Astronomy Tower
James Potter/Lily Evans
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 04/24/2005
Updated: 04/24/2005
Words: 1,021
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,359

Wedding Nerves

blonde goldfish

Story Summary:
Four boys savour their last few days together before everything changes. Things will never be the same after James's wedding but right now they are enjoying the present. Warning for some language.

Author's Note:
This was written for

"What the bloody hell is that? I agreed to be your best man Jamie. Not the laughing stock of the entire wizarding world." James looked up from the pile of papers on the table in front of him peering at Sirius over his glasses. He looked decidedly harassed. "Sorry mate. I had no say in the matter. That's what Lily's got her heart set on and I quite fancy having the ability to father children."

Remus snorted softly and leaned over Sirius's shoulder to have a better look at the drawings. "It's not
that bad. At least Lily's got some semblance of taste. I have never quite forgiven my parents for allowing my cousins to dress me in some hideous getup in the name of being a pageboy at the age of 7." He shuddered. "I'm still traumatised."

At that, the front door banged open and Peter walked in with a bag
full of shopping, completely soaked to the bone. Remus raised an eyebrow. "Sorry to say this Pete, but you look like a drowned rat." This surprised a laugh out of James and Sirius and Peter managed a wry smile. "Well, if you'd live somewhere I could Apparate to from the shops, I wouldn't be so bloody wet."

"There are towels and dry clothes in the airing cupboard. I'll go and make a pot of tea." Remus peeled himself off the sofa and took the shopping into the kitchen. "Cake or digestives?" he called. "Mum bought a fruit cake round last night."

"Both!" came the cry from the living room. Remus carried a tray of mugs and plates in just as Peter emerged from the bedroom, slightly swamped in a pair of Remus's jeans and
a faded Gryffindor Quidditch top that had seen better days. "Looking forward to the big day, Prongs?" he chirped.

"I'm shitting myself. Lily's turning into a bloody harpy on a regular basis. Her sister hates me and sits around with a face on her like a wet weekend. The best thing is that the boyfriend isn't coming. And at the moment, Lily is out with a gaggle of girls getting up to who knows what. They were talking about

He looked up to see the other three shaking with silent laughter. "It's not bloody funny. Stop laughing." Peter managed to control himself to choke out "It's your own fault. You shouldn't have asked her to marry you, you stupid pillock." A
surprised giggle slipped out from Sirius's direction which caused all three to collapse into laughter.

"I hate you all."

"Yes we know. You're dressing us up like penguins and then parading us in public." Remus leaned back and reached for his pack of cigarettes. Sirius looked slightly confused. "What are penguins?"

"Little black and white Muggle animals. They live in Antarctica. And with those suits Jamie's forcing us to wear, that's exactly what we'll look like." He paused to light his cigarette. "You're under the thumb mate." After the uproar of laughter that followed, James very quickly changed the subject, blushing furiously.


The night before the wedding, Remus bullied James into staying at his flat - mainly by appealing to James's sense of vanity. "Jamie. If we leave you alone, several things are going to happen." Remus started ticking the reasons off on his fingers. "A) you're going to be up half the night pacing and you're going to look terrible in your wedding photos with bags under your eyes. B)
it will be the last chance you'll be able to spend time with us three." James opened his mouth. "Don't interrupt. Things will change after the wedding and you know it. And c) what if we accidentally get 'lost' tomorrow? It would be dreadful if we all 'misplace' our invitations."

James squawked and then narrowed his eyes. "You wouldn't dare."

"Wouldn't we? Peter has no sense of direction, bless him. Sirius can't read a map to save his life and I'm not up to Apparating this soon after the full moon."

Remus smirked as a look of absolute horror spread over James's face.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side.
I'm never quite sure how you didn't get Sorted into Slytherin."

"Well, the thought of spending seven years amongst so many inbred cretins didn't quite appeal at the time."

James always wondered why people underestimated Remus.


The wedding day dawned as one of those perfect September days. It was sunny and crisp with a sight nip in the air. James was busy sulking because his drink had been spiked with a Sleeping Draught the night before. Sirius was dashing about like a mad dog getting underfoot until James threatened to Body Bind him unless he did something useful like cooking the breakfast. Peter dressed quietly and looked oddly secretive. Remus paid no attention to anyone. He was too busy swearing at the boiler. He eventually stormed into the kitchen and took the plate handed to him, complaining bitterly about how the bloody thing kept him up at night and now it refuse
d to work. "I shouldn't have to be flailing around for my wand so I can cast a warming charm. And if anyone makes a comment about wands, he will be hexed into next week. Just get me to the church on time."


As James stood at the alter waiting for Lily, he was visibly becoming increasingly twitchy. Finally, Sirius leaned over and whispered "Remus was right. You're under the thumb. Where's the James Potter I knew that swore never to let some bint wiggle her way into your heart?"

"Gone and forgotten the minute a green eyed witch said yes to a trip to Hogsmeade with me."

Whatever Sirius was going to reply was drowned out in a swell of organ music and rustle of clothes. They turned to see Lily standing in the doors of the church, on the arm of her father. James turned to look at Peter and Remus sitting in the first pew
and Sirius standing next to him. He whispered "Messeurs Moony, Wormtail and Padfoot. May we live forever."
