The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Hermione Granger
Horror Suspense
Multiple Eras
Published: 11/09/2004
Updated: 01/02/2005
Words: 47,307
Chapters: 21
Hits: 2,696

Revelation II-Lycantor

Emily Granger

Story Summary:
This is the sequel to "Revelation". Harry is undergoing some frightening changes. Can Hermione cure him before the next moon rises? Rated R for strong violence and language.

Chapter 16

Chapter Summary:
Will the new werewolf show its face?
Author's Note:
Please read and review!b



Harry and I just looked at each other in fear.

There were two we had to worry about and if the Meizule wanted soldiers that meant a war could start this time for real...werewolves against humans.

We were going to need help.

Harry and I stayed in the common room and kept our ears perked hoping to hear anything unusual outside, but it was just Sir Cadogen's normal taunting.

"Who is the Meizule?" I mused nervously flipping through the werewolf book.

"Either it's someone we don't know yet or it's someone we do know," Harry replied.

"Most of the people we do know aren't tall nor do they fit the description of what the Meizule is," I said.

"Maybe the description is a little outdated," Harry said reasonably. "The person might not be tall nor would he or she enjoy taunting. It might be more modern."

Harry had a point. After all, this book was published in the 1900's.

I sighed.

"You're right. But we do have a major problem on our hands,"

Harry nodded and he gave me a hug.

I hugged him back.

The next morning, Ginny staggered into the common room.

She had grabbed a curtain from one of the windows in the corridor to cover herself with, but we knew she was naked underneath. She had minor cuts and scratches on her body. Her shoulders, cheeks and arms and legs.

"Harry? Hermione? What happened?" she asked groggily as I ran and got her uniform and robe from the girls' dorm and hurried back with them.

Harry turned his back while I helped Ginny get dressed. Once she was dressed, I told Harry it was okay to turn around again.

"You changed into a werewolf," I replied. "You didn't scratch your hand on the table...did you?"

Ginny's green eyes filled with tears.

"No! When you collapsed at my feet while you were a wolf, one of your canines sank into my hand," she sobbed. "I was scared to tell anyone because I was afraid they'd try and kill me without trying to help me."

I put an arm around Ginny.

"Ginny...we would never do that nor would we let anyone else do that. We would try and help you first," I said softly.

Ginny just sobbed. "Did I hurt anyone?"

"We don't know. We stayed here in the common room all night. We don't know what you did outside," Harry said.

That only made Ginny more upset.

"Great!" she wailed. "I could've killed someone and now I don't even know!"

"Unfortunately, we will know...at breakfast," Harry said darkly.

We managed to calm Ginny down a bit before heading to breakfast. Oddly, I noticed that some of the Ravenclaws were wearing bandages and I noticed Malfoy and Goyle were not sitting at their table.

"Here we go again," I whispered to Harry as I nudged him. "Malfoy and Goyle are missing."

He followed my gaze.

"Great...there's no way we can stop all of them," he whispered back. "And you're right."

About 20 Ravenclaws all had bandages on their body in some form. They were all oddly glaring in our direction as if challenging us to make some kind of move.

From their glares, I felt shivers running up and down my spine. Their eyes were evil and lifeless and filled with anger and hate. Not the normal Ravenclaw behavior.

"I still don't understand any of this," I said. "There is no way we couldn't know about a third werewolf."

"Apparently, there is," Harry said gravely. "Whoever this is kept it real quiet and knew enough not to get exposed."

"I know," I mused.

We slowly ate our breakfast, keeping an eye on everyone. The Hufflepuffs seemed normal and their usual selves. The rest of the Slytherins were okay too. And I scanned the Gryffindor table. All normal and they were even watching the Ravenclaws warily.

I stole a quick glance at the Hufflepuffs. They too were watching the Ravenclaws. The Ravenclaws seemed carefree and jubilant.

I shivered again.

Professor Dumbledore arose from his seat. Silence filtered across the hall like a tidal wave.

"I have some rather disturbing news," he began.

I glanced at Ginny. All the color drained from her face and she looked like she was sweating.

"Two students were attacked last night by some kind of animal," Professor Dumbledore continued.

Ginny continued to look upset.

"Who Professor?" Dean called.

"Draco Malfoy and Gregory Goyle," he said. "They were mauled and their throats were torn."

At that, Ginny actually fainted.

We rushed to get Ginny up to the hospital wing.

"What happened?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

"Erm, she fainted," Harry said truthfully.

Thank Goodness Madam Pomfrey didn't ask anymore questions. What were we going to tell her? Ginny was a soldier werewolf and she was the one who attacked Goyle and Malfoy?

Although, we did have to go to Professor Dumbledore. We had to tell him.

Once Ginny was brought around again, I told her what I thought we had to do.

"It's the only way, Gin," I said softly. "Professor Dumbledore will know what to do."

"He'll kill me!" Ginny sobbed. "He'll tell my parents!"

I looked helplessly at Harry.

"First of all Ginny, he would never, ever kill a student. He would want to help that student first. He's not like that. You know that," Harry replied gently.

Ginny nodded and trembled.

"I'm sorry...I didn't know what I was thinking...Of course I knew he wouldn't hurt a student," she said finally starting to calm down. "I just can't believe I killed Malfoy and Goyle."

"Don't worry. You will be fine," I said reassuringly. "Now let's head to Professor Dumbledore's office."

We headed to Dumbledore's office. He looked up and gave us a sad smile.

"What can I do for you?" he asked gently.

We sat Ginny down in one of the comfy poufs in front of his desk.

"We have something to tell you, Professor," Harry said slowly. "Ginny, go a head."

Ginny took a shaky breath and stared at her shoes.

Professor Dumbledore waited patiently.

"I'm a werewolf, sir. I think I killed Goyle and Malfoy," she said quietly.

Professor Dumbledore studied her thoughtfully.

"You're a soldier werewolf then right?" he asked.

Ginny nodded miserably. "I'm so sorry I didn't come forward before but I was scared. When Hermione was in wolf form before, one of her canines dug into my hand,"

Professor Dumbledore sighed.

"I do wish you had come forward before, but that's irrelevant now," he said. "I don't think you killed Goyle and Malfoy."

Ginny, Harry and I looked up at him in surprise.

"The bite radiuses on their throats were too big for a soldier to have made," Professor Dumbledore said. "Plus, the deep wounds that were across their chests were too deep and long."

"How big was the bite radius?" I asked alarmed.

"About 12"," Professor Dumbledore replied. "That's about a foot. Which meant when this creature's jaws opened fully, it could've swallowed a human from head to shoulders."

I clamped a hand over my mouth in pure shock. So this Meizule was gigantic.

Ginny looked slightly relieved, but still upset.

"Can I be cured?" she asked in a shaky voice.

Professor Dumbledore nodded. "Absolutely. The Medroxy Lupus Arimus potion will work. It'll take a bout another week to conjure up. We still have some of the original potion and flower left over. But there's only enough to save one person. We can't save whoever this Meizule is,"

Harry, Ginny and I nodded.

"When a crescent moon appears, I want you to come to my office. I have a pair of special 'handcuffs' if you will that is so strong, a bear and a train couldn't break them," Professor Dumbledore continued.

Again we nodded.

"Okay. Best get to classes," he said smiling.

We left the office.

"A foot bite radius?" Harry whispered to us in Potions. "I can't imagine how huge this thing must be!"

"I gather Gryffindor wants points taken away?" Professor Snape said coolly.

We fell silent for a while and continued with our potion. Ginny seemed to feel a bit better, but she was still scared about this whole thing.

"I don't want to hurt anyone," she whispered. "That's the last thing I would want."

"You heard what Dumbledore said," I said. "You have to go to his office."

"Ten points from Gryffindor!" Professor Snape barked.

We fell silent again.

The Slytherins were rather subdued. Professor Snape was on edge and more irritable than normal.

We finished our potions without talking anymore.

The next class was Charms.

Professor Flitwick saw that most of the students were quiet and not interested in learning. So he allowed us a free period to just talk or just do nothing. Sometimes I felt like I could hug Professor Flitwick. He wasn't like the other teachers. He was more understanding. I mean Professor McGonagall was great too...but she would never allow us a free period...I think.

Harry, Ginny and I just sat and whispered.

I crossed my arms on top of the desk and rested my chin on them.

"If that's true and the Meizule characteristics changed, then it could be anyone," I whispered to Ginny.

"I know...that's what's scary," she whispered back.

"Who on earth could it be?" Harry mused as we scanned the classroom.

The Slytherins were just reading or staring off into space. They lost two more students from their house. I felt sorry for them.

"I don't know but we should definitely be on our guard," I whispered back.

I looked outside. Another snow storm began outside. The trees blew in the wind and the snowflakes fell to the ground.

Christmas was coming soon and it was about a week away. In one way, I was looking forward to Christmas, and in another, I dreaded it for some reason.

I had this nagging feeling that something more was going to happen...that Goyle's and Malfoy's deaths were just the beginning.

After class, we headed back to the common room for a break before History of Magic and Transfiguration.

A cold blast of air burst in from the window and Harry scrambled to shut the glass shutters.

"Oof, it's cold out there," Ginny shivered. "Luckily I don't have to worry about a crescent moon till next Monday."

"That's Christmas Eve," I replied. "That'll make a nice present."

I added scornfully.

Ginny sighed. "I'd best give you your presents on Saturday because Tuesday I won't remember anything,"

Harry and I looked at each other.

We headed to History of Magic. Professor Binns droned on about the Mekol Rebellion. During the lesson of the Rebellion, (they were small dog like creatures that somehow defied science and they were able to talk), I just happened to look out the window. There was a beautiful barn owl carrying a letter attached to its leg.

"Harry, look," I said nudging him.

He looked up.

"Whose owl is that?" Professor Binns asked suddenly.

"We don't know sir," I replied. "It just showed up."

Harry opened the window and the owl hopped in. Snow covered the feathers. It reached out its leg and Harry removed the letter.

The owl waited patiently as I reached into my bag to give it a treat. Suddenly, I realized something about the owl. It looked familiar and I knew where I saw it before.

I handed the owl the treat and it took off again.

Harry unfolded the letter.

The entire class was watching curiously.

"What's the letter say?" Lavender asked eagerly.

"Erm, it's from Professor Annabelle," Harry said.

I knew why he had said 'Professor'.

"She says that she'll be coming back to teach the class." Harry continued.

"Ooh! She was great!" Parvati gushed. "Just as good as Professor Lupin was!"

When everyone's attention turned back to Professor Binns, Harry handed me the letter.

I read it:

Dear Harry, Hermione and Ginny,

I am returning to Hogwarts now that Professor Dumbledore has informed me that you now have a Meizule to deal with. I will arrive tomorrow and I hope to see you so we can talk.

Annabelle Solaris

I raised my eyes to Harry. He looked relieved.

"Once Annabelle comes, we won't have to worry about that Meizule," he said brightly.

I opened my mouth to tell him where I saw the owl before, but it was too late. The bell rang ending class and we hurried off to Transfiguration.

I didn't have a chance to tell him there because we were learning how to transfigure a kitten to a porcupine.

The owl was bothering me. I knew I had to tell him at some point and I hoped I would be able to tell him tonight.

Nope. Ginny, Lavender and Parvati all sat around talking about Goyle and Malfoy and asked Harry to talk with them to hear his opinion. I sat, biting my bottom lip.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I went over to him and grabbed him by the arm.

"Hey," he said startled.

"I need to talk to you," I growled.

I pulled him aside out of ear shot of the others.

"What about?" he asked.

"The owl," I replied. "I've seen it before. It's familiar."

Harry waited patiently.

"Did you see the feathers just above the left foot?"

He nodded. "They were missing,"

"Right. The school has an owl with the same problem," I said hoping he caught the gist.

He frowned. "That might be common,"

"No it isn't," I replied. "That owl came from the school."

Harry still looked confused. "But Annabelle said she was arriving..."

"I don't think so. That owl came from within the school. She's here already,"

We headed off to bed and the next morning, we went down to breakfast and we were met with an alarming sight.

Half the Ravenclaw students were missing...all the ones who had bandages on them.

Author notes: Please read and review