The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Slash Adventure
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Published: 06/15/2007
Updated: 11/08/2007
Words: 48,916
Chapters: 13
Hits: 14,152

Draco and Harry: Escorts in Exile

Cheryl Dyson

Story Summary:
Part Five! Draco and Harry return to London and try to resume their lives. Too bad they have a large assortment of enemies...

Chapter 07 - Chapter Seven

Chapter Summary:
After the rescue.

Chapter Seven

Hermione awoke with a start to find Remus Lupin leaning over her bed. She stifled a cry of surprise, but found her wand in her hand, Summoned instinctively. At least she had not forgotten everything in the war. Lupin saw it as well, and grinned.

"Sorry to wake you," he said.

"Remus?" she asked groggily as she sat up. She tried to shake off the fog of sleep, knowing Lupin would not disturb her, especially when it looked to be just past dawn--unless it were important.

"Hermione?" Lupin asked, "Have you seen Harry?"

The concern in his voice made her instantly alert. She swung her feet free of the blankets and pushed them away. "Not since yesterday evening. Why?"

"He's not here. And his bed hasn't been slept in."

"I'll be right out," she said quickly. Remus nodded and left. What had Harry said yesterday? I'll be back. Nothing out of the ordinary, there. Harry had gone upstairs to visit Hedwig, and that had been the last she'd seen of him. Hermione had assumed he'd gone off to bed in a depressed funk. Now, she wished she had taken him a tray at dinner. She missed Ron, suddenly. He would have stuck to Harry through all of this, but her husband had finally decided to throw caution to the wind and try out for the Chudley Cannons Quidditch team. He had left three days ago for Chudley, and would not be back until tryouts were concluded.

Hermione wondered where Harry could have gone, and why Remus was even worried. Harry was not a reckless child any longer. He did not creep out into the night with his invisibility cloak, intent on saving the world without assistance. Regardless, Hermione dressed quickly and went downstairs. Lupin was in the kitchen making tea.

"Kingsley Shacklebolt sent Tonks a Patronus, asking about Harry," he said.

"Kingsley? At this hour? Did he say why?"

"No. I searched the house for Harry, and then sent a response to Kingsley. He has not replied. God, I hope Harry is not in trouble again."

Lupin poured tea, and Hermione sat tensely at the table, suddenly nervous. Remus paced.

Kingsley's ram Patronus suddenly enveloped Lupin. It must have been a long message, for the silvery light did not dissipate for what seemed endless minutes. When it did, Lupin collapsed into a chair and set his cup down so heavily it sloshed tea onto the table.

"Harry broke Draco out of Azkaban," he said abruptly.

"What?" Hermione choked out, in the absence of any rational comment.

"Early this morning. One of the guards... recognized Harry. They did not see Draco with him, but the fact that Malfoy is the only missing prisoner is fairly telling. Kingsley is putting off notifying Umbridge, but the story has most likely already been leaked to the Daily Prophet. Kingsley is questioning everyone possible at Azkaban, trying to get the truth before Umbridge and her goons show up to twist everything into the worst possible light." Remus gave her a horrified grin. "Not that it can get much worse."

"How could Harry be so... so..." Hermione felt like crushing her mug in her need to get her fingers around Harry's throat.

"Typically Potter?" Lupin finished. He sighed heavily. "I should have seen it coming. I should have known he would never allow Draco to suffer in Azkaban. Not after..."

"Not after Sirius," Hermione finished. "We all should have seen it."

"Umbridge's hounds are going to be after them. She won't pass up this opportunity. She's finally got Harry Potter dead to rights."

"Damn it! Any idea where they might have gone?" she asked. Lupin shook his head.

Hermione got to her feet. "I'll see if he might have let a clue. Not that he ever asks for help," she added bitterly.

"In this particular case, that might have been a good decision," Lupin said rationally.

"If he had, maybe one of us might have been able to talk him out of it!" she said adamantly before she went out, getting in the last word. She realized she had a bad habit of doing that, but at the moment, she didn't care.

In Harry's room she found a note, neatly penned and folded atop his desk. It was not addressed.

I'm going to Malfoy Manor, was all it said. She looked at it skeptically, wondering if it were at all plausible for Harry and Draco to hide out at the Manor. It would most likely be the first place the Ministry looked.

She took the note back to Lupin. Tonks was with him, rocking Lyra in her arms while she fed the baby.

"Do you know where Malfoy Manor is?" Hermione asked. It was odd, but she could not quite recall, for some reason. Granted, it had been months since she'd been there--shortly before Draco's disappearance, but still... she should be able to remember. Lupin shook his head. Tonks nodded, but her brow crinkled in puzzlement.

"I've been there... but I've forgotten exactly where it is. I'll have to look up the address."

Hermione snapped her fingers. "Neville will know. It's in the Court documents. They read it aloud at the trial. Damn, it was a simple address, too... something with Malfoy in the name."

"We need to let Neville know, anyway. He'll be less than thrilled to find his most famous clients are now wanted for escaping from prison, and for engineering said escape."

"I hate to wake him with a Patronus," Hermione said, "But this is important."

She cast the message, and the silver otter streaked from her wand and disappeared through the wall.

"I should go in to work," Tonks said as she handed the silver-haired baby to Remus, who kissed the little face until Lyra giggled and pulled at his cheeks with chubby fists.

"It's your day off," Lupin said. "It would look suspicious if you went in for no apparent reason."

"I could make up an excuse." Tonks snorted. "Or hell, I could go as someone else." Her features molded and melted and her hair color changed until Percy Weasley stood before them.

"No," Lupin said firmly.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Please, not Percy. It's difficult enough to put up with him when he shows up at Christmas for his obligatory visit."

Tonks pouted, an expression that looked out of place on Percy. "No one ever lets me have any fun."

In moments, she was back to herself, although she perversely kept the red hair.

Neville's Patronus arrived a bit later, and Hermione listened to the message. She was puzzled.

"Neville checked his copies of the court documents, and the address is blurred. He looked in three different places, and it is always the same--illegible. He says he should remember the address, because it was simple. Something Malfoy Lane, or Malfoy Place."

Lupin and Tonks looked properly shocked, and Hermione nodded with a grin.

"Harry must have cast a Fidelius Charm. They have to be hiding out at the Manor. I'm sending Harry a message."

She lifted her wand, but Tonks grabbed it quickly. "Wait! What if it's a decoy!"

"What do you mean?"

"Harry is no idiot. The note, the Fidelius Charm--he wants it to look like they are at the Manor. He wants the Ministry to focus their attention on breaking the Charm. It will take weeks at best, and months, more likely. Meanwhile, they could be anywhere. What happens if they are sitting in an Irish pub? A Muggle Irish pub? And you send a Patronus?"

Hermione scowled, but set her wand down. "An Irish pub? At 7 a.m.?"

"You know what I mean. Send Hedwig, if you must, but no Patronus."

"What would we say?" Lupin interjected. "'Bad Harry. We've very disappointed. Where are you?'" He shook his head. "He has to know we all want to hex him for behaving so irrationally--"

"And irresponsibly, and illegally, and--"

"Yes, yes, all of that. He knows. And he can't tell us where he is. So, truly, what is the point of contacting him?"

Hermione bit her lip, knowing Lupin was right. She supposed she simply wanted to vent her anger and rail at Harry.

"So what can we do?"

"We wait, and pretend complete ignorance."

"That shouldn't be difficult!"

They looked at each other in mutual helplessness. Hermione debated sending a message to Ron, but she did not want to distract him. He would find out soon enough.

Two hours later, a knock sounded at the front door. Hermione looked at Tonks in surprise. She ran to the door and dragged it open, hoping against hope that it was Harry.

Instead, the snarling face of Dolores Umbridge met her startled gaze. Beyond Umbridge stood a large group of her hand-picked Aurors, and Kingsley Shacklebolt, who not only looked apologetic, but also enraged. He had obviously been unable to warn them.

"Where is he?" Umbridge snarled.

"Who?" Hermione asked, knowing it was a stupid question, but unable to stop herself.

"I assume Harry Potter still owns this house, does he not?" Umbridge asked, not even trying to disguise her hatred. The Minister probably still heard the hoof clops of centaurs in her nightmares, because of Hermione.

"Yes, of course," Hermione said haughtily, recovering herself.

"Is he in?" Umbridge asked, almost politely.


"Very well." She gestured imperiously to her minions. "Search the house."

Hermione stood her ground. Umbridge yanked out her wand.

"Are you obstructing our search for a dangerous criminal and his accomplice?"

Hermione nearly snapped, "Draco is not dangerous!" but she bit her tongue hard enough to draw blood and asked instead, "What are you talking about?"

"Step aside. We do not have the time to spend in idle chit chat while they possibly escape from another exit."

Several of the Aurors pushed by Hermione and thundered into the house. In the parlour, Lyra began to cry.

The house, of course, was empty of criminal elements, and soon the residents were gathered in the parlour while an incensed Minister of Magic paced across the wooden floors. The planks seemed to creak in protest with every step.

Tonks sat next to Hermione on the sofa, rocking Lyra nervously. Lupin sat across the room in a comfortable armchair, looking tense. Kingsley leaned against the wall, affecting an air of boredom, but Hermione knew he dreaded this confrontation as much as any of them. Umbridge was too well known for irrational and disturbing behavior.

"Well, well, well. Is this not interesting?" Umbridge was saying. "You, I half-expected to see here." She gestured at Hermione with her wand. "But to find that Harry Potter is still consorting with werewolves..." Umbridge made a tsking noise. "Well, I suppose I should not be surprised, considering how unpredictable and dangerous Potter can be."

Hermione held her tongue, knowing that half the words spewed by Umbridge were designed to provoke.

"But you, Nymphadora, are quite a surprise," Umbridge said, stopping in front of the Auror. "I was not even aware that you knew Mr. Potter. It is rather disturbing to find that one of our most esteemed Aurors is... consorting... with known criminals. Quite disturbing, actually. I fear we shall have to conduct a full investigation."

Tonks glared at her. "My consorting with Harry Potter has no bearing on my ability to do my job! And perhaps you have forgotten, Harry Potter saved us all from Voldemort. The Ministry should be kissing his arse, not trying to hunt him down!"

Hermione suppressed a cringe. She didn't think Umbridge had ever fully embraced the fact of Voldemort, even after the Ministry came to its senses and joined the battle with Harry. She would bet her life that Umbridge had stayed plenty isolated and safe during the battles, the horrors, and the fallout.

Umbridge smiled, the evil smile that never touched her eyes. "I see you have fallen into the trap of the lies that Mr. Potter spews. How sad."

Hermione gripped the arm of Tonks to hush her, knowing anything she said could only make matters worse.

"Take them in to custody," Umbridge barked. "They will need to be questioned more... thoroughly."

Hermione surged to her feet. "You cannot do that! On what grounds do you detain us?"

"On the grounds that I believe you know the whereabouts of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. If not, of course, you will be freed immediately. But either way, we shall get to the truth of the matter."

Hermione's instincts screamed for her to fight, to flee, but she dared not start a battle with an infant in the room. She had no concept of the honor of Umbridge's Aurors--they might pay no heed to flinging curses about the room haphazardly. It would also be counter-productive to become an outlaw, like Harry. They needed to remain on the right side of the law, if Harry were to have any chance at all.

They reluctantly gave up their wands and were taken into custody.

Hermione's head lolled and she jerked upright, trying to concentrate. Bloody hell, she had forgotten the sedating effect of Veritaserum. She had not been dosed with it since the early days of their fight with Voldemort, when McGonagall had insisted they all be administered and trained on how to minimize the effects. She nearly laughed. There was really no effective way of minimizing the effects. The only hope was to remain as focused as possible, and hope the person asking the questions did not know how to properly pry the desired information from the victim.

She was in a small, cold room with no windows or doors. Her wrists were shackled to the arms of the uncomfortable wooden chair in which she sat. Two other chairs faced hers--both cozy-looking padded armchairs. Dolores Umbridge sat in one. In the other sat a man Hermione barely recognized.

"What is your name?" the man asked. Hermione blinked at him and felt a momentary chill. Damn. Theodore Nott had not joined the Death Eaters, like his father before him. He had spent his seventh year at Durmstrang, far removed from Voldemort and the battles that surrounded the evil wizard. Once Voldemort--and Nott, Sr., as it happened--was dead, Theo had returned and joined the Ministry of Magic. Umbridge had welcomed him like a long lost son, rumors had it. Hermione had no idea what department he worked in, but she had little doubt he knew how Veritaserum worked.

"Hermione Jane Granger," she was compelled to reply.

"Where do you live?"

Hermione recited her address.

"Are you married?"


"To whom are you married?"

"Ronald Bilius Weasley."

So far the questions were simple, attempting to lull her into answering without thinking.

"Are you acquainted with Harry James Potter?" Nott asked.


"Is he a resident of number 12, Grimmauld Place, in London?"


"He is not there right now, though, is he?"

She nearly smiled. For all she knew, Harry could be sitting in the study at 12 Grimmauld Place, drinking a bottle of scotch, and snogging Draco senseless on the sofa.

"I don't know."

"Are you aware of the fact that Harry Potter broke Draco Malfoy out of Azkaban early this morning?"

"Yes." Direct question, there.

"How did you first learn of the escape?"

Hermione nearly responded with Kingsley's name, but choked it back with a surge of panic. She wished she could respond with The Daily Prophet--the papers had proclaimed the news loudly early that morning.

"Remus Lupin told me," she said truthfully.

"How did Remus Lupin know?"

She nearly cringed, and hoped to hell Kingsley was prepared with a believable story. "Kingsley Shacklebolt contacted him."

A surprised huff from Umbridge caused a shard of guilt to spear through Hermione. The toadlike creature began taking furious notes. Nott went on.

"Were you aware of Harry Potter's intention to release Draco Malfoy prior to the escape?" Somewhat ambiguous, but a safe enough question to answer honestly.


"Do you know where Harry Potter is at this moment?" Nott asked. Hermione nearly smiled. Even if she knew where he was, she could claim not to know his exact location.

"No," she said flatly, and relaxed slightly.

"If you were to seek Harry Potter at this moment, where is the first place you would look?" Damn, that was harder to dodge. The answer clamored for attention and fought to be spoken aloud. Malfoy Manor. Malfoy Manor. Malfoy Manor. Bloody hell, she could think of no other answer.

"Malfoy Manor," she admitted.

"Where is Malfoy Manor located?" Nott demanded.

Hermione was bemused by the sensations generated by the question. She should know where the Manor was located. Yesterday morning, she could have flown there easily. Now, the magic of the Veritaserum dug at the knowledge, but it was just beyond the grip of her memory--blurred and confounded by the far-reaching magic of Harry's Fidelius Charm. She felt lightheaded when she answered, "I don't know."

Her eyes narrowed for a moment as she thought about the question. She wondered if Nott had ever been to Malfoy Manor. His father certainly had, as a Death Eater, but Hermione wondered if a trip to Malfoy Manor had ever been on the Nott's social agenda. She didn't remember Draco ever being particularly close to Theo in school.

She expected more questions relating to Malfoy Manor, but Nott surprised her.

"Do you know why Harry Potter released Draco Malfoy from Azkaban?"

Hermione blinked at him in surprise. Only about a dozen reasons, she thought. Of course, the main reason was obvious, although she tried to talk her brain out of answering in the affirmative. Nott had asked a yes/no question. Even though she did not know exactly what had driven Harry to Azkaban, she did know enough to answer the question. She stalled until Nott's eyes glittered, and the Veritaserum started to induce nausea.

"Yes," she said quietly.

"And why do you think Harry Potter released Draco Malfoy from Azkaban?" Nott asked softly. Hermione glared at him. Clever bastard! By asking her opinion, rather than a direct question, it forced her to give the most likely answer. It sprang to the front of her mind and hung there expectantly. Because he loves him. She fought the urge to say it, and felt instantly sickened. Sweat beaded on her forehead.

"Because... he... he wanted to," she spat. Still the truth, though not the one that gave her a sudden, splitting headache.

Nott smiled without humor. He reminded Hermione of a jackal. Grinning and merciless. "Why do you think he wanted to?"

Because he loves him! Loves him, loves him, loves him! She wanted to scream the words to stop the headache, and the sudden tingling that assaulted her limbs. She felt bile rise in her throat. Hermione fought for control, nearly biting her tongue from the effort.

"Harry is... fond of Draco," she said tightly, panting. Still the truth. Still the truth. She felt sweat trickle a cold path down her spine. Her hands were clenched on the arms of the chair, but she could not seem to force them to relax.

Nott smiled again. "Fond of Draco," he repeated softly, and then chuckled. "How fond?"

Her nerves steadied slightly. She took several deep breaths before answering. "I don't pretend to know the measure of Harry Potter's fondness," she snapped.

"Is Harry Potter in love with Draco Malfoy?"

Hermione blanched and her fingers trembled against the wood. Damn Nott! Damn him straight to hell! How the hell could he ask a question like that? She struggled to find a way out, but it was a direct question. And she knew the answer. It screamed like fire through her veins, and blazed into the worst headache of her life when she fought to deny it. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Her body shook with the effort not to answer, and sweat caused her shirt to cling uncomfortably both front and back. Forgive me, Harry, oh god, please.

"Yes," she whispered and sagged in the chair. Blackness licked at the edges of her vision and she hoped for blessed unconsciousness. It did not take her. She heard a chuckle.

"Interesting," Nott said. Beside him, Umbridge made a sound hissing sound and her quill scratched on the paper. Hermione thought she might throw up.


Harry and Draco had emerged from the bath and were toweling each other dry when the Patronus came in. The silvery creature was a hare, quickly recognized as belonging to Luna Lovegood, which was shocking in itself. Harry had not heard from Luna, except through an occasional owl message, since he and Draco had escorted her and Cho Chang to Hogwarts the previous year. The message was puzzling.

"Luna wants to meet with us. She has news. Hermione, Tonks, and Remus have been taken into custody! She says she will tell us more in person."

Draco raised a brow. "I suppose that should not be a surprise. Can you trust Luna?"

Harry blinked at him. "Of course!"

Draco shrugged. "You know her better than I do. Do you think she would set you up? You know Umbridge must be getting rabid with the need to capture you."

"Capture us, you mean. But Luna? I trust her as well as Ron or Hermione. Now, how am I going to get Hermione and the others out of the Ministry? It was easier to pull you from Azkaban than it will be to break into the Ministry of Magic, although I suppose I should wait until after dark, for a start. From what I recall, the guard in the cell block was not exactly alert..."

Draco considered ignoring the Harry's ridiculous rambling, but he knew the Gryffindor was earnest in his determination. Draco sighed. "You can't be serious. That's precisely what Umbridge is hoping you'll do. She's trying to draw you out."

Harry headed for the bedroom angrily. "Well, it worked. I've got to go and get them."

Draco restrained him with a hand on his arm and a sardonic grin. "Harry, you can't go breaking everyone out of custody. Will you set all your friends on the run? Turn them all into criminals, like us?"

Harry scowled and pulled his arm from Draco's grip. "You sound like you wish you were back in Azkaban."

"Of course I don't. But I would have liked the opportunity to make a choice in the matter. You know I would have forbidden it--and so will your friends. You know damned well Hermione will not thank you for turning her into a fugitive. Think about it."

Harry yanked at his wet hair until Draco tugged his hands away and held them tightly. "What can we do?" Harry murmured.

"First of all, we'll meet with your friend, Luna. And we wait and watch. Umbridge can't do anything but question them--and they don't know anything. We should probably cast a Fidelius on this place, just in case some overzealous Ministry goon decides to dig through the records of every Malfoy property ever purchased. It would take awhile, but eventually someone would find it."

"All right, we'll do that first, then," Harry said. "I'd prefer to stay in London, close enough to the Ministry to get our friends out, if it becomes necessary." Harry's face set in stubborn determination. "I'll not suffer them to be tortured by that horrid woman, though."

Draco chuckled. "Harry, that's a dreadful way to speak about the Minister of Magic."

"You know, I've never liked any of the bloody Ministers of Magic. This one is, by far, the worst of the lot."

Draco sighed. "No argument there. Send a message to Luna. Where does she want to meet?"

"At the place where the elemental attacked us on the way to Hogwarts. Only the three of us and Cho Chang know where that is."

"Safe enough, then."

Harry sent a quick Patronus to Luna. As the stag disappeared, he turned to Draco with a heavy sigh. "I can't believe Umbridge arrested Hermione and the others. I suppose I didn't think this through very well."

Draco laughed aloud and pulled Harry into a warm embrace. "Potter, some things never change."