Hermione spent the entire day waiting for Hedwig to return with a note from Harry.

Hedwig returned around five the following morning, but with no note. After that let down, Hermione smashed a plate four times using Reparo to repair it so she could break it again, before Draco came downstairs and confiscated the plate.

Shortly after the plate-smashing incident, Pig flew the window with a letter from Ron.

Dear Hermione and Draco,

Harry sent me a letter. He must have been on the Hogwarts Express because the handwriting was really messy. I guess you told him the truth, considering he referred to Draco as "Mr. Malfoy". At first I thought he was talking about Lucius, but I figured it out. He asked if he could stay with me next summer, since I'm his godfather and all, but I told him no (I'm too busy with the Cannons). I think you should talk to him before he does something bad. I mean, really bad. Please tell me when this all blows over so I can have him over; I don't want to invite him over when you're having a family argument. Best of Luck!

Love always,


P.S. Harry said that the old crowd was all there: Snape, McGonagall, Binns, Sprout, Flitwick...

P.P.S. The new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor is Tonks! How crazy is that? Did either of us ever imagine Tonks as a professor?

Hermione smiled. Tonks as a teacher... Nope. Never imagined it. But, on the other hand, Harry was worse than mad; he was furious. Hermione then smiled again. Harry really is like his father... He was always mad about something...

Another owl flew in through the window the morning after Harry had left for Hogwarts, dropping an envelope on the table in front of Hermione before flying back out the window.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy,

Your son, Harry, has come, seeking my assistance as you two have done many times (or, rather, Mrs. Malfoy has). He has told me that you are facing family problems. I would like to invite you to both back to Hogwarts to sort out these problems, which, I'm sure, involve the death of a famous wizard we all know. You will find that I am very skilled with Psychology and Sociology, and may be able to help all three of you sort out this family problem. Please send me a note back, saying that you will be here in the near future.


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Hermione read over the letter over and over again, as though waiting for the parchment to talk to her. Go back to Hogwarts? She had left so long ago; she wasn't even sure whether she was excited or nervous about going.

Hermione decided that she must be excited, and yelled up the stairs, "Draco, pack your trunk! We're going back to Hogwarts!"


Within an hour, Draco and Hermione had packed a few belongings in their trunks and were ready to head off.

Draco had shrunken their trunks and attached the tiny trunks to the end of his broom.

Draco climbed on the broom. Hermione then swung her leg over behind him. Even though Hermione's greatest fear (after failure) was flying, she knew getting to Hogwarts was difficult and this was one of the few legal ways.

Hermione hugged Draco tightly around the middle as they set off toward the sun.

At first, Hermione was terrified, especially when Draco made detours through the clouds. However, after several hours of flying, Hermione found herself even more terrified of flying.

"Draco, how much longer is the flight?" Hermione asked, about four hours into the trip.

"I think about two hours," Draco told her. "Should we stop for dinner?"

Hermione agreed as they started to descend in London. They stopped at the Leaky Cauldron for a short dinner, where Draco asked if they should stay the night.

Hermione was completely against it though. She couldn't help feeling that she was growing short on time.

Author notes: Anyone who actually read the Mudblood and the Dragon should be able to figure out what's coming up in the next chapter.