The Dark Arts
Other Magical Creature Peter Pettigrew Lord Voldemort
Original Characters Darkfic
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince Deadly Hallows (Through Ch. 36)
Published: 03/31/2008
Updated: 03/31/2008
Words: 673
Chapters: 1
Hits: 118

Through the Eyes of Dementors


Story Summary:
Right after Voldemort comes back into power, he must get all the help he can get. Including Dementors. But what do they think about it all?

Chapter 01 - Prologue- Black's Escape

Chapter Summary:
<< He's gone... again. >> He sighed, his cape billowing infront of him.

<> he growled, <>

This was the third time that Black had gotten away. The second time in one day. How could this be happening?! It was all Fudge's fault. If he'd just let them kiss him when they had the chance... but no...

<> came from behind him.



<> A chuckle escaped from the darkness of his cape.

Fudge walked in, glancing at the two Dementors gliding next to the window. Dumbledore followed him at a leisurely pace.

"Dumbledore, if you had just handed Black over to me at the beginning, none of this would have happened," Fudge began.

<> the second Dementor gloated.

"Cornelius, really. You don't think that would have helped you any, do you?"

"Yes! Black would be finished!"


<> Something like a sigh almost escaped the confines of his cape.

"Cornelius, you know how I felt about this at the beginning. Do you really think I would have changed my mind by now? The Dementor's kiss is only to be used in extreme cases..."

"And this is an extreme case!" Fudge screamed.

"No. We had to make sure everyone necessary was present. Lucius would have been ever so angry if he had missed it."




"Good thing we managed to get to the lake before the Dementors kissed both Black and Harry," Fudge continued, pretending to ignore Dumbledore's remark.



"That is the third time this year that Harry has had a near death experience because of the Dementors."


"They were not supposed to do that. It was against all orders and protocol. Next time they will be under better control," Fudge countered.






<> he agreed lustfully.

"Do we know who conjured that Patronus? My men have searched the woods and couldn't find anyone."

"Yes... odd, isn't it?" Dumbledore said, disconcertingly.





"We did, however, almost run into a rampant werewolf. Do you know anything about that?"

Dumbledore shook his head sadly. "Yes, we will see to that."

"I'll trust you on this one, Dumbledore. But in the future I won't be so lenient. Why, to have two escaped, dangerous, wild beasts rampaging around Hogwarts... I shudder to think of what would happen if the general public knew."

"I told you I will take care of it, and I will. There is no need to upset the parents."

"And yet..."

"That is all, Cornelius."

With that, Dumbledore headed towards the door, urging Fudge along with him. The two Dementors could just make out Fudge's protests as Dumbledore sent him away, back to the ministry.

"But Black... away... danger to all..."

Finally, all was silent again.

<> he groaned again.




Finally, Macnair walked in, ready to lead them back to their lives of supposed complacency.



<> he agreed, floating out after Macnair.

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it. ^-^