The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Hermione Granger
Horror Suspense
Multiple Eras
Published: 11/09/2004
Updated: 01/02/2005
Words: 47,307
Chapters: 21
Hits: 2,696

Revelation II-Lycantor

Emily Granger

Story Summary:
This is the sequel to "Revelation". Harry is undergoing some frightening changes. Can Hermione cure him before the next moon rises? Rated R for strong violence and language.

Chapter 20

Chapter Summary:
It's finally over!
Author's Note:
Please read and review



At that moment one of the wolves jumped down off the sill and landed on Dean.

No one dared to breathe as the wolf's lips pulled back exposing white canines and incisors.

Dean was shaking violently under the weight of the wolf. He shut his eyes. But the wolf did nothing.

Dean shakily opened his eyes and then began scooting backwards. That's when the wolf struck.

It swiped at Deans' midsection. For a moment, Dean seemed stunned. Then we watched in sickness and horror as something red and snake-like began falling from his midsection.

"Oh my," I said as nausea filled my stomach when I realized Dean had been eviscerated.

Annabelle was pale and she turned and vomited.

Dean fell to the side dead.

At that moment, several more wolves began jumping into the Great Hall. Everyone was terrified and bunched together as the wolves began walking toward them. It was like the wolves were herding us into one spot.

Harry, Annabelle and I pulled out our wands. We might have to use the Terforcaz spell.

At that moment, Professor Dumbledore and the rest of the teachers arrived. The wolves' heads popped up and their eyes glowed with pure evil as they looked at the teachers.

"Good Lord," Professor Sprout said in shock.

Professor Dumbledore waved his wand. A thin jet of blue erupted from the end of his wand and it grew into some kind of shield around the students.

"Hurry! Find places to hide where they can't get you!" McGonagall cried.

That wasn't the answer we were expecting, but it made sense.

The students tore from the Great Hall and Harry, Annabelle and I flew too.

I looked over my shoulder.

One of the wolves had jumped for Professor Dumbledore. I pulled my eyes away. I couldn't watch them kill our Headmaster.

I felt a lump of tears rising in the back of my throat. Harry, Annabelle and I hit the Room of Requirements. The rest of the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Slytherins scattered on the four floors.

We ran into the room and locked the door behind us.

"Where's the Meizule?" Annabelle asked trying to catch her breath.

"I don't know! Right now I don't want to even know! I saw one of the wolves jump onto Dumbledore," I sobbed.

"Hermione, knowing Dumbledore he's just fine," Harry said reassuringly.

"That's right," Annabelle said strongly. "He probably hit the wolf with the Terforcaz spell."

I felt a little better but I still felt a bit uneasy.

"I can't believe what happened to Dean," I said swallowing down more nausea.

"I know," Harry said quietly.

Annabelle pressed her back against the wall and slid down. She drew her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

"I can't believe this is really happening," she murmured.

"Why? Your mother was one of them! You must've seen something coming along these lines!" I snapped.

Annabelle's eyes had tears in them.

"I didn't know it would go this far! These things are more powerful than I imagined or thought! I had no control over something like this!"

"Guys...calm down...no one did," Harry said calmly.

Immediately, I felt guilty. I didn't mean to snap at Annabelle.

"I'm sorry," I muttered to Annabelle.

"It's okay," she said gently. "I feel kind of responsible myself."

"In no way is this your fault...or anyone's," Harry said firmly. "You tried to stop your mum but you couldn't."

After that, we lapsed into silence again. We could hear the wolves out in the corridor sniffing around.

"Can they smell us?" I asked suddenly.

"Yeah but they can't get to us. They won't know what to make out of the Room of Requirements," Annabelle said. "They can smell us just not see us."

I nodded.

Suddenly, two hairy arms broke through the wall behind Annabelle. Harry and I jumped back. I screamed as the Meizule appeared.

It grabbed Annabelle and tightened its grip around her ribs.

She was cringing in pain as the wolf's grip tightened even more. A thick ribbon of blood began flowing from Annabelle's mouth.

"It's crushing her to death!" Harry cried.

I frantically looked around and spied a titanium sword.

I grabbed it and lunged at the Meizule. The tip of the sword penetrated the Meizule's arm. It howled in pain and dropped Annabelle. Annabelle fell forward and landed face down on the floor. She didn't move.

The wolf was still howling in pain. The blood dripped from the end of the sword, but then something strange happened. The blood turned liquid titanium almost silver like a unicorn's blood.

Then, the liquid titanium started to creep into the wound. Streaks could be seen under the black wolfs fur. It was still howling in pain and suddenly, it turned titanium itself. The jaundice eyes became blood shot. Then, with one last howl of pain, it fell to the side dead.

"Oh my God," Harry breathed. "It was like a breakdown. The titanium turned liquid and killed the wolf."

"Annabelle!" I cried as I rushed over to her. I didn't care about the wolf right now. I was more concerned about Annabelle right now.

I reached her and gently turned her over. Blood flowed from the corner of her mouth. Harry slid to his knees beside me.

"You did it," Annabelle coughed. "You killed the Meizule."

"Yeah but we still have fifty wolves to go," I said as tears formed in my eyes.

"Don't give up," Annabelle said weakly. "I'll miss you."

With that, she fell silent and her body went limp. Her eyes remained open.

"No!" I sobbed bursting into tears.

Harry put his arms around me.

"Listen, we need to help the others," Harry said softly. "She wouldn't want us not to."

I nodded and quickly wiped my eyes with the back of my hands.

We stood up and opened the door out into the corridor. Several students had apparently taken refuge in closets. Two wolves tore down the door and yanked the students from the closet. I swallowed as they clamped their jaws around the students' throats and tugged. Two were from Hufflepuff. The students fell to the floor dead. A large pool of blood began collecting in a large puddle around the students.

The wolves turned toward us with blood stained muzzles. They snarled exposing their red canines and incisors.

They began advancing on us their claws flexed and their ears flattened out sideways. They were snarling.

Harry stepped in front of me and brandished the sword. The blade caught one of the wolves on the side near the ribs. The wolf dropped to the floor and turned into the liquid titanium. Harry swung the sword at the other wolf. It caught the wolf under the bottom jaw. The wolf dropped to the floor and turned into the liquid also.

"Hey, how come that didn't happen to the Meizule?" I asked shocked.

"I don't know...but we have to be careful. We don't know which one is Ginny," Harry said scanning the corridor.

We continued to walk down the corridor. Three students saw us and carefully sneaked out of their hiding places. They got behind us and pulled out their wands.

As we hit the corner of the corridor, we heard snarling behind us. We turned around. There were about ten wolves behind us. Then, we heard snarling in front of us. Another fifteen in front of us. They were surrounding us again. I spied a wolf that had reddish brown fur. I nudged Harry.

"That's Ginny," I said nodding toward the wolf.

"How do you know?" he asked gripping the sword tighter.

"I just have a hunch okay? Trust me," I replied.

"Right," Harry said.

Several students yelled out the Terforcaz spell. Four jets of green shot out from the tips of their wands and hit the wolves right in the throat.

They fell over dead.

"We're out numbered!" a fifth year boy cried.

Suddenly, the teachers arrived. More Terforcaz spells were cast until all thirty four wolves were dead.

Professor Snape aimed his wand at the wolf with the reddish brown fur.

"WAIT!" I yelled. "That's Ginny!"

"Are you sure? How can you tell?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

"I just know okay?" I said. "I have an overwhelming feeling that that's Ginny."

Professor Dumbledore nodded at Snape.

Professor Snape said "ERLORIT!" and the wolf went down stunned.

"There are still twelve more wolves to deal with. Unfortunately, about thirty students were killed," Professor Dumbledore said gravely. "We're still out numbered a bit. There are ten of us and twelve wolves."

"Where are the rest of the wolves?" I asked.

"We don't know. They could be hiding," Professor Dumbledore replied. He looked from me, to Harry to the three students.

"Where is Miss Solaris?" he asked.

"She's gone," I choked out.

Professor Dumbledore's expression turned solemn and grave.

"I'm so sorry," he apologized.

"Professor," Harry said suddenly. "When we cut the soldier wolves and the Meizule, the soldiers turned into liquid titanium. The Meizule didn't."

"Most odd," Professor Dumbledore mused.

Suddenly, I felt as if something entered my body and was feeding me information.

"I know why," I said staring at the floor as the thoughts came flooding.

"Why?" Harry asked turning to me.

"Because the titanium breaks down the wolfs body structure. It attacks the cells and breaks them down. So it is basically in a way, liquefying the wolves from the inside out. The Meizule however was more powerful and stronger right? So it would take more titanium than that sword to do the trick. I mean it killed it, but had there been more titanium, we would've seen a liquid wolf pool,"

"Well done," Professor Dumbledore said proudly as his blue eyes twinkled behind his half moon spectacles.

"Right now we need to find the other wolves," Professor Snape said.

With the teachers in front of us, we checked the top floors and worked our way down. Nothing.

Then, with some fear, we checked the dungeons where Professor Snape teaches.

"This would be perfect," I said as the feeling returned. "It's dark and good for regrouping."
I shook my head.

"Where are you coming up with this stuff?" Harry whispered to me.

"I don't know! It's as if something entered my body and was feeding me the information," I replied shivering.

"It's a little creepy," Harry replied. "But useful."

"It's creeping me out too," I admitted.

We searched each classroom. Then, about twelve pairs of jaundice colored eyes glowed from the end of the corridor in the dungeon.

We could hear them snarling viciously. It was pretty terrifying to see and hear them.

"Wands raised!" Professor Dumbledore ordered.

All the teachers and Harry and I raised our wands.

"Ter..." Professor Dumbledore began but out of nowhere the reddish brown wolf appeared and clamped its jaws around Professor Sinistra's throat. We heard her let out a gurgle and blood began flowing onto her robes. She fell to the floor dead.

Professor Dumbledore hit the reddish wolf with the stunning spell before quickly binding it with ropes.


Ten jets hit ten wolves. There was one left that was starting to charge us.

"Miss Granger! Hit him!" Professor Snape yelled.

I shut my eyes and yelled "Terforcaz!"

I heard a thud. I opened my eyes and saw the wolf lying on its side with blood pooling around its throat. It was over. All forty nine wolves were dead.

And Ginny would be able to be saved.

"It's over," I sighed.

Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape majicked the wolf into the air like a puppet and we headed up to the hospital wing.

The hospital wing was quickly repaired with a wave of the wand, but Madam Pomfrey's body had been quickly removed and she was taken to Hagrid's. Professor Snape got the potion.

The reddish brown wolf was lying on the cot. We could hear her breathing. It was deep and loud. Her eyes were opened and she was watching us with pure hatred in her jaundice eyes. A rope had been tied around her snout so she couldn't snap at us.

"The potion," Professor Snape said handing it to Professor Dumbledore.

"Thank you Severus," Professor Dumbledore said as he took the smoking goblet from Snape.

He went to step near the reddish wolf when she let out a loud warning growl that we could almost feel going through us.

"Erm, perhaps Miss Granger could give it?" Professor Snape said.

"Eh? Come again?" I asked totally shocked.

"Your hands are smaller. There is a less chance of her biting your hands," Professor Dumbledore explained.

I was terrified.

"Go ahead. You can do it," Harry said encouragingly.

I stepped forward and shakily took the goblet from Professor Dumbledore.

Then, I took several steps toward the wolf. The eyes followed me, but oddly no signs of growling.

"What do I do now?" I asked in a small voice.

It nearly came out as a squeak.

"Pull the rope off the snout and open the jaws. It's the only way to get the potion into the wolf," Professor Snape said. "I will be here with my wand aimed at the wolfs eye if she goes to do anything. A sharp poke isn't well tolerated."

Easy for you to say, bub. You're not the one pouring a potion down a killer's throat! It's fine. If she bites my arm off, it's okay. I've got another one. I thought sarcastically.

I shook that thought from my head and shakily reached forward to slid the rope off the snout. It easily slid off. I then carefully pried open the jaws.

To my surprise, the wolf wasn't showing any signs of aggression.

But those eyes were locked on me the entire time.

The canines and incisors gleamed in the light and a red tongue lolled out and rested between the bottom canines. Sure enough, Professor Snape was standing next to the cot with his wand positioned closely next to the wolf's eye.

The fur felt coarse yet it shone. I then carefully began pouring the potion down the wolfs throat.

Just then, it broke free of the ropes and lashed out, grabbing me with one of its hand like paws around my throat.

It lifted me several inches off the floor.

"GET IT!" Harry yelled at the teachers.

But something was happening. The wolf wasn't making any movements to hurt me. It let go and then dropped to all fours. The body began convulsing and shortly, Ginny's nude form appeared.

Professor McGonagall grabbed a sheet and quickly covered Ginny with it. She looked up at us and she looked completely confused.

"What happened?" she asked looking from me to Harry, and then back to the teachers.

"It's over," I said sighing with relief.

Author notes: Please read and review