Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Original Female Muggle
Draco Malfoy
Harry and Classmates During Book Seven
Published: 12/10/2006
Updated: 12/10/2006
Words: 1,129
Chapters: 1
Hits: 253

Una Princesa Ordinaria


Story Summary:
After his stint as a death eater, Malfoy has been sent to a muggle school to complete his last year of classes. Once there, a girl catches his eye, even though she isn't anything out of the ordinary. But when she asks him for help translating a romance novel for Spanish class, sparks fly! Short one-shot.

Una Princesa Ordinaria


Una Princesa Ordinaria

Una princesa. Bonita y buena. Pero sobretodo, ella es mi princesa.

Draco Malfoy stared down at the words, splashed across the top of the page. He was supposed to be translating the first chapter of an obscure Spanish novel, but he was constantly distracted. Not by something, but by someone.

She had caught his eye the first day he had come to the muggle school, where he had been sent to complete his education. He only saw her during his fourth period Spanish class, but that was enough. Draco could not figure out why she had attracted his attention, he could not explain it. She wasn't gorgeous, she wasn't brilliant, she absolutely ordinary in every way. Yet somehow, this attracted him. It seemed that all her imperfections were what made her, in his eyes, beautiful.

His eyes wandered back to the novel. The words went through his head, making not a word of sense to him. He looked at her again. She was writing her name, bold and loopy across the paper they were to do their translations on. Her pen formed perfect letters, first a "J", then an "E", followed by a couple of "Ns" and a "Y." When she was finished, the words "Jenny Motts" were scrawled across the top of the paper.

Se llama Adelina. Adelina es perfecta cada día y todos los días.

Draco shut his book as the school bell rang. Throwing his books and his pen into his bag he strode out of the room hurrying to catch up with Jenny before she reached her locker. "So, Jenny," he began, falling into stride with her. "Did Señora Tabrizi say we had to finish translating the first few paragraphs of Mi Princesa Adelina for homework?"

"Um... I think so," she stuttered, seeming taken aback. "Did- did you understand it? At all?" she asked.

"Sort of...I'm pretty sure I've got the first few sentences, and the structure is pretty uniform," he replied.

"Could you maybe, help me with it, I have a study period later?"

Draco could hardly believe his luck. "Oh, sure." His mouth had trouble forming the words of acceptance, but he agreed.

La princesa es alta y delgada con el pelo largo, de oro.

Seventh period came and Draco departed for the school library. At a table, tucked away in a back alcove of the library, sat Jenny. She smiled at him as he came through the doors. He smiled back and his stomach turned over, his heart fluttering. "This is ridiculous," he told himself. "She only wants help on her Spanish homework." Nevertheless, she smiled at him again as he sat down and pulled out his copy of the book. "So, which part don't you understand?" he asked.

"Um...all of it, actually," she replied, slightly embarrassed. He did not, as she had expected, laugh at her incompetence.

"It's not that hard once you get the hang of it." She moved her chair closer to his, resting her hand almost suggestively on the table. Carefully he explained to her the intricate structure in which the novel was written. Slowly, Jenny began to comprehend, and translated the words into English.

A princess. Beautiful and good. But most of all, she is my princess.

Together they worked, occasionally pausing to converse, laughing, flirting? It was a half hour later when they finally closed the novels. They stood up, nervously shuffling their papers and backpacks.

She is called Adelina. Adelina is perfect each day and every day.

Now they simply stared at each other, his pale gray eyes locking with her sea green ones. He could hear her breathing, shallow and quick. He estimated his sounded very much the same. His heart was thudding against his chest, as though threatening to burst through his sternum. She ran her hand through her hair, uncomfortably fingering each of her waist-length brown locks, streaked with fire-engine red.

Without thinking, he began play with his own white blonde hair. They must have looked ridiculous. She took a step towards him, but withdrew, only picking up her pencil from where she had left it on the table. An awkward silence had enveloped these few minutes, as the library was empty except for the two of them.

Still not breaking his gaze, she stepped forward again, hesitantly, but she stayed. "Thanks for helping me with my homework," she whispered. Then, before he had time to react, she kissed him on the cheek.

Jenny turned to go, embarrassed, but Draco laid his hand on hers, taking it and saying in the same hushed tone, "The pleasure was all mine." Swiftly he touched his lips to her delicate, tanned hand. She smiled, a heartbreaker's smile at that. The energy radiating off them would have been palpable enough to set anyone's teeth chattering.

Draco now stepped in, closing the space between them. He put his arms around her waist, drawing her nearer still. As he had expected, she did not draw back, but let herself fall into his gentle touch. Gently he caressed her collarbone with his nose. She laid her hands on his muscular forearms as he trailed a faint path of butterfly kisses to her temple. He traced a heart on her cheek with his tongue. She giggled, then taking the initiative, turned her head towards his. He was receptive, and deftly locked their lips.

For both parties it was like receiving an electric shock. She slid her hands over his chest up to the back of his neck, securing a firm hold. Their lips moved together in perfect synchronisation, their heads tilted slightly askew.

Yo amo a princesa con un amor que sea más fuerte que vida.

His tongue explored the corners of her mouth, massaging her cheeks. For an instant their tongues locked, but swiftly twisted away again. Draco ran his fingers through her ornately colored hair as she daintily wove her own fingers through the locks at the nape of his neck. Neither party knew how long they stayed locked together, but at last they were roused by a sharp school bell signaling the end of seventh period.

As the wizard Draco Malfoy let the muggle Jenny Motts go, he felt a fleeting stab of guilt for being so amorous towards a muggle. Yet, he did not refuse when she asked him, "Do you think maybe you could help me with my math homework this afternoon?" He grinned and nodded his head as she strode out of the empty library walking taller than she ever had before.

As he watched his ordinary princess go, he could not deny to himself that sometimes, even ordinary... is the extraordinary.

Draco tiene una princesa. Se llama Jenny. Jenny es ordinaria, pero en los ojos de Draco, ella es perfecta.

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