Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Romance Drama
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 01/10/2006
Updated: 01/10/2006
Words: 843
Chapters: 1
Hits: 144



Story Summary:
Memories of a past love can be sweet... But not for Ginny...

Chapter 01



You were always so beautiful...

 You were pale and cold, just like an icy mountain, sturdy and strong against the wind, with you're silver blonde hair that whipped about your face in the harsh breeze, and you're stone eyes that blazed with white fire when you were angry.


Fierce and dangerous, you made yourself known to all, eyes flashing with ambition and pride that made many people respect you against their will. You caught the eye of so many... but you caught more than my eye.

 I loathed you for teasing me about my violently red hair, about my father, family, and relationship with Harry Potter. I used to scoff at your name and swell with indignation and fury whenever you spoke. I believe I hated you so much that sometimes it drove me mad at the fact that you even existed. I think that's what drew me to you.

 The day it hit me was in the springtime, do you remeber? When the trees were bursting with beautiful blooms and the sounds of laughter and happiness drifted over the grounds and filled everyone with joy. I was walking with my friends when I really saw you for the first time. You were under the big oak tree near the lake, sitting all alone against it's vast trunk. I didin't think I'd ever seen anyone so lonely in all my life, as you lay your head against the bark of the tree and sighed across the shimmering lake.

 You're pride and arrogance never caught my attention... but when you were sitting alone among all of the cheerful shouting and laughter, I felt a piece of my heart leave me.

 After that, I tried everything to gain your trust and attention. When I would try to speak to you, you would shoo me away, calling me blood-traitor, and I would stand and watch you walk away feeling the cold in your words, the same as your eyes, sinking into my heart. But I never gave up, no, I never did.

 I longed for your touch. I longed to see those frigid eyes look upon me and melt like snow in the blazing sun; I longed for you.

 And after time, my efforts paid off. You began to look upon me with a new light; for you were so lonely, even a blood-traitor would do. Our akward aquaintance grew into affection and affection bloomed into passion. Who knew that a body that seemed to be chisled from ice could feel so warm when you wrapped your arms around me.

 In secret, we would meet and hold each other like people who were meant to be, never worrying what people might think if they saw us together. When we were alone, I used to hold your beautiful pale hands to my cheeks and close my eyes, feeling their reassuring warmth against my skin, wondering why your icy cold did not sting my flesh. I was you and you were me... There was nothing but us and our love.

 But you left me. The night before Hogwarts marched against the Death Eaters, I feared for you. I tore through the halls calling your name, sobs rising in my throat for I knew where you had gone. Somehow, you had slipped from my grasp, and stole away into the night. I knew you had gone to join the dark side for the final bloody battle.

Darling, you knew I promised to protect you no matter what, and said that if you joined the right side, that you could be redeemed and we could be together forever. I believed that you would join the right side for me, for the love that we shared.

If only you listened.

 So here we are, love... In the final battlefield; knee deep in blood and dead bodies of the good and evil. Your eyes are closed; you look almost peaceful. I press your hands against my burning cheeks one last time, but there is no warmth... Only a bitter, biting cold. But I cry no tears, my love, I'm going to be like you; sturdy and strong.

Were you trying to protect me, Draco? Did you join the Death Eaters because you feared for me? For us? Did you fear they would find out, and kill us both, ripping us from this world together?


But the end was bitter, wasn't it Draco? There was no happy ending to set us free. You're gone, and all I have left are bitter-sweet memories of the times we spent together. Was it worth it in the end, my love, to sacrifice your life to save mine? Because my life is over too... And the end as cold as the ice in your eyes.