The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Hermione Granger
Horror Suspense
Multiple Eras
Published: 11/09/2004
Updated: 01/02/2005
Words: 47,307
Chapters: 21
Hits: 2,696

Revelation II-Lycantor

Emily Granger

Story Summary:
This is the sequel to "Revelation". Harry is undergoing some frightening changes. Can Hermione cure him before the next moon rises? Rated R for strong violence and language.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Things are getting more hairy...
Author's Note:
please read and review



I headed back to the common room and sat down on the couch. Harry had dozed off and was breathing a bit rapidly than normal.

I slowly opened the book and began reading:


Chapter One-The Werewolf Legend Begins (Pages 1-12)

Chapter Two-Werewolf Secrets (Pages 12-20)

Chapter Three-Malox Werewolves (Pages 20-30)

Chapter Four-Verit Werewolves (Pages 30-40)

Chapter Five-Lycantor Werewolves (Pages 40-54)

Chapter Six-Recognizing Malox, Verit and Lycantor werewolves (pages 54-76)

Chapter Seven-Destroying Werewolves (pages 76-88)

Chapter Eight-Bringing the human side back (pages 88-91)

Chapter Nine-Ending the Werewolf curse (pages 91-109)

I turned to chapter Five. I knew the other types of werewolves and what they were capable of doing. But Lycantor werewolves were another story.

I began reading:

Lycantor werewolves are known for their mind reading ability, plus manipulation. They are more aggressive than Verit and Malox werewolves. They will fight to protect their space as well as their territory. They have been around since 100 B.C and are regarded as pure evil.

Verit and Malox werewolves were often hunted and killed during the medieval times. The Lycantor werewolves were doing most of the hunting and killing. They wanted to exist only and did not want anything else to live and threaten their future. On the human end, the humans also hunted and killed werewolves. Often burning them at the stake like witches. The humans hunted the Lycantor werewolves more because they had come into villages and killed children right in their own homes while their parents slept unaware of what was going on.

Verit werewolves only change every night regardless of the moon. Malox werewolves change only on full moons. Lycantor werewolves change only on crescent moons. They are taller than Verit and Malox werewolves. Verit's can reach a height of 6 feet. Malox's can reach a height of 7. Lycantor's reach the height of 8-10 feet when standing up. When on all fours they can reach the weight of 300-400 pounds. Their fur is gray and white and their ears are thicker and fuller and erect. Their snout is medium in length and thicker. There have been known cases of the eyes being jaundice and bright blue. In several rare cases, a ruby color has been known.

The same goes for the Lycantor werewolves if you are bitten. You will become one by the next crescent moon. The only way to stop Lycantor's is by titanium and a special potion called "Medroxy Lupus Arimus". The ingredients can be found in the hill ranges called "Nevu". There, a special plant grows called "Oliut" and is the only thing that can reverse the curse.

I closed the book, deciding to read more later on. The hill ranges of Nevu are in the north part of England, bordering between England and Scotland. They were called the Cheviot Hills. It would be about a 4 day trip to the hills, but if Harry really was scratched and is now turning into a Lycantor, the trip would be worth it to save him.

Harry woke up.

"Hey. Whatcha reading?" he asked brightly. "That little nap did me a world of good."

"Um, just a book," I said casually as I stuffed it into my bag.

Harry narrowed his eyes and held out his hand. I slowly pulled it back out and handed it to him.

"Werewolves: Verits, Malox's and Lycantors. What you Really Need to Know." he read the title aloud. "Doing a bit of background work?"

I snatched the book back from him and stuffed it back into my bag.

"Just reading about Lycantor's as I've never heard of them before remember?" I said casually but I didn't like the look in his eyes.

His expression lightened. "Oh right. Come on. We've got Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures next,"

He turned and began heading out of the common room. I breathed a sigh of relief that he wasn't going to snap at me for reading this book.

I followed him.

We entered Herbology class. Professor Sprout would take us into the green houses a half an hour into the lesson. Harry and I took our seats and waited.

Professor Sprout entered the classroom.

"Good afternoon, students. Professor McGonagall has just informed me that there will be a Hogsmeade visit next weekend," Professor Sprout said brightly.

Everyone cheered and began talking amongst themselves.

"Today we will be learning about the Wetben Plant which, is used to treat 3rd degree burns and lacerations," Professor Sprout continued eagerly. "The plant is rubbed on the infected area and immediately begins to work. We have about 3 growing here and they are flourishing nicely. Let's proceed to Greenhouse 4."

We left our stuff in the classroom and followed Professor Sprout out into the greenhouses. She showed us the three plants. They were a cross between an Aloe Vera plant and a Venus fly trap.

They were actually quite creepy looking.

"Now, who can tell me how long they live and how long they take to grow," Professor Sprout asked.

I raised my hand.

"Miss Granger,"

"Wetben plants can live approximately 10-30 years and they take 2 years to grow to maturity," I said swiftly.

"Correct. 10 points to Gryffindor," Professor Sprout said.

So we continued the lesson and then headed back to the classroom.

The bell rang, ending Herbology. Now, it was off to Care of Magical Creatures.

Hagrid was standing outside a paddock.

"Oh no...what now?" I moaned.

Harry just glanced at me sideways as we approached Hagrid.

"Hello! Today yeh'll be learnin' about Salop's," he beamed.

We peered over the railing of the paddock. Salop's were a cross between Jaguar's and tigers. They were relatively docile and their fur was a dark blue color with both stripes and spots. Their eyes were a haunting cream color and their whiskers were long and white.

One of them came over to the paddock and put its front paws on the railing. It began licking me. The paws were about the size of a human hand. They were bigger than wolves.

"Aw lookit that," Hagrid said smiling. "He likes yeh."

When Harry went to go near the paddock, the Salop hissed and backed away.

Hagrid and I exchanged looks and he shrugged. Only I knew the possibility of why the Salop did that. It sensed Harry was changing.

"Potty has another enemy...what a shock," Malfoy snickered.

"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry growled threateningly.

His lip curled up in a way that it looked like a wolf. Malfoy looked startled and actually frightened. He shut up immediately.

Harry returned his eyes onto the Salop's.

Hagrid began the usual routine of asking the class to give him information on them. Once again, I raised my hand and began telling him about the Salop's.

"They weigh about 200-250 pounds. They are docile but can leave a nasty scratch when provoked. Their whiskers are used in many potions to solve headaches," I said.

"Right. Ten points to Gryffindor," Hagrid beamed.

An hour later, that lesson ended and we headed back to the castle for dinner.

Harry was sitting across from me. I was digging into my tuna casserole while Harry was hungrily digging into what looked like a rare beef steak.

"Um...is that rare?" I asked slowly.

"So? What's the problem?" he snapped looking up from eating.

"No problem," I said stunned. "Just curious that's all."

Harry let out a grunt and went back to his dinner.

After dinner we headed to bed. Harry muttered a good-night before heading to the boy's dorm. I told him good-night too and then went into my dorm. I climbed into bed and just laid awake staring into the darkness.

Something was really wrong with him. I think he definitely was changing. I was going to have to keep an eye on him and careful watch over his personality.


Harry and I headed down to the Great Hall where the other students were gathered, getting ready to leave for Hogsmeade.

I pulled my heavily hooded cloak around me tighter. It was January, and snow was expected.

Harry stood beside me and was dressed the same way.

We began leaving the castle and were on our way to Hogsmeade.

Hogsmeade was busy as usual. Students walked up and down the cobble stoned street eagerly looking in windows and talking happily.

"Do you want Butterbeer?" Harry asked.

"Sure," I said.

We headed into the Three Broom Sticks. I didn't feel like going into the Hog's Head pub.

We entered the Three Broom Sticks and Harry went up to the counter and ordered two butterbeers.

I found a table and sat down. I took off my cloak and put it on the back of the chair. The pub was nice and warm. I began warming up immediately.

I looked around. There was an elderly wizard in black robes talking to himself; a young witch and wizard in their 20's holding hands in one corner; a mother and son toward the middle and a figure dressed in a midnight blue hooded cloak in a corner. The hood was pulled over the figure's head, but all I could see was blond hair down to the shoulders.

From what I could tell it looked more like a girl. She was clutching an almost empty mug of butterbeer.

I felt a shiver running up my spine and moved my eyes off of the figure. Harry came back carry two frothing mugs of butterbeer.

He sat down next to me and I took a sip of the butterbeer.

"Mmm. This stuff is so good," I said sighing contently.

"I know," Harry replied smiling.

"Remember when Ron, you and I used to come in here?" I said wistfully.

"Yeah. But listen. It's no good dwelling on it. I'm sure Ron wouldn't want that," Harry said soothingly.

"No. I suppose not," I said taking another sip of the butterbeer.

Suddenly, I felt someone's eyes on me.

"Do you feel like someone's watching us?" I whispered.

Harry immediately looked up.

"Yeah. It's a girl dressed in a midnight blue cloak," he replied.

I quickly finished my butterbeer.

"Let's leave. I'm getting chills," I replied.

"No problem,"

Harry finished his butterbeer and I grabbed my cloak and pulled it on tightly. I pulled the hood up and we left.

We began walking away from the pub.

"She's following us," Harry said without even looking over his shoulder.

"How do you know?" I whispered.

"I can smell her," he replied back.

We quickened our pace and I quickly cast a glance back. Sure enough, the girl was following us.

"What are we going to do?" I asked frightened.

"Well, there are two things. One: we can keep running. Or two: stand our ground and find out why she's following us," Harry replied.

"What do you think?" I asked in a small voice.

I was a little nervous about his answer knowing I would know what he wanted to do. Stand our ground. We didn't know if she was dangerous or not or part of the Death Eaters.

"I say we stand our ground and find out what she wants," he replied on cue.

"What if she's dangerous?" I asked as Harry and I stopped walking and whirled around to face the girl.

"I will protect you," he replied firmly.

I stood close to him, almost behind him.

The girl kept coming.

"Ooh I think this was a bad idea," I whined softly.

Harry didn't reply.

Finally, the girl was standing directly in front of us.

"What do you want?" Harry demanded angrily. "Why are you following us?"

For a moment, the girl (or at least I hoped it was) didn't respond. Then, she spoke without taking off the hood.

"Are you Harry Potter?" she asked.

Yeah it was a girl thank God.

Her voice was soft and had an angelic feature about it. Like a nurse calming down a scared patient.

"Why were you following us?" Harry repeated.

"Are you Harry Potter?" the girl repeated.

"Who wants to know?"

Again, the girl was silent for a moment.

"My name is Annabelle Solaris. I'm Professor Solaris' daughter," she replied.

I gasped. Harry seemed stunned for the moment before he spoke.

"Fine. Then answer the question. Why were you following us?"

"You are Harry Potter are you not?"

Harry nodded.

"My mother had a plan...a plan to attack you. You know she was a Lycantor werewolf I assume. I heard her planning it one night. There was no chance that a werewolf would teach at your school again. She planned it all. But now, you are in grave danger," Annabelle replied as she finally pulled down her hood.

She was a pretty girl. Long blond hair and blue eyes with sharp features.

"Danger? What do you mean?" I asked finally finding my voice.

"And you are Hermione Granger?"

I nodded meekly.

"There is a crescent moon coming up this month. He will change," Annabelle said.

"How do you know? There are no marks on him. He was scratched but the scratches are gone now," I replied.

"Yes that's how it works. He has a new metabolism now. He will change and he will turn,"


"He will turn against you,"