Astronomy Tower
Multiple Eras
Goblet of Fire
Published: 03/21/2002
Updated: 03/27/2002
Words: 7,109
Chapters: 5
Hits: 3,777

Times of Changes


Story Summary:
Summer after the events of the last school year. Harry was finally allowed to go to the Weasleys for the remaining holidays.

Chapter 02


Times of Changes

Chapter 2


Hermione turned from the window and sat down at the edge of the bed, deep in thought. Never, in the 4 years that she had known Harry, had she seen such an expression on his face. Not even at the end of the Triwizard Tournament. He had seemed normal enough during the day, even playing Quidditch with Ron and the other Weasleys. Now, on retrospect, she should have noticed the tiredness on his face, the black bags around his eyes. Signs that said louder than words that Harry wasn’t getting enough sleep.

Ginny moved from the window to sit beside Hermione. She looked at Hermione, and recognized the expression on her face. How could she not, when Ginny saw the very same expression on her own face countless of times?

“You too, huh?” Ginny asked, wanting to know.

“Yeah, I guess so” was the reply. There was no need to ask what. They both know what they were talking about. It was clear on their faces.

“How long?” Ginny asked.

“I think ever… since my first year, after the Troll event. You knew about it?” Hermione asked. She can still recall the terror that she felt when she faced the troll all alone, and the relive that flooded her when Ron and Harry crashed into the toilet.

“Yeah… Ron was bragging about knocking out a mountain troll when he returned for the summer holidays that year, before Harry came for the summer.” Ginny answered. She still blushes at the memory of that summer. She was soooo clumsy at the sight of Harry then…

“What about you?” Hermione asked.

“My first year too. After the Chambers of Secrets.” Ginny’s voice was tight as she too recalled the events of her first year at Hogwarts, when the Chambers of Secrets was opened, and Voldemort had kidnapped her through the diary of his 16-year-old self. Harry had saved her than, destroying the diary almost at the cost of his own live, battling the huge Basilisk with only a sword and Fawkes, Dumbledore’s phoenix. She never really trusted another book since then, and her textbook for Care of Magical Creatures, ‘The Monster book of Monsters’ didn’t help matters either.

“Oh, yeah… I should have known… sorry.” Hermione regretted causing Ginny to remember that terrible year.

“It’s ok…” Ginny replied softly.

They were silent for a moment, each caught up in their own thought. Finally Ginny broke the silence.

“So… What do we do now?”

Hermione thought for a moment, then replied.

“Why don’t we go get a cup of coco?”

“Ok, Come on then.” Ginny grasp hold of Hermione’s hand and they made their way downstairs. They entered the kitchen and Ginny started to heat up the milk while Hermione got the cups.

“Hey, Ginny. You think Harry would like to have a cup of coco too?” Hermione asked, two cups in one hand while her other hand hovered over another cup.

“I think so. I mean, it was raining out there just now.” Ginny answered, her eyes intent on the stove. Or rather on the pot on the stove containing the milk.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Hermione said, picking up the third cup. She brought the cups over to the counter and started to dump coco power into the cups.

“Hey Ginny.”


“Are we still friends?” Hermione asked, her voice quiet.

“Why did you ask that?” Ginny replied, a little confused.

“Well, I have read too much about friends who end up as enemies because they …like the same person. Will we be the same as them?” Hermione’s voice seems to be cracking.

Ginny thought about it for a while.

“Nah. I don’t think so. I mean, we were friends since my first year, and I simply can’t imagine school without you as my friend. Don’t worry about it, Hermione.”

“Thanks” Hermione couldn’t help but feel a little relive that they wouldn’t be enemies.

“Besides, I would need your help to get Harry to like me back.” Ginny tried to lighten the mood by joking.

“Do you think I would do that?” Hermione’s eyebrows lifted up.

“Yeah, why not? It’s not like you didn’t spend enough time with Harry!” Ginny replied, grinning.

“That’s true… But I still wouldn’t help you.” Hermione said, barely able to keep from laughing.

“Hey, don’t be selfish.” Ginny said, her grin growing broader.

They couldn’t help it then, they busted out laughing.


Mrs. Weasley walked towards the kitchen, intending to start breakfast before any of the household woke up. It was always peaceful in the morning, at least before Fred or George woke up and started playing pranks and creating a mess. She loved them dearly, but she wished that they would grow up a little, take a bit of responsibilities.

It wasn’t fair to let Arthur do all the work of earning money for the family. Bill, Charlie and Percy helped out, certainly, but if either Fred or George would take on a summer jobs, then it would be even better. Then both Ron and Ginny would be able to get new stuff instead of hand-me-downs and second-hand robes and books.

But no, they both have to spend their time locked in their rooms doing God-knows-what. She really hoped that they were not serious with their harebrain idea of setting up a joke shop, but it seems that they were really determine to do it.

Mrs. Weasley sighed and opened the kitchen door. She got a surprise, however, when she saw that she wasn’t the first one up. Both Ginny and Hermione were already sitting at the table across each other. The two girls were not doing anything, however, just staring at each other, three cups of coco steaming between them.

“Morning, girls. Why are you up so early?” Mrs. Weasley asked.

“Morning Mum. Please don’t interrupt us right now. We are currently in a staring match.” Replied Ginny, not breaking eye contact with Hermione.

“Oh? Whatever for?” Mrs. Weasley asked, walking up to the counter and began preparing breakfast.

“Nothing. Just trying to decide who’ll bring Harry this cup of coco, that’s all.” This time it is Hermione who answered, apparently unaware that it was Mrs. Weasley that asked the question.

Ginny groaned, covering her face with her hands. “Hermione, you are not supposed to say that.”

Hermione blinked, her eye contact with Ginny broken. “Wha… Oh! Mrs. Weasley. I didn’t notice you there.”

“Apparently” Mrs. Weasley floated the bread and butter to the table. She sat down at the table and started buttering the bread.

“Anyway, what is that I heard about Harry?” Mrs. Weasley asked. This could be interesting!

Hermione’s face started to turn red. She is a little late, however, as Ginny’s face was already as red as her hair.

“We were just trying to decide who gets to give this cup of coco to Harry. He must be cold, sitting on the roof all night.” As soon as she said that, Ginny covered her mouth. Dammit. She should not have said that Harry was out at night. Now Mum will start to worry.

“What? Harry was outside last night? But it was raining! You two better go get him. He could have caught his death of cold!” Mrs. Weasley cried. Her face was suddenly filled with concern and worry, all thoughts of teasing Hermione and Ginny and Harry disappeared.

Ginny sighed, and stood up. “Come on, Hermione. Mum’s right. It’s almost time for breakfast anyways. Let’s go get Harry in.”


Harry rested his head on his arms, supported by the Firebolt hovering in front of him. He was tired, that bone-deep wariness that came with great emotional outburst. That feeling that the world could end and he wouldn’t have cared. His mind is a blank. He is too tired to think anyway.

“Hey, Harry!” A voice shouted from the ground. Harry lifted up his head and looked down over his broomstick. Ginny was standing at the edge of his vision, waving her hands about. Hermione was beside her, looking up as well.

‘That’s funny, Hermione’s face’s a little red. Wonder what happened?’ Harry thought.

“Mum asked us to get you down for breakfast. C’mon down now. You wouldn’t want to miss breakfast, do you?” Ginny yelled again.

Harry sighed and stood up. However, due to the wet roof, and the fact that his legs have fallen asleep (he had been sitting on the roof for almost 2 hours, you know), he slipped. He could still have saved himself, if not for the fact that his broomstick was in the way. He tripped over the broomstick and went yelling all the way down to the ground. Right smack into the two girls.
