Astronomy Tower
James Potter/Lily Evans
James Potter Lily Evans
Romance Friendship
1970-1981 (Including Marauders at Hogwarts)
Published: 07/14/2008
Updated: 07/14/2008
Words: 1,572
Chapters: 1
Hits: 453

Notes and Making People Sick


Story Summary:
I don't beleive that one long mushy love letter won Lily Evans heart but maybe a few down to Earth notes and kind gestures in a stressful time did, like in this story. Lily/Marauders one shot.

Chapter 01


It was ten o' clock p.m. as Lily Evans and her two best friends studied for their Charms final exam that was due to take place in two weeks.

"What is the incantation to change an animal's color, Samantha?" Samantha McBride was a pretty girl that had dark brown hair and blue eyes. She was about to answer but got interrupted by their other friend, Mary McKinnons. Mary McKinnons was crazy about Quidditch and had light brown hair with light brown eyes.

"Lily we've been studying for hours! We even skipped dinner! Samantha! I want to know the juice on you and Sirius! Anything interesting?"

Once again Samantha was about to answer but was interrupted because Sirius Black came bounding in through the portrait hole from detention over to where they were sitting and pulled Samantha into an embrace.

"Samantha, if you are not going to sneak out to Hogsmede with me, I'm going to sit over here!"

"What did you say you were going to do?!" Lily said exasperated.

"No! I'll go! We're done studying!" Samantha said.

"GREAT!" He practically yelled as he pulled her through the portrait hole.

"They make me sick," Lily muttered.

"Lily they have fun together which makes them the perfect couple. One day you'll make someone sick. Speaking of love, you should give James a chance. He would liven up your love life which is extremely daft!" Mary chimed.

"I'll go out with Potter when hell freezes over! Why couldn't he take Potter with him!" she muttered once again.

"James is studying. Look at him!" Lily looked over at him and he was reading a book. "He's matured!" Mary chimed.

"If you like him so much why don't you go out with him!"

"Lily, dear, he has his heart set on you. Plus, I have my heart set on Steve Davis, who I am supposed to be meeting. Cheers!" Mary called over her shoulder.

Lily decide to call it a night and went to bed. When she got to her dorm, pissed that her friends left her for their boy friends, she found a pleasant surprise. There was a lily and a note on her pillow.

The note read:


I hoped this would help you relax so studying for exams would be easier.


Lily put the lily in a vase and then fell asleep feeling more then a little better.


The next morning Lily woke up and saw her alarm clock said 8:15 a.m. She was supposed to be in Potions right now.

She skipped dinner last night to study for charms. Now she was starving and would have to skip breakfast. Quickly, she threw on her clothes and brushed her teeth without a glance in the mirror. She ran all the way to the dungeons and was ten minutes late. But being one of Slughorn's favorites had its advantages and he didn't even acknowledge her tardiness. Her stomach kept growling loudly through out the class.

As she was trying to catch up on the potion most of the people around her had finished, James walked by her desk on the way to turn in a vial of his potion and dropped a brown paper bag on her desk with a note on it.

The note read:


I didn't see you at dinner last night or breakfast this morning. So, I figured you were a bit scattered. I swear I didn't do anything to the food.


She looked in the bag and saw a piece of toast and a banana. Lily, at the moment, wouldn't have cared if he had done something to the food. When Slughorn wasn't looking, she gobbled down the food, her stomach stopped growling, and once again, James Potter had made her feel better.


"I don't know where it could be! I've looked everywhere for it!" Lily moaned about her lost Transfiguration book to Samantha as they headed towards Transfiguration.

"The worse thing that could happen is you'd have to share with me for a few days until you could order another copy!" Samantha comforted.

"Yeah, but I had all my notes for the final in there!"

"You can look at my notes! They're not that bad!"

As they approached their table, Lily saw her just lost, now found Transfiguration book and another note sitting at her usual spot.

The note read:

Hey Lily,

You dropped this.


Lily breathed a sigh of relief and Samantha chuckled. Lily glanced to the back of the room, where James sat with Sirius, Remus, and Peter who were sharing a laugh about some private joke. 'Maybe James isn't that bad...' Lily thought as Professor McGonagall started the class.


Lily sat in the Great Hall at lunch trying to eat and go over her History of Magic notes while her friends kept chatting without a care in the world. She leaned over to look in her bag for a quill so she could fix something in her notes when she found yet another note, written in the same sloppy scrawl as the last three notes.

Hi Lily,

I didn't know if you were sick of getting notes from me, the arrogant toe rag, but since you haven't yelled at me about them, I'll take that as you are not sick of them. Anyhow, I just wanted to apologize for always being mean to Snape and for getting on your nerves the past five years. I got on your nerves by constantly asking you out, letting the whole school know how much I loved you in stupid ways such as sending you flowers, exc. Also, the hexing people in the halls at random thing. Well, I've tried to change my ways and I hope you can forgive me!


Lily forgot all about her History of Magic notes. Suddenly they didn't seem so important. What was important was James Potter had apologized. He admitted he was wrong and immature. He had deflated his big head and apologized.

Lily got up abruptly and headed out of the hall, not stopping to answer her friend's questions of where she was headed. She had to find James.

Lily figured him and his mates would be out on the grounds since it was nice outside. She figured right. When she got out there, she saw Remus and Peter sitting under a tree, studying. And wherever one Marauder was, the others were not far away.

"Hi Remus!" Lily called as she approached the tree they were sitting under.

"Hello Lily!" he greeted.

"Do you know where James is?" she asked when suddenly a boy fell from the tree along with a broomstick.

"Oww," he murmured, his voice muffled as he lay on the ground, rubbing his head. A moment later he got up and picked up his broom and Lily could now tell the boy was Sirius. "Hey Evans! What are you doing out here? Also, don't ever do what I just did!"

"What? Fall from a tree?"

"Well, that's part of it. Don't fly your broom to the top of the tallest tree on the grounds and then try to climb down it or, like I did, fall down half of it. Anyway, what brings you out here, again?"

Remus answered for her. "She's looking for James."

"Merlin, I must have hit my head harder then I thought!" he exclaimed. "I could have sworn that I just heard Remus say you were looking for James, Evans!"

"Well, I am looking for James."

"Uh...okay...just a minute." Sirius looked up into the tree and started to yell in a voice like that of an old woman that caused Lily, Remus, and Peter to start laughing. "Jamesie! You have a visitor and I beat you to the bottom. So, hurry up and don't keep the nice miss waiting any longer!"

All of a sudden, a voice, which belonged to James Potter, came from above. "You only beat me because you're an arse and fell most of the way down and quit trying to sound like my grandmum! It's creepy!" Sirius just rolled his eyes as the other three doubled over laughing.

A moment later, James jumped from the lowest branch and landed lightly on his feet, broom in hand. "I win because I didn't do a bad imitation of my grandma!" He smirked at Sirius who smirked back. Then, James turned to Lily whom he had just noticed. "Hey Lily! Are you the visitor, that Grandmum here, highly spoke of?" He gestured at Sirius.

"Yeah...err...I..." She felt slightly embarrassed now. "I just wanted to thank you for giving me all those notes and the lily and breakfast and returning my book and especially apologizing for constantly asking me out in years past and saying sorry about being mean to Severus. So...err...thanks!"

Timidly and briefly, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the lips. She turned and started to walk rapidly back to the school before James pulled her into an embrace and whispered, "That was nothing!" Then they began to snog again.

"Merlin, I did hit my head harder then I thought," mumbled Sirius as Remus kept studying with out even looking up and Peter thought, "They make me sick."

Thanks for reading and please reveiw but don't be to harsh! Also, I don't own any of the Harry Potter world. I just write stories, that I don't make any money off of, about it.