The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Darkfic Slash
Unspecified Era
Published: 02/12/2006
Updated: 02/12/2006
Words: 2,403
Chapters: 1
Hits: 925

There is Nothing to Stand Between Us


Story Summary:
Draco fights against the forces of evil even when he thought they were long gone. His lover is dying and he can't do anything to stop it. But maybe he has a chance when a solution is found..

Chapter 01 - Prologue, Chapter One

Chapter Summary:
Draco fights against the forces of evil even when he thought they were long gone. His lover is dying and he can't do anything to stop it. But maybe he has a chance when a solution is found...


It has always been like this for me.

Every time I hear his name I can hear his voice in my head, smell his scent in my nostrils and I can almost picture him here next to me.

I can't get rid of him.

It has been five years since I lost him.

Nevertheless, I think about him every day.

He always finds a way to lure in to my thoughts no matter what I'm doing and where.

I tried to find a new lover, but I had to give up after three years.

The dating part went well, but when it came down to sex, I just couldn't do it. I got paralyzed, unable to do a thing unless I was drunk.

I remember what he said to me once during sex.

"You'll never get better one than me."

I don't know why he said that, but it will haunt me for the rest of my pathetic life. I'll never regret anything we did together.

Those four years we had were the best time I'll ever have.

I will remember his laughter and his stupid love letters he wrote to me at our sixth year.

He never was a great poet but I love those letters even more because of that.

We started dating at our sixth year after one very drunken night.

Slytherins, of course, were throwing a party of a life time and because of some stupid drinking game we ended up snogging each other senseless.

We were playing with all the Slytherins and Gryffindors(Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were not invited to this game) from our year, and I mean every one, even Granger.

We all were quite sober when we started.

Of course, next morning I had an awful hangover, and a little trouble remembering what had happened previous evening, but all I had to do was to just open my eyes, and there he was, sleeping peacefully besides me.

Ii didn't take me long to figure out what had happened.

I panicked because I couldn't face him if he remembered what had taken place last night.

But before I could run away he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a warm hug.

"Going somewhere?" he asked playfully when he saw the horrified look on my face.

"I do not seem to have much of a choice, do I?" I said as I tried to relax while he was grinning wickedly.

"No, you don't," he answered and placed a kiss on my shoulder.

The fondest memories that I have are from our seventh year, especially Christmas Eve.

We were at the Gryffindor tower in his bed, talking quietly, although, we had no reason to do so 'cause all the other boys had gone home for Christmas.

We were whispering all kind of nonsense to one another.

I, of course, spoiled the moment when I asked him a question which took the smile of his face.

He then told me all about Voldemort, his parents, Sirius Black and the prophecy.

I was terrified, afraid what would happen to him if Voldemort got him first.

He never said to me that he loved me.

Four years I waited subconsciously for those words, but they never came.

I realised it when it was too late.

I should have asked him but I never did.

Now I even can't anymore.

Chapter one

Six Years Earlier

"Malfoy! Our Master is waiting for you. He says it's urgent." Avery. Merlin, I hate this man. But he's probably the best arsekisser I know. And if he wants something, he'll get it.

With a sigh I make my way through the halls of the Dark Mansion. This is our Master's current hideout.

Being a Death Eater isn't what I planned to be, but I don't care.

Not after I lost him.

He was my everything. My mission was to destroy Voldemort myself, but after a while it didn't matter anymore. Even if I did destroy him, then what?

I would be sent to Azkaban by the Ministry just because I'm a Death Eater. No one would believe that I did it for Harry Potter.

I can't kill him.

Only Potter can, so why bother?

I finally reach the room where Master is waiting.

"You wanted to see me, Master," I say as I kneel down before him.

"You may rise, and yes, I have a mission for you, but first maybe you could explain this." His voice is like poison which consumes my body and makes me weak.

He throws me a photograph. With my heart in my throat I look at the picture. It's my son. How did he find Christian?

"Don't even try to deny that this is your son. There would normally be no problem, but it's because of his mother what makes him a threat to us. His mother is Adrianne Felsk, if I'm not misinformed."

His red eyes are full of anger. They are flaming like torches.

Adrianne Felsk, we had a one-night stand five years ago. I was so drunk that I don't remember anything but Chris is a proof that I did sleep with her.

Maybe I slept with her because it was easier when she didn't have a clue who I was.

She is a Muggle.

I thought that I could keep Chris out of this. But I should have known that you can't keep a secret from the Dark Lord.

"Your mission is to lead the attack at Croydon."

Croydon, that's where Adrianne and Chris live.

"And bring your son to me. Kill his mother."

"Yes, my Lord."

The conversation is over. I must do as he says if I want to stay alive. It's unfortunate that Adrianne has to die but there's nothing I can do about it. I can't disobey my master's will.

I arrive to Croydon at eight p.m. with the other the Death Eaters. I take six of them with me and I order the rest to kill all the Muggles which means they'll kill every single person they'll see.

We are near the house where Adrianne lives. I order two of my men to go around the back as the rest of them will hide in the near bushes and cover me up if needed.

I change my appearance, and now I'm wearing a pair of black trousers and a white shirt. I can't go looking like Death itself.

I rang the doorbell.

After a few minutes a little boy opens the door.

He has short blond hair and blue eyes. He looks like me except his eyes are different. They are not cold, they are full of kindness and warmth.

I smile at him when he shouts, "Daddy!" and jumps to my arms. I hug him tightly, although, I know that the Death Eaters are watching me closely.

My reputation is almost ruined after this, but I don't care. This is my son we are talking about after all.

"Is your mom home?"

Chris looks disappointed but he answers, "No, She's in London. She'll be back soon. But Granny is here."

"I'll go to talk with her. Maybe she will let me take you with me and we could go to have some ice-cream."

When he hears the words ice-cream his eyes brighten and he smiles.

"Look, Granny! Dad's here!" The boy looks up and I follow his gaze.

An old lady is standing at the door. She looks just like any other Muggle grandmother would.

"Good evening. I'm Draco Malfoy, Chris' father." I smile kindly and we shook hands with the woman. She smiles too and invites me inside for a cup of tea.

While we drink Chris tells me everything that has happened while I wasn't here.

After a half an hour we hear a scream from outside. Adrianne is dead. I gave a order to kill her if they see her.

I run outside and I see Adrianne lying on the ground. Two Death Eaters are approaching me quickly.

"We must leave. The Aurors are here, sir," one of them says. I tell them to hide the body and then kill Chris' grandmother after I've taken Chris from her.

"Who was it? Was it Adrianne?" the old crone asks when I return to the house with one of my men. I pick Chris up and carry him away. I hear his grandmother demanding to know what's going on before I hear the words Avada Kedavra.

"Where are we going?" Chris asks quietly. I know he's afraid of strangers.

"We are going to London." He looks frightened. "There's nothing to be afraid of Chris. These are my friends," I add and he relaxes, resting his head on my shoulder.

I gather my men and I take a portkey from my pocket. A man next to me taps it with his wand and I tell Chris to touch it.

I put Chris down when we are back at the Dark Mansion. I kneel down on one knee in front of him and he looks at me with his big blue eyes.

"Chris, we are going to meet a man who wants to talk to you. There's nothing to worry about, I'll be right next to you the whole time." I try to calm him but I don't know what Master wants him for. If he hurts Chris, I'll kill him. I'm not going to lose my son.

I stand up and I take hold of his hand.

"Can we then have a ice-cream?"

I smile at his question. "Of course, Chris."

Master is looking out of the window when we enter the room. He turns around slowly, looking at my son with intensity. I notice that his eyes are no longer red.

"You must be Christian. You look just like your father," he says coldly and Chris tightens his grip of my hand.

I just noticed that the room is much brighter and colourful. What the hell is going on here?

"I can't scare a little boy, can I?" the Dark Lord says, looking at me in the eye.

His eyes are the same colour they were before he became the Dark Lord.

I'm sure Dumbledore didn't see this coming.

Actually he died before Harry Potter was possessed by Voldemort.

I was there when it happened.

They had been fighting and Harry had beat Voldemort.

We all thought that Voldemort was finally gone.

Harry comes home tired and bleeding. I see a flash of red in his eyes when he looks at me before collapsing down on the floor in front of me.

"Harry!" I shout when I try to catch him. I gather him in to my arms and his eyes are unfocused.

"Are you okay? Harry, look at me," I say desperately and his eyes search mine almost as desperately.

"Draco? Is that you?" he asks weakly.

"Yes, Harry, it's me." I don't know when I started to cry but now tears are running down my face freely.

He closes his eyes briefly before looking around. "Am I home?"

"Yes, you are home." I stroke his face tenderly and he looks at me again.

"Why are you crying?" His voice is gentle as he wipes a tear from my face with his thumb.

"I don't know." A sob escapes my throat and I hug Harry so hard that I'm sure to break his ribs.

"I'm just glad that you are okay," I say when he hugs me back just as hard.

"No! Stay away from me!" Harry shouts and pushes me away.

He's on his knees, holding his head in his hands. He's crying as he rocks himself back and forth.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"He's here. No! He's here!" he continues to shout over and over again.

I can't get a contact to him. He's out of my reach. I stumble to the fire place and call Severus.

He promises to come right away and after few minutes he's standing next to me.

We try to calm Harry down but he's like he doesn't even know that we are here.

We take him to St. Mungo's and after a brief struggle he's sleeping calmly in one of the beds.

I sit next to him but I'm not a relative so I have to leave soon. I go home and I ask them to notify me immediately when he wakes up.

After a few hours an owl from St. Mungo's is tapping behind my window.

Harry is sitting and reading the Daily Prophet. He looks healthy, smiling brightly when he sees me. He puts the paper on the bedside table.

I sit down on the edge of his bed and I kiss him on the forehead. He pouts and folds his arms. I laugh but he pulls me near and gives me one of the best kisses I've ever had.

"That's more like it," he says and I laugh again.

"You could have just asked."

He hugs me close and I stroke his hair affectionately.

"I can't come home," he whispers after a while.

"What are you talking about? Of course you are coming home with me." After I say this he disentangles himself of me and folds his arms again.

"No, I can't. Yesterday I was possessed by Voldemort. Now he's here," he taps the side of his head. "And I don't know how long I'm able to keep him under control. Sooner or later he will win." He closes his eyes and sighs.

I don't know what to say. I tell him that to him and he tells me not to say anything.

Suddenly his nose starts to bleed. A Mediwitch, who was near by, comes to help him and shoos me away. I thought that it was just a nosebleed but Harry is already shaking uncontrollably. He's holding his head again.

"You have to wait outside, sir," the same Mediwitch says to me and I walk out reluctantly. I can hear his screams through the door.

Finally, what seems like hours, they let me back in. Harry is sleeping again, but they say that they can make a bed for me if I want to stay.

I don't.

I go straight home. I lay in my bed unable to fall asleep.

I made my decision that night.

I decided to stand by his side no matter what.

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