The Dark Arts
Drama Suspense
Multiple Eras
Published: 06/09/2003
Updated: 07/11/2003
Words: 11,651
Chapters: 5
Hits: 1,111


Emily Granger

Story Summary:
Remus is accused of murdering a girl...

Wolf 05 - 06

Chapter Summary:
Remus is accused of murder...
Author's Note:
LMK what u think ! please review!


Chapter Five- The bath

Remus was being held in a room. I decided to go and see him.

It was around nine o'clock at night.

Professor Laren of Transfiguration was standing guard outside the room on the 3rd floor.

I asked him if I could please see Remus, that I was his best friend. He said, 'Sure, but the minute he goes to attack you, bang on the door'. I felt anger boiling as I stepped into the room.

Remus was just standing in a corner staring out the window.

He looked up. Immediately, his face lit up.


I rushed over to him and threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me tightly also. His chin was resting on my shoulder; mine was resting on his.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, pulling back from the embrace.

"Considering I might be sent to the Ministry of Magic because I'm a werewolf, pretty good," said Remus sighing.

I sighed also.

"I can't believe he's blaming you for something that you didn't do!"

Remus stared deeply into my eyes.

"Haley, how do you know? I'm quite capable of killing someone,"

"I know you better than that! You're not like that! You're not that type of person!" I cried.

Remus shook his head.

"When I'm a werewolf, I don't know what I'm doing. I could've very well attacked that girl,"

"I'm not going to believe you killed her! I'm just not!" I shouted.

Remus grabbed my shoulders.

"Haley, please. I'm dangerous. You must see that,"

I shook my head.


Then, Remus gently took my face in his hands.

"Please. Don't come near me,"

His voice shook and was wobbly.

I began sobbing quietly also. Tears streamed down my cheeks.

Remus gently began stroking my cheeks with his thumbs.

"I love you. I don't want you to get hurt," he said quietly. His voice was still shaky and wobbly.

I raised my eyes to his.

"I love you too," I sobbed.

He moved his face close to mine and tilted his head slightly. He moved his face closer until our lips met. He gently and softly kissed me. I returned the kisses just as soft and gentle.

Then we sank to our knees. I gently laid down on my back on the floor and Remus hovered above me. He began gently un-buttoning my shirt and loosening my tie. Shortly after that, we began making love.


James, Sirius and I were sitting in the common room waiting for Haley.

"I can't believe what William did. The only reason why he would push the blame onto Remus is because one: he did it himself and two: he knows who did it," Sirius said, shaking his head.

"If it's the first reason, how come we haven't seen any evidence?" I asked.

"The same reason we don't see evidence when Remus changes. He doesn't want anyone to know," James replied.

"We've got a lot of work to do. If Remus is sent before the Ministry of Magic, then so am I," I replied firmly.

James and Sirius nodded.

"We'll find out what William is hiding or if he's hiding anything," Sirius said.

"I think he is," I replied.

About five minutes later, Haley stepped into the common room. Her tie was loose, her shirt was unbuttoned with the first four buttons and her hair was slightly tousled.

Sirius and James looked at each other and broke out into a grin.

"Hi. Sorry I'm late," Haley said, looking flushed.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"I just went to see Remus," Haley replied.

James and Sirius now winked at each other.

"Did you have a good time?" Sirius asked, teasingly.

Haley blushed.


I went over to her.

"Did you sleep with Remus?" I whispered, grinning.

Haley nodded, still looking flushed.

I grinned.

"Well I'll be,"

"Listen, I'm going to take a nice, hot bath. I shouldn't be too long," Haley said.

"Sure," I said.

Haley nodded and left the common room.

"So, she and Remus...." Sirius said, slowly grinning.

"Yes," I replied.

"Go Remus!" Sirius cried.

James laughed.

"Poor guy needs a break. He really likes her,"

"Yeah," I added softly.

"He's never been with a girl. Haley's the first," James replied.

"I think the last too. They seem crazy about each other," Sirius grinned.

"Yup!" James said.

I smiled.


I headed to the shower room. There were also tubs there as well for baths. I felt a smile forming on my face as I thought of Remus and I earlier.

He was so gentle. I'll never forget it. It was absolutely wonderful.

I entered the shower rooms and found a tub. I filled it with warm water and looked around.

There were four tubs total and five showers in an arc. The four tubs were in the center. A blue and white tiled floor lined the shower room. Towels hung on brass towel racks and some were on relaxing looking chairs.

There was a full moon out. A midnight sky could be seen out the window among dozens of twinkling stars. The shower room was quiet. Candles lit the room and cast orange glows over the rest of the tubs and showers.

Once the tub was filled with the warm water, I undressed and placed my uniform on the edge of the tub. I carefully slipped into the tub and sat down in the tub. The warm, water rose above my chest. I added some bubbles and a few bubbles floated to the ceiling.

I flipped my hair up onto the edge of the tub and sank down, sighing contently.

I totally relaxed. The tub was so soothing and I felt all my anxieties just melting.

I didn't realize I had started to doze off until a loud bang erupted 30 minutes later.

I jumped awake and looked around. The room was as quiet as it had been.

"Hello?" I called.

No reply.

"Is anyone there?" I called again.

Still nothing.

I heard heavy breathing and like low growls coming from a dark corner where there was a second entrance to the room.

"Sirius, if you're playing a prank on me God help you when I get out of here!" I called.

I heard toenails clicking on the tiled floor as if a dog was trotting across the tiles.

I snapped my head around, trying to locate where the sound was coming from.

"Please, is anyone there?" I called, my voice now starting to get wobbly from panic and fright.

I was really starting to get scared.

Then, something began walking toward me, just barely visible in the candlelight.

I squinted, trying to see, but all I could make out was a dark shape, with pointed ears and it looked like it walked on all fours.

"Hello?" I asked again, frightenedly.

Then, the dark shape stepped into the light so I could clearly see it.

It was a wolf.

It was black with these haunting blue eyes. I screamed and scrambled to get out of the tub. As I did, the wolf snarled and jumped on me. My foot slipped in a puddle of water and I fell backwards, cracking the back of my head on the edge of the tub. I felt the wolf's weight on top of me as blackness swallowed me up.


I checked my watch. It was nearly ten o'clock. I was getting worried about her.

"I think she fell in. I should go and check on her," I said.

"Good idea," James said.

I got up and left the common room.

I headed toward the shower room. I saw something dark galloping out of the shower room and down another corridor.

I stood for a moment before I continued. I stepped into the shower room.

It was dark. I put my foot down and immediately slipped.

I landed on stomach in a warm liquid.

"Aw Geeze. Haley, I think one of the tubs overflowed," I moaned as I got to my feet.

I found a candle and was able to light it. Immediately, the warm, orange glow illuminated the room. I looked down at the front of my shirt. A red liquid was staining my shirt, tie and vest and it was on my hands.

I started to shake.

"Haley!" I called as I stepped toward the four tubs.

The first two were empty. Then, I came across the next two.

One was empty but the other one wasn't. I saw Haley lying face up in the tub floating.

The water was ruby and I could see her throat had been torn.

My breathing began sawing in and out as a scream built up.

I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I ran blindly back to the common room.

"Lily! Jesus! Are you hurt?" James replied, jumping up from his seat.

"Haley! Haley!" I screamed.

"What's wrong? Where's Haley?" James replied putting his hands on my shoulder.

"Haley's dead! Haley's dead!" I screamed again.

"Jesus. Sirius, go get help!" James cried.

Sirius nodded and flew out of the common room.

I just pressed my face into James' chest and burst into tears.

Haley's body was covered in a sheet and taken to the hospital wing.

When Madam Grey examined Haley's body, all she could do was look away after and was pale.

"This is definitely the work of a wolf or animal," she replied.

James kept his arms around me the entire time. I felt my body shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't seem to let him go. Sirius was even rubbing my back.

"But that's impossible...Remus Lupin is locked in the room. There's no way he could've gotten out. There's always someone guarding it," said Professor Adams.

"I don't know, but we'd best go and question him,"

"He didn't do it!" I screamed. "He's innocent! There's another werewolf here!"

"Miss. Evans, please...calm down," said Professor Dumbledore calmly.

"No! You're accusing an innocent person! He didn't kill Haley!" I screamed again. "There's another werewolf here!"

"Take her back to the common room. She's in shock," said Professor Adams.

"No! Leave me alone!" I screamed fighting James' grip.

"Lily, you need to relax! You saw something that no one should ever see," James whispered in my ear.

I fought, still screaming as James and Sirius dragged me back to Gryffindor common room.


I paced back and forth in the room my mind still on Haley. I couldn't get over what happened earlier. It was wonderful. I truly loved her and I've never felt like that about anyone before. It was really a strong emotion.

Just then, the door opened. I looked up. Professor Dumbledore, Professor Adams and Madam Grey entered looking grim and solemn.

"Remus, we have some grave news," Professor Dumbledore said, quietly.

"What is it?" I demanded, alarmed, looking from Dumbledore, to Professor Adam and Madam Grey's faces.

"Your friend was murdered," Professor Dumbledore said, quietly.

Sound the bugle now-play it just for me

As the seasons change-remember how I used to be

Now I can't go on-I can't even start

I've got nothing left-just an empty heart

I'm a soldier-wounded so I must give up the fight

There's nothing more for me-lead me away...or leave me lying here

Sound the bugle now-tell them I don't care

There's not a road I know-that leads to anywhere

Without a light I fear that I will-stumble in the dark

Lay right down-decide not to go on

Then from on high-somewhere in the distance

There's a voice that calls-remember who you are

If you lose yourself-your courage soon will follow

So be strong tonight-remember who you are

Ya you're a soldier now-fighting in a battle

To be free once more....

Ya that's worth fighting for.

"Who? James? Lily? Sirius?" I demanded.

"Haley Johnson," Professor Adams said.

For a moment, I thought they were joking.

"Sure. She just left here not to long ago!" I said.

"She had taken a bath when she was attacked by something," Professor Dumbledore said, quietly.

I looked at all of them. It was true. Something in their expressions told me that they weren't lying.

I felt a lump rising in the back of my throat. I felt my body shaking. I clenched my fists then dug the heels of my palms into my forehead. My body shook violently.

"No...God no," I whispered, shutting my eyes as tears formed and streaked down my cheeks.

"A wolf attacked her,"

Anger was boiling in my chest. I struggled to control my rage.

"I was here the entire time," I said, forcing my voice to remain calm.

"We know. That's why we've decided to ask for your help. We realize you mistrust us now, but if you find out that there is a second werewolf loose, that will clear your name," Professor Adam's said.

I quickly dropped my arms and stared at them, my eyes narrowed.

"Fine," I growled. "I've got an idea."

I brushed past them and walked into the corridor. They followed me. I managed to pick up William's scent. He was coming out of the library. I ran full speed at him, grabbed him by the collar and banged him against the wall.

"Did you kill her? Answer me!" I snarled.

"I don't know what you're talking about," William said, but there was an airy tone to his voice.

"Don't screw with me! I know you killed her! Why?" I shouted.

"I was in the library the entire time! I don't know what you're talking about!" William cried.

"Remus! Let him go!" Professor Dumbledore said.

But the rage, hurt and grief were bursting from my chest like a dam. I tossed him aside. His back slammed into the wall and he landed in a heap. I grabbed him again and punched him in the jaw.

He retaliated and punched me back. I had a cut lip, which bled. We were pulled apart.

"Stop! Both of you!" Madam Grey cried.

"I want this resolved soon. Right now, I think we would benefit from rest. We will be able to think clearly in the morning. There isn't much more we can do tonight," Professor Dumbledore said firmly.

William and I went our separate ways. As soon as I stepped into Gryffindor common room, where Lily, James and Sirius were, it hit me full.

Lily jumped up and hugged me.

I burst into tears.

Haley was dead.