The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Published: 11/09/2003
Updated: 09/07/2004
Words: 87,493
Chapters: 30
Hits: 38,976

When the Stars Fall


Story Summary:
Over the summer holidays there is a knock on Hermione's door that she simply can't ignore. Little did she know that answering that knock would change her life, and leave her responsible for the life of her enemy. Of course her enemy isn't all he appears to be... HG/DM

Chapter 28

Chapter Summary:
Over the summer holidays there is a knock on Hermione's door that she simply can't ignore. Little did she know that answering that knock would change her life, and leave her responsible for the life of her enemy. Of course her enemy isn't all he appears to be.... HG/DM.
Author's Note:
These next few chapters were a bit difficult for me to write. I actually feared posting them for your viewing/reading pleasure. Please do not kill the writer, or the epilogue with not be posted... Heh heh, hopeyou enjoy chapters 25-29!

Twenty-Eight: The House Cup

He rolled his eyes as he looked upon his wife and shook his head. It was May the twentieth, and the winner of the House Cup was to be announced at dinner. Hermione was insisting upon being there, and Draco was adamantly refusing.

"Hermione, I know you've been well since you've been awakened, but this could be too much for you. The babies are due soon, and I really wouldn't want you to stress yourself. If you want I will stay with you for dinner tonight," he said.

She huffed up and went over to the wardrobe and began pulling out various robes. She then cut her eyes at her husband. "I was well enough to be allowed back into our rooms, and while I have been forced to stay in this God forsaken room for the last month, I absolutely refuse to miss the appointing of the House Cup, and as it is, you've shared every meal with me since I've returned to this room! Have you any idea how close to being mad I've come? Having to take all of my classes and my N.E.W.T.'s by correspondence, while I was being kept in the bloody school? I am tired of this room and I'm going. Take your dinner here if you like," she snapped.

"Damn it! Will you ever listen to reason, woman?" Draco growled.

"I have listened to reason ever since I left the infirmary. Now you listen to me, Draco Severus Marvolo Snape, I will go to dinner tonight, consequences be damned! Remember, I've learned a few good hexes over the years. You may be my husband, but I am not above using a couple on you," she threatened.

Finally he shook his head in defeat. "Fine, but the moment I see that you are taxing yourself we are leaving straight away, and that is final."

A smile spread across her face and she approached him, wrapped her arms around him, and kissed him lightly on the mouth. He wrapped his arms around her, the swell of her very pregnant belly between them, and kissed her thoroughly in return.

She then took the soft light blue robes she had in her arms to the bathroom, and when she finally emerged nearly half an hour later she was beautiful. Her hair in wild, soft curls down her back, a smile on her pretty face, and the robes draped about her. She appeared to glow, and she brought a hand to her womb and smiled.

"They are kicking again," she said and looked at her husband, who hurried to her side and put his ear against the swell of her stomach. He felt movement against his cheek, and looked up at his wife and grinned.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me," he spoke softly.

A few minutes later they were going down the stairs and into the common room, arm in arm. Those present in the common room looked up, their mouths falling open at having seen Hermione. Most of them hadn't seen her since her return to the tower, as Draco had insisted she stay in their room and take it easy.

Harry and Ron, who had been sitting by the fire, approached the couple, both of their eyes widened as they noticed how she'd gotten bigger. "Hermione?" Ron asked.

Her head snapped up, and she smiled. "Yes?"

"You're going to dinner?" he asked, as Harry and Draco's eyes met, understanding in Harry's eyes as he glanced at Hermione.

"Of course," she answered the redhead. "I wouldn't miss the House Cup for all of the world."

With that the four friends left Gryffindor Tower, with Ginny joining them at the portrait entrance, and headed toward Great Hall. A few moments later, the rest of Gryffindor Tower followed, none wanting to be late for dinner.

There was a collected gasp as Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Ginny Weasley entered the Great Hall, followed closely by Draco and Hermione. Everyone looked at the couple, and noticed her very pregnant belly. She'd obviously gotten bigger since last she'd been in Great Hall. They all sat at the Gryffindor table, and tucked in once the food had appeared.

Once the meal was over and the food cleared away, the headmaster stood up and addressed the whole hall. "As you all know, it is now the end of a most interesting year. Some of you will be graduating and moving on with your life within the next couple of weeks and many of you will be returning to Hogwarts at the beginning of next year. Without further ado I would like to announce the winner of the House Cup," Dumbledore said with a twinkle. Hufflepuff has come in third place with two hundred and sixty points. Gryffindor and Slytherin are tied for second place with three hundred and eighty-seven points, and Ravenclaw is in first with four hundred and fifty-two points, however, recent circumstances offer room for additional points."

At that last announcement most of the Slytherins hissed and rolled their eyes. The Ravenclaws just sat at their table with bated breath, and the Hufflepuffs appeared to be politely listening in. The Gryffindors of course looked most eager, and Snape at the staff table was merely looking defeated in knowing that his house had once again failed to achieve the house cup, he did however look toward the Gryffindor table and smiled at his son and daughter-in-law, lifted his goblet of pumpkin juice with good cheer and took a sip.

"For bravery and quick thinking in times of danger I award Draco Snape of Gryffindor twenty points. For facing a crisis and doing what was needed I award Harry Potter twenty points. For proving loyal in aiding a friend I award Ronald Weasley twenty points. For listening to Madame Pomfrey with minimum complaint I award Hermione Granger-Snape ten points," the headmaster said and winked in the direction of the pregnant woman.

"And I do believe that that means that the Gryffindors now have four hundred and fifty-seven points, which means they have won the House Cup," the old man answered.

Applause filled Great Hall, although it came grudgingly from grumbling Slytherins who were muttering about the headmaster's favoritism, which was inclined towards the Gryffindors. Most of the Gryffindor table was standing up, applauding, and cheering, and then a scream erupted throughout the room. Stunned silence followed and all eyes turned to the Gryffindor table. Hermione was clutching her stomach and Draco's arms were around her shoulders as he leaned over her asking what was wrong. She turned to him, her eyes wide with surprise as she said, "It hurts so much, and my water just broke."

His eyes widened and then the entire dining hall erupted into noise. It was Severus Snape that silenced everyone.

"Will all of you shut up! Now everyone is to return to their dormitories immediately with the exceptions of Potter, Weasley, and those directly involved," he shouted, and when nobody moved he roared, "OUT NOW!"

There was the sound of chairs scraping the floor as students hurriedly left to comply, as they hadn't seen Snape with so foul a temperament in over a month. Snape as well as the rest of the staff hurried over to the girl who was practically being held by her husband. Harry, Ron, and Ginny were standing near, Ginny looked worried, Ron was pale with fright, his freckles standing out, and Harry was looking completely out of his element, but desperate to help regardless.

"Albus! Where is Poppy?" Snape demanded as he looked up at Dumbledore, his eyes flashed as he finally realized that the mediwitch hadn't been present at dinner.

"She went to St. Mungo's to look in on her sister for a little while. You know the one suffering from that muggle disease...cancer. She's on her deathbed," Albus answered and looked worriedly toward Hermione as her face contorted in pain.

Severus looked at the girl and knew immediately what was happening. "Everyone out, except you Draco," he snapped, and when no one moved he glared around and shook his head.

"She can't be moved, now, Draco help me get her to the floor, and as for the rest of you out!" he snarled and then a thought occurred to him. "Wait, Miss Weasley, you may stay, but I need you to summon two bowls, one with cold water for her forehead, and the other with warm water."

They girl nodded and then everyone else left the four in Great Hall, Albus hurried to his office to make a call by floo to St. Mungo's. He had a feeling that Madam Pomfrey would be needed before the night was over.


Hermione screamed again, as they helped her to the floor. Draco took her head gently in his lap, and Ginny handed him a cool damp cloth. He looked down at Hermione, noticing her face twisted in pain, her brow covered in sweat. He gently wiped her face with the cloth and told her how much he loved her.

"It's happening too quickly. Just like Narcissa. The Cruciatus was used on her as well during her pregnancy. It must speed up the labor," Snape muttered to himself, but Draco and Ginny had heard.

"How would you know that?" Ginny asked.

Snape looked up startled and then his eyes locked with his son's. "Because I delivered my son. Now, Hermione," he said and looked at the girl gasping and moaning in pain as she grit her teeth against another wave of sharp pain in her abdomen. Her eyes locked with Snape's and she bit back a scream. "Do you trust me?" he asked.

When she nodded he let out the breath he'd been holding. "Good, now there is something I have to tell you. This won't last long. It will be over soon, if this is anything like what happened before. You'll have to push when I tell you. Now will you listen to me for once, you stubborn girl?"

She tried to smile at his comment, but it ended up a grimace and she nodded fiercely, afraid to try and speak in the fear that all she would do was scream. Draco used his free hand to clasp his wife's hand, as his father prepared to deliver his children into the world.


"I need to speak with Poppy Pomfrey immediately," Dumbledore said to one of the secretaries working at St. Mungo's. The secretary's eyes widened at the sight of Albus Dumbledore's head in her fireplace.

"Of course, sir," she said and went off to find where Poppy was. A few minutes later she returned with the mediwitch, who looked a bit winded.

"They are trying a new treatment on Hyacinth," she said breathless, and then noticing the headmaster's troubled look asked, "What is it Albus?"

"Hermione has gone into labor," he answered. "How soon can you get here?"

"I just need to tell the mediwizard in charge about Hyacinth's medical history and her allergies and then I can be there in half an hour," she said and closed her eyes. "Will that be enough time? Albus, will it be enough time?"

"I hope so, Poppy," the headmaster answered and then added, "Hurry, as quickly as you can."

She nodded and when the headmaster's head disappeared from the fire, she hurried to the mediwizard to tell him all that he would need to know about her sister's medical history.


The sound of a baby's cry filled the Great Hall, as Severus Snape handed a small baby girl to an eager Ginny Weasley who was holding a soft pink baby blanket, one of the two baby blankets she'd summoned.

Severus then looked at the tired young woman before him. "One more push and your son will join his sister in this world."

The girl gave a sharp nod, tightened her grip on her husband's hand and gave all that she had in that last push. A scream tore from her throat, and a smile spread across her lips as she heard the second wail join the first. My work is done, she thought as darkness descended around her.

Severus muttered spell to clean the second child and wrapped the little boy in the blue blanket provided by Ginny, and then he looked at the young girl, and his hopes came crashing down as he noticed her eyes roll back and her eyelashes flutter shut. Draco gathered the limp figure of his wife in his arms and began to rock back and forth.

"Gods no! Hermione! You can't leave me. You can't leave our children. Damn you! Come back!" the distraught young man howled in pain, and Ginny and Severus watched, tears gathering in their eyes, but the tears only escaped to trail Ginny's face.

Severus looked down into the tiny face of the squalling baby he held and felt the sorrow crest and wave within himself, and then the doors of Great Hall were flung open and Madame Pomfrey hurriedly entered. She looked at the scene, Ginny Weasley holding a pink squalling bundle and Severus holding a bundle similar, wrapped in blue, and then the distraught young man, Draco Snape, holding his wife in his arms, clinging to her and begging her to return. Harry and Ron stood at the door and watched in horror as Draco held Hermione.

"Oh dear God," Harry whispered, and Ron followed with a, "No..."

Madame Pomfrey, sensing no immediate danger for the babies hurried over to the young man clutching his wife. Using her wand she checked the girl over and found that she was still alive, but very weak.

"Mr. Mal--Snape, she's alive, but you have to let me get her to the infirmary, quickly," she spoke softly to him.

He looked up at the woman, tears in his eyes, as they silently begged her to bring the girl back. He then nodded slowly and stood up, his wife still gathered in his arms.

"Lead the way," he answered, his voice shaky and desperate.

She began to head toward the infirmary, and he followed, trailed by his father and Ginny Weasley who were holding his son and daughter, and Harry, Ron, and most of the Hogwarts' staff. Once in the infirmary, Draco gently laid his wife down on one of the sterile white beds and turned away from her to look at the mediwitch.

"Do whatever it takes, but please, bring her back to me," he pleaded.

The mediwitch nodded and then sent him from the room as she began her work. Once he was out in the corridor he was met with the eager gazes of those that had followed. He ignored them all and headed toward his father and Ginny Weasley, who held a pair of squalling bundles between them. He looked at the small bundles, and couldn't help the smile that spread across his face as he looked from his daughter to his son and whispered, "They are so beautiful."

A moment later, he collapsed to his knees with his head in his hands and a prayer on his lips as his thoughts returned once more to his wife...